Only in Vegas

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Only in Vegas Page 10

by Lindsey Brookes

  She realized at that moment that it had always been up to her. With Trey and every other man. Only this time it was different. She wanted Trey to make love to her. No, she needed him to.

  Angel opened for him, guiding him to her, her heart pounding in pure anticipation of the pleasure yet to come. “Love me,” she said, letting her hand slip away, giving Trey back control.

  That simple show of trust meant the world to Trey. Despite the urgency of his own need, he sank slowly into her welcoming warmth, giving her body time to accommodate his.

  Damn, she felt good. Too good.

  Angel clung to him, her fingers tunneling through his hair as his body filled hers. She pulled his mouth down to hers for an urgent kiss at the same time wrapping her slender legs about his waist.

  That shot the hell out of his restraint. Trey buried himself deep inside of her, crying out her name. Then, with a muttered curse, went perfectly still.

  Angel looked up at him, her eyes dazed with passion. “Trey?”

  “I can’t move,” he said, teeth clenched.

  “If that means we’ll have to stay like this forever, I’m not complaining,” she said with a satisfied grin.

  Trey managed a hoarse chuckle. “It means that I’m usually prepared for these things. I forgot a condom.” He never took a woman to bed without a condom. If he didn’t have one with him, the sex didn’t happen. Angel had been the exception.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I wasn’t expecting this either. But timing-wise I think we’re pretty safe.”

  “You’re sure?”

  She wriggled just enough beneath him to have him clenching his jaw. “Positive.”

  Because he trusted Angel, there was no more need for discussion. Trey smiled at her. “Good.”

  With nothing holding him back, he made love to her with everything he had, heart included.

  Angel clung to him, her body moving in perfect rhythm with his own. Frantic hands moved over heated flesh and soft moans filled the room.

  And this time, when Angel went over the edge, Trey followed.


  Angel couldn’t stop smiling as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror applying her make up for their evening out. Not only had Trey made her wildest dream come true by making love to her, she had finally experienced the big ‘O’. More than once as a matter of fact, thanks to Trey’s expert lovemaking skills. And it had definitely been worth the wait.

  The subject of her thoughts stepped into the bathroom with a grin that rivaled her own. “You about ready…” His words trailed off as his gaze moved over her. “Wow.”

  Angie did a slow spin. “You like?”

  She was wearing the short black leather skirt she’d tried on for him earlier that day. With that, she wore an almost sheer gold blouse and the nearly four inch high black pumps she’d bought to go with her new wardrobe.

  He gave a low whistle. “Do I ever.”

  He looked pretty hot himself in pleated black dress pants and a matching black Hugo Boss silk shirt, left open at the collar.

  “You about ready?”

  “Almost.” Angie gathered up the mass of dark curls and clipped them up with a slender gold barrette. “I just need to put on some lipstick.”

  Trey moved to stand behind her, slipping his arms around her waist. “Why?” he asked as he nuzzled playfully against her neck. “I’ll just be kissing it off later anyway.”

  She looked up at him, meeting his gaze in the mirror. “You will, huh?”

  “Absolutely.” He ran the tip of his tongue along the outer shell of her ear.

  She laughed softly and pushed at him. “Trey. How am I supposed to get ready for dinner with you distracting me like that?”

  “You know,” he said, his voice low and seductive, “if you’re not ready we can always move our reservations back a few hours.”

  Angie spun around and slipped her arms up around his neck. “Mmm…don’t tempt me.” Not that he hadn’t already with his inviting kisses and seductive caresses.

  “Why not?” His hands moved down to clasp her leather covered backside. “Seems to me turnabout’s fair play, and you’re tempting the hell out of me in that outfit.”

  Money well spent judging by Trey’s reaction to it. “What if I promise to tempt you later? Maybe even break out the flavored body whip…”

  Trey groaned. “Now you’re talking.”

  She smiled. “Thought that might sway you.”

  “You’ll be the one swaying tonight,” he said with a cocky grin as he released her. “I’d better get out of here before I decide to skip dinner and get right to dessert.”


  “You.” That said he leaned forward to brush his lips over hers and then walked out.

  When he put it that way skipping dinner sounded like a plan to her, but they really did need to eat. Especially if they were going to make love with the same intensity they had earlier, both in bed and then afterwards when they had showered together.

  Heat pooled between her thighs at the memory of it all. If things kept up the way they were, she was going to make up for a lifetime of never experiencing the big ‘O’ in one less than one week’s time.

  Angie turned back to the mirror and reached for her lipstick. She took great pleasure in putting it on, knowing that Trey would be very thorough in his removal of it later. Fortunately for her, it was long-wearing lipstick. Trey would have his work cut out for him and she was going to enjoy every moment of it.

  Shoving the gold tube back into her purse, Angie slung it over her shoulder and headed out.

  “I’m ready,” she said to Trey who stood looking out over the city from the picture window.

  “So am I,” Trey replied with a devilish grin as he moved toward her.

  Angie smacked his arm in the same playful manner she always had whenever he teased her. “Am I going to have to dump the ice bucket down your pants?”

  Trey feigned a shiver. “No, not ice in the pants. I’ll be good. I promise.”

  “Not too good,” Angie said as they made their way to the door.

  “You can count on it.” Trey held the door for her, and then stepped out behind her into the hallway.

  “So where are we eating?” Angie asked as they moved onto the elevator.

  “I made reservations for us at the CatHouse for seven o’clock.”

  She turned to him. “The CatHouse! I can’t wait. I hear the food’s great and the atmosphere, from what I’ve read,” she said with a smile, “is quite stimulating.” The restaurant was sort of a new age style bordello with elevated platforms throughout that featured sexy performers modeling CatHouse’s own line of lingerie.

  “I’m already stimulated,” he said, running his hands down her arms.

  She laughed. “You have a one track mind.”

  “Is that a complaint?”

  “Not on your life.”

  “I’m doing my best to impress you, Angel. Restaurant choice and all.”

  “You’ve already done that,” she said with a grin as the elevator began its downward descent.

  He dragged her up against him. “Sweetheart, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

  Her heart sputtered wildly and for a brief moment she considered passing up dinner altogether. She was certain Trey wouldn’t complain. He’d be just as happy ordering room service. The reservations were more for her than him. Didn’t he realize that it wasn’t where they ate, but the company she was looking forward to?

  “Trey, would you mind very much if we canceled our dinner reservation?”

  His expression changed to one of concern. “Are you not feeling well?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that. I feel great. I was thinking that it might be nice to go to some quiet, secluded little place where we can eat and talk.”

  “I’m game for anything. Secluded sounds good. You have any particular place in mind?”

  The elevator stopped and Trey released her.

  Angie stepped out. �
��I know a little pub we can go to if beer and ribs are okay with you.”

  Trey shook his head and followed her out with a husky chuckle. “A girl who’s willing to give up dinner at one of the best restaurants around in exchange for a night at a pub, drinking beer and eating ribs. How it is no man has snapped you up yet beats the hell out of me.”

  Maybe because I’ve been waiting all my life for you.

  She prayed she hadn’t spoken her thoughts aloud. She was fully aware of the rules they were playing by. They were best friends and that wouldn’t change, but their being lovers was only temporary.

  Kathy had been wrong about her not being the fling type, Angie thought to herself. What she and Trey were having was just that. An unexpected sexual fling. Could she help it her heart had gotten caught up in it, too?


  He couldn’t take his eyes off Angel who sat across from him in the darkened booth of the pub she had taken him to for dinner. His best friend. His lover. The first woman to ever snag a piece of his heart. More than a piece of it if he were completely honest with himself.

  He had made love to his best friend. Intended to do so again before the night was over. So where would that leave them? Would they be able to go back to the way things were once they returned to Pittsburgh? Would he be able to see her day in and day out and not think about making love to her again? And what about when she met someone else? How would he ever deal with that?

  Get over it, Landers. You’re the one not ready to make any commitments in your personal life. Angel had every right to move on with someone else.

  “Do you know what you want?” Angel whispered over top her menu.


  Trey closed his menu and laid it down on the edge of the table. “You already sold me on the ribs and beer. That’s what I’m having.”

  She smiled at him, the candlelight reflecting in her dark eyes. “Me, too.”

  “In case I haven’t said it yet, you look beautiful tonight.”

  “You’ve mentioned it a few dozen times. But thank you again.”

  “Did I mention sexy?”

  Angel laughed. “Be careful, Trey. Flattery will get you everywhere.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  The waitress came back with their drinks and took their orders. When she walked away, Trey reached for Angel’s hand, caressing it lightly. “We need to talk.”

  “Uh-oh. Sounds serious.”

  “It is.”

  “Shouldn’t you be down on one knee to do this?” she asked with a grin.

  “What?” His eyes rounded. She thought he was proposing?

  Angel laughed softly. “Relax. I’m just kidding.”

  He reached for his beer, trying to maintain somewhat of a calm demeanor. “I knew that.” But he had to admit the thought of spending the rest of his life with Angel was more than a little tempting.

  She leaned toward him. “So what was it you wanted to talk about?”

  “About us. About the fact that we made love today.”

  “A few times as a matter of fact,” she reminded him with a sexy little grin that had his body reacting.

  He shifted in his seat. If he kept looking at her lips and remembering how they felt moving over his heated flesh, he was going to perform his own Las Vegas magic trick and lift the dinner table without any hands.

  “Angel, I…we…” It had never been hard to approach any subject with her, until now.

  “Is this about us having sex?” she fired off in pure Angel fashion, straight to the point.

  “Yes.” He took a long swig of his beer, mentally scrambling for the words to explain what he was still trying to understand, and then set the glass down. “I just want you to know that I didn’t plan on that happening when I agreed to come to Vegas with you.”

  “Then you’re in great company, because I never expected us to end up in bed together either. And I certainly didn’t expect it to be so incredible.”

  “Uh, thanks…I think.”

  Angel laughed. “I never doubted your ability as a lover. I just never expected making love to be so hot and exciting and right all at the same time.”

  “It isn’t always.” He’d been with his share of women and it never felt like it had with Angel. “Chemistry like that is hard to find.” And there was no denying it. They had amazing chemistry together. In bed and out.

  “I guess you’re the right guy.”

  “The right guy?”

  She nodded. “Kathy and Cindy, even you, keep telling me the reason I shut down when it comes to sex in my relationships is because I haven’t found the right guy. Looks like you’re him. How’s that for sucky timing?”

  He was still pondering the notion he was the right guy when her comment about sucky timing sank in. “What does any of this have to do with timing?”

  She looked down, running her finger around the rim of her beer glass. “It’s simple. You’re married to your company right now.”


  She lifted her gaze to his. “It’s okay. I knew that up front and it didn’t make a difference. I wanted to be with you. I just can’t help thinking that if this had happened a few years down the road you might have been the right guy at the right time.”

  He couldn’t deny the importance his company held for him. And that when he’d set out for Vegas, falling in love with Angel hadn’t been in his plan. Hell, he didn’t even have a plan other than to help a friend out of an awkward situation.

  But this trip had accomplished more than that for Trey. It had opened his eyes and forced him to examine his feelings for Angel. Feelings that had always been there, but he’d never allowed himself to act on, mentally pushing them aside.

  “I know I’ve said things—”

  Angel held up her hand and smiled softly. “Please don’t change your convictions because of what happened between us. I loved your mother, too. She was the closest thing I ever had to one. And what you’re doing with your life would have made her so very proud.”

  He reached out to caress her face, her words touching him deeply. “Thank you for saying that.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Trey lowered his hand and reached for his beer. “You know my mother loved you like you were one of her own. Wonder what she would have said about us.”

  “I’d like to think she’d be all right with it. But I know how your sister would react if I told her.”

  “You’re not going to?”

  Angel gave him an incredulous look. “Are you kidding me? Kathy would have us walking down the aisle.”

  Trey breathed a sigh of relief. “Good.”

  She tipped her head. “Excuse me?”

  He took a drink of his beer, and then explained, “Not good that she’d have us walking down the aisle.” Not that it sounded all that bad. “I figured since she’s your best friend… Let’s just say that I just prefer to keep my sister and my sex life separate.”

  “Mum’s the word,” Angel assured him. “Besides, Kathy would never believe me that we’re having a fling. She doesn’t think I’m that kind of girl.”

  “Is that what we’re having?” Odd, but it felt like a whole lot more to him.

  Angel unfolded her dinner napkin and placed it on her lap, then leaned forward to whisper with a smile, “No, we’re having a really hot fling.”

  That brought a smile to Trey’s face. “That so?”

  She nodded. “You have me spoiled. So much so, I doubt any other man will ever be able to satisfy me now.”

  Good. And if he had his way, no other man would ever have the chance to satisfy her.


  “Hungry?” Trey asked with a smile as Angel nibbled on a chocolate covered strawberry topped in whipped cream.

  “Starving,” she replied, looking up at him with an impish grin. The same one she’d flashed at him while practicing her seduction techniques the night before.

  He chuckled. “Well, you’ll have to make due with food until I g
et my second wind.”

  “Shouldn’t that be fourth or fifth?”

  “At least.”

  To be honest, he’d lost track of how many times they’d made love that night and then again the following morning, but the memory of it all brought a satisfied smile to his face.

  She plucked another plump chocolate covered strawberry from the dish and dipped it into the crystal bowl of sugary white fluff, then held it up for inspection. “Who knew there were so many uses for whipped cream?”

  Her cheeks were still flushed from their early morning lovemaking session, her lips all pouty and pink. Combined with the dark curls that hung in wild disarray about her face, Angel looked unbelievably sexy.

  Trey reached out to wipe a speck of cream off her kiss-swollen lips. “We certainly got your money’s worth out of your gift with purchase last night.”

  She looked up at him, her eyes dark and sultry. “I know. That’s why I added chocolate covered strawberries and more cream to our breakfast order this morning.”

  He sucked the sweet dollop he’d swiped from her lip from his finger. “Mmm…Maybe we should forget the strawberries and cover you in this instead.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  Scooping a finger full of cream out of the crystal bowl on the breakfast tray, he pressed it lightly against the hollow of her throat. His finger had just started a trail down between her breasts when the room phone rang out behind him.

  Angel groaned.

  “Ignore it,” he said, brushing his lips tenderly over hers.

  The ringing persisted.

  Finally she backed away, shaking her head. “I rest my case. Right guy, wrong timing again.” She looked toward the ringing phone, then back to Trey. “You’d better pick it up. It might be important.”

  “Ah, hell,” Trey muttered and then rolled over to answer it. “Hello?” He switched the phone to his other ear and smiled at Angel who was leaning back against her propped up pillow nibbling on another strawberry, the sheet draped around her bare waist. His own private goddess.

  “Good morning!”

  His sister’s voice distracted him from his thoughts of making love to Angel again. He cleared his throat and looked to Angel, mouthing his sister’s name.


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