Princess: Nuance Of Love Book 1

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Princess: Nuance Of Love Book 1 Page 18

by Evida Suntoyo

  "Thank you, Doctor," Ali replied, "Let me see you to the door."

  He was about to stand up, when Paramita held his hand firmly. "Don't leave me, please." She said, "I don't know why but I have this uncontrollable fear."

  "It's the paranoia, one of the effects of the drug," Doctor Johan said. "I will see myself out."

  "What happened to me?" She asked him after the doctor had left.

  "We'll talk about that later." Ali said worrying that telling her what happened might add her fears. "Here comes Maya with your breakfast."

  "Your Highness, how are you this morning?" Maya asked her.

  "I'm fine thank you." She responded.

  "My Lady, Raden Nabilla especially made this porridge for you." She replied. She reached out to accept the bowl, but her hands were severely shaking. "Can you put it on the table, I'll eat it later when I feel better."

  "Give me the bowl, eating will help you get better faster," Ali said. He received the bowl from Maya and began to stir the content to cool it down. He fed the porridge to Paramita.

  "Abang." She said in between scoops.

  "Hmm?" He responded.

  "What happened to you? Your neck has finger marks and your face is swollen." She asked.

  "I was attacked by a tiger demon because I was mistaken for a gorilla." He answered flatly.


  Chapter Twenty One

  "Oh, it's good that you're eating, I hope you like my cooking." Raden Nabilla's voice echoed through the room.

  "Thank you for the breakfast." Paramita responded.

  "Ali, your father wanted me to tell you that regarding the issue he told you yesterday, Paduka Sultan has decided to go ahead with it today. He will visit Ananda Puteri and talk to her about it."

  Ali sighed his face showed concern.

  "My Father is coming here to see me?" Paramita asked in a cheerful voice.

  Ali felt bad for her, he traced her hair gently, "That's what my father said." He responded. "Mother, please have Maya help Mita to get ready, if you can lend her a nice dress to wear."

  "I have some of your sister's clothes in her room. Since Ananda Puteri is much taller than her, I think we should get something loose and comfortable, and can be worn with a sarong."

  "Where are you going?" Ali said to Paramita, seeing her try to get up from the bed. "To the bathroom, didn't you say I need to get ready?"

  "After you've finished your breakfast. Sit down, you only ate half of it, you have to eat the rest. Besides, you shouldn't try to walk by yourself, you're still shaking."

  Raden Nabilla got her a very pretty tan Kebaya. Luckily it was designed in such a way that it wasn't too obvious that the sleeves were actually too short for her.

  Although it she was already neatly dressed, Ali had her wait on the bed, she was sitting there leaning against a tall stack of pillows, entertaining herself with channel surfing on the large screen TV in his room.

  She felt a sharp pounding pain in her head when flashes of memory filled her mind. She saw her mother Soraya in her bedroom. Suddenly she remembered the fight that they had. The taste of the bitter liquid in her mouth. She fuzzily recalled the sensation of blood dripping down her face. Her arms slowly started to hurt again, as well as her thighs and back. She managed to hold back her tears. She tried to manage her breathing to control her emotions and her physical pain, only to make it hurt her chest even more. She clutched her chest cringing at the pain.

  "Mita, are you okay? What's wrong?" She heard Ali saying from behind her.

  "My body hurts all over. Why is this happening to me?" She said.

  "Hold on, let me get the medicine that Doctor Johan prescribed for you, He said this was bound to happen." He quickly served a glass of water and gave her the painkillers.

  Paramita quickly swallowed the pills and drank the whole glass of water.

  "I'm sorry you have to go through this. Be patient until the medicine takes effect." Ali said while sitting down next to her.

  Paramita couldn't hear him, she was in so much pain. She lifted her knees to curl up her body. Ali quickly pulled her to him. "Don't do that, please, don't sit that way, you don't know how it scares me to see you like that. If you're in pain let me hold you until it goes away."

  She put her arms around his waist and held on to him tightly, trying not to cry. "What have I done wrong? Why me? Why me?"

  "'s okay, calm down, it will pass, be patient."

  After several minutes, he could feel her loosen her grip on him. "I feel better now, I think those pills have worked their magic on me." She told him.

  "Are you sure?" He asked, observing her.

  "Yes." She managed to force a smile. "Ummm. Abang, I vaguely remember that I had a fight with my mother in my bedroom at the Sultan's Palace, was she there?"

  "That's what I heard." He replied.

  "Abang, why did she do this to me?"

  "Do what?" Ali asked confused not understanding her question.

  "She forced a small bottle of pills down my mouth, if you said that I was drugged, then, why did my own mother want to drug me?" She said with a shaken expression.

  "We think that Madam Soraya was also drugged."

  "I hope she was....I really hope she was."

  Ali didn't say anything, for Paramita's sake he hoped that Soraya was drugged too.

  "Ananda Puteri, your father has arrived." Raden Nabilla said.

  "Mother, Mita just had a pain attack a few minutes ago. I don't know if it's a good idea for her to go downstairs to receive Paduka Sultan." Ali said.

  "Of course not she's sick she should stay here, Paduka Sultan can come up and visit her here."

  "Mita, I'm going downstairs to receive Ayahnda Sultan, wait here, okay?" He said to Paramita.

  "Sure, no problem." She replied with doubt.

  Ali went downstairs, his mind still occupied with what Paramita told him just now about Madam Soraya her mother. Thinking back at the extent of the effect the drug had on Paramita, it would be horrifying if it was true that her own mother actually consciously forced her to take it. What was more painful for him was the fact that Paramita had reason to consider the possibility of it. "Her life must have not been an easy one." He sighed just thinking about it.

  The Sultan had with him a small entourage, mostly consisting of the Royal Guards, headed by Colonel Anton. Ali saw his father was with them, and they were in the company of a man that he had never seen before.

  "His Majesty Sultan, I give you my most humble salute." Raden Nabilla greeted.

  "Adik, please, there is no need for formalities. We are all family, and today we are going to tighten our family ties." He answered.

  "Today, Paduka?" She asked.

  "Yes, this is Ustaz Mahmoud, he will be marrying Ananda Ali and Ananda Paramita today."

  Raden Nabilla was dumbstruck, unable to say anything.

  "Ali greets Ayahnda Sultan." Ali said.

  "Ali, I gather that you're ready."

  "Yes Ayahnda."

  "Since there was no time to prepare the dowry, Adik Hamza has promised to pay it directly to Ananda Mita. Where is she, I have to speak to her before the ceremony. Does she know about it?" Said The Sultan.

  "No, Ayahnda, we haven't told her anything." Ali replied.

  "Take me to her."

  "I, this way." Ali showed him the way.

  Paramita was waiting in the room, she turned off the TV. She was quite excited thinking that her father had taken time out of his busy schedule to see how she was doing. She straightened her sarong and fixed her hair with her hand.

  The bedroom door was ajar, she turned and standing there was her father. she tried to stand up to greet him. "Ananda greets Ayahnda Sultan."

  "Please sit down my child, you're still sick." He said.

  "Thank you, Ayahnda."

  "How are you doing?" He asked her kindly.

  "I'm better now. Bunda Nabilla and Abang Ali have taken good care of me."

  "I'm happy to hea
r that." He said to her. Ali had pulled up a chair for him to sit in. "Ananda Ali, please wait outside."

  "I" He replied shortly.

  "Puteri, as a woman raised in the western world, I'm sure you are used to people talking straight to the point. The reason why I came today first of all is to see how your health is doing, and if you are okay. The second reason is about your relationship with Ananda Ali."

  Paramita couldn't guess where this was going, she asked him, "My relationship?"

  "My daughter Mita. I, your royal father, know with all my heart, everything that has been happening lately is not your fault. But many events had led you to be in very close and private proximity with Ananda Ali. I hope that you understand, in our culture, this is considered inappropriate. There has been some talk about the two of you." He elaborated.

  "What does that mean?" She asked looking at him.

  "There are gossips about you carrying out adultery with Ananda Ali." He said cautiously.

  "Ayahnda, that's not true. How can that be possible? I...I..." Suddenly the words her mother said to her in her bedroom, echoed in her ears. "That's a lie."

  "It is!" Affirmed the Sultan, "And I'm sure that it was spread by the same people who have tried to harm you."

  She didn't answer.

  "Mita, the problem is, I as the Sultan of this country, I am not only the head of the government, but I am also the religious leader. All my actions and all my family's actions must be a good example to the people, and we cannot do things that are considered immoral."

  "But I'm not doing anything immoral." She insisted.

  "My child, I know that, but it is a matter of people's perception, this issue has greatly affected my credibility in front of the people of Jothar. And you shouldn't tarnish Ananda Ali's reputation."

  "I'm tarnishing His Excellency Raden Burhanuddin Ali's reputation? So what are you saying? Are you going to have me stoned to death?"

  "Mita, how can you think such a thing? We don't practice that here." The Sultan exclaimed. "I have thought of the proper solution to save our reputation. Today I have come here with Ustaz Mahmoud, . Today he will be leading your marriage ceremony with Ananda Ali."

  "Oh" She replied uninterestedly.

  "Do you agree with this?" The Sultan asked.

  Paramita was too upset to reply.

  "According to our custom, if a maiden doesn't answer that means she agrees. We will begin the ceremony in ten minutes. Raden Nabilla, will accompany you to go downstairs so you can sign the certificate. But if you're feeling ill, we can bring the documents up here. Anyway, it's not obligatory for the bride to be present during the marriage contract."

  Ali gazed at Paramita from the door, her eyes were red and moist and she was biting her bottom lip in anger. Her fingers were pale from the tight fist she was making. He took a deep breath, but couldn't do or say anything because of the Sultan's presence.

  Paramita sat in silence trying to restrain her anger. She had the urge to scream and shout in frustration, but she realized that she was a guest at somebody else's house.

  "Ananda, we should head downstairs now, they are waiting for you." Raden Nabilla came to her. "Come on I'll help you stand."

  Paramita felt her body limp, but she was determined not to show weakness. She took a deep breath and forced a smile. "I'm ready." She said.

  "Ananda, I'm very sorry, for everything, I'm very sorry" Raden Nabilla said.

  "Bunda, you have shown unconditional kindness to me since the beginning, I feel blessed to have met you and your family. It is like finding an oasis in the desert."

  "Let, me hug you for a minute." Raden Nabilla pulled Paramita's head to her chest and kissed it gently.

  "Thank you."

  They walked slowly to where the ceremony would take place. After she had sat down comfortably on the floor, the Ustaz began the sermon that contained religious quotes. After the sermon, the marriage contract followed.

  "I marry my daughter named Paramita Sawitri to you Burhanuddin Ali, with a dowry of gold to be paid within a month from now." The Sultan said.

  Instantly Ali replied, "I accept the marriage of Paramita Sawitri, with a dowry of gold to be paid within a month from now." This was followed by a handshake between the two to seal the contract. Afterward Paramita had to salute her new husband by kissing his hand. And both of them saluted their parents with the same gesture.

  After the ceremony both Paramita and Ali signed the registry paper. Colonel Anton and Raden Hamza signed as witnesses.

  Paramita feeling lethargic and spiritless asked to be excused to go back to the room and lie down.

  "Ananda Ali, take your wife to the bedroom so she can rest." Said the Sultan.

  "Yes sir."

  He helped her upstairs and led her to the bed. Once she was comfortably seated, he went to the walk in closet and came out with one of his clean pajamas. "Here, change into this, it will make you comfortable.” He entered the bathroom and came out with a plastic bottle. "You should drink this, it's called Valerian essence. I had it imported from Europe. This will calm you down and help you get some sleep." He said while mixing a few drops from the bottle with a glass of water and handing it to her.

  She drank it all down, and was about to lie down on the bed, when he said, "Change your clothes, if you try to sleep in those, it might obstruct your blood flow."

  "How can I change with you here?" She asked.

  "Well, there's nothing there that's not legally mine to see."

  "Excuse me?" she growled.

  "Never mind, look, now I'm your husband, so in the eyes of the law, society and God, there is no problem with me being here while you change. I'm not going to do anything strange. I just want to make sure that you're comfortable."

  "I suppose you're right." She replied. She took extra caution to show as little skin as possible while she changed.

  Ali smiled and shook his head. "Thank goodness it was me in the room while she was under influence last night." He thought.

  After she had finished changing, he helped her to lie down and covered her with a blanket. "Get some sleep. This is a good time to remember your own words."

  "What words?" She asked.

  "Tomorrow is another day."

  "That's right. Thank you," She smiled.

  "I'll sit here with you until you fall asleep." He said gently. "Can I hold you?"

  Paramita nodded leaning herself against him, "You know, I remember when I was seven years old, our driver at the time was Thomas. He had a daughter, Lizzy she was a few months older than me. When her eighth birthday came up Thomas borrowed money from my mother for a birthday party, he also asked if he can have one of my old dresses for his daughter to use at the party. I was invited. Lizzy looked so happy, she was glowing beautifully, before they cut the cake Thomas walked her to the floor and they danced the waltz. I remember thinking, I wish I could be a Princess like Lizzy. If my father is a Sultan, then why am I not a princess? Why can't I be his princess?" Her voice grew softer and then silent.

  Ali looked at her, she had fallen asleep. He wiped the tears from her face and put her head gently on the pillow, he kissed her cheek twice, "You're my princess." He whispered.

  He left the room and went back downstairs to attend to the guests.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Paramita didn't know how long she slept, but when she woke up, the curtains were closed, making the room dark. She felt refreshed and her own positive-self had returned. Her body was beginning to ache again, but this time it didn't feel like the physical torture she felt this morning, but rather it was a very familiar muscle burn like she would get after an excess of exercise, although today it felt a little more severe.

  Someone move beside her on the bed, she turned around to see who it was. Ali was peacefully sleeping there. She was about to punch him on the stomach and kick him off the bed, when she remembered that he had taken good care of her during this time and was most likely exhausted because of it. She didn't want to be an ungr
ateful person. Then she remembered that he was her husband now, as they are legally married. This made her blush.

  She quietly got off the bed and tiptoed to the window she peered behind the curtain, it was dark outside, could it be that she had slept for that long? She turned around to observe Ali's clothes, searching her mind to remember if it was the same one he had on earlier or not. "He's wearing the same clothes, luckily I didn't pull a Rip Van Winkle." She exhaled in relief.

  Paramita walked as quiet as possible to the bathroom, to get to it, she had to pass the walk in closet. She stopped to look at the way his clothes were organized, according to color. "Huh." She said to herself. In the bathroom, she washed her face with an abundance of fresh cold water. She had the sudden urge for a shower, a hot and cold water therapy always did her muscles justice when it was aching.

  She slipped out of the pajamas and entered the shower, enjoying the messaging effect of the pouring water. She discovered the shower head was specially designed to allow people to set the intensity and velocity of the shower water.

  Feeling rejuvenated, she lightly stepped out, she was about to grab the towel that was already waiting for her in front of the shower door. "How did this towel get here?" she asked herself. When she looked, Ali was standing there with his arm extended holding the towel for her.

  Shocked, she calmly backed up into the shower and closed the door. "Thanks, can you please leave the towel out there, if you need the bathroom, you can wait outside and I'll be out in no time."

  "I was worried when I woke up and didn't find you in the room." He said ignoring her words. I thought something had happened to you."

  "I'm fine. Thanks to you and your mother's kindness in taking care of me. I found that the aches in my body were actually tolerable muscle aches and not excruciating pains like it seemed to be this morning."

  "Hmmm, it probably was the psychotic effect of the drug that enhanced the sensation of your pain."

  She heard the sound of water trickling, "Are you relieving yourself?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "Shameless sap." She said under her breath, the replied out loud, "Never mind! Don't forget to wash your hands! I want to get out of the shower now!"


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