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The Wedding Planner

Page 10

by GA Hauser

  “Late for a date, Mr. Buck?” Adrian rushed after him.

  “Meeting someone for a workout.”

  “Sounds like sweaty fun. Love a good physical bout.”

  “One-track mind, Mr. Tripp?” Jordon held the elevator door for him.

  Adrian breathed, “Once you’ve had sex with a man, you won’t be able to think of anything else.”

  “In my case, you got that right!” Jordon laughed. “I’d be scarred for life.”

  “Changed for life. For the better.”

  “Is the International Association of Gay Pride actively recruiting new members, Adrian?” Jordon pressed his tongue in his cheek.

  “We always welcome a new alum.” He licked his lip seductively.

  “You’re like Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

  “Knock, knock. Can I come in your back door?”

  The elevator opened. “Go. If I exit first, you'll try for my back door.” Jordon nudged him on the arm.

  “Cock tease! You are the worst cock tease, Mr. Buck!”

  “See you tomorrow, Mr. Tripp.” Jordon kept his smile as he walked down the sunny street to his destination. Coming through the lobby doors, Jordon heard his name. He looked up and found Tyler trying to get his attention.

  As Tyler made his way over, Jordon gawked at his black spandex shorts and muscle tank top.

  “Where do you need to go to change?” Tyler asked, carrying a gym bag.

  “Up… up to my…” Jordon pointed when his vocal cords failed.

  “You want me to wait here for you?”

  “The gym is up there…” Jordon forced himself to walk to the elevator and struggled not to see the outline of Tyler’s cock in his skintight shorts.

  “I can check in and warm up. What are you comfortable with?”

  You sitting on my face.

  “I don’t care. Up to you.” Jordon held the elevator door for him.

  “If I said I’m dying to see what a condo in this place looks like, do I sound like a stockbroker groupie?” Tyler grinned.

  Finally meeting those luminous blue eyes, Jordon replied, “Yeah. You’re the worst kind of fanatic. I should keep a bodyguard handy to fend your type off.”

  “Nothing wrong with wanting to see how the other half lives.”

  “My pleasure, Mr. Holliday.”

  “I have a feeling it’ll be mine.”

  At the silky smile, Jordon felt his body respond, oh yes, with a raging hard on.

  “Top floor,” Tyler observed as Jordon pushed the button. “I can feel my excitement growing.”

  “In that outfit, you’ll be revealing it.” Did I say that?

  Tyler faced Jordon full on. “Why am I getting the feeling there is much more to you than I ever anticipated?”

  “Nah. I’m a total bore.”

  “I’m sure that’s the lie you want propagated.”

  When they arrived and the elevator door slid back soundlessly, Jordon couldn’t even imagine not checking out Tyler’s ass in the skintight spandex. He wasn’t disappointed.

  “Are you ready?” Jordon asked playfully as he held his key aloft.

  “Drum roll, please.”

  He unlocked it and pushed it back. “Ta da.”

  As Tyler floated in, Jordon closed the door behind Tyler, admiring this amazing man as he did the same to the décor.

  “My, oh my, Mr. Buck. You’ve done very well for yourself.”

  “Relax. Explore. Do what you like. Help yourself to anything in the fridge. I’ll just be a minute.”

  “Take your time.” Tyler dropped his gym bag and walked to the window view.

  Jordon smiled and closed himself into his bedroom to change, kicking off his shoes. He unknotted his tie, and when he was down to his briefs he glanced at his computer and gasped in terror. After jumping into shorts, he bolted out of the room to his den and froze. Fuck!

  Tyler slowly pivoted around to face him, holding a very incriminating piece of paper in his hand.

  “I… uh… I… That was… I…” Jordon wanted to jump out of the forty-three story window.

  Tyler sauntered closer. “You printed this?”

  Jordon had no idea how to explain it.

  “Off my MySpace site?” he purred.

  “My brother.” Crap, another plug for Bryan. He hated himself.

  “Oh? Your brother printed it and left it in your den? How inconvenient of him.”

  Jordon knew it was such an obvious lie, even he didn’t buy it.

  Suddenly Jordon realized he had nothing on at the moment but gym shorts and briefs, and Tyler was overtly admiring his naked chest.

  Jordon had absolutely no explanation but the obvious, so he slunk back to his bedroom to finish dressing. Rushes of panic and fear were cascading through him with so much power he was dizzy. Caught. Stuck by his own stupid carelessness, Jordon was left with nowhere to hide. The sense of nausea was permeating his stomach and he dreaded the fallout from his infatuation ruining his life.


  Tyler was on fire.

  The minute he had met Jordon at lunch with his fiancée Fawn and future mother-in-law Blithe, he thought Jordon was exceptional. But it certainly wasn’t his policy to hit on the prospective grooms who sought out his services. Not by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, he did his best to behave in the opposite manner. The last thing he wanted was to be labeled a lecherous, lonely ex-porn star who didn’t know an available gay man from a straight one about to be married. Talk about ruining a good business reputation in one costly error. Taboo. Unacceptable.

  But something was here.

  This spectacular brown-eyed, muscular Adonis had printed off his nude photo. Had obviously created a MySpace site for the sole purpose of inviting him in. First and only him.

  What on earth did he have here? It read bi-curious like a neon sign in Times Square.

  He set the photo printout down on the table where he had found it, taking another walk through the fabulous three-bedroom Wall Street condominium. Not one photo of Fawn Lea was visible. Not one.

  The bedroom door opened.

  Tyler held his breath in anticipation of Jordon’s movie star good looks and delectable, solid build. The previous appearance of Jordon’s muscled wall of chest and small, dark nipples had almost sent Tyler over the edge.

  How much self-control was he supposed to have? He was only human.

  “I’m very sorry.”

  “Jordon, no need.”

  “I printed it.”

  “I’m flattered.”

  “I guess I am just enamored with how good looking you are.”

  Tyler melted at such an honest admission from a man who was so obviously petrified.

  “I’m ashamed.” Jordon lowered his head, the blush rising in his angular cheeks.

  “Don’t be. I can’t be more pleased, Jordon. Don’t beat yourself up.” Tyler's urge to touch Jordon was painful. He laced his hands behind his back to prevent it.

  “I signed up on that ridiculous MySpace site just to…”

  “It’s amazing. Don’t be embarrassed.”

  “You… uh, still want to work out?” Jordon couldn’t meet his eyes.

  “Yes. I do.”

  “Good. I need a run. I’m feeling like crap at the moment.”

  “God. Jordon. Don’t.” Tyler took a step closer, dying to comfort him, hold him.

  “What I did was wrong on so many goddamn levels, Tyler. Don’t act kind and forgive me.”

  “Don’t act kind?” Tyler almost choked at the irony. “You forgave my acts. My horrible past.”

  “It’s not the same. I’m engaged to be married. I can’t lust after my wedding planner.”

  A wash of heat filled Tyler with so much passion he had to tighten his fists not to jump on this man. “Lust?”

  Jordon rubbed his face in anguish. “I don’t know what the hell I’m even saying. Maybe we shouldn’t work out together.”

  “No. Come on. It’ll do us both some good.”

  As they headed out, Jordon grabbed a towel. “You need one?”

  “I’ve got one. Thanks.” He knelt by his bag on the floor. “Should I leave it here? Or shower at the gym?”

  “I have three bathrooms. There’s no reason you can’t shower here.”

  “You’re a kind, generous man, Jordon Buck. Thank you.”

  “Then why do I feel like such a heel?” He cupped his keys and gestured to the door.

  “I just told you,” Tyler replied, smiling at him.


  Still recovering from the mistake of leaving that nude photo where it could be discovered, Jordon had completely forgotten about it. He was so used to Fawn being gone and living on his own, it never occurred to him to do a walk-through to check for incriminating items. He thought he had a week before he had to do that.

  Unable to look Tyler in the eye, and relieved he was being so good about the awkward incident, Jordon stepped up onto an available treadmill and was pleasantly surprised to see Tyler mount the one next to him. “What do you do on it?” Jordon asked.

  “What do you do?” Tyler flirted playfully.

  “I asked you first.” Jordon covered his hand over what he was entering into the treadmill’s computer.

  “Let’s compete. Tell me your routine.”

  “Yeah?” Jordon lit up.

  “Afraid of a little healthy competition?” Tyler smiled slyly.

  “Fine. You’re on. Hit the hill climb program. Fifty minutes. Top level.”

  “Augh!” Tyler gasped. “You’re just saying that to intimidate me.”

  With a smug smile on his lips, Jordon warned, “Better get going, or I’ll beat you by default.”


  Jordon leaned over to make sure Tyler was indeed putting in the highest level of difficulty. “Ready, rookie?”

  “I hope to shit it doesn’t kill me.”

  “It will. Go.”

  The two treadmills began to move. Jordon couldn’t be more excited. As it warmed up, he and Tyler exchanged competitive glances and big, daring smiles.

  The whirring of the gears brought them up to their first hill. The speed accelerated with it. So far, Jordon was impressed. He had no idea of Tyler’s stamina or lung power, but it was about to be tested. After all, it was obvious Tyler lifted weights, but how was his aerobic ability?

  Thirty minutes in and neither man showed signs of fatigue. Sweat was pouring out of them, but neither was gasping or moaning.

  “Doing well, rookie!” Jordon and Tyler kept exact pace with one another as the machines duplicated the program. Each matched stride for stride like it was a planned marching exercise at boot camp.

  “You think you’ll defeat me, Buck? Ha!”

  “The last hill climb’s the bitch.”

  “Bring it on!”

  Jordon couldn’t adore this man any more than he did at that moment. It made the uneasiness he had felt over the photo incident vanish into thin air.

  “Uh-oh. Unfair!”

  At Tyler’s exclamation, Jordon found Alejandro doing his seductive stretching directly in front of them.

  “Hold on to your hat. If you become hypnotized by him, you’ll fly right the fuck off.”

  “Has it happened to you?” Tyler gasped as he sprinted.


  “Christ, he’s fantastic.”

  “Keep looking at him, rookie. I’m sure to win when you go rocketing off the back of that thing.”

  “Not gonna happen, Buck.”

  Alejandro spun around to address Jordon. “You brought a friend, chulo?”

  “You like my friend, Alejandro?”

  Tyler laughed. “Don’t get me going. That’s cheating.”

  “He’s muy bonito. I thought you were not gay, Jordon.”

  “Stop!” Tyler held onto the rails. “I can’t laugh and run. You have to stop.”

  “A competition?” Alejandro appeared amused. “Muy bien! Can I have the winner?”

  “You set this up!” Tyler accused, gasping. “Cheater!”

  “I did not! Alejandro, did I set this up?” Jordon sucked in air in between words.

  “Set what up?’


  They both hit the last hill climb simultaneously.

  “Augh!” Jordon cried as his legs pumped. “This is the last killer.”

  “Fuck!” Tyler groaned. “I’ll kill you, Jordon!”

  “Shut up… Oh, God…” Jordon forced himself not to give up or lower the speed as the pain became almost unbearable. Jordon peeked at Tyler’s face, seeing him grimacing as well. He was glad at least this workout wasn’t a cakewalk for the guy. It sure as shit killed him every time.

  Alejandro peered down at the illuminated display. “Two minutes. Hang on!”

  “I’m dying!” Jordon struggled in agony.

  As the engines whined down and the words “cool down” finally lit up the console, Jordon and Tyler moaned and grabbed the rails as the belt slowed to a fast walk, and finally to a crawl.

  “Motherfucker.” Tyler struggled for air, wiping his face with a towel.

  “Well done!” Jordon patted Tyler’s drenched back. “I’m really impressed, Tyler.”

  “Me?” Tyler tried to laugh. “You kidding me? You do this every day?”

  “He does,” Alejandro replied. “I vouch for him.”

  Jordon gestured for Tyler to climb off and pointed to the water fountain. “Go. You first.”

  Tyler wiped down the machine, almost stumbling off the rubber mat in his exhaustion. As he leaned over to gulp down ice water, Jordon admired his soaked-black-spandex-covered ass. In his ear, Alejandro whispered, “You have your first man, yes?”

  “No. Not yet.”

  “Oh? You can resist that?” He laughed as he stared at Tyler’s fantastic shape. “You are either dead or el stupido.”

  “El stupido,” Jordon agreed.

  “Is your life.” Alejandro walked off.

  “Your turn.” Tyler wiped his mouth off with his towel. Water was running down his neck to his chest.

  Jordon took a minute to admire him in all his soaked glory. The scent coming off Tyler’s body was so appetizing that Jordon leaned in for a long deep sniff.

  “Yes?” Tyler chuckled at his action.

  “Nothing.” Jordon stooped over the fountain.

  “Believe me,” Tyler whispered, “you smell fucking awesome too.”

  At the admission, the water instantly headed down the wrong piping. Jordon coughed, covering his mouth, as Tyler shook his head at him.

  Jordon recovered and went back to gulping water.

  Tyler asked, “Do you do weights after that insanity?’

  “Sometimes.” Jordon wiped his face and neck with a towel.

  “I’m here. What do you want to do?”

  Lick you! Please!

  “How about just some crunches and we’ll call it a day?’

  “Sounds good,” Tyler agreed.

  They lay side by side on two mats, their towels under them while they continued to pour with sweat.

  As if this too was a competition, they kept pace, crunch for crunch, until they were once again crying in agony.

  “You stop first!” Tyler said.

  “No! Then you’ll say you won. You stop!”

  “Fine! Stop together. One. Two. Three.”

  Jordon halted, dropping down as Tyler did one more, gloating.

  “You cheating asshole!” Jordon laughed.

  “Yeah, you lost. Screw you.”

  Without a second thought, Jordon dove on him, pinning him down. “I have to watch you. You don’t play fair.”

  When Tyler began panting loudly, Jordon realized their chests were pressed together, running with sweat. About to jump back in terror, Jordon froze when Tyler gripped him by the biceps. They caught eyes and it was so disorienting for Jordon that he felt faint.


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