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The Wedding Planner

Page 1

by GA Hauser

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.

  The Wedding Planner


  An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers

  PO Box 2545

  Round Rock, TX 78680

  Copyright 2009 by GA Hauser

  Cover illustration by Alessia Brio

  Published with permission

  ISBN: 978-1-60370-787-9, 1-60370-787-5

  All rights reserved, which includes the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever except as provided by the U.S. Copyright Law. For information address Torquere Press. Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.

  First Torquere Press Printing: August 2009

  Printed in the USA

  Chapter One

  “I recommend mutual funds; forget commodities at the moment.” Jordon Buck tapped the keys on his computer, speaking into a telephone headset.

  “The market is so volatile, Jordon. I don’t know what the hell to do.”

  “Don’t buy gold or any commodities now. They've hit their peak,” Jordon replied, catching someone stepping into his office. He smiled at Adrian Tripp and signaled one minute to him. “Look, Harry, let me spend some time on this for you. I have a feeling the Big Board is in for a boost since the Feds have opened the Reserve.”

  “Fine, Jordon. Just get back to me when you have an idea of what I should do.”

  “No problem.” Jordon disconnected the call and smiled at the handsome, well-dressed man standing in his office. “Mr. Tripp, what can I do for you?”

  Adrian sat seductively on the corner of Jordon’s desk. “You can admit you’re bi-curious and come out with me for a drink.”

  Laughing softly, feeling his cheeks blush, Jordon replied, “I am not bi-curious, Adrian. I thought you and Brock Hart had a little ‘thing’ going.”

  “Ever since he met Daniel Wolf, Brock’s been off the market.”

  “Oh? No more playing with him?” Jordon knew Adrian and Brock exchanged blowjobs weekly. Adrian made sure Jordon was aware, as if it would tempt him to the “dark side.”

  “No. He’s gone exclusive on me. And since he’s quit work to travel the world, I’m seeking out a new friend with benefits.” Adrian gave Jordon’s crotch a good look.

  Jordon covered his nuts in response. “Speaking about going exclusive, Mr. Tripp, I’m engaged and about to tie the knot.”

  “Noose, you mean?”

  “It’s not a noose if you love the woman.”

  “I wouldn’t know.”

  “Are you telling me there’re no other guys around here that want their dick sucked by a handsome millionaire?”

  “Of course there are, Jordon. Plenty of men would kill for it. I just have champagne tastes.” Adrian licked his top lip seductively.

  “I don’t know whether to be petrified or flattered.” Jordon smiled shyly.

  “Be flattered, you gorgeous hunk. Your…What’s her name?”

  “Fawn.” Jordon chuckled.

  “Right. Fawn,” Adrian rolled his eyes, “must be very proud of herself for netting a man like you.”

  “Don’t you have anything better to do than seduce a straight guy?” Jordon loved it. It was fun to tease Adrian. The man was adorable and filthy rich. It had to be a compliment to even be in his sights. “A straight guy who’s in the midst of planning his wedding?”

  “If I were able to get into your pants, Mr. Buck, I would consider it a triumph.”

  Jordon’s phone rang. His secretary picked it up. In the following pause, Jordon waited to see if she would summon him. Her desk was right outside, and his spacious office had windows lining one wall and law books filling another.

  “Come out with me tonight for a drink.”

  “I can’t tonight, Adrian. Fawn’s on her break between flights.”


  “She’s a flight attendant.”

  His nose going up in the air, Adrian chided, “How truly beneath you, Jordon.”


  “The worst kind,” Adrian agreed. “Does she love you for your money or your incredible sex appeal?”

  Laughing, shaking his head, Jordon nudged Adrian’s leg. “Go. You’re trouble.”

  “Am I tempting you?” Adrian leaned closer.

  “No. You’re not.”

  “Damn. I love it when straight men play hard to get.” Adrian stood, rubbing his crotch sensually.

  “Do you ever work? Or do you just walk office to office, soliciting blowjobs?”

  “I work occasionally. It’s just that the BJs are much more exciting.”

  “Goodbye, Adrian.” Jordon smiled, facing his computer and tapping keys.

  “A waste of good sex, Mr. Buck.”

  “It’s not wasted, Adrian.” Jordon watched him leave, shaking his head in amusement.

  “Your fiancée is on line one, Jordon,” his secretary alerted him.

  “Thank you, Faith.” Jordon hit the lit button on his phone. “Hello, babe.”


  “You sound tired. What’s up?” He pivoted the chair as he reclined in it.

  “I just don’t know how much of this wedding I can get done in between shifts.”

  “We’re in no rush. Do the best you can.” He checked his watch. “I’ll be out of here in a little while. What do you want to do for dinner?”

  “Go out?”

  “Don’t you get sick of restaurant food, Fawn?”

  “No. I can’t cook.”

  “I can make something. What are you in the mood for?”

  “Don’t cook. It shows how bad I am in the kitchen.”

  Jordon knew Fawn couldn’t boil water without making a disaster. “I don’t mind. I like cooking.”

  “No. I’ll order Chinese food.”

  “Fine.” He looked out of his window at the towering concrete skyscrapers of the Manhattan skyline. It appeared to be smoldering in the August heat. He knew he should go to the gym after work, like he usually did, but when Fawn was in town it was hard to justify.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  “You will.” Jordon disconnected the line and gazed off into space. He was glad he had met Fawn. He was thirty years old. It was time he got married and started a family.


  His computer shut down, his desk straightened to his satisfaction, Jordon ran his hand through his hair and was relieved it was Friday because he was drained. Jordon closed his office door behind him and walked down the corridor.

  “We meet again,” Adrian purred, stepping out of his office.

  “You are persistent, I’ll give you that.”

  Adrian hooked Jordon’s elbow and walked with him to the elevator. “You’re worth the effort.”

  Jordon pushed the down button and looked over at Adrian. “You’re so good looking, Adrian. What the hell are you doing going after me? You can get any gay man in New York.”

  “I love a challenge.”

  “I’m not a challenge, I’m impossible.”

  The elevator opened. Adrian escorted Jordon inside, spinning them around and pushing the button for the ground floor. “No one is impossible. Everyone can be tempted.”

  “Not everyone.”

  “You’re wrong. Believe me, Jordon. If you met Mr. Right, you’d do him.”

  Jordon sighed, “I should set you up with my brother, Bryan.”


  “He’s gay. Lives in Greenwich Village.”

bsp; “Does he look like you?” Adrian did a quick once over of Jordon’s body.

  “No. Not really.”

  Adrian replied, “Then I’m not interested.”

  “Your loss,” Jordon said as the elevator doors opened.

  Before they parted ways, Adrian faced Jordon, stopping him from moving. “Let me tell you a secret, Mr. Buck.”

  “Yes?” Jordon humored him.

  “You have not had sex until you have made love to a man.”

  “Is that a fact?”

  “It most definitely is. Ask your brother Bryan.”

  “Is this the new millennium?” Jordon chuckled. “Being straight is passé?”

  “Indeed. At least taste the forbidden fruit before you tie the noose.”



  “Goodnight, Mr. Tripp.” Jordon waved as he walked out of the building.

  “Be good, Mr. Buck! If not, be bad with me.”

  Jordon raised his head to his destination, smiling to himself. Seventy-Five Wall Street was a hop, skip, and a wiggle, in Adrian’s case, away from his office. The condominium had been created from the old JP Morgan Chase building and still acted as a hotel, so all the amenities of hotel living were afforded to the residents. It was extravagant, but while he was in the city it suited his purposes. He owned a second home in Montclair, New Jersey, with a yard and a patio. But that was reserved for weekends and whenever he or his brother, Bryan, needed a break from hectic city life.

  Jordon stood at another elevator, loosening his tie. He watched the busy traffic in the lobby as patrons went to and from the restaurant and bar.

  He ascended to the top of the forty-three stories to his three-bedroom unit. Jordon used his key at the door and stepped in, taking off his shoes and dropping his keys on the side table. The living room with its high ceiling and sparse furnishings was a respite from the crowded city streets. A black leather sectional on polished wood flooring and a few abstract paintings were all he required. “Hello?”

  “Hi!” Fawn scampered out of the kitchen in a pair of black leggings and one of his NYU t-shirts, which fit her like a dress, it was so big.

  She pecked his lips quickly.

  “You taste like fried rice.” He followed her to the kitchen, sniffing the air.

  “I started. Sorry, I was starving.”

  “Let me change.”


  He felt slightly annoyed she couldn’t wait for him, but let it go without a comment. She was twenty-six, and though she was very pretty, he sometimes thought she was impulsive, bordering on immature.

  He slid his tie from his collar and met his brown eyes in the mirror on his dresser. He was frowning.


  He spun around and found her holding out a piece of egg roll. He ate it. “Good.”

  “How was work? Anything exciting happen?”

  Jordon smiled as he thought of Adrian’s proposition. He removed his dress shirt and slacks, facing away from her. “No. Nothing.”

  “Oh. Too bad.”

  “It was a pretty hectic day, though.” He turned back to continue the conversation but she was gone. Jordon sat on the bed, removed his socks, and located a pair of gym shorts, slipping them on. He found Fawn in the kitchen eating dinner out of a white carton, leaning over the island’s granite countertop.

  He reached into the cupboards for plates, setting them out, and then inspected the variety of food. “Are you going to just eat it that way?”

  She shrugged, stuffing more fried rice into her mouth.

  He used a large serving spoon to fill his plate with white rice, adding the selections she had purchased on top of it. He set the plate down, opening the fridge for a bottle of wine.

  “I want one.” She took out a glass and placed it down on the counter.

  “Can you get me a glass too?” he asked politely.

  Without a word she reached to the cabinet and rested his glass next to hers. He poured white wine into her stemware.

  “More, please.”

  Jordon paused to catch her eye. She was mesmerized by the glass as he loaded it to the rim. “Why don’t you just use a tumbler?” he said sarcastically.

  “What?” She leaned down to slurp the wine.

  “Never mind.” He half-filled his glass and brought it to the table with him, relaxing on a chair. Jordon looked up at her in expectation. “Are you joining me? Or eating at the counter?”


  “I just thought it would be nice to sit together.”

  “You’re so formal, Jordon.”

  “Formal?” He took a taste of his wine. “Since when is sitting at a table and sharing dinner conversation formal?”

  She brought her wine and white carton over and plopped down across from him.

  “Are there any more egg rolls?”

  “No, sorry.”

  “Did you get an order of them?” He used chopsticks to eat his meal.

  “Yeah, but I ate them first. I was really hungry and they smelled so good.”

  He pretended he didn’t care she hogged all the egg rolls. “What’s the plan for the weekend?”

  “Jewel and Camisha asked me out for drinks tomorrow night. I’ll probably stay at mine and Camisha’s place.”

  Jordon watched her as she shoveled the rest of the fried rice into her mouth by lifting the carton to her lips. “Any plans to hang out with me?”

  She gave him a cheesy grin. “Yes… duh.”


  “I don’t know. Oh, we have to meet with the wedding planner sometime over the weekend, too.”

  “I thought you and your mom were going to do that on your own.” Jordon chewed his food as he stared at her.

  “We can. I just thought you should meet him, since you’ll be doing some of the liaising while I’m gone.”

  “Him? It’s a guy?”

  “Yeah, some gay guy Mom found.” Fawn made a silly face. “Those fags do the best weddings.”

  “Hey.” He glared at her.

  “Oh. Sorry, I forgot your brother is gay. Duh.”

  Jordon gave her a closer inspection as she sucked down her wine, getting up to pour herself more without making the offer to top his off.

  Her blonde hair was tied up on her head in a ponytail, the darker roots showing through the light color. Her skin, devoid of make-up, seemed colorless and washed out.

  They had been dating for over three years. But with Fawn’s work, she was gone for three weeks out of each month due to taking extra shifts and staying over between flights.

  He thought he knew her very well, even cared for her enough to marry her. Didn’t he?

  She finished her meal and set the carton down, taking her glass with her. She waved. “I’m going for a soak in the bath. See ya later.”

  As she walked away, leaving him to eat his dinner alone, Jordon leaned back in the chair and wondered what the hell he was doing. Had he really asked her to marry him?

  It had seemed so right at the time. They got along well, enjoyed each others’ company, and her parents loved him.

  He pushed his plate aside and sipped his wine. Fawn had her ditzy moments, but on the whole she was a lovely woman.

  He tried not to doubt his choice. He was just tired. That was all. He cleaned up the kitchen, making sure everything was washed up and back in its place.


  About to relax in the den to watch the news while Fawn enjoyed her soak, Jordon heard the phone ring. He picked it up and sank heavily on the sofa. “Hello?”

  “It’s me. How’s the groom to be?”

  “Hey, Bryan.” Jordon smiled happily. “What are you up to?”

  “Busy with the new show rehearsals and thinking about you. Are you going to Montclair this weekend with Fawn?”

  “No. She’s got plans with her friends here in the city Saturday night. Why? You want to go?”

  “I was thinking about it.”

  “It’s all yours.”r />
  “Anything you need me to do? Mow the lawn?”

  “If it needs it. Thanks.”

  “No problem.”


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