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Page 31

by Loren K. Jones

  Standing, the others deferred to Tyrus. “What are your commands, my Empress?”

  “Find Samantha and Panit, and all the rest of the royal families. Bring them to me here. Politely!” Java added. “They are no longer captives or servants. They are guests.”

  “As you command, my....”

  “Java!” Samantha shouted as she was led into the room, interrupting the Adepts as she ran into Java’s arms. “Oh, Java, I knew you would rescue me. I knew it.”

  “Oh, Sammy!” Java whispered, closing her eyes against the tears that were threatening to over flow down he cheeks.

  Adept Tyrus looked curiously at the scene before him, and grinned. “Here she is now, my Empress.”

  “Empress?” Samantha asked, stepping back to look at Java with wide eyes. “What’s he talking about?”

  “Sammy, this is Lord General Cederquist. He proclaimed me empress after I killed Frander.”

  “You killed Frander?” Samantha interrupted, disbelief written clearly across her face. “But, the triplets...”

  “Were getting their butts kicked,” Mayrie said as she hugged Sam. “Java dove at Frander to distract him, and we were sure she was going to die, but she passed through his shields and knifed him. His head is being kicked around the city right now.”

  “I would call anyone else a liar,” Panit said from the doorway where he stood with several other men and women. “But somehow, after everything else she’s done, I can believe Java could, and would, do that.”

  The generals stepped aside as Panit and the assembled royalty of the empire walked forward. An elderly man who Java didn’t recognize stepped forward to look her in the eye.

  “I am, or was, Duke Harrison Williams of Lederan. This is my wife, Duchess Bethany.”

  Java curtsied deeply, bowing her head. “I am honored to meet you, Duke Harrison. Duchess Bethany.”

  One by one the other dukes and duchesses stepped forward. With Duke Harrison was Duke Arthur Chesterson and Duchess Lenis of Glanisden, Duke Wilson Davidson and Duchess Mildred of Longbeach, and Duke Adam Johns and Duchess Frances of Portsmouth. Assorted princes and princesses were also present, but Java addressed herself to the dukes and duchesses.

  “My friends, and I do hope we will be friends, you are free. As are your duchies. I have no desire to be empress over you. I will aid you to the best of my abilities in reestablishing order and control in your homes.”

  “That will take time, my Empress,” Adept Rockhester said from the side of the room. “Freeing so many people who have been under direction for so long is going to be a shock. It’s going to take central control to rearrange everything back to the way that it was.”

  “I don’t want to do that...” Java began but was interrupted by Panit.

  “You have to.” Panit walked over to look Java in the eye, keeping Samantha under his arm. “Java, the people of the empire are reeling right now. All the organization for the empire came from here. There aren’t many people who know what’s needed where. Duke Arten and Duchess Naria have been teaching you how to manage a duchy. Just think of how much bigger this is. The empire encompassed eight duchies. Left alone, without guidance, the people will devolve back to the fractious barbarians who reigned after the death of Blackmoore. You, as Empress, must rule. And rule wisely.”

  “Then I need councilors. People who can keep me from mucking everything up.” Turning, she smiled. “I need you all,” she said to the dukes and duchesses. “We, together, must repair the damage Frander has done.”

  Duke Adam of Portsmouth stepped forward, nodding. “Our duchies are in chaos right now. It’s going to take an enormous effort to reclaim them. We’re going to need all the assistance that we can get.”

  “We are going to need you, Empress Java,” Duke Harrison agreed.

  * * *

  Violence swept Glimmerrey and the rest of the empire as men and women awakened from the nightmare that living under Frander’s control had become. Java began sending out heavily armed patrols with fire brigades to try and keep the city from being burned to the ground. She knew she couldn’t completely stop the violence. From her own experience and observations, she was all too aware what life had been like for these people.

  Adept Tyrus led his compatriots out into the city at her orders and joined the firefighters but were forbidden to use magic to subdue the populace unless the firefighters were being threatened. For the rest of that day and night the city echoed with screams as abused men and women took revenge on their abusers.

  Morning found thousands of dead lining the streets and alleys. Java sent squads of Guards out with proclamations of amnesty for the deeds of the previous night, and threats of dire punishments if the violence continued. The city quieted gradually as men and women, tired from the night, accepted that order needed to be restored. By noon, order once again reigned in Glimmerrey.

  Mayrie stood behind Java, rubbing her shoulders. “You have to contact Merrit and tell her what’s happened before she takes advantage of the disturbance and attacks.”

  Java sighed and stood. “You’re right.” Looking about the room, she smiled at Jah’Moke. “Shall we go surrender?”

  “If you think surrendering will get you out of trouble with Merrit and Shair, we can try. But I wouldn’t bet on it,” Jah’Moke replied, handing her a heavy robe. “They’re going to shout a lot.”

  Java rolled her eyes and grinned. “At least it isn’t Naria.”

  Java led the assembled royalty out onto the Strandian Road, backed by the remnants of the Imperial Guards and the Adepts. They passed under the Great Arch and into Arandar’s light before the army saw them. A large white flag was tied to a tall pole, and the breeze fluttered it above them.

  * * *

  Word was passed through the army quickly that a delegation was leaving the city under a flag of peace, and Merrit was waiting with her commanders and friends. As the party from the city came into view, Merrit looked at Shair with a slightly sick expression.

  “Please tell me that that’s not Java. Please?”

  “Sorry. What in the five hells did she do this time?” Shair asked the wind, and the wind answered by playing with her hair.

  Duke Kaster and Duchess Werrin had joined them the day before, and Werrin leaned forward, squinting her eyes before smiling broadly at everyone. “Pan is with her, as is Samantha.”

  Robin shook her head as her friend and lover rode closer. She had been keeping Merrit and Shair up to date concerning Java’s emotional state over the days, and had reported her feelings of triumph, shock, fear, and resignation. But nothing she had felt from Java had prepared her for the sight of the people who were riding up the road.

  “The triplets and Jah’Moke are with her. But who are the other people?”

  Duke Ander answered softly. “My Aunt Lenis, Robin. And Uncle Art.”


  “Duchess Lenis and Duke Arthur Chesterson of Glanisden, Robin,” Kaster supplied. “Harrison, Wilson, and Adam with their wives and children as well. I don’t recognize the others.”

  Merrit rode forward as Java separated herself from her followers. Java stood in her saddle and waved a white flag over her head, shouting “Parley! Merrit, parley!”

  “Java, what did you do!?” Merrit shouted back, stopping her horse and waiting for Java to come to her.

  “It isn’t my fault, Merrit! It just happened,” Java laughed, grinning. She stopped her horse beside Merrit and leaned over to hug her.

  “What isn’t your fault, Java? What happened?”

  “You aren’t going to believe this, but...” Java began as she told her story.

  Later, in the palace, Merrit agreed. “...You’re right, Java. I don’t believe this.”

  “Neither do I,” Ander said from the sofa where he was sandwiching Duchess Lenis between himself and Shair. “Empress Java? Who was it who told me she just wanted to be a common merc?”

  “I didn’t have a choice, Andy. Adept Tyrus proclaimed me, and the p
eople agreed.”

  “You agreed that I had made the only reasonable choice at the time, Empress Java,” Adept Tyrus said from the side of the room. “Order had to be restored, and only a strong leader could do that. None of us,” he paused to indicate the other Adepts, “would have been accepted. Only a member of one of the old royal families would be acceptable, and you were the only one available at the time.”

  “Perhaps so, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. We have other things to deal with as well.” Java grinned. “Such as a wedding.”

  “Why the hurry, Java?” Duke Kaster asked, grinning.

  “So our baby will...”

  “Baby!” Shair, Merrit, Anness, and Robin shouted together. Robin jumped up to face her squarely. “That is what you meant! You’re pregnant!”

  “I tried to get the message across, Robin,” Java said with a broad grin. Standing, she hugged Robin tightly and kissed her. “The triplets have already confirmed it.” The conversation stalled as Java’s friends and family congratulated her and Jah’Moke. Shair was the last and held Java tightly.

  “Oh, Java, this is such good news. All of it. With Frander gone, we can all get back to normal.” She paused to kiss Java’s forehead. “When will your year be completed?”

  “Two months. But we’re going to wait a little longer. I want to send out messengers to all the dukes with invitations.” Looking over to Ander, she smiled. “I’m also requesting a Ducal Conference to discuss the future of the empire.”

  Duke Kaster came forward to claim another hug. “Why a conference, Java?”

  Java smiled up into his face as she answered. “Because the empire is in shambles right now. We need help.”

  * * *

  Arten and Naria had led the Guard and the Hoard at a hard pace in an effort to reach Glimmerrey and assist Merrit in taking the city. They had overtaken the Latté and joined forces with Carr’Bon Veer, making an impressive force as they topped the rise and looked down upon the ancient capital.

  Arten, Naria, Marta, Dee’Sol Veer, and Laura Vadala looked down at the camp that surrounded the city, lost in confusion. Laura voiced all their thoughts. “What in the name of all the Gods happened?”

  “Damned if I know, Laura,” Marta answered absently. She was focusing on the open lane that led to the city and shaking her head in amazement. “Let’s go find someone to ask.”

  Arten nodded and rode forward slowly, looking at the orderly camp that was laid out on both sides of the road. They hadn’t traveled far before they were challenged by a squad of infantrymen in the uniform of Lakeland’s Guard.

  “Halt where you are, please,” a sergeant said, stepping out into the road.

  Captain Corban took the lead, riding forward to look down on the men. “Sergeant, what’s going on here? We’ve been pushing hard to catch up in time to help take the city, but…”

  The sergeant took a moment to recognize the uniform and insignia, then snapped to attention. “Sir, the city is secure, but General Marston is having all of the commands remain outside until things get straightened out. I...” the sergeant was interrupted by a loud female voice from down the road.

  “Steeeeevyyyyy!” Emily shouted as she rode up, grinning like a fool. “Stevy, you’re not going to believe what she did this time!”

  “Java?” Stephen asked as he hugged his sister in the saddle.

  Emily nodded, then looked over at Arten and Naria. “You need to go to the palace as soon as possible. She wants to tell you herself. You too, Carr’Bon. Jah’Moke’s parents should probably go along as well, seeing as it affects them to a large extent.”

  “What did she do, Emily?” Marta asked, grinning at Emily’s keeping secrets from her.

  “You have to--You just have to see for yourself and listen to her. That girl...” She continued to laugh and shook her head.

  Arten shook his head and kneed his horse forward, Naria and the others following closely at his side. Emily waited until they were out of ear-shot before speaking again. “She has plenty of guards right now, and we want to send as many troops home as we can. Supplies are becoming an issue.”

  Captain Vadala rode forward then, interrupting Stephen before he could ask what Java had done. “Captain, where are we needed?” she asked, looking at Emily with more questions on her face.

  Stephen introduced the two women. “Captain Vadala, this is my sister, Captain Emily Whitehall of the Lender’s Dale Guard. Emmy, this is Laura Vadala of the Hoard.”

  Emily nodded, looking closely at Laura. “General Marston is sending most of the mercs home, Captain. Most of the Guard units as well. The war is over, and Frander is dead.”

  Both Stephen and Laura stared wide eyed at Emily, then Stephen started laughing, which drew him a reproving look from Laura. “Now I know what Java did. She killed Frander herself, didn’t she?”

  “Java, as in Princess Java?” Laura asked with wide-eyed disbelief, and received nods of agreement from both Stephen and Emily.

  Emily looked at her brother and grinned. “Not princess any more, Stevy. Empress.” Emily grinned at the dumbfounded look on their faces and began explaining as the news filtered down through the ranks of both the Hoard and the Guard. By the time she was finished, Stephen was sitting with his head in his hands, shaking with laughter.

  * * *

  Arten led the group forward at a canter, passing rank after rank of soldiers wearing the uniforms of all the allied duchies. They were stopped at the edge of the city by men wearing the uniform of the Imperial Guard, and passed through with an escort as soon as they were identified. A young lieutenant led them through the city, and all of them looked about in confusion.

  Glimmerrey was returning to normal, but there were still signs of the brief, bloody aftermath of Frander’s death, when abused men and women had taken revenge upon their abusers. Almost ten thousand men and women had died before Java and the Magi could restore some semblance of order. The city had settled, but there were still incidents where people, mostly men, were turning up dead unexpectedly, and the Guard was keeping busy trying to find the culprits.

  At the gates of the palace, Arten was again challenged. As soon as he identified himself, the Guards burst into motion, escorting him and the rest forward and into the throne room. Naria was looking around suspiciously as she was led forward, and stopped dead in her tracks as she entered the seat of the ancient kingdom to find her daughter sitting on the throne.

  “Naria! Arten! Captain!” Java shouted, interrupting the lord who was petitioning her at the moment and running forward to hug her family. “Can you believe this?” she asked, grinning broadly.

  “Believe what, Java? Emily wouldn’t say anything, just that you’d done something again and that you wanted to tell us yourself. So talk. What did you do this time?” Naria asked, holding Java tightly.

  “Well, it started when I killed Frander...” Java began, grinning at the shocked expressions on the faces around her. She continued with the story, telling it simply and without embellishment. “...So Adept Tyrus proclaimed me empress, and the people accepted me.”

  Arten looked at Java with wide, disbelieving eyes, then sat abruptly on the floor. “Damn.”

  “Damn right!” Naria agreed, while Marta laughed.

  Java looked over her shoulder at the man who had been speaking to her and nodded. “You have my preliminary permission to begin your project, Lord Finch. We will have to discuss the full details at a later date, but right now I have to get my parents settled.” Lord Finch nodded and bowed his.

  Turning back to her parents, Java grinned and reached out to Marta. “Captain, I’m glad you’re here as well. I need your help.”

  “As you command, Empress Java,” Marta replied, all but laughing at the look that crossed Java’s face.

  Java looked sideways at Marta, then at Carr’Bon Veer. “Carr’Bon, welcome,” she said by way of greeting, then stepped forward to hug Caloo’Ah and Moh’Cah. “Jah’Moke is in our suite. We have news for you.” S
he looked back over her shoulder to Arten and Naria. “All of you.”

  Naria studied Java closely as she led them through the palace. Servants and Guardsmen knelt as she passed, and Java sighed. “I wish I could get them to stop doing that.”

  Arten chuckled at her tone. “Don’t you approve, Empress?”

  “Father,” Java growled, making both Marta and Naria laugh. Two Guardsmen stood by Java and Jah’Moke’s suite and opened the doors for her before she arrived. Jah’Moke looked up from his desk, then stood and hurried into his mother’s arms.

  “Mother, Father, it is good that you are here,” he said softly, then looked up at the Carr’Bon. “Carr’Bon, I greet you.” The Carr’Bon nodded, more impressed than he wanted to let on. “Did Java tell you?”

  “She told us the story of her elevation, but that’s not what you mean, is it, son?” Moh’Cah replied, looking closely at Jah’Moke.

  “No, it isn’t,” Java replied, leading everyone over to a setting of chairs and couches. “Mother, Father, Jah’Moke and I will be wed as soon as we can gather everyone here in Glimmerrey.”

  “To place a man on the throne, Java?” Marta asked, her eyebrows drawing together as she stared closely at Java. There was something different about her that she couldn’t place.

  “No, to ensure that our baby is legitimate,” Jah’Moke replied, shocking the room silent for a moment before both Naria and Marta started yelling.

  “You’re pregnant?!” Naria shouted as she stood to stare at Java.

  Marta was right beside her. “Since when?!”

  Java grinned, and then laughed. “Since about a month ago. Robin and the triplets have confirmed it. By next summer you’ll be grandparents.”

  Naria grabbed Java into a tight hug again and was joined by Marta and Arten. “Oh, Java, we’re so happy for you,” Marta said for them all.

  “So are we. Merrit sent riders out to all the duchies, inviting all the duke’s and duchess’ to the wedding, and calling for a council of dukes to discuss the future.”


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