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The Wedding Planner

Page 7

by GA Hauser

  “I’ll try. I have to make some phone calls. So, spring is out completely?”

  “It might be in by default.” Jordon licked his lips, wishing he was licking Tyler’s.

  “You two just want to be married soon. It’s sweet.”

  About to shake his head in denial so it wouldn’t turn Tyler off, Jordon wondered if he was losing his sanity.

  “Well, I can certainly understand her urgency.” Tyler folded the paperwork and unzipped his briefcase to slip it in. “A handsome, successful man like you is quite a catch.”

  “You… you think I’m handsome?” When Jordon’s voice caught up to his own brain, he couldn’t believe he’d had said that. And, judging by Tyler’s expression, neither could he.

  Tyler didn’t reply, closing his leather briefcase and standing.

  Jordon jumped to his feet nervously.

  “I’ll let you know what I find,” Tyler replied.

  I’m an imbecile. Jordon knew his comment was odd under the circumstances. “Thanks.” Jordon needed more contact with Tyler, so he extended his hand.

  Tyler slowly accepted it. When they connected palms, they met gazes.

  Jordon went into meltdown. Holy fuck! He didn’t want to let go.

  As the grasp became prolonged, Tyler glanced down at it and up at Jordon again, this time with suspicion. “Are you sure you’re okay with me handling your wedding?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” Hell if I’m releasing your hand first. You do it, Mr. Holliday.

  Tyler’s arm stopped moving. He made an obvious gesture to their hand holding. “What’s going on, Jordon?”

  That scared him. Jordon instantly opened his fingers. “Right. So, you’ll call me.” Jordon stuffed his hands into his pants’ pockets, bumping into his erection.

  “Yes. The moment I know.”

  Nodding, Jordon walked him to the door. “Good. Good.”

  “Goodbye, Jordon.”

  “Bye.” Jordon felt like a he had a schoolboy crush. It was embarrassing. He hadn’t been this nervous about another person since he was in junior high and infatuated with his art teacher.

  He watched Tyler go until he couldn’t see him any longer, then walked to the elevator. Jordon kept his head down and one hand in his pocket in contact with a dick that was so hard it was about to run sperm down his leg.

  Jordon locked his door behind him, removing his suit as he entered his bedroom. He dropped his clothing on the bed and stood in front of the computer. He booted it up and clicked on the naked photo, hit print, and stared at the DeskJet as it spewed out the color image. Once he had it in his hot hand, he lay down on the bed, grabbed his rigid dick, and drooled over that unbelievable man as he jacked off.

  In less than two seconds he was coming, tensing his body at the intensity, amazed at the amount he ejaculated. Jordon caught his breath and set the picture aside. He recuperated slowly, resting on the pillows and closing his eyes. After a very long while, he finally made the effort to go clean up. He slipped on a pair of shorts and poured himself a glass of wine.

  Back at the computer, he set up a site on MySpace and invited Tyler Holliday, ex-teen porn star, to be his friend.


  “Hey, big bro.” Bryan sounded chipper over the phone line.

  Jordon was completely drunk from wine and no food. He lay on the bed, staring at the photo he had printed. When the phone rang he thought it may be Tyler, so he picked it up. “Hey, Bry.”

  “Guess who accepted me as his friend on MySpace?”

  Jordon burned with jealousy. “Where’s your newest hottie?”

  “I’m trying for a newer one.”

  Jordon snarled in anger. “Won’t your co-star be jealous?”

  “He doesn’t have to know. Besides, he’s not my boyfriend.” After a pause, Bryan asked, “Did Bridezilla leave?”

  “Stop calling her that.” Jordon set the photo aside but continued to stare at it.

  “I found some of Tyler’s old porn videos for sale on Amazon. They were used copies, but what the hell.”

  Jordon scrubbed his face in agony.

  “Ya there?”


  “What’s wrong, Jordon? Bad day at the office?”

  Why did I tell you about Tyler? Why?

  “Jordon?” Bryan asked in concern. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. I’m just tired.”

  “It’s only eight o’clock.”

  “And?” Jordon wanted to hang up.

  “Did you ever call Mom to talk about women’s sex drives?”

  “No. Let me go.”

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “No, Bryan, I just had a long day.”

  “Okay. See ya.”

  “Bye.” Jordon hung up and tossed the phone on the nightstand. He picked up the photo, sick to his stomach that Bryan would meet Tyler, get to know him, kiss him, and inevitably screw him. The “perfect bottom.” It was so fucking unfair.

  Jordon rested his head on his hands after he set the photo beside him on the pillow.

  What if he was bi-curious? So what? He wasn’t married yet. Wasn’t it wise to check it out now? Make sure before the wedding?

  Jordon burrowed under the pillows to hide, moaning in agony.

  Chapter Five

  Jordon was exhausted the next morning. He hadn’t slept well. Was it any wonder?

  When his phone rang he thought of Tyler, then Fawn. He picked it up. “Oh, hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, sweetie. How’s the world treating you?”

  “Like crapola.” He sipped his coffee.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t have time to list it now. I have to go to work.”

  “List? You made a list?”

  “No. Forget it, Mom.” Jordon set his mug in the kitchen sink.

  “You want to meet for lunch?”

  “I eat lunch at my desk.”


  “I need to work out after work.”

  “You need to eat after your workout.”

  Jordon sighed. “Okay. Come over at around seven.”

  “There? You don’t have to cook, Jordon. Let me take you out.”

  “I can throw together pasta. Come here.”

  “Okay, baby. Seven.”

  “See ya later.” He hung up and checked the time, rushing out the door.

  When he arrived at work, he met Adrian at the elevator and became suspicious. “Are you stalking me, Mr. Tripp?”

  “Stalking? What a strong verb.”

  “I never used to meet you coming in in the mornings. Suddenly here you are, two days in a row.”

  They entered the elevator alone, standing facing the door as it closed. Adrian pushed the button for their floor. “Coincidence.”

  “Is it?”

  “Why?” Adrian smiled wickedly. “Do you want it to be something more?”

  Jordon had a vision of pushing Adrian back against the wall of the elevator and kissing him, groping his crotch. Wasn’t that Adrian’s little fantasy? At least then Jordon could see what kissing a man was like. Maybe he’d be bolder in his attempt at netting a night with Tyler Holliday.

  What the hell am I talking about? A night with Tyler? Jordon, pull yourself together!



  “You on the planet at the moment?”

  “No, I’m not. I have no idea where the hell I am.”

  The elevator door opened. Jordon made his way to his office and stood at his desk, staring at it in confusion. When his door closed behind him, Jordon assumed it was Faith, but it wasn’t. Adrian was there looking very concerned. “Jordon. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I realize now it’s upsetting you.”

  “What?” Jordon had no idea what he was talking about.

  “My teasing. I apologize. It was just a little fun.”

  “I know.” Jordon was puzzled.

  “You know?” Adrian gave him the same quizzical look back.

  “Adrian, I’m not upset with you. I’m flattered. You’re gorgeous.”

  “What?” Adrian laughed nervously.

  “What made you think I was upset?” Jordon took off his suit jacket and hung it behind the door.

  “Before… You looked distracted. I thought perhaps I had pushed it a bit too far.”

  “No. Don’t be silly. I’m not offended in the least.”

  “I’m very glad. I would be very angry with myself if I offended you. I just think you’re devilishly handsome. I suppose I’ll never stop trying.”

  “How handsome?” Jordon stood in front of him, needing to know.

  Adrian laughed softly. “How handsome?”

  “Yeah, like on a scale of one to ten?”

  “Fifteen?” Adrian grinned.

  “No. Seriously. Tell me. I can take it.”

  “Is this a joke?” Adrian cracked up.

  “No. Adrian. I need to know.”

  His smile dropping, Adrian cupped Jordon’s jaw sensually.

  At the touch of his hands, Jordon went cold. He’d never been touched sexually by a man before in his life, and he had a strong desire to pull back. A sensation that he was fighting.

  “If one is ugly, and ten is fantastic, then you, Mr. Jordon Buck, are indeed a fifteen.”

  Slowly, Jordon nudged Adrian’s hands away from his face. They were staring at each other with an intensity that made Jordon’s stomach tighten in fear. “Thank you, Adrian.”

  “Am I to assume this has been nothing but a cock tease?”

  “Sorry? Cock tease?” Jordon took an involuntary step backward.

  “Your innocence makes me crazy, Jordon,” Adrian hissed.

  “I never meant to tease you, Adrian. I value you as a friend. And I appreciate you tolerating me.”

  “Tolerating you?” Adrian laughed like it was absurd. “I’m courting you. Grooming the groom to be. I have intentions of making you my fuck buddy.” Adrian smiled.

  Jordon returned it. “Wow. That’s hot. And very wrong of you, Mr. Tripp.”

  “Go back to the hot part.” Adrian closed the gap.

  Faith knocked at his door, speaking from outside it. “I have your latte, Jordon.”

  “I’ll be right there, Faith. Thank you.” He looked back at Adrian. “Faith has my coffee.”

  “Can I entice you to a drink after work, Mr. Buck?” He dug his hand into Jordon’s hair.

  The tingles it sent across Jordon’s skin were electric. “I… I’m going to the gym and having dinner with my mother after.” Jordon gently leaned away from Adrian’s caress.

  “Close to your mother? Well, you do have possibilities.”

  “You’d love my brother Bryan.”

  “Why do you insist on pushing him at me? God knows, he must be horrid.”

  “On the contrary. He’s gorgeous. He’s playing George Berger, the lead, in Hair on Broadway.” Adrian’s eyes light up. Jordon begged silently, Yes, call him! Date him! Get him off Tyler for me, please!


  “Look him up on MySpace. See for yourself.”

  “I will.” Adrian walked to the door. “Maybe I’ll be lucky and catch you in the elevator again tomorrow, Mr. Buck.”

  “Maybe,” Jordon replied.

  When the door opened, Jordon found Faith looking at them with suspicion. “Here, Jordon.”

  “Thank you, Faith.” Jordon sipped the latte, watching Adrian strut down the hall.

  “You know he’s a gay man?” Faith whispered.

  “Yes. I know.” He smiled sweetly. When Faith fingered a gold cross around her neck, Jordon pointed to his desk. “Gotta work. Thanks again.” He held up his cup in gratitude, escaping before he got a lecture on religion. He had no idea if she was one of those. A religious zealot who was intolerant of gay men. Why hadn’t Brock Hart warned him about her? It that why Brock pawned her off on him before leaving to travel with his gay lover? “Nice one, Brock.” He frowned.


  Jordon upped his running speed on the latest marathon program with hill climbs and sprints interspersed in the fifty-minute workout. Jordon was dying once again, begging the machine to let up. The television was completely drowned out by the whining of the gears and his heavy tread, but he stared at the talking heads because there was nothing else to look at. Until Alejandro began stretching out in front of him.

  It seemed that ever since he had imagined contact with another man, men everywhere looked sensuous and appealing. Alejandro was no exception. Long, dark brown hair, a smartly trimmed goatee, deep brown eyes and caramel skin. Jordon licked the sweat off his lip as he gazed at Alejandro’s large deltoids as they stood exposed in his skimpy, cut-off t-shirt.


  “Hey.” Jordon panted, trying not to lose track of the treadmill and fly off because he was ogling pecs and abs.

  As if he were putting on a little show, Alejandro gave Jordon his back view and stretched down to his feet, giving Jordon a marvelous shot of a very tight ass in tiny shorts.

  “Holy Christ.” Jordon almost missed the mat and caught himself on the rail, getting his concentration back. The set race he had programmed went uphill again, gaining in speed. He was seriously in agony.

  Alejandro stood next to him, looking at the LCD display that showed his hill climbs and speed. “Ay! Jordon. I’m impressed.”

  “Don’t be. I’m about to die.” He groaned and forced his thighs to move up the grade as the timer seemed to slow down.

  “Hang in there, chulo.”

  A pat on his bottom followed. Jordon knew enough Spanish to enjoy the compliment. He stopped eyeing the timer and pretended he wasn't in pain. The machine slowed down so he looked at the display, relieved to see it in its cool-down mode. The grade dropped to level and he was able to grab the rails and catch his breath. Sweat poured from his body like rain.

  “Fuck.” He gasped, checking his watch, knowing he had to shower quickly to meet his mother. He wiped his face with the towel and cleaned the console of the machine, just as the belt halted. Jordon paused to recuperate for a minute, still wiping at the drops he’d spattered.

  “I can taste your sweat from here, amigo.”

  Jordon gazed back at Alejandro’s handsome face. “I’m surprised I didn’t manage to coat everything around me.” He dabbed his neck and chest.

  “I would enjoy that.”

  Jordon stepped off the machine so another man could use it. Jordon headed to the fountain. Alejandro leaned on the wall next to him, watching him suck down the water.

  After he had gulped his fill, Jordon whispered, “Do I look gay?”

  “You look delicious. Estas bueno.” Alejandro’s grin became seductive.

  “Guys hit on me a lot.” Jordon still struggled to breathe normally.

  “I am not surprised.”

  “Is there a certain look? I mean, what is it?”

  “Beauty.” Alejandro shrugged.

  “Why don’t you have a steady boyfriend?”

  Jordon was given another shrug and smile.

  “Because gay men like to play around?” Jordon knew that was the answer. Sex was too damn accessible.

  “I enjoy being with el hombre guapo.”

  “How many? A lot?”

  Alejandro’s expression turned slightly accusing. “What business is it of yours?”

  “None. Absolutely none. I have to wash up. Good seeing you again.”

  Jordon left the gym and headed to his condo. They cheat. They can’t commit. This is why I don’t want a gay relationship. I need stability. Imagine a man like Tyler. Gay porn icon? Christ, he must have a different guy every night. “He’s yours, Bryan. Be my guest.”

  Jordon exited the elevator at his floor and found his mother, Maureen, standing outside his door. “Mom. You’re early.”

  “I am. Sorry.”

  “No problem. I still need a shower.” He opened the door, allowing her to go first.

  “Don’t rush, Jordon. Just take your time.
You want me to start dinner?”


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