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33-Pack CHEATING Megabundle

Page 29

by Nikita Storm

  He seemed to sense this as he stopped sucking my clit and brought his cum-covered lips to mine as he pressed his needy body into me. I could feel his massive hard-on pressing urgently against my legs.

  "Take me!" I cried as I pushed my hips forward for easier access. I tasted myself on his mouth and it drove me crazy. How had I never been exposed to my own taste before? Why did it take a stranger to awaken my latent sexual desires?

  He grabbed an empty cup and held it in front of my breasts. "Fill it," he commanded.

  I squirted milk into the cup, wondering what he was going to do with it. Was he going to drink it? My pussy contracted at that thought. He took the cup of my warm mother's milk and had me open my pussy as wide as I could get it as he slowly dribbled my breast milk inside.

  Oh God! I squirmed as the warm wetness filled my steaming pussy. This was the oddest sensation I had ever felt and it turned me on like nothing ever had. When my pussy was filled to the brim with my own milk, he set the cup aside and pressed his thick, hulking manhood up against my milk-filled pussy lips.

  As he pushed the head of his dick in, displacing the milk, I could feel my hot milk sloshing around inside me. It ran out of my pussy and puddled on the floor. The further he pressed, the more milk was displaced until he had bottomed out.

  That was when I remembered that I was ovulating. "Just don't cum inside me," I panted as he peppered my face with hot, wet kisses. He pulled my body close to his, pressing my milk-filled breasts up against his rock-hard chest. I couldn't believe I was doing this.

  "Not my problem, babe," he said callously as he slowly pulled out and pushed back in. He mashed my breasts to him, causing milk to dribble down his gorgeous chest.

  I started to protest, but then I realized that he was right. This was my problem. I was the one who wanted and needed him. He was fulfilling his part of the bargain, the rest was up to me. I groaned inwardly at the thought of trying to explain to my husband why our baby wasn't white. At least getting knocked up by a white guy you could pretend. Not so with a black man.

  With a quiet determined resolution to keep his baby, I accepted my fate. I wasn't seeking another baby this close, but I wasn't going to turn it down, either. If this God of a man wanted to knock me up, who was I to argue?

  Once I had accepted the fact that I was very likely to get pregnant from this encounter, it allowed me to let my emotional hair down - if you will. If I was going to get knocked up by a big black man, I was going to go all out.

  "Fuck me!" I cried, spreading my legs open for his easier access. "Put a baby in me." My lips sought out his and I kissed him just as passionately as I had my husband when we first made love.

  "You got it, babe," he smiled as he thrust his mighty cock deep inside my ovulating, milk-filled pussy. "Just don't call me when your husband splits."

  I nodded, beyond caring at that point. I'd find a way to make it on my own. After all, I had nine-months to figure things out. Maybe I'd move back home, although my conservative parents are going to have a fit when they realize that their sweet, innocent little girl got bred by a big, black man.

  I pulled him closer to me, needing to feel his manliness next to my soft skin. My motherly instincts kicked in as I snuggled him close to my breast. With his rock-hard cock pounding inside me, he lowered his lips to my tender breasts and began suckling. I have never felt so many dizzying sensations at one time and I almost screamed in ecstasy. His soft lips nibbled and suckled at my breasts as his cock danced deliciously in my pussy.

  Suddenly, I wanted this to be more than a one-time fling. Then I remembered that he didn't want me to hit him up for money. I didn't want the money, I argued with myself, I just wanted him inside me. I wanted to feel his potent sperm filling my fertile, ovulating womb to the brim with his baby-making cum.

  "Tell me we can do this again!" I begged, knowing that I was headed down a path of no return. I could never have sex with my husband again after knowing a "real" man.

  "Perhaps," he said, his white teeth gleaming through his lips. "I'll be here next week at the same time and place. Perhaps you'll bring some of that milk with you."

  "Thank you," I cried as I pulled him further into my aching, needy pussy. He was pressing up against my cervix and I wondered if - since it had recently been stretched - I could fit him inside. "Push in my cervix," I moved my hips around until his cock-head was positioned right at the entrance.

  "You, too, like to live dangerously, eh?" He said as he grunted and took delight in filling up my tiny cervix with his monstrous cock.

  Oh God, I couldn't believe that he was this far inside me! I felt like I was impaled to the counter with his massive member. He grabbed me by the hair and began acting rough.

  "You like that, don't you, slut?"

  I nodded as a tear escaped my eye. I felt fulfilled in ways that I had only dreamed of. If not for my leaky breasts, I would've never met my new lover. I didn't care if I had to sneak around on my husband every week to see him. I just wanted him to own me.

  "Say it," he slapped me as he pushed his dick all the way into my cervix.

  "I...I want it."

  "Want what?" he brought his hand down upon my cheek again.

  My face stung, but I needed his approval. I needed him to tell me what to do; what to think. "I need your black seed inside my fertile womb."

  No sooner then the words were out of my lips, I felt his body stiffen. He grunted like a rutting animal and thrust his cock deeply into my unprotected cervix and released his potent baby-making seed inside me.

  "Keep cumming!" I cried out, completely forgetting where we were. I was surprised that the manager hadn't walked in on us. Perhaps that could be arranged next week. He was kinda cute.

  The man must've unloaded a gallon of sperm inside my fertile belly as he just lay over me while his dick spasmed inside my pussy. When he finally pulled out, he directed me to get my clothes.

  "Don't forget. Next week. I think I'll introduce you to some of my bros."

  I quickly dressed, realizing that I was a complete and utter mess. I had milk all over my clothes, cum running down my legs and my hair was frazzled. But I was filled. I had done something that I had vowed never to do and I was eager to come back next week and do it again. I wonder what a gang-bang with his friends was going to be like?

  Expressing my Desire

  Nikita Storm

  It had been an awfully long time since I had been to the gym. Nearly a year, by my calculations. Until I had gotten pregnant, I had been very active in weightlifting, yoga and swimming. But, things happened, and my body underwent some massive changes and I just didn't feel like working out anymore.

  That was going to change, however. Today.

  I waited until my little one was asleep before leaving her with my husband. I figured that going to the gym at night would give me the privacy that I needed to get back into shape while I was still lactating.

  It wasn't until I arrived at the gym, that I realized that I had forgotten to express myself before leaving. Well shit! I was bound and determined that I wasn't going to let something like that stand in my way. It had been far too long since I had worked out and I was feeling slothful and a little flabby. I was just going to have to be careful so that my over-flowing milky breasts didn't squirt all over the place and make a big scene.

  Nervously, I walked up to the entrance of the gym, unconsciously rubbing my tender, milk-filled breasts. I had learned that once you become pregnant, you tend to start making unconscious movements – such as rubbing your belly or comforting your aching breasts.

  Just as I had expected, almost no one was in the gym. I showed the counter clerk my old membership card – which still had a couple of months left on it – and he let me right in, immediately turning his attention back to his solitaire game.

  Perfect, I thought as I took a big sigh of relief. The place had been jazzed up a little since I had been there last. They had put in some new, modern equipment such as TVs and fancy treadmills,
but other than that, it was still the same old familiar place that I had grown to love.

  With a little more spring in my step, I strode to the locker rooms, found a corner locker and undressed. Even though my body wasn't that much out of shape, I was still a little bit self-conscious about it.

  I brushed the palm of my hand over my aching, swollen breasts, wishing that I had expressed myself before I had left. I thought about milking myself in the bathroom or shower, but I really didn't want to waste the milk. This stuff was like liquid gold.

  I closed my eyes, thinking about how long it had been since I had had sex. My husband was not very much interested in pregnant beach ball babes or lactating mothers for that matter and there had been many nights that I had wished for something more than my fingers.

  Unconsciously, my hand slid down my creamy body and began to stroke my clit. I couldn't believe how wet I was. All throughout my pregnancy and even after I had given birth, it was like my hormones were on overdrive. Even my husband remarked that I was playing with myself more often than usual. I wanted so badly to get back to my old body so that I could start enjoying sex again, although the thought of fucking my husband was starting to seem bland and old. I needed something – or someone – new.

  Without prompting, my overfilled breasts began leaking. They always leaked when I was horny, but especially when they were filled to the brim with milk. Suddenly I wondered what the hell I was doing at the gym with leaky breasts. This was insane.

  I was brought out of my daydreams by the janitor vacuuming the hallway. I guess I had better get out on the floor and do some weightlifting before they had to call a plumber to clean up the flood that I was about to release.

  With a big sigh, I threw on my gym clothes – which was nothing more than a bikini with a T-shirt over it – and made my way to the familiar weight room. Good, I thought, no one was here. I was pretty sure that no one really wanted to see a milking mother trying to lift weights. I knew for a fact that it would gross my husband out.

  Before I had even lifted the first weight, my creamy milk started to leak through my bikini top and into my shirt. If there had of been anyone else around, I would have been mortified and probably just turned around and left. But, I shrugged, why the hell not? No one was here. What they didn't know, wouldn't hurt them – or me.

  I tried to remember how much I was able to lift before getting knocked up, but found that it had been so long ago, that I couldn't recall. Suddenly feeling cheeky, I started trying out the various weights to see where I was. At first, there was no problem. Except for my leaky breasts, that was. It was comical in a way, as I was starting to leave a trail of breast-milk on every machine that I came across. Of course I wiped it up with my towel before leaving as the staff would probably shit bricks if they knew what I was doing.

  Soon, I decided to venture to the free weights. Fuck the assisted weights, this was where it was at. I quickly determined that, while I had lost some strength, I could still kick some ass. What I didn't count on, however, was fatigue. Not only was it late at night, but the past few months I hadn't been getting very good sleep because of the baby. Add to that my lack of conditioning, and I found that after a few minutes it started getting harder and harder to lift the weights.

  After several sets, I really should have quit. But, like the blonde that I was, I didn't. I had completely forgot where I was and that my breasts were practically squirting milk all over the place. I'm sure that if someone were to come by at that moment, they would have gotten a good laugh at the stupid lactating lady. But, like I said, sometimes I was a dumb blonde, and none of that occurred to me.

  The last weight that I tried to lift, was a bench-press that I knew that pre-pregnancy, I could handle with no problem. Now? Let's just say, I shouldn't have even tried it – especially since there was no one in the room with me in case I fucked up.

  Which I did.

  Fear coursed through me when I realized that I couldn't get the barbell back over my head and onto the rest. No matter how hard I tried and strained, I just couldn't do it. And in my weakened state, it probably wasn't a good idea to strain too hard.

  Panicking, I realized that my only option was to cry out for help and hope that someone was near enough to hear me. Otherwise, things could go south very quickly.

  As loud as I could muster, I cried out for help. I felt stupid, helpless and weak, but I knew that I was in trouble and there was no other way to get out of it. Even big, burly men needed a spotter now and then.

  My heart beat faster as I realized that no one had heard me. Just as I was about to scream my lungs out, I heard footfalls racing down the hallway. I breathed a sigh of relief as the man came over and took the weights from my arm. I was impressed by the way that he just plucked the weight from me as though it was a feather. Of course, what did I expect, he was probably a bodybuilder and could probably bench-press me with one hand.

  "Thank you," I gushed as I turned around. My eyes went wide as I saw just who this spotter was.

  "Jennifer," he said, surprise written all over his face. "what are you doing here? You really should be more careful handling these weights by yourself," he cautioned.

  I sat there with my mouth open and my eyes wide. Jake, my black, hunky next-door neighbor, was the last man on earth that I expected to see at the gym. I had always admired his body from afar, and it made sense that he worked out – but I just didn't expect to see him here. Oh God, I thought, as I squeezed my legs together as I tried unsuccessfully to suppress an orgasm.

  "Wow," he looked my body up and down with hunger in his eyes, "you must've really been working out hard."

  Finally, I regained my senses and shrugged, "not really any harder than normal. Why would you say that?"

  He pointed to my shirt that was completely soaked in my breast-milk.

  "Oh my God," I said, trying vainly to cover my shirt stain.

  "What?" he said, leering at me. "Everyone sweats, it's nothing to be ashamed about."

  Suddenly, I couldn't look him in the eye and the thought that he had caught me lactating milk all over myself made me so wet that my thighs became slick with my own juices. "It's not that," I said standing up. I wanted nothing more than to escape into the locker room, take a shower and go home. But he had other ideas.

  "What is it then," he furrowed his brows, no doubt wondering if there was something wrong.

  I sighed and realized that I wasn't going to get out of this without explaining it to him. Looking around furtively, I lifted up my shirt and pulled aside my swimsuit top. I couldn't believe that I was doing this, but there was really no other way that I was going to be able to explain this to him.

  The naughtiness of what I was doing hit me like a ton of bricks as a powerful orgasm ripped through my body as I showed my breasts to my neighbor. He was the first man outside of my husband to see me naked. Of course, like my husband, he probably wasn't interested in woman issues.

  "Whoa," he said as he took a gander at my large, milky breasts. "It looks like you need to express yourself."

  He was right, I really should be getting home so that I could get all this milk out of my breasts. But something riveted me to that spot. Maybe it was the naughtiness of having my big black neighbor staring at my humongous white milk engorged boobs that made me stay. Maybe it was the fact that I hadn't been properly taken care of in the last year or so. Maybe it was because I had a huge crush on the guy and had pretty much fantasized about him every chance I got.

  Whatever it was, I didn't leave. In fact, I pulled off my shirt and offered my breast to him. "Would you mind giving me some release, Jake?" I seriously couldn't believe that I was doing this. Was I out of my mind? There was also the very real possibility that we could get caught.

  He looked at me questioningly, looked back at my engorged breasts, and then looked back at me with a lecherous grin. He didn't have to be asked twice. He was a smart man. Ravenously, he latched his large lips against my tender, swollen nipples. I was unprepar
ed for the sensation of having a man – instead of a baby – latch onto my breast. It was at that moment that I realized what I had been missing for the last year or so.

  I saw something then in his eyes that I hadn't seen since I had been knocked up: lust. I threw my head back and moaned as I felt his hot, tender lips brush up against my stiff nipples. He seemed to know that they were sensitive as he was very tender and caring with them. I pressed my breast out, arching my back so that he could have full access to them. Without a second thought, I slipped out of my panties and began touching myself.

  Suddenly, the fantasies that I had been having about Jake came crashing back to me. A small part of me hoped that I would be able to fulfill some of them. I still loved my husband, but at this point I needed Jake. I needed what he could give to me. I needed his hot lips caressing my sensitive nips.

  "I need you," I moaned as he straddled the bench and pulled my chest to him. "Please suck gently," I begged as I pulled his head to my breast.

  He nodded, without ever leaving my nipples. Back and forth he went, sucking on my breasts like a thirsty dying man. At this point, my breasts were more than leaking, they were spurting out. I looked around once more to make sure that no one was around and – satisfied that they weren't – I slipped my finger inside my pussy. God I was wet! I brought my finger to his nose, wondering if he was into smelling women's scent. Not all guys were. Like my husband.

  He stopped suckling for a moment as he surveyed his new prize. He looked up at me and arched an eyebrow and then sniffed my horny woman scent. I didn't know if he was married or had a girlfriend as I had never seen him with a woman, but he acted like he was just as sex starved as I was.

  In a flash, he had devoured my sex on my finger. I couldn't believe this! No one had ever shown this much interest in my bodily fluids before. This was something a girl could get used to.


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