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The Chronicles of Addalyne Yutaka

Page 14

by Ronnie Coleinger

  When Timothy woke, he kneeled down beside Addalyne’s bed and kissed her on the lips. Her eyes popped open and she giggled. She moved closer and returned the kiss. When Timothy sat down on the edge of her bed, she said, “It was nice waking up to my lovers kiss.”

  While they were brushing their teeth and getting dressed, a knock on the door and the words, “You two better be up and getting ready. Phillip and I are leaving in thirty minutes,” made them both laugh. When they stepped out into the hallway, Sandra stepped out of her room and said, “Coffee is ready in the kitchen. We will stop for breakfast in the city.”

  Once everyone had their coffee, they walked out onto the front porch to await the arrival of their transportation. The Aircar arrived five minutes later. Once seated, they all quickly buckled their five point seat restraints, while Sandra paid for the ride and explained to the driver where they intended to shop. The driver explained that he could not land near that shopping center; however, he could drop them off a few blocks away or they could teleport down to the arrival area if they wished. Sandra told the man they would teleport.

  When Timothy, Addalyne, Phillip and Sandra returned home late that afternoon, they all tried on their new clothing. Timothy had never seen Addalyne in a dress and high heels before and he could not believe the transformation. When she slowly walked down the stairs and out into the living area to show her new outfit to the family, Timothy could not believe his eyes. Timothy had always considered Addalyne to be a beautiful woman, even in her flight suit, but in a long gown and high heels, the woman was breathtaking. Timothy’s Father walked over to Addalyne and said, “I see what my son sees in you. You are truly beautiful. May I dance with you to insure your high heels fit you properly? I would also like for you to call me Father in the future.” When Father took Addalyne in his arms and did a slow waltz with her, Addalyne realized how wonderful Timothy’s family truly was. When Timothy stepped up, tapped on his father’s shoulder and requested to dance with Addalyne, he saw the most incredible smile cross his father’s face. When Father stepped back from Addalyne, he said to his son, “You have done well my son. This lady is a keeper.”

  Just as the family sat down to the evening meal, Timothy and Addalyne both stood up from the table and looked at each other. They had both heard the message that the Starship Galileo had broadcast into their minds. Sandra looked at both of them and then asked, “What is wrong with you two?” Timothy motioned for Addalyne to sit back down and then he said, “Please, Sandra, remain quiet for a moment while Addalyne and I listen to an emergency broadcast from the IFTT that the Galileo is forwarding into our implants.” As they all sat quietly at the table, Timothy finally looked up to his family and said, “There has been an earthquake in the Fusion Galaxy on the planet Quantum. There is wide spread damage and thousands of people are believed dead. The IFTT is sending every vessel from their fleet to the planet to assist. I have just offered my vessel to transport refugees and the injured from the planet Quantum to the planet Earth if they should need my assistance.” Timothy turned to Addalyne and asked, “Do you have friends or relatives on the planet?” Addalyne slowly shook her head and said, “No, I have no one on the planet. However, many of my friends have family living there.” Timothy took hold of Addalyne’s hand and said, “Let’s eat a good meal. If we are called to help, we will need to be well nourished.”

  When the meal was over and the family had helped clean up the kitchen, they all sat in the living room and discussed the connubial ceremony scheduled for 1300 hours tomorrow. Addalyne looked nervous about the ceremony, but Father began explaining what Timothy and Addalyne would say and do. After Father finished his explanation, Addalyne felt more relaxed and calm.

  All during the night, the Galileo passed along updates about the earthquake into Timothy and Addalyne’s implants. When they woke in the morning, they were both still tired. Timothy went down to the kitchen and fetched two cups of coffee; then he returned to his room. He and Addalyne soon decided the room was cold and moved out to a table beside the warm fireplace chimney in the hallway. Later, they moved down to the living area where they could get closer to the warmth of the fireplace. As they sat and talked, Sandra and Phillip joined them. The house had gotten quite chilly during the night: There was frost on the lawn in the front yard.

  An hour later, Timothy received a message from the Time Travel Computer on the Galileo. After he listened to the complete message, he turned to Addalyne and said, “The IFTT has requested that I make an emergency run to planet Earth to pick up medical equipment and supplies, along with surgical teams. They want me to turn my cargo bay into a surgical unit, since the Galileo is the largest vessel around with an empty cargo bay. They want me to leave within three hours’ time. I do not have an electrical engineer available, since my original team member resigned her commission. I am now asking if you are willing to rush our connubial ceremony and join me on the Galileo as my electrical engineer and my mate. I can have your previous Elder aboard the Galileo within the hour and you can connect while we are in flight. What say you to my proposal?”

  Addalyne moved up close to Timothy and spoke softly in his ear, she agreed to his proposal. Just as he pulled her in close for a kiss, Timothy’s Father walked into the room and said, “Sorry for listening in on your private discussions, but I can begin the ceremony immediately if needed. It would only take thirty minutes for us all to dress and begin the ceremony.” Addalyne walked over to Father and said, “Would you help us complete the ceremony and be ready to travel on schedule? It is important that we get medical help to the people on the planet as quickly as possible.”

  Timothy had spoken to the Command Team leader of the Galileo and discussed the IFTT’s proposed flight plan. Timothy explained to the team leader about his connubial ceremony and that he would only have minutes to teleport to the Galileo to meet the scheduled flight plan. The IFTT dispatcher moved the schedule back thirty minutes to allow Timothy and his family time to complete the connubial ceremony. The Command Team of the Galileo and the rest of his crew were already aboard. Addalyne’s Elder arrived in the cargo bay as Timothy spoke to the Commander. The crew had begun the power up procedure for Addalyne’s Elder and assured Timothy that it would be ready upon her arrival.

  As quickly as the family could get dressed and meet in the living room, Father joined the family in a circle around Addalyne and Timothy, and then he began the ceremony. When everyone was where they needed to be, Father began speaking. He asked the planet Rowkin’s twin suns to bless the joining between Addalyne and Timothy, and then chanted some words in a language that Addalyne had never heard spoken before. Then he engaged Timothy and Addalyne in a dance, intended to bring fertility to the marriage. After he had spoken a second blessing, he turned Addalyne and Timothy towards each other and asked them to speak vows of fidelity to their mates. Once Father had spoken the final words, he danced around in a circle and then returned his attention to the now joined couple. He said, “Within the guidelines set forth by this connubial ceremony, you must consummate the joining within the hour.” Then Father pointed towards the second floor and said, “Timothy, take your mate to your quarters and pleasure her. From this joining, bring forth a child to bless your connubial.”

  Father’s words almost caused Addalyne to giggle, but she contained the thoughts that raced through her head. Timothy turned to her and said, “Will you join me in my chambers to consummate this marriage, Addalyne?” She looked into his mates eyes, hoping he did not intend to take his father’s words literally and try to get her pregnant. That she had every intention of preventing.

  As they walked up the stairs to the second floor, holding hands to the cheers of the family below, she realized that they would be waiting at the bottom of the stairs for the newly joined couple to return. Her face instantly blushed as she thought about people knowing that she had just made love to Timothy. As they continued to climb the stairs, she made up her mind that it did not matter what others knew or thought. Father had
just legally joined them as mates. Addalyne now intended to frack her mate over the course of the next thirty minutes, condom or no condom.

  Addalyne changed her mind about the condom when she had the opportunity to do so. She did not give Timothy time to think on the matter; she simply stripped her clothes off and then began removing his clothes. Within the matter of minutes, she had her mate on his back on the bed and a condom securely installed on his manhood. When she straddled his hips and allowed their bodies to join, she leaned forward a few inches and felt his strong manhood press exactly in the correct spot. As the tears ran down her cheeks and her body throbbed with emotion, she opened her eyes and looked down at Timothy. She saw his eyes close and felt him take a deep breath. After a moment or two, she knew they had successfully consummated their connubial. When he opened his eyes again, he reached up and wiped the tears from her cheeks with his fingers. He smiled and asked, “That is the second time you have cried when we made love. Do you cry every time your body has an orgasm?” Addalyne giggled and said, “Yes. The feeling overwhelms my emotions and I cry. I hope it does not upset you.” Timothy chuckled and said, “I guess you will never make fake claims as to our success in the bedroom.”

  They quickly showered, dressed and packed their bags. When they walked to the front door and placed their bags beside it, Sandra came running to greet them. As Addalyne hugged her, the rest of the family walked in and came to say goodbye. When Father hugged Addalyne, he asked, “Have the Gods blessed me with a Grandchild?” Addalyne giggled and said, “I fear Timothy’s fastest swimmers were unable to chase down my bashful little eggs. I plan to slow the runners down with a little red wine with my evening meal. Then we will see if my new mate’s swimmers can chase down one of my drunken eggs.” Father started to laugh and soon choked. Addalyne patted his back until his coughing fit subsided and then said, “I hope to see you soon, Father. You are very special to me.”

  As Addalyne hugged the rest of the family and picked up her bags, Timothy shouldered his bags and then spoke to the Time Travel Computer aboard the Galileo. As Addalyne looked into Mother’s eyes and opened her mouth to say goodbye, she and Timothy teleported into the ready room of the Galileo.

  As Addalyne stabilized, she looked around and saw the crew of the Galileo and they all began introducing themselves to her. Addalyne instantly liked her new friends. Once the introductions were over, Connie, the skipper’s mate, stepped up to Timothy and Addalyne and quietly asked, “Have you two completed your consummation, yet? I can give you two a little time alone if you require.” Timothy said, “We took the time immediately following the ceremony. The consummation is complete.”

  While Addalyne worked with the Time Travel Computer to rejoin with her Elder, the rest of the crew began preparing the vessel to receive the surgical team. When Addalyne and her Elder were communicating properly, she joined the rest of the team members to prepare the vessel. Addalyne worked to create beds in straight rows along the outside walls, while Timothy began the arduous task of turning the recreational area into sleeping quarters for the medical staff. The Biomedical team, consisting of Bob and Chris, began working to insure the kitchen was in proper working order and that they had a proper list of the food supplies they would need to feed the doctors and patients. The Command Team, consisting of Tom and Connie, began turning the existing laboratory into a fully functioning medical lab, which could quickly provide blood typing and microscopic analysis of viruses and infections. The Elders carefully worked with the Time Travel Computer to insure they had a list of all the bandages, needles, syringes and testing equipment the doctors would need to treat their patients.

  The worn out crew needed to stop for some food and hydration, the commander (Tom) spoke to his crew through their implants, asking them to report to the kitchen. When his crew joined him and Addalyne spoke to him through her implant, he turned to her and said, “Just so you understand the rules here on the Galileo, when the crew is in the kitchen or off duty, we use our voices to communicate instead of our implants. You have already figured out that we can operate this vessel without ever speaking a single word to each other. However, we need to exercise our vocal cords at least once each day. Besides, we are mortals and require physical touch and vocal communications to thrive.”

  As the crew worked together to prepare the evening meal, Tom filled all six coffee cups around the table with freshly perked coffee. Addalyne walked up to the table and asked, “Do we have assigned seats or do we sit wherever we choose?” Tom laughed and said, “We just plop down wherever we happen to be, unless you would like to sit close to your new mate.” Addalyne sat down and said, “I feel a little lost in my new home. I would like to help more with the kitchen duties if you will give me some guidance.” Connie said, “You will pick up the routine around here rather quickly. We just seem to jump in when something needs doing. For the next couple of days, just take a deep breath and relax. As tasks come up, we will guide you to them. Very shortly, you will discover that you will not have enough time each day to accomplish all the things you want and need to do. Once we bring the medical staff aboard, we all will be responsible for the care and support of the doctors and nurses. We will cook for them, find places for them to rest, provide them clean linen and work with the Time Travel Computer to create instruments and equipment they need to save lives. As a skilled electrical engineer, you will soon have a lot of broken equipment that needs immediate repair. Your skills will be highly sought after on this vessel.”

  As they filled their plates with food and sat down at the table, Tom and Connie began a discussion about biohazards, hazardous waste and body fluids. Connie said, “As a member of the command team on this vessel, I feel it is my duty to warn each of you about touching blood, puke, or anything that comes from a body. The doctors and nurses will take care of their own disposal needs. We will purchase Waste Disposers when we arrive on planet Earth and install them throughout the vessel. The disposers will burn the wastes at high temperature and keep this vessel bug free. As crew of this vessel, you will not touch a patient or any of the medical staff while you are in the cargo bay or laboratories. If waste products get on you or your clothing, immediately wash yourself thoroughly with the disinfecting soap. I will repeat my warnings one last time. We are not medical staff and will not handle or touch anything that can contaminate us or the surfaces we all must work around each day.” Then Connie laughed and said, “With that said, please be careful everyone. We do not want any of us to become ill. The medical teams will be counting on us to support them. Work safe.”

  When Timothy and Addalyne finally said goodnight to the rest of the crew and stepped into their quarters, they realized they had not made up their beds and the room was quite cold. Addalyne spoke to the computer and said, “Computer, my friend, would you turn up the heat to 21 degrees Celsius for us. The room is a little chilly.” Within seconds, they felt the warmth begin to settle in around them. As they made the double bed up and then began to undress, Addalyne said, “You do realized that we have not slept in the same bed as mates, don’t you?” Once Timothy kicked his underwear into the corner of the room, he turned to Addalyne and said, “I do realize that fact, my love. However, I need a shower before we discuss what might take place in that warm bed tonight. Did you bring some of your shiny tin foil packages with you?” Addalyne giggled and said, “Yes, of course I brought them, however, I hoped not to use them. I prefer not to have anything between us tonight. Besides, Father joined us as mates. If I should become pregnant, I will simply love you even more.”

  As they finished their shower and dried off, Addalyne snuggled into her husband’s arms and let him hold her tight. She could feel his warmth soak into her and his manhood press against her leg. She raised her head for a kiss and said, “I hope you do not make me wait very much longer. I have thought about loving you since we arrived on this vessel. I cannot wait much longer.” Timothy slid his hands down under the cheeks of her butt and lifted her up. He sat her down on the
edge of the bed and then followed her as she slid under the covers. As they cuddled up close together and began the first kiss, the sound of people knocking and banging on the door shattered the moment. Timothy yelled at his fellow crewmembers, “Leave us alone. We have babies to make. We don’t have time to be bothered.” They heard the giggling and laughter of the crew as they headed down the hallway towards their own quarters. Addalyne did not let the disturbance bother her. She quickly rolled over on top of Timothy and began kissing him. She did not have long to wait before her mate was ready to pleasure her.


  When Timothy and Addalyne stepped into the kitchen, a small chocolate cake with white frosting and three lit candles was sitting on the table. Addalyne giggled and asked, “Whose birthday is it?” Chris said, “One candle is for Timothy’s birthday, one candle is to celebrate your connubial, and the third candle is hopefully for the first day of life for a child growing within you, Addalyne.” Timothy laughed and said, “Don’t get your hopes up just yet about the baby. One time does not guarantee a child will be born.” Then Timothy moved up close to the cake, closed his eyes, made a wish, and then blew out the candles. When he stepped back, Addalyne kissed him and said, “I hope the life of the third candle grows within me.” Then Addalyne wrapped her arms around Timothy and said, “Happy birthday, Timothy. I will remember this date and celebrate your birth each year for the rest of our lives.” They all heard Chris say, “Awe, that was so sweet.” Addalyne stepped up to Chris and hugged her, then stepped back and thanked all of the crew for remembering Timothy’s birthday and their connubial.

  As the Galileo acquired a stable orbit over planet Earth, the Time Travel Computer began teleporting the equipment that the medical teams had staged at one of the larger hospitals. Once everything was aboard, the doctors, nurses and support staff began to arrive in the secure room. Each human arriving was badged and fingerprinted to insure they were who they said they were. It only took about thirty minutes for everyone to come aboard the Galileo.


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