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Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1)

Page 14

by Carpenter, Maggie

  “Life is about choices. It’s time to start making smart ones. You’ve lacked discipline in your life, and that has to change.

  “You’re right,” she nodded.

  “I’ll say it again. Discipline. It’s what you need, and I fully intend to see that you get it.”

  His eyes were glinting down at her, and as his promise echoed through her mind she felt her belly do a somersault.

  “Please will you hold me?” she bleated.

  As he put his arms around her and held her tightly, she leaned against him and closed her eyes.

  “I’m so glad I’m here with you. I’m so glad you’ve come into my life.”

  “Hey, it goes both ways,” he said warmly. “Now let’s eat this pasta before it gets cold, and just so you know, I’d like you to stay over if you can.”

  “Yes, please. I would love that, and in case you invited me, I threw an overnight bag in my car,” she said moving her head back and smiling up at him.

  “I like that,” he grinned.

  “I’m glad,” she sighed.

  In the living room of Anna Lee’s beach house Angelo was slowly closing his computer. They had just finished their read-through of Moonbeams and Fairy Dust. Staring at him, unable to restrain herself, Anna impulsively threw her arms around his neck.

  “Sorry, that was so intense,” she exclaimed. “I need a hug.”

  Turning around he lifted her lithe body into his lap, and without warning sent his lips to hers. It was a kiss that sent her reeling; warm and tender, but demanding and controlling, and when he pulled back and began planting small kisses across her neck, she sighed and moaned and clung to him urgently.

  “Easy,” he smiled raising up and stroking her hair. “This fever we’re caught up in might be the power of that script.”

  “I, uh, maybe,” she whispered her eyes sparkling up at him, “but I don’t think so.”

  “I don’t either,” he admitted. “I have to tell you, when I saw you at that event I was so happy you didn’t have a date. I’ve been wanting to meet you for a while.”

  “Really? I could say the same thing about you, but every girl wants to meet Angelo Frattiano.”

  “I don’t think that’s true, and even if it is, they want to meet who they think I am.”

  “I know what you mean,” she sighed.

  “Yes, I believe you do,” he said looking back at her. “Let’s just take things slowly. I’m a throwback. I want to court you, Anna Lee. I want to get to know you. I want to bring you chocolates and flowers,” he smiled.

  “I would love that.”

  “Shall we talk about the script?”

  “Sure, but I don’t think there’s much to say. It’s fantastic, and you would be so incredible in that part.”

  “I want to play it opposite you,” Angelo said firmly. “I can’t imagine anyone else.”


  “Absolutely. My agent still won’t tell me who his brother is in negotiations with, but I’m convinced it’s Titan.”

  “Titan? If that’s true, he’s probably dealing with Zach?”

  “I know. It’s one of the reasons I was so shocked to see him here. Do you know him well?”

  “Uh, he’s a really good friend of mine, I could talk to him, but casting will be months away.”

  “I know,” Angelo frowned, “but sometimes things can be decided early on, way before anyone might think.”

  “Can I ask why you think it’s Titan?”

  “Something my agent said, and it makes sense. It’s their kind of movie.”

  “Why don’t I call Zach and tell him we’d like to talk to him?” she offered. “It can’t hurt.”

  “That’s really out of left field,” Angelo frowned. “I mean, actors like us don’t do things like that.”

  “What do you mean, actors like us?” she asked.

  “We’re not like Jackson Wardlow, or some other huge name. It would be, uh…”


  “Yeah, weird, and unprofessional, and my agent would have my head,” Angelo said rolling his eyes.

  “Screw your agent,” Anna exclaimed. “That’s not like me, I never say things like that, but I’m starting to understand that you have to stand up for yourself. Zach taught me that. He taught me to believe in myself and have confidence. I’m calling him, and darn it, I’m going to ask him point blank if he’s involved in developing this script, and if he says yes I’m going to ask him to meet with us.”

  “Look at you,” Angelo grinned. “Where did this feisty female come from?”

  “I’m not sure,” she laughed, “but it sure feels good.”


  Zach and Kylie spent the evening talking about life and fate and then their backgrounds. Kylie told him about her absentee mother and what it was like being the daughter of one of Hollywoods most celebrated directors. Zach explained how he’d grown up in the San Fernando Valley on a quiet residential street, and dreamed of being in the entertainment business. His father was an internist, his mother a housewife, and he had two younger sisters. Their upbringing couldn’t have been more different.

  By the time they fell into bed they were both tired from the day, and having had their libidinous thirst quenched earlier in the evening they fell asleep in the comfort of each other’s arms.

  Zach didn’t need an alarm clock, and when his eyes opened at 6:45 a.m., Kylie’s naked body wrapped around him, he smiled happily. As she wriggled next to him, waking his cock, he lowered his head and slipped his mouth over her nipples as he sent his fingers to explore her sex.

  She stirred, moaning happily, and donning a condom he slid inside her, softly stroking until her cries of pleasure told him to accelerate. Clutching his arms she begged for her moment, and delighted that she’d remembered to ask for permission, he kissed her fervently as he increased the power of his thrusts, riding her into their mutual release.

  After a blissful though short cuddle they shared a morning shower, and over a simple breakfast he told her what she’d be facing that day.

  “Come in around eleven o’clock. Can you make it then?”

  “Yes, sure, that’s fine.”

  “I’ll tell Personnel to expect you, but first you’ll be meeting with Sam. Come to my office and Martha will take you up to his grand quarters. You’re not official until you meet with him.”

  “I just realized, you didn’t tell me what I’ll be paid.”

  “I was about say that Sam will be discussing that with you. If you were coming in as a secretary it would be my department, but you’ll be working as a junior executive. Your job won’t be administrative, so it falls to Sam.”

  “Hey, I’d pay him to work there.”

  “It’s a great company,” Zach remarked. “Sam is old-school and runs a tight ship, but he gives us more freedom than most, and he gets things done. I took him a script late last week, and did it sit around his office for weeks? No. He got me an answer right away.”

  “Really? Dad’s always saying that getting a script off the ground in this town is like walking through mud laced with treacle, and you’re lucky if you don’t fall into quicksand while you’re trudging through it.”

  “He’s right,” Zach laughed, “but not at Titan, and Sam is hands on with every project. That’s why his company has become so successful.”

  “I can’t wait to get started,” she said excitedly.

  “Remember the rule. At the office-”

  “I know, I know,” she interrupted. “Professional all the way.”

  “Good girl,” he smiled. “Now I have to get myself together and get out of here.”

  “I’ll just grab my stuff,” she said jumping from the table. “I’ll be right back and then you can kiss me and send me on my way.”

  As she left the kitchen he picked up their cereal bowls, carried them to the sink, and was about to wash them when his phone rang. Glancing at the screen he saw it was Anna Lee, and shocked that she was calling him so e
arly, feeling slightly worried he answered immediately.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Hi, Zach, yes, it’s fine, and I’m sorry to call you so early, but I know how busy you get at your office and needed to ask you this.”

  “Ask me what?”

  “That script Angelo brought over yesterday is called Moonbeams and Fairy Dust. Is Titan involved? Did you option it?”

  Taken aback, Zach didn’t answer.

  “Zach? Are you there?”

  “Why do you want to know, Anna?”

  “Because if you are, Angelo and I want to come in and talk to you about it.”

  “Anna, this is way premature. We’re still negotiating. The whole thing could fall through. It’s in the very early stages, in fact, it’s not even that far along.”

  “So you are involved.”

  “Well, yes, but-”

  “I know things aren’t done this way, I do, and I know this is like, totally unprofessional, but if you’d just give us ten minutes to listen to what we have to say. Pleeease?”

  “It’s not fair to ask me in that voice. You know I can’t deny you anything when you do that,” Zach said feigning irritation.

  “Yay. What time should we come in. I need to do it today because I start shooting again tomorrow.”

  “Let me think,” he mumbled, I can’t cancel my lunch, my afternoon is crazy. Damn, the only time would be around the time Kylie comes in. Sam will keep her for probably, fifteen, maybe twenty minutes. “Anna, come in at 11:15 a.m., but you must be on time. I’ll leave your name with the guard in the lobby so you can come right up to my office. I can give you guys fifteen minutes, but no more.”

  “Wonderful, thank you.”

  “But you know this is-”

  “Don’t say it, I know, totally off base, but maybe you’ll feel differently after you’ve heard us out.”

  “Only for you, young lady, and since I’ve got you on the phone, I take it you had a nice evening?”

  “Oh, Zach, it was wonderful. He said he wants to court me. How romantic is that?”

  “Very,” he smiled, “and now I know I don’t have punch him in the nose.”

  “NO!” Anna exclaimed.

  “See you soon,” he chuckled, and ending the call he shook his head. Why did I agree to that? It’s a complete waste of time, though I guess I am a bit intrigued. Ah, well, it’s done now.”

  “I’m leaving.”

  Turning around he saw Kylie in the doorway, overnight bag in hand.

  “Not until I kiss you goodbye,” he grinned, and moving over to her he took the bag from her hand, and holding her around the shoulders he sent her into a dip.

  “WHOA,” she squealed.

  “Hush, woman,” he growled, and proceeded to kiss her passionately.

  “Oh, my, gosh, that will last me a while,” she said breathlessly as he stood her up.

  “I hope so,” he chuckled, and picking up her bag he walked her out to her car. “Drive slowly, drive carefully, and I’ll see you at eleven o’clock. You can be five minutes early, but not five minutes late.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she smiled, and pecking him on the cheek she climbed into her car.

  As he waved her off and headed back to his house, the feeling that something untoward was about to happen shadowed his footsteps. Trying to shake it off he returned to the kitchen, finished cleaning up, and headed up the stairs.

  I know I’m not crazy. I have these moments and they’re always right. Something is going to happen. I’m going to keep my guard up all day but I just wish I knew what I was I’m supposed to be watching out for.

  He finished getting ready, and stopping in his office he picked up his briefcase and headed into the garage. It was another gorgeous day, the sun was shining and the breeze off the ocean was fluttering the palm trees. He drove down Pico and into Venice, making the short drive in his usual twelve minutes, and as he swung his car into the Titan Pictures building, the dark feeling grew stronger.

  Shit, it’s something here, something at work. Maybe I should postpone Kylie’s appointment, and Anna Lee and Angelo too. Now I’m really being paranoid. It could be an earthquake, it could be anything. I have to get a grip.

  Timing in life is everything. If Zach had left home just a few seconds earlier he would have seen Curtis Fielding enter Emile’s cafe across the street from the Titan Pictures building. He would have pulled his Bentley to the curb and wandered in to chat with his former colleague, talk about the accident, then casually ask why he was there. He would have alerted Sam, he would made sure the lobby guard kept Curtis in the lobby. Zach would have done a lot of things, but Zach didn’t see him, so Zach did nothing; Zach had left home a few seconds too late.


  As precisely 10:55 a.m., Kylie pulled her car into the valet parking area in the basement garage of Titan Pictures. Her Gucci satchel in her hand she stepped from the car, and taking the parking ticket she walked nervously to the elevator. As she rode it up to the second floor, she took a deep breath.

  I’m so excited to be working with Zach, but why am I so nervous?

  Because you’re worried about your meeting with Sam Golden.

  Yes, and I’m also worried Zach’s team won’t like me.

  Of course they’ll like you.

  That woman didn’t, Martha, his secretary. She didn’t like me.

  She will once she gets to know you.

  Reaching the second floor the elevator slowed to an almost imperceptible stop, and stepping out she hurried down the hallway and stopped at Martha’s desk.

  “Hi again,” Kylie smiled. “Kylie Hartman.”

  “I remember,” Martha replied. “Have a seat. I’ll let Mr. Taylor know you’re here.”

  Sitting at his desk, Zach was reading an email from Steven Levy about Moonbeams and Fairy Dust. The agent had received the deal memo, and after speaking with Zach and hearing that Sam had already green-lighted the project, Steven had jumped headlong into the negotiations. When Martha knocked and poked her head in Zach was relieved to take his eyes from the complex and detailed email.

  “Kylie Hartman is here.”

  “Oh, great. Bring her in, please.” I’d much rather be talking to her than reading all these demands.

  “Good morning,” Kylie smiled.

  Though Zach was concerned about the ramifications of having Kylie in his department, seeing her instantly brightened up his morning.

  “Hello. Have a seat and I’ll go over a few things, then Martha will take you to Sam’s office. I like that bag you’re carrying.”

  “Thanks,” she smiled. “It has a compartment for everything and opens like an accordion. See? I don’t even have to look inside to reach my phone. It sits in this sleeve right near the top.”

  “Damn, I want that bag,” Zach said staring at it.

  “I swear, this thing never left my side all through school.”

  “I’ll definitely check it out. Anyway, have a seat. I need to tell you what goes on around here.”

  “Yes, sure, I’m all ears,” she said dropping into a chair as he returned to sit behind his desk.

  “I have a meeting with my team every two weeks. It’s a chance for everyone to catch up on what’s happening, they can voice any concerns they have, talk about scripts, whatever. It’s free flowing, but the first couple of meetings I want you to just sit and listen. I know you’ll probably be bursting to say something, just like you did when I was lecturing,” he said with a warning look, “but just stay quiet and listen. Keep notes, and if there’s something you want to offer you can tell me privately.”

  “Sure, okay.”

  “For the first two weeks I’m going to have you here with me.”

  “Excellent,” she grinned.

  “Kylie,” he said soberly, “remember…”

  “Yes, I remember,” she said quickly. “I’m just glad I’m starting out here with you.”

  “Mostly you’ll be reading scripts and making notes o
n them. I want to see how you analyze, your opinions about character development and so on. You’ll also be here during meetings, but it’s to observe. Again, be quiet and listen. It’s the best way to learn.”

  “Got it.”

  “Things happen fast around here, and it can get crazy. Spontaneous meetings erupt, agents suddenly decide to become difficult, changes are made to a script and everyone hates them and I get angry calls from frustrated writers and managers. Expect the unexpected, and be cordial to everyone. They’re not here for you, you’re here for them, and try to slip into the team gently. Okay?”

  “Yes, gently, okay,” she nodded.

  “Are you ready to meet the big man?”


  “Then I will send you on your way,” he smiled, standing up and walking around his desk.

  “Any tips?” she asked rising from her chair.

  “Yes, the most important thing is to be one-hundred percent yourself. Sam will accept someone for who they are, but he won’t accept someone trying to be something they’re not.”

  “I’m so nervous,” she whispered as they started to the door.

  “Tell him. He’ll respect that.”

  “You think?”

  “Absolutely,” Zach nodded holding it open for her.

  As she walked out ahead of him, Martha looked up from her computer expectantly.

  “Kylie is ready to go and see Sam,” he declared.

  “Very well,” Martha smiled moving from her desk to lead the way.

  “Thanks, Zach,” Kylie said gratefully. “I guess I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Good luck,” he replied, but as he watched them walk away a shiver traveled down his spine. Dammit, what is this? What’s the point of having radar if I can’t pin down what it’s telling me?

  As Martha and Kylie made their way to Sam Golden’s Office, Angelo and Anna Lee were parking on the street near the Titan Pictures building.

  “This is a good sign,” Anna smiled. “It’s not easy to park around here.”

  “I have good parking karma,” Angelo winked.

  “You do?”

  “Yep, I can always find a spot.”


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