Only in Vegas

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Only in Vegas Page 11

by Lindsey Brookes

  “Morning,” he replied, his gaze sweeping in an appreciative glance over Angel’s very naked body.

  “Enjoying your little getaway?” she asked, her voice far too chipper for eight o’clock in the morning.

  He was more than enjoying this trip, but it had nothing to do with being in Vegas and everything to do with the woman lying beside him.

  “Vegas is quite the place.”

  Angel leaned over him with a wicked grin, taking up where he left off when the call came. Dipping her finger into the whipped cream, she pressed it to his lips.

  His response was to open, letting her finger slip inside, tasting the sweetness.

  She withdrew her finger and dipped again, this time trailing the cream down his chest.

  He arched a warning brow, trying to convey to her that this wasn’t the best time…

  Angel chose to ignore his warning, her tongue gliding slowly down the sugary path to where the sheet covered a poorly timed arousal, making him groan aloud.

  “Trey?” his sister said at the other end of the line. “Is everything all right?”

  “I…uh, yeah.” He cleared his throat. “It’s early. I was just yawning.”

  Angel looked up at him with a naughty grin, a dark brow arched in response to his little white lie. But, hell, he wasn’t about to tell his sister her best friend was about to add him to her breakfast menu.

  “I hope I didn’t wake you,” Kathy quickly apologized. “I was hoping to catch Angie before she left to check out those hotels for the agency.”

  She didn’t wake him. An Angel-induced erection had a couple of hours before. “We’re awake.”

  “We’re?” his sister repeated, jumping immediately onto his slip. “As in she’s in bed with you?”

  “We’re sharing a room. I’d know if she was up or not.”

  “Just a room?”

  “If you’re asking me if Angel and I are sharing a bed, too, then…”

  Angie shot upright and clamped her hand down over his mouth. Grabbing the phone with her other hand, she brought it to her ear. “Hey, Kathy…”

  “Hey, you. I see my brother finally came back.”

  “Yes, he did,” she replied distractedly as Trey cast the sheet aside and stood, motioning toward the bathroom. She watched him walk away, not a stitch of clothes covering that lean, muscular body. The man was fine.

  “Angie, you there?”

  The shower turned on and Angie forced her thoughts away from the man who had become her lover and back to the conversation at hand. “Did you need something?”

  Her best friend laughed. “Are you talking to me or my brother?”

  “What?” Visions of Trey standing naked beneath the running water were proving to be too much of a distraction.

  “I’m trying to figure out who you’re talking to.”

  “Oh, I was talking to you. Trey’s not here.”

  “Funny, but I could have sworn that was him I was just on the phone with.”

  “No, I meant that he’s not here right now,” she attempted to explain to her best friend, feeling unbelievably awkward. “Your brother’s getting a shower.”

  “Oh my God,” Kathy gasped. “You’re doing it.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Talking with that nervous little hitch you get when something’s up,” her friend declared.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she replied, her traitorous voice hitching.

  “Oh, shit. I’m right. Something is up. And that something is my brother. You slept with Trey!”


  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to.”

  “Fine,” Angie relented. “We slept together.”

  “So your sexy nightie worked after all.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “So are you all right with everything?” There was less teasing and more concern in her friend’s voice.

  She knew Kathy had her best interest at heart. Hers and Trey’s. “I’m more than all right.”

  “I’m so happy for you, Angie. I won’t lie and say I didn’t hope that maybe someday… Anyhow, Trey’s my brother so we’ll skip the specifics. That would be too ick. Just tell me this, how serious is it between you two? Love, marriage, babies kind of serious?

  Oh, how she wished.

  It didn’t matter that she was head over heels crazy about Trey. She knew this was only a fling and she couldn’t lose sight of that for even a second if she wanted to protect her heart.

  “You’re reading too much into this.”

  Kathy was practically cooing in delight. “Whatever you say. But just in case, I’d better let you go. Those big old hotel showers can get very lonely.”


  “Oh, and you can skip going on the FAM today. No sense spending any more time around the office asshole than you have to. You and Trey can check out those hotels on your own tomorrow.”

  A whole day alone with Trey. How could she say no? “Thanks, Kath.”

  “Don’t mention it. Just have fun. And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “The sky’s the limit then, huh?” she said, muffling her laughter.

  “I’ll let that one pass since I’m in such a good mood. Talk soon.” The phone clicked and Kathy’s voice was replaced by the low hum of a dial tone.

  Smiling, Angie leaned across the bed to place the phone back onto its cradle. Then her gaze drifted toward the bathroom door, her smile widening. Hadn’t anyone ever told Trey that wasting water was a very bad thing?

  She slipped from the bed and crossed the room to stand at the bathroom door. Opening it just wide enough to poke her head inside, she called out, “Need any help?”

  “Thought you’d never ask,” came Trey’s husky reply from behind the steam shrouded curtain.

  She stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

  “So what did my sister have to say?”

  She moved toward the shower. “She gave me the day off.”

  He poked his head out from behind the curtain. “The whole day?”

  “The whole day,” she replied with a sexy smile.

  “Then what are we waiting for?” His hand snaked out to pull her in with him.

  “Trey,” she gasped beneath the water’s spray. Warm water ran down her breasts, teasing the already sensitive peaks.

  “Right here, Angel,” he said, dragging her up against his wet, naked body. Then his mouth covered hers in a long, thorough kiss.

  She curled her arms around his neck and kissed him back, their tongues soon mating with the same urgency their bodies had earlier that morning.

  His swollen cock pressed eagerly into her hip.

  She reached between them, curling her fingers around him.

  His breath hitched.

  His response slid through her in a rush of liquid heat. The feel of him in her hand. The memory of him thrusting deep inside her. It was almost more than she could stand. She slid her hand up and down the length of him, stroking his hardness.

  “Angel,” he groaned against her lips. “What are you doing to me?”

  Trey sounded like a man in pain, but she knew better. He was a man trying very hard to control his desire, something she had no intention of allowing him to do. Not after he had done the same to her.

  “I’m loving you with my hand.” Her grip tightened. Her pace quickened.

  He groaned again.

  “Does that mean you like it?”

  He laid his head against hers, water running down their faces. “Like it? Hell, Angel, I’ve never wanted a woman so desperately.”

  She knew the feeling. Her body ached for him, for his touch.

  As if reading her mind, his hands slid up over her ribs to cup her breasts, his thumbs caressing the taut nipples with slow circular motions.

  She arched into his touch, murmuring his name.

  His mouth covered hers again as his hands skimmed further down her body. His tongue boldly so
ught hers, dipping into her mouth as he thrust a finger deep between her damp folds.

  She cried out, her hips surging forward, into his touch. Into the need.

  “That’s it, baby,” he whispered against her mouth. “No holding back.”

  Their pleasured strokes grew more urgent, more driving. Her whimpers and his groans filled the shower, mixing with the steady pulse of the water as it ran down their writhing bodies.

  Angie cried out as her body shuddered its release.

  Eyes closed, jaw clenched, Trey continued thrusting his finger into her as she rode out the orgasm he’d just given her.

  She continued stroking him, firmer, harder. “Come with me, Trey,” she pleaded.

  “Yes,” he ground out as he thrust into her hand, his cock pulsing wildly in release. Pleasure finding them both.


  “You are so incredibly lucky!” Angie exclaimed as the bells on the slot machine Trey was sitting at rang out. He’d already won over eight hundred dollars since stepping into the Luxor’s casino that morning.

  He switched the nearly full coin cup for an empty one as he collected his winnings. “How can I be anything but lucky when I’ve got an Angel looking over my shoulder?” He turned his head to give her a quick kiss before turning back to the clinking coins.

  Reaching around him, Angie scooped up a handful of quarters from the already full cup, letting the coins sift through her fingers to fall back into the container. “Looks like lunch is on you today.”

  “Seems only fair,” Trey whispered with what could only be described as a naughty boy grin. “Seeing as how dessert last night and breakfast this morning was on you.” He followed that up with a playful wriggle of his dark brows.

  Her pulse quickened with the memory of their passionate lovemaking and the feel of Trey’s tongue on her heated flesh as he laved up each and every one of those strategically placed dollops of whipped cream.

  Trey stood and turned to her, running his hands slowly up and down her bare arms. He smiled down at her. “Angelina Rossi, are you blushing?”

  “Maybe a little,” she admitted. It was much easier to be that sexually confident woman when other people weren’t around. Even if no one was close enough to them to overhear their whispered conversation.

  “Well, I happen to find that very sexy.” He lowered his head to kiss her.

  “There you are,” an all too familiar voice called out from the aisle way.

  Trey’s head snapped around. Then a scowl moved across his face as he muttered a curse.

  Angie glanced back over her shoulder to see Rick heading their way minus his platinum-haired travel companion. “I’ll handle this,” she told him, then turned to face her ex. “Hello, Rick.”

  “The Dick,” Trey muttered behind her.

  “Trey,” she warned with a light jab back to his ribs.

  Rick stepped up to her with an overdone smile, his suit jacket slung casually over his shoulder. A shoulder nowhere near as broad as Trey’s was. “I called your room this morning, but apparently you had already left.”

  “No, she hadn’t,” Trey corrected, his arms wrapped possessively around Angie’s waist.

  “Excuse me?”

  “We just weren’t answering,” Trey pointed out with a satisfied grin.

  Rick looked to her. “Angie?”

  “We were busy,” she answered, forcing herself to meet his gaze.

  “Real busy,” Trey added as he stepped up beside her and slid his arm around her waist. “Your loss was definitely my gain. Guess it takes a real man to please Angel.”

  “Why you…” Rick drew back to hit him, but Angie stepped between the two men, thankfully stopping him. Had Rick of struck her by mistake Trey would have killed him.

  Trey’s taunting words had clearly found their intended mark, Rick’s overblown male ego. Angie wanted to smile, but forced herself to keep her face expressionless. There was no sense provoking a fight between her ex and Trey.

  “Why are you looking for me?” she asked, her voice void of emotion.

  “I thought we might have breakfast together before touring those hotels today…” his words trailed off as his gaze swept over her. “It’s no wonder I couldn’t find you. I wasn’t looking for a woman with that much leg showing.”

  “You can damn well pick your jaw up off the floor, buddy boy,” Trey said, the warning clear in his voice.

  “What happened to you?” he asked Angie, ignoring Trey. “You look hot.”

  “She’s always looked hot,” Trey said. “You were just too stuck on yourself to notice. Guess I should be thanking you for being an idiot since Angel’s with me now.”

  Rick’s nostrils flared and his fists clenched at his sides. “We need to talk, Angie. How about we go grab a cup of coffee? Bodyguard not included.”

  Trey tensed beside her, the muscle in his jaw ticking with barely checked anger. Angie held onto the arm he had curl around her back, refusing to let Rick drag him into a fight.

  “For your information, Trey’s not my bodyguard. He’s my–”

  “Boyfriend,” Trey finished for her.

  “Angie?” Rick prompted.

  If she didn’t know he was merely putting on a show for her, she’d had thought Trey was behaving like a jealous lover. The man was good, both in bed and out.

  “Thanks,” she replied. “But I’ll have to pass. Trey and I have plans.”

  “And they don’t include your sorry ass,” Trey added with a snarl.

  Angel could barely contain her smile. This jealousy act of his was so convincing.

  Rick’s confident smile faded away, replaced by a deep-set frown. “What about the FAM tour we’re supposed to be doing today?”

  “I’ll be looking at the hotels with Trey tomorrow. Kathy gave me the day off.”

  “How convenient,” Rick muttered with a glare Trey’s direction. “He’s not the guy for you, Angie, and you know it. Give me another chance. Let me prove it to you.”

  “That’s it.” Trey grabbed for Angie’s hand. “We’re out of here before I beat the shit out of this guy for crossing the line.”

  “I wouldn’t push him,” Angie said with a smile as Trey led her away. “He means it.” Then she smiled the rest of the way up to their room.


  “I guess we’ll have to pick up those condoms later,” Angel said with a grin.

  “What?” Trey said, his thoughts still filled with beating her ex’s ass.

  “Condoms,” she repeated.

  “Ah, hell.” He’d been so pissed at Rick-the-Dick for even thinking Angel would take him back that he forgot all about their plans to pick some up before returning to the room. All that had mattered at that point was getting Angel away from that sleaze bucket ex of hers before he did something he’d regret. Like beating her boss’ nephew to a bloody pulp!

  Angel reached out to run her hand along his taut cheek. “It’s not a big deal.” She smiled up at him. “You were so great down there,” she said, turning back to him.

  No, he’d been crazy down there, wanting to lay her ex out just for looking at her the way he had.

  “Pretending to be jealous,” Angel continued, “and letting Rick have it for intruding into your territory was perfect.”

  Who was pretending? He sure as hell hadn’t been. He’d been as jealous as hell. But that wasn’t part of their deal. Their agreement was for a commitment-free fling. Normally, for him, that was a good thing. Not this time.

  The more he tried to convince himself that he was a no commitment kind of guy, the more Trey wanted it. And he wanted it with Angel.

  He turned to her. “For this week, Angel, you are my territory.”

  She smiled up at him. “Is that so?”

  Trey pulled her up against him, covering her mouth with his in a passionate kiss. One meant to remind her of the passion they shared together. Of how good they really were together.

  “Consider my claim staked,” he said to her when the kiss ended.
r />   “Mmm,” she said in a purr that had his body temperature rising. “I kind of like being someone’s territory.”

  He pressed his lips to her hair with a deep sigh. “I don’t want to lose this.”

  “This?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “What we have together. Our friendship.” You.

  He didn’t want to lose her to Rick or any other man. But was it really fair to ask her to consider a relationship with him once they returned home, knowing the amount of time his company demanded from him right now? He wished to hell he were selfish enough to answer yes to that question, to take what time he could get with her in a real relationship, but he’d never do that to her.

  She reached up, tenderly touching his cheek. “You’ll never lose me, Trey. Ever.”

  Turning his head, he kissed her hand. “Good.”

  “Okay, enough of this serious stuff,” she said, stepping away. “I think it’s time for a little more practice in seduction.”

  “Who’s going to be doing the practicing?” he asked, his pulse already kicking it up a notch.

  She walked over to the armoire and slid open the top drawer, pulling out two of the scarves she’d purchased the day before. Then she turned to him, running them through her fingers with a grin. “Me.”

  He eyed the scarves. “We’re playing dress up?”

  “No. We’re playing tie up. That is, if it’s all right with you.”


  “You want me to tie you up?” This was definitely a side to Angel he wasn’t aware of. Bring on the rope!

  She walked toward him, the sway of her hips subtle, yet incredibly sexy. “No. I intend to tie you up and then I’m going to take advantage of you.”

  A husky chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to tie me up to do that. I’m more than willing to be taken advantage of.”

  “Please, Trey,” she said with that perfected pout of hers as she ran the silken scarves over his skin. “I want to walk on the wild side with you.”

  And they hadn’t done that already?

  Her expression told him this meant a lot to her. Angel was spreading her wings sexually and he wasn’t about to keep her from flying. Besides, what harm could come of it? They were silk scarves. And he had to admit this unexpected side of Angel was turning him on big time.


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