Princess: Nuance Of Love Book 1

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Princess: Nuance Of Love Book 1 Page 19

by Evida Suntoyo

  "Don't let me stop you." He replied nonchalantly with the sound of the tap being turned on and off in the background.

  She thought for a while and decided to be cool about the situation. She felt her face becoming hot and her heart pounding. She took a deep breath, opened the door, and extended her arm to take the towel from him. She wrapped it around her body.

  "Are you alright? Are you sick again?" He asked with a worried tone, seeing her red face.

  She quickly took advantage of the situation, "I'm feeling a little bit dizzy." She said.

  "Come on, let me help you walk back to the room." He said taking her by the waist.

  "We'll be temporarily living here until after the reception then we get to live in our new residence, because they need to increase the security there. I want you to know that Mak Noor will be coming tomorrow afternoon. She's coming here to live with us." He said to her.

  "That's great, thank you. I appreciate it, I really do." She said to him.

  "Well, you're my wife. Your family is my family." He said gently.

  "Do you by any chance have a pain relief cream?"

  "Of course I do." He said while walking back into the bathroom and coming out with a tube of muscle cream. "Where are you hurting?"

  "On my arms, my back, and my thighs. I wonder what happened, it's like I've been lifting weights or something." She said.

  "Weights? What you lifted was an eighty kilogram man, you lifted him off the ground by the neck and threw him to a tree."

  "Very funny!" She said sarcastically.

  Ali took off his shirt, seeing this Paramita stepped backward "What do you think you're doing?" the sight of his well-built bare torso made her nervous.

  He turned around and showed her his back. It was bruised in a diagonal line. She was surprised, she stepped forward to take a better look at it. "That's impossible." She said feeling guilty and bad towards him.

  "It's true, you did do it." Ali assured.

  "No, what I mean is, that's impossible that you only weigh eighty kilograms, with these spare tires you must at least weigh ten or twenty kilos more than that." She said while pinching his side.

  He turned around and grabbed her by the waist, "You're terrible." He laughed.

  There was a moment of awkward silence.

  "Um...does my father expect us to do it?" She asked her skin becoming red with embarrassment.

  "To consummate our marriage? Yes. If our marriage is consummated then it can't be annulated." Ali replied while letting go of her, his face also blushed.

  Mita took a deep breath "Then let's give the old man his peace of mind. Now, let's get it over with, what do you want me to do?"

  Ali stood still, he looked down at his crotch then looked then looked at Paramita, "Those words sound like a death threat to my little Ali. You've actually managed to scare him silly instead of inspire him." He said.

  "Bang....!" Mita tried hard not to laugh.

  "Let's not worry about that right now." He smiled, "Come on, I'll help you apply the cream. Go ahead and lie face down on the bed."

  Paramita hesitated, she looked at him for a few minutes "Should I put on my pajamas?" She asked.

  "That depends....." He replied with a smirk, "Do you want me to apply the cream on your pajamas or on your skin?"

  Paramita scowled as she walked to the bed and laid face down. The mattress bounced slightly as Ali sat beside her. She shuddered as she his hands smeared the cream on her shoulder. His gentle massage was delicious against her aching muscles. She closed her eyes enjoying the pressure applied to her flesh. He continued to her arms kneading them tenderly.

  "Do you want me to put the cream on your legs as well?" He asked.

  "Eh-he." She replied enjoying herself, "Now we know what other line of work you can explore if you fail to be a politician."

  "I'd make a good orderly in a mental institution too." He chuckled.

  He rolled Paramita gently into his embrace, he pulled her closer and kissed her lips. She didn't know how to react, a mixed feelings of embarrassment and curiosity was tugging at her brain. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to be drifted away by emotions that came crashing in like a tidal wave. Emotions that he had awakened in her. The sweet taste of his tongue in her mouth made her feel like she was about to melt away. Involuntarily she gasped as his hand pulled off her towel.

  She arched her back slightly off the mattress without letting go of his lips. He slowly moved his attention to her neck, kissing it, enjoying the soft scent that her smooth skin emitted. She moaned softly as his tongue traced her neck down to her shoulder, the sound of her moans made his blood boil.

  He pushed her legs apart to be able to position himself between them, “Mita, I’m sorry this is going to hurt a bit.” He whispered as he nibbled her ear gently.

  Paramita gasped as she felt his manhood touching her most intimate place, becoming nervous as he slowly pushed himself into her. She grabbed hold of his shoulder, pushing her face against his broad chest as she cried in pain. Wanting to pull herself away, but he held her firmly, he stopped and remained still without removing himself from her. “It’s okay…” He whispered persuasively.

  He gently began to push forward again, this time she can feel him halfway inside her. He kissed her lips, one hand caressed her hair and while the other kneaded her breast, she groaned as his touch began to excite her again. He took the opportunity to push away her remaining barrier, she whimpered as a sharp sting ran across her body.

  “Now, I’ve made you mine.” He murmured in her ear as he slightly pulled back and gently thrusting forward again.

  Paramita’s body quivered as her body surrendered in to ecstasy.

  * * *

  The Sultan had ordered Ali to not come to the palace until the ligature marks on his neck and bruise on his jaw had disappeared to avoid unnecessary speculations. Ali helped her walk downstairs to the dining room to have breakfast. Seeing them together, the maids smiled at them mischievously.

  "Did I grow a giant mole on my face overnight?" Paramita whispered to him.

  "Let me take a look.....nope." Ali replied.

  "Then why are the maids giving me that look?" She asked again.

  "What look?" He pretended not to understand.

  "The 'I know what you've been up to' look."

  "Well, we've just got married yesterday, and our hair is still humid from the shower. I think, they do know what you've been up to, especially after they clean our room later, they'll be one hundred percent sure about it."

  "Oh my goodness, you're so shameless, don't talk to me." She said, "Speaking of which, I think I should go back upstairs and take off the sheets, before anybody sees it."

  "Don't bother. I think they have to see what's there and report to the Sultan, your father."

  "Ugh, him..." Paramita mumbled.

  "If we clean it up, they might think we're hiding something. It's better for them to see the stains, so they know that I succeeded to be your first....and only." He said while pinching her nose, making the maids giggle. He helped her sit on a chair and sat next to her.

  Raden Hamza and Raden Nabilla entered together, "How are you doing this morning, Ananda?" She greeted Paramita with a big smile.

  "I'm very well thank you." She replied.

  "I'm glad to see that you have recovered quickly." Said Raden Hamza while sitting at the head of the table.

  "Good morning" Hafiz shouted cheerfully while walking through the door, he looked at Paramita, "Good morning, you're still here? That's good we'll have time to catch up."

  "My wife and I will be living here for a while until our residence is ready." Ali responded.

  "Wife?" Hafiz asked.

  "Your brother and Ananda Puteri were officially married yesterday, this was a decision made by His Majesty." Raden Hamza answered on their behalf.

  "Oh, nice to know that I wasn't invited." Hafiz said.

  "Don't feel bad, I wasn't either." Paramita answered.

Oh..." Hafiz answered while looking at her, "Then there's not much left to say than congratulations, is there?"

  "Thank you." Ali replied to his brother while moving s strand of hair from Paramita's forehead.

  "I hope you'll excuse me, I'm not hungry anymore. I'm going straight to work." Hafiz said while leaving the dining room.

  "Hafiz, wait, I need to talk to you." Paramita said, standing up and slowly walking towards the direction Hafiz had left to. Ali quickly followed her.

  She caught up with him in the hall, "Hafiz, I hope we can get along well."

  "Why can't we? I mean the girl I love is my sister in law now." He replied.

  "Hafiz, do you honestly love me? Or are you just being capricious because you lost something that you've taken for granted all this time?" She interrogated.

  "You're the person who knows my personality best."

  "I'm still your best friend, you know." She said, "But just in case you're going to be difficult about this whole sister in law situation, should I remind you why you hate me so much in the first place?"

  "You wouldn't dare...." He said.

  "Don't you know me by now?" She said with a straight face.

  "Die, you evil witch!" He said pointing his fist out in the air.

  Paramita turned around and ran behind Ali while laughing. Ali felt himself get caught in the merriment, and smiled. She peeked at Hafiz, and poked her tongue at him.

  "I'll keep my mouth shut if you drop the 'girl that I love' nonsense." She said.

  "I feel bad for my brother." Hafiz said at last. "Abang, good luck dealing with Madam Evil here! I'm going to work, I'll see you two later. Hah! See that! I actually work and practice what I studied in University! So There!" He said while walking away from them.

  Hafiz walked into his car, before he started the engine he turned towards the door, "Alright Mita." He said, "You waited for me through countless girlfriends, now it's my turn to wait for you to realize that you're in a doomed marriage. You'll see who would be there for you when he goes crawling back to that woman again.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Paramita opened the bedroom door to answer the knock, "Your Highness Puteri, Doctor Johan is here to see Raden Ali." The maid that was knocking at the door asked her.

  "Thank you. I will let him know." She answered.

  She closed the door and went to Ali who was reading some reports on his desk, "Abang, there's a Doctor Johan downstairs looking for you." She told him.

  "Oh, he's the doctor who treated you for the drugging." He explained, "You should come downstairs with me so he can take a look at you."


  Doctor Johan stood up when he saw them entering the living room. He was dumbstruck when he saw Paramita, "Your Highness Puteri, you're walking around already?"

  "Umm, why wouldn't I be?" She asked.

  "The reason that I rushed here after receiving the report of your blood analysis." He paused and swallowed his saliva, "The drug in your blood, it wasn't PCP. Well, it did contain PCP, but there were other components in it...

  Suddenly Maya interrupted," Excuse me, Raden Ali, there is a call for you from your assistant, he said it's urgent."

  "Excuse me, I need to take this call." Ali said as we walked out of the living room.

  "Doctor, please continue, with your explanation." She told him.

  "Oh yes Mam." He stuttered, "After doing an analysis of foreign chemical compounds diluted in your blood, we found that there were two types of drugs given to you. One is a regular over the counter estrogen based anti-conceptive, and the other is a test drug developed for Jothar's military forces. Please take a look at this report. Puteri, I treated many soldiers who were a part of the control group in this experiment, none of them are able to walk talk normally like you after ingesting it."

  She looked through the report, "Doctor, could it be that the high estrogen level in my blood at the time, actually attributed to my recuperation?"

  "I suspect as much." He replied.

  Paramita thought about his words, "Doctor, what is this drug called?"

  "It was patented under the commercial name Extemiva."

  "One moment, commercial name? I thought you said that this was a military drug experiment?"

  "But the military was not the only party involved, You Highness. They were in partnership with Holy Mountain Pharmaceuticals, this company was the one who patented the drug."

  "Holy Mountain Pharmaceuticals? Where have I heard that name before?" She searched her memory, then it suddenly hit her. "Of course, it all makes sense now. Doctor. I don't want you to tell any of this to my hu.... Umm...Raden Ali. Am I clear?"

  "But Your..."

  "I'm keeping this report. I repeat, I don't want you to say anything to him, until I have spoken to my father. Do I make myself clear, Doctor?" She repeated.

  "Yes Mam."

  "Given the seriousness of the matter, if I find out that you disobeyed me, I will have you executed." She bluffed. "Please keep in mind who my father is."

  "Mom." His voice was shaking.

  Just then Ali came back into the living room. "Sorry, it took so long, they needed some reports. I had to let them know where to find it so they can print a copy. So Doctor you were saying about the other components?"

  "There were other components that minimized the effect of the drug, so Her Highness Puteri is fine now." The doctor responded while glancing at her for approval.

  Ali smiled, "I'm relieved to hear that, so Puteri won't have any more problems because of this?"

  "No, sir. Your Excellency" He answered cautiously.

  "Abang, now that Doctor Johan has examined me and confirm that I'm in good health. I would like to go and see my father." She said.

  "Oh, sure. If you're feeling well enough we can go today." He answered.

  "Thank you." She smiled.

  "What did he talk to you about?" Ali asked.

  "No, nothing, it was just a curious medical fact that the doctor was kind enough to share with me, nothing important." She said.

  "Hmm, okay." He answered not too convinced.

  "Don't worry about it." She said again, "Doctor, you are excused now." She shoos him away.

  "Your Highness, Your Excellency, Please excuse me." He quickly said, then turned around to leave the living room. "What a scary woman." He thought to himself.

  * * *

  Paramita and Ali waited for the Attendant to announce their arrival to the Sultan. They were shown into the study, where the Sultan usually passed his afternoon leisurely reading. "Well, this is a pleasant visit, Ananda, I'm glad to see that you are back to normal now." He greeted them.

  "Good afternoon, Father." She replied to him, then kissed his hand.

  "Good afternoon, Father." Ali also saluted in the same manner.

  "Come, sit down. Tell me, how are you feeling? Is it alright for you to be walking around after what happened?" He asked his daughter.

  Paramita was feeling very anxious and impatient, "Ayahnda, I am feeling very well, in fact, I am Extemivally well." She said emphasizing.

  The Sultan looked at her with a surprised expression, his face turned pale, he turned to Ali and said. "Umm.... Ananda Ali, you couldn't have arrived at a more perfect time. I need you to help me with something. Please take the documents on the desk to the office of the Minister of Agriculture. I have reviewed your proposal, and I like it, but there are some details that need to be updated by his department. It would be better if you take it there yourself, so you can personally present your idea to the Minister and see how he thinks about it. Tell his assistant that I personally sent you, so you wouldn't need to make an appointment."

  "I, Paduka. Excuse me. Mita, please wait here until I get back. Don't go wandering off by yourself, it's too dangerous."

  "Okay." She answered shortly.

  He picked up the document from the desk and left the study, gently closing the door behind him.

  "What is this about Extemiva?" He asked her without fur
ther small talk after making sure that Ali had left them.

  "Oh, so you do know about it, Father?" She asked him back.

  "It was a Military test drug. During the time your uncle Pangeran Bashir was the Minister of Defense, they experimented with it on the Jothar elite forces. How did you hear about it?"

  "I heard it from Doctor Johan, the doctor that attended me when I was drugged. According to my blood analysis, the drug given to me had all the components of Extemiva."

  "That's impossible."

  She took out the folded report from her handbag. "Here, take a look."

  He read it, then looked at her, "Are you alright? Are you showing any symptoms? We should check you into a hospital right away and have you under observation."

  "Ayahnda, I'm Okay. At least I think I am, but if there are any side effects, I guess it's too late to do anything about it by now I mean it's been four days already." She reminded him.

  "There are some other things that concern me more Ayahnda, that's why I asked to come to speak to you."

  The Sultan took a deep breath. "Go ahead, tell me."

  "First, Mama was the one who forced the drug down my throat."

  "Soraya? Yes, I heard about that from the Royal guard and your nanny testified to it. When they questioned your mother, she said that she was giving you an anti-pregnancy remedy, as she thought you and Ali were in an adultery relation. But since you said it was Extemiva, then it's a different story altogether."

  "That's right Ayahnda. There are some things that need to be answered. Where did she get her hands on this drug? She had a roll of newspaper in her hand, they weren't in English. I find it hard to believe knowing my mother that she came off the airplane and bought them. And also, she's a celebrity and she knows very well how those tabloids are, so what triggered her to believe the news that I had that kind of relationship with Abang? I know my Mak Noor will always be careful about the thing that she would say to Mama, because of the way Mama would react at times. And besides, it seems that Mama came prepared with the bottle to feed it to me."


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