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Disciplining the Director's Daughter (Hollywood After Dark Book 1)

Page 16

by Carpenter, Maggie

  “I’ll be hidden behind that planter,” Angelo whispered. “You know what to do. Remember, when the gun leaves his hand just leave it where it lands, oh, and I almost forgot, give me your tie.”

  “I won’t ask why,” Zach mumbled as he pulled it off and handed it over.

  Holding the tie Angelo moved silently to a large potted palm nestled in the corner by Sam’s door, and Zach hurried across to the large glass coffee table that sat in front of a couch and two chairs. Dropping his phone in his pocket, he picked up the large bronze that sat in the center and held it in the air, then looked across at Angelo, waiting for the signal.

  Behind the palm, Angelo counted to three. He did it to clear his mind and to focus, then taking a breath he motioned across the room to his new partner.

  Turning his head, Zach hurled the bronze into the coffee table, then immediately jumped over the back of the sofa and crouched down. The shattering sound was calamitous, far louder than Zach had imagined it would be, but Angelo knew the heavy glass being smashed into pieces would make a terrible racket.

  Inside Sam’s office the noise caused pandemonium. Kylie, not knowing what was about to happen let out a scream and pitched herself to the floor, then scurried around behind a large armchair next to the couch. Kevin wailed loudly, but trapped under the coffee table was able to do little less. Sam ducked behind his desk, but Curtis froze.

  Fully expecting a horde of police to come racing through the door he frantically looked around for a hostage, but Sam and Kylie had disappeared, and there was no way he could pull Kevin out from under the low-lying coffee table.

  Shaking furiously, sweat pouring down his face, he stood in the middle of the room holding the gun out in front of him. He waited, his panic growing as the silent, breathtaking moments passed. When no-one appeared he began to wonder if the noise had been caused by a painting falling off the wall because of a weak hook, or some other equally, badly timed accident of nature.

  Running to the door he cracked it open and peeked into the reception area. Seeing the lamp upside down, the papers on the floor and the smashed coffee table, his addled brain couldn’t make sense of it. That the room was empty made it even more confusing, and in his completely befuddled state, still holding the gun out in front of him, he walked forward.

  Years of practice fell into place as Angelo patiently waited for Curtis to reach the right distance in front of him, then leaping from behind the palm he kicked in the back of his knees. Curtis let out a howling scream, and as his legs went out from under him the gun went flying from his hand. Jumping on to him, Angelo grabbed his wrists and pulled them back, tying them together with Martha’s scarf, then shifting around he bound the culprit’s ankles with Zach’s tie. Pulling the ends of the tie and scarf together, in seconds the man was hogtied.

  “Now, Zach,” Angelo panted as Zach slowly stood up from behind the couch, “you can call the police, but make sure you don’t use the word gun. Tell them there’s a situation with an intruder who’s already been restrained and everything is under control. No one is in any danger.”

  “Unbelievable,” Zach exclaimed, “I will, but first I’m going to make sure everyone’s okay,” and running past Curtis grunting and groaning, he hurried into Sam’s office calling Kylie’s name.

  “ZACH!” she howled leaping up from behind the armchair. “Thank God.”

  As she ran into his arms, Sam Golden stood up from behind his desk and hurried forward to help Kevin.

  “Where’s Curtis? Sam asked as struggled to lift the table.

  “Hogtied in the reception area,” Zach replied.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Sam declared helping Kevin get to his feet. “Kevin? Are you all right?”

  “I guess,” Kevin mumbled. “If you don’t mind I think I’m going to have drink and sit down.”

  “Let me help you,” Sam said as Kevin teetered unsteadily.

  “Zach, I’m so glad you heard me,” Kylie whimpered clutching him tightly.

  “Heard?” Sam asked. “Will one of you please tell me how you knew what was happening in here?”

  “You can thank Kylie,” Zach replied holding her as she trembled in his arms, “and Kevin, and him,” Zach continued, nodding his head toward Angelo as he entered the room. “Angelo knew exactly what to do.”

  “Hello, Mr. Goldman, I’m Angelo Frattiano,” Angelo said walking towards him.

  “Angelo? What are you doing here?” Kylie mumbled shocked to see him.

  “I should probably say I’m sorry we’re meeting under these circumstances,” Sam said shaking Angelo’s hand, “but apparently it was a good thing you were here. I don’t know how, but I’m going to repay you for this. Can you take me to Curtis?”

  “Of course, Mr. Golden,” Angelo replied.

  “Kevin, are you all right?”

  “Yes, Mr. Golden,” Kevin replied shakily. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Zach, I’ll call Anna Lee and let her and Martha know everyone’s okay,” Angelo said, “and I’ll tell Lou what to do when the cops arrive.”

  “Lou, the lobby guard?” Sam asked as Angelo started towards the door.

  “Yes, he’s making sure no-one comes in here.”

  As Angelo and Sam left the office, Zach could feel Kylie’s trembling beginning to subside.

  “Come on, Kylie, let’s sit you down. I’ll get you a drink and then call the police.”

  “Thanks,” she quivered. “I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

  “You were amazing,” he purred sitting her on the sofa.

  As he turned and walked to the bar, he saw Kevin sipping a dark liquid from a crystal tumbler with shaking hands.

  “That goes for you too, Kevin. You totally tipped off Martha. She figured out that something was wrong and came straight to me.”

  “I’m glad,” Kevin managed. “I didn’t know what to do.”

  “Would you go and sit with Kylie while I get her a drink? Ask her to tell you what she did. You two made a great team.”

  “Oh, yeah, sure,” he said, and moved slowly over to the sofa, gratefully flopping down next to her.

  I hope talking to her helps to calm you down. You poor guy, you’re a total wreck.

  He poured Kylie a glass of wine, thinking it was something she could slowly sip, then placed the call to the police.

  “Kylie, I just want to go and check in with Sam for a second,” said as he ended the call. “I want to make sure everything is under control out there. I’ll be right back. You two take care of each other.”

  “Please, hurry,” she said. “I need you.”

  “I will, I’ll only be a second.”

  Walking out of Sam’s office, he looked down at Curtis still moaning and grumbling.

  “What the hell were you thinking?” he muttered. As he stepped around him, he noticed the papers he’d tossed around had been put back on Kevin’s desk, the lamp was back in place, and standing near the shattered coffee table Angelo and Sam appeared to be deep in conversation.

  “I’ve called the police, and Kevin and Kylie seemed to be doing okay,” he reported as he approached them. “Are you all right, Sam?”

  “Thanks to both of you I am, and so are the rest of the people in this building. I honestly don’t know what to say, but Angelo has told me why he came to see you today.”

  “Mr. Golden kept insisting I tell him what he could for me, so I did,” Angelo explained.

  “I’m happy to explore the proposal,” Sam declared. “We’ll talk later.”

  “Even in the middle of a crisis you can talk business,” Zach said in astonishment. “I guess that’s why you’re Sam Golden.”

  “What crisis? It’s over,” Sam replied, “though I wouldn’t say no to a large scotch.”

  “You two obviously don’t need me,” Zach said managing a smile. “I’m going back to sit with Kylie and Kevin.”

  “Sounds like a vaudeville act,” Sam chuckled, “as for that piece of shit,” he grimaced staring across
at Curtis, “if I ever see him again it’ll be too soon.”

  “Fuck you, asshole,” Curtis grunted.

  “Would you like me to gag you?” Angelo offered walking over to him.

  “Fuck you too.”

  “I guess that answers my question,” Angelo remarked. “Let me see what I can find. I’m good at improvising.”

  The casual comment reminded Zach of the sash he’d pulled from the bathrobe when he and Kylie were at the Bel Air Hotel, and sporting a secret smile he headed back into Sam’s office. Sitting down next to her, he put his arm around her shoulders and hugged her warmly.

  “Kevin, how are you? Is there someone you’d like me to call?” Zach asked.

  “No, but thank you,” Kevin sighed. “Kylie told me about how she called you and left her phone on. I’m seriously impressed.”

  “I think we all are,” Zach smiled kissing her forehead.

  “Excuse me for asking,” Kevin began, “and you can tell me to mind my own business, but are you two…?”

  “We are, but you know it’s strictly confidential.”

  “I get it,” Kevin said managing a smile. “You make a cute couple. It’s about time, Zach. I’ve always thought you should be attached.”

  “I appreciate that, Kevin, thanks.”

  “Believe me, you two won’t be the only ones around here whose secret I’ll be keeping. You have a lot of company.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Kylie mumbled leaning into Zach’s body. “It’s a stupid rule.”

  Zach didn’t say anything, but as they sat waiting for the police to arrive he started thinking about the dramatic events of the morning.

  You were so brave and so damn smart to secretly call me and leave your phone on the way you did. I don’t want to hide you. I want the world to know that you’re mine. I’m going to talk to Sam and figure this out.


  When the police arrived Curtis was immediately untied, then handcuffed and taken away, but the investigators spent an inordinate amount of time questioning everyone. Finally Sam put his foot down and told them if they needed anything else they could call and make an appointment. He sent Kevin home in a town car, and with Zach wanting to take Kylie home and stay with her for the rest of the day, Martha volunteered to pinch hit for Kevin in Sam’s office.

  Finally back at Zach’s house, completely exhausted, Kylie was lying back against him in his Jacuzzi tub surrounded by foamy bubbles.

  “Why did they keep asking the same questions over and over again?” she mumbled. “It was ridiculous.”

  “I have no idea,” Zach replied, “but it’s over now. Just relax against me and let it all slip away.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see anyone when you marched into that office.”

  “Back at ya,” he purred, “but I think we’ve talked about the drama enough, and I also think you need something to take your mind off it.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like this,” he whispered moving his hands to her breasts and softly kneading, “and I also know what to do about the two of us, and having you on my team.”

  “You do?” she murmured getting lost in his salacious caress.

  “I intend to tell Sam that I’m not going to hide my relationship with you, but I’m also not going to make it blatant, and you, Miss Hollywood, will behave, because I am going to keep that nasty little strap in my desk drawer.”

  “What?” she gasped.

  “That’s right, and if you’re difficult or disrespectful, whether to me or someone else, when everyone has left for the day I will bend you over my desk, lift your dress, pull down your panties, and whip your ass.”

  “No, you wouldn’t, not in your office!”

  “You bet I would, and I’ll paddle you for as long as I think is necessary, bearing in mind, if you’ll pardon the pun, that any misbehavior at the office is worthy of strong discipline.”

  “I’ll be good!”

  “I’m sure you’ll go to work every morning with that intention, but just to give you a helping hand you’ll arrive extra early on Mondays and receive two very hard swats on each cheek to start your week.”

  “What if I’m here with you on Sunday night and we go in together?”

  “The swats are for the office, so that’s where they’ll be delivered.”

  “Oh, Zach, are you sure you have to do this?”

  “Definitely,” he said sternly as he moved his fingers between her legs, “and we both know you need the support, don’t we, Kitten?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she murmured.

  “We both know you’re still that willful, naughty, spoiled Daddy’s girl, don’t we?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Willful, naughty, spoiled girls need regular discipline, and that’s exactly what you’re going to get.”

  His fingers were circling her clit and probing her pussy, and as her breathing increased and she softly moaned, he increased the pressure.

  “One of these nights I’m going to strip you naked, tie your wrists to the posts of the bed, put your ankles in a spreader bar, and tease this pussy of yours for a very long time.”

  “Zach, please, may I come?”

  “No, no yet,” he said moving his fingers to her inner thighs.

  “I need to,” she mewed.

  “Uh-huh, but I haven’t finished talking to you. Take three deep breaths and I’ll continue.”

  “Then will you let me come?”


  Sliding his fingers up her legs he returned them to her cunt, and as he resumed his delicious torment he continued with his story.

  “Where was I? Oh, yes, ankles separated by a spreader bar. You’ve fantasized about a spreader bar, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she breathed.

  “I’ll bring you to the brink many times, and just when I’m about to let you come, I’ll slip a vibrating egg up your backside.”


  “I’m going to let you think about that for a while,” he purred.

  “Oh, oh, Sir, please, please may I come?”

  “Yes, Kitten, yes, you may.”

  The convulsions washed over her, and as she spasmed he held her tightly, relishing the joy of her taut body against his as the orgasmic ripples shuddered through her. When her moans died away and she was lying breathlessly in his arms, in spite of his raging erection, he held her softly and let her drift.

  A short time later, wrapped in bathrobes, curled up together and watching reruns of Two And A Half Men, Kylie reached for the remote, muting the television.

  “I forgot to ask you,” she said. “Why was Angelo in your office today?”

  “I meant to tell about that you earlier. We have a script called Moonbeams and Fairy Dust-”

  “A children’s movie?” she interrupted.

  “No, now be quiet and listen. It’s about drug abuse with the rich and famous. The script is sensational, and when I read it I immediately thought of Angelo for the lead.”

  “Is he a big enough star for a Titan film?”

  “Yes, anyway, long story short, Angelo got hold of the script and loved it. He took it to Anna Lee and they decided they simply had to do the film together.”

  “But casting must be months away.”

  “Normally, yes, but Anna called me, she’s a very good friend of mine, and begged me to give her and Angelo five minutes today, so I agreed.”

  “That’s why he was there?”

  “Yep. He suggested we should try to put together some kind of package, and your father’s name came up as well. Angelo said he and your dad had talked about working together.”

  “They did. Dad really liked Angelo. He wasn’t very happy when I told him we’d split up.”

  “I can see why,” Zach remarked. “Anyway, I thought the whole proposal sounded plausible. When Angelo turned into the hero of the day and Sam asked him how he could repay him, Angelo told him.”

  “Sam said yes?”

  “Uh-huh, in his own way, Sam said yes.”

  “You’re kidding? That’s fantastic. Lucky Angelo.”

  “Lucky us that he was there,” Zach declared.

  “Speaking of Angelo, I want to ask you something about him.”

  “Sure, what?”

  “I know you said dating actors was tough because your father is such a prolific director, but after spending time with Angelo today, I’m surprised he wasn’t able to reassure you, and I’m also surprised he let you drink so heavily. He didn’t strike me as the type who would let you pull that crap.”

  “Uh, he wasn’t,” Kylie said meekly. “I didn’t exactly play fair.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He, um, he did try to put his foot down. I was throwing a hissy fit and he told me I was acting like a spoiled brat.”

  “So, what happened, and why is your face turning red?”

  “I’m embarrassed.”

  “Tell me,” Zach insisted.

  “He said he would put me over his knee, and I, uh…do I have to tell you?”

  “Absolutely,” Zach frowned.

  “You won’t like it,” she mumbled.

  “I’ll like it even less if you don’t hurry up and tell me.”

  “I told him if he did anything like that I’d make my dad promise never to hire him.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “I did,” she whispered. “It was a spur of the moment thing. I didn’t mean it, but I think I lost him that night. Things changed after that.”

  “I’m not surprised, and I should call him right now and have him come over here and spank you good and hard.”


  “No, I won’t, but you will feel the heat of my hand. What a churlish, immature thing to do.”

  “I know. Like I said, I’m embarrassed, honestly, I am.”

  “You should be, and after I’ve punished you, you’re going to call him and apologize.”

  Curling up into a ball in his lap, Kylie let out a very long, heavy sigh.

  “Thank you, Zach.”


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