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Princess: Nuance Of Love Book 1

Page 27

by Evida Suntoyo

  She could hear the audience clapping. Benny ran up the stage and linked arms with her returning to the runway. They both took a big bow, and she joined the audience to applaud Benny. She received a bouquet of flowers from one of the stage assistant and handed it to the top designer kissing him on both cheeks.

  * * *

  Soraya cleaned the thick makeup off her face and put on her casual clothes. She carefully combed her long straight hair and tied it up in a ponytail at the top of her head. She put on a thin layer of powder and lipstick. Making sure that she looked impeccable, she strapped on her silver platforms and walked out of the dressing room.

  She walked passed the hall, where the stage and runway are being torn down. She waved goodbye to the assistants and headed to the door.

  "Sor...Soraya...." She heard Benny call out to her from behind, she turned around.

  "Benny, I'm leaving now, I have to help my mother at her shop."

  "Sor, come here, there's someone who wants to meet you."

  "Who is it, is it about another job?"

  "No.....My dear, it's someone very important who's very interested in you. Come here." He took her by the arm and dragged her with him out to the garden.

  In the distance she could see a silhouette of a man standing against the setting sun. As they came closer, she remembered him as the man who had earlier helped her find her earing back. She couldn't understand what Benny was so excited about.

  "Your Highness, Your Highness..." Benny called out.

  Soraya was quote surprised, "Your Highness?" She whispered to herself.

  "Your Highness, I've brought Miss Soraya here," He said again. The man turned around looked at her and flashed his charming smile.

  "Soraya, I'd like to introduce you to His Royal Highness. Your Highness Tuanku Pangeran Mahkota Abdul Kadir."

  Soraya was surprised to hear who he was. "Umm.....Tuanku Pangeran Mahkota, it is an honor and a pleasure to meet you sir." She said greeting him.

  "Miss Soraya, the pleasure is all mine. I'm actually, shall we say a fan of yours ever since you won the Miss Jothar pageant two years ago."

  "Thank you, Your Highness......."

  "Miss Soraya, may I invite you for a drink?"

  "Your Highness, please don't take offence if I decline your invitation. I have another job to go to. I help my mother at her boutique. Please excuse me sir." She said, then turned around to walk away.

  "Sor." Benny called out, "Your Highness Tuanku Pangeran, excuse me while I talk to my friend."

  He ran after her. "Sor, are you stupid? Clearly the Crown Prince is very interested in you, and you're running away from his invitation?"

  "Benny, Of course he's interested in me. Put a skirt on a broomstick and he'll want to hump it. I think every citizen of this country knows that Prince Abdul Kadir is a ladies' man. He's said to change lovers like he changes socks. Besides that, he's already married, with two wives."

  "Well as the future Sultan of this country, what woman wouldn't fall at his feet?"

  "Me! Goodbye Benny, call me if you know about another job" She said and kissed both his cheeks.

  Benny went back to Pangeran Abdul, "Your Highness, I am very sorry for her rudeness. She is a very headstrong and stubborn girl."

  "Hmmm....She is isn't she? She said her mother owns a boutique?"

  "Yes Your Highness."

  "Where is this boutique?"

  "It's on Patriot's Avenue, Your Highness. The shop name is Bintari."

  "Thank you Benny! Choose two of your best gowns and send one to each of my wives. You can call my secretary for the payment."

  "Thank you Your Highness."

  * * *

  Soraya jumped out of the taxi and ran into the boutique, "Ibu , I'm sorry I came late, I don't know why but......Why are you here?" She yelled at the man standing in front of the counter.

  "Soraya, don't be so rude, don't you know who this is?"

  "I do, Ibu. I had the pleasure of an earlier encounter with Your Highness Pangeran Mahkota."

  "I came to buy a dress, as a gift." He replied to her.

  "Ah.....Do you have any idea of what your wives' preference may be?"

  "Why do you think I'm buying it for any of my wives?"

  "Then is it for one of your lady friends?"

  "For my cousin in law, it's her birthday next week."

  "And you are buying her a dress? Is that even proper?"

  "Then maybe you can come with me to another shop and help me choose a right gift for her."

  "Or maybe not. If you are serious about buying a dress for your cousin in law, Anita can help you choose it. Otherwise, there's a shop two blocks down that sell artwork."

  Pangeran Abdul smiled at her feistiness, "I think I'll try the other shop."

  As he came out of the store a black Mercedes pulled up on the sidewalk. The door opened from the inside, and Pangeran Abdul entered the car.

  "Did you have a hard time finding this shop?" He asked to the man sitting at the driver's seat.

  "I had to ask some pedestrians." Raden Hamza answered. "So who is it this time?"

  "It's none other than Soraya Martina. Miss Jothar nineteen seventy, you know I have it hot for her, she has great curves, clear white skin, and those lips......Oh my goodness...I feel like I just want to........"

  "Cousin, please.......don't say anymore, you're making my skin crawl. I'm not trying to preach you, but don't you think you should use all that energy on trying to make peace with your wife Puteri Farida?"

  "She hates me, she always has."

  "If she hates you that much, where did those two kids come from?"

  "She just lies there like a piece of log with her eyes closed while I do all the work."

  "Did I really need to hear that?" Raden Hamza shivered.

  "You started it."

  "Does she still think about your brother?"

  "All the time. Even though she gave birth to two children of mine, she still calls his name in her sleep."

  "She knew him before she knew you, and they were in love."

  "Well, I did succeed to win against Bang Bashir in suppressing the left-wing movement, my politics and diplomacy against his military operation. Naturally my father was impressed with my skills, made me the Crown Prince and granted me a wife."

  "You already had a wife."

  "Yeah, but I could legally have taken three more."

  "Still, I think that you can at least make an effort in trying to win Puteri Farida's heart, marriage is not only about rolling around making children, it's about companionship, loyalty, and emotional happiness. It also requires a lot of work and tolerance."

  "Well your current wife is a good woman, so it's easy for you to say. I doubt you would make that remark if you were still married to Latifa."

  "Latifa is also a good woman albeit a very difficult one. I have tried everything to make my marriage work with her, but even a good and very beautiful woman can make a man grow sick of her if she always takes a non-compromising attitude."

  "But Nabilla is excellent wife, she loves Ali like her own child."

  "And he adores her and his little sister. But a wife is just as good as how her husband recognizes it. Puteri Siti is loyal and dedicated, yet you don't recognize her as a good wife. If you did, you won't have taken another wife and continued your adventures."

  "You know, I respect you, you are a real family man. I can never do that, I can't imagine having just one woman for the rest of my life."

  "I can't imagine not having just one woman for the rest of my life."

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Soraya walked out of the bathroom, cladded in a towel. She heard he mother shouting from the living room. "Soraya, there's a call for you from Benny..."

  "Okay Ibu, I'm coming..." She ran straight to the living room.

  "Child, why didn't you cover yourself, what happens if we have a guest or if somebody walks in."

  "Ibu, who'll walk in at this hour?" She rebutted stubbornly.

  "Hello Benny..." She answered the phone.

  "Sor, what are you doing this Saturday, do you have a job?"

  "No, do you have work for me?"

  "Well it's not exactly work, I'm holding a party at Wirakarta Continental. There'll also be many very important people at the party, some from the fashion industry, and some for the film industry. I think it would do you good to attend."

  "What time?

  "It starts at eight, so don't be late."

  "I'll be there."

  Soraya stepped down from the taxi in front of the lobby, she wore a black dress with matching shoes and purse. She entered the hotel lobby and asked the front desk about the location of the party. The receptionist directed her to the swimming pool area, as the party is held there. She walked passed the lobby, when she caught sight of some familiar faces, they were the girls who participated in the Miss Jothar pageant with her a couple of years ago. They greeted each other with utmost hypocrisy and walked together to the pool.

  They spotted Benny Tung mingling with the other guests. As soon as he saw them he waved calling them over. "Beautiful, you all look divine......Honeys, why don't the two of you go and mingle. Soraya, would you like something to drink?"

  "I'm good, I think I'll go and greet some people I know."

  "You go do that."

  Soraya walked around the people, saying hello to the people she knew. She was glad she came, she was introduced to several film producers, and had an opportunity to introduce herself to a very famous film director.

  Socializing has always been a strenuous activity for her. She slipped into a corner to take a break. A waiter passed in front of her with a tray. She took a glass of cocktail and slowly sipped it. To her surprise, a rose suddenly appeared at the side of her cheek. She turned around to see who it was.

  "You?" She exclaimed. "Your Highness, what not a surprise to see you here."

  "Miss Soraya, your sarcasm fascinates me. How are you today? Irritated as always? Could it be that you're developing hemorrhoids?" He teased.

  "You!" She said holding back her temper. She smiled. "Your Highness, I'm not always irritated, you have that magic effect on me."

  "You know, one very attractive side of you is your bad temper."

  "Why thank you, Your Highness. I'll take that as a compliment. If you would please excuse me, I'm going to mingle with non-royal but decent people." She said while leaving him.

  Pangeran Abdul smiled while observing her walking away, biting his lower lip as he stood there admiring the sway of her hips.

  After leaving him, she went to find Benny, knowing that Pangeran Abdul was at the party, it became uninteresting for her. He was chatting with some rich you ladies right at the side of the pool.

  "Benny, I think I need to excuse myself for now. It's getting late and my mother doesn't like me out at this hour."

  "But I haven't publicly thanked you for being the face of my latest collection. We need to make a toast."

  "Benny, you know I can't drink." She protested.

  "Just champagne and just a sip. Come on."

  Benny rang a glass by hitting it gently with a small spoon. "Everyone, pay attention. Thank you all for coming to the party. I want to take this opportunity to thank my lovely friend, Soraya Martina, the ex-Miss Jothar, who granted me the honor of being the model for my new collection. Everybody, please raise your glass for Miss Soraya."

  Soraya thanked them and took a sip at the champagne, just as she was about to put her glass down table, she was approached by other people who wanted to congratulate her. By the time she was able to put down her wine glass, she had drank about four of them. Soraya felt her head was spinning. She stumbled looking for a place to sit down and gather herself.

  "Are you okay?" Said a familiar male voice.

  Soraya looked up at him, "Your Highness, why are you here?" She slurred, feeling her head and eyes heavy. She ran to the bushes and started emptying her stomach. She felt a hand massaging her neck and holding her hair back.

  "You should have gone easy on the champagne." He said.

  She looked at him, her vision was becoming blurry, and suddenly the world was dark.

  * * *

  Soraya woke up her mouth was dry, her body hurting, and there was a sharp sting between her legs. She tried to sit up, when she realized that she wasn't wearing anything under the covers. In confusion she looked to the other side of the bed. She was surprised to find that she wasn't alone. For a few minutes, she tried to grasp what had happened. It finally dawned on her, she had been raped.

  She tried climbed down from the bed, when she felt somebody holding her hand, she turned around. "You monster, you monster!" She screamed at him. She used her hands to attack him.

  "Soraya, calm down, calm down...." Pangeran Abdul Kadir said.

  "How could you do this to me? You ruined me." She screamed hysterically.

  "Soraya, I didn't know that you've never........I'll take responsibility for you." He said again.

  "Take responsibility for me? Can you give me back what you stole from me? What right do you have to violate me like this, just because you're a Prince and I'm a commoner?" She started to cry uncontrollably, she leaped forward towards him hitting and scratching him as hard as she can.

  "Hit me all you want, I deserve it." He said softly.

  Soraya straightened herself and looked at him with hatred. "Fine, you had your way with me, you took what you wanted. Now go!" She said coldly, "I won't let you trample on my dignity anymore. Go! Get out of this room! Leave me alone!" She yelled.

  "Soraya, please listen to me. I'll marry you, okay? I'll take responsibility."

  "The only responsibility I want from you is to see you go to jail for what you've done to me. But of course, that's not going to happen. I can't subject my reputation and my family's reputation to that kind of humiliation. And I'm sure people will start pointing fingers at me because, I'm just a small-time model, and you're the Crown Prince of this country." Her voice was calm now. Soraya had always been strong and sensible. She realized that what had been done is done. The most important thing for her at this moment was to move forward with the ruins of her life. "Go! I don't want to see you anymore!"

  Pangeran Abdul Kadir got out of the bed and put on his clothes, he turned around again, "Soraya..."

  "Go!" She shouted pointing towards the door.

  She watched as he left and closed the door behind him. She rolled herself in a fetus position in the bed and began to cry.

  She threw the flower bouquet into the trash can, these past two weeks, he continuously flooded her with gifts of sweets and flowers that carry "forgive me" notes, they were sent everywhere, to her home, to the boutique, even to every job that she was contracted.

  Her mother was excited about the idea of the Crown Prince courting her daughter. "Ibu, please don't tell anybody about this." Soraya asked her.

  "But why? This is an honor for us and the family." She replied.

  "No it's not, trust me it won't be an honor." She said in a serious tone.

  Her mother looked at her with hesitation and concern. This past few days her daughter had changed. She was no longer the cheerful, feisty and happy young woman she used to be. Now she would keep to herself all the time and sit quietly, lost in her thoughts. Soraya always denied that anything was wrong, but she knew her daughter well enough to know when she was lying. Her motherly instinct told her that her daughter's current state had something to do with Pangeran Abdul Kadir.

  * * *

  Lately, she had had headaches. The sight of food was her number one enemy. Every time she smelt or saw any type of cooking, it would give her the urge to vomit. Her mother noticed this. "Soraya, who is it?"

  "Ibu, what are you talking about?"

  "Who is the father of your baby? Who made you pregnant?"

  "Baby? What makes you think I'm pregnant?"

  "Soraya, you haven't been eating, you've been fainting and vomiting, and I don't think I saw you having
your period."

  "No! No!" She screamed hysterically, "I can't be pregnant, no....." Taking her head into her hands and pulling at her hair, she started crying and screaming at the top of her lungs.

  "Soraya, Soraya, calm down, what happened to you? Why are you like this, child? Talk to me..."Her mother cried.

  "Noor......get me some water....." She shouted at Noorhayati.

  Noor ran into the living room with a glass of water. "Madam, what happened with Miss Soraya?"

  They were surprised to hear a banging at the door. "Soraya....Soraya.....are you okay?"

  "Madam, there's is a man at the door calling for Miss Soraya." Noor exclaimed.

  "Noor, open the door." She ordered recognizing the voice, "There must be a reason he's here at this hour."

  Noor opened the door Pangeran Abdul Kadir was standing there accompanied by a tall man with a very pleasant face.

  "What happened? I heard screaming." He entered without waiting to be welcomed in.

  "You!" Soraya's mother stood up and pointed her finger to his face. "What did you do to my daughter? Why is she like this?"

  "Madam, please. Soraya, Soraya what's wrong?" He headed straight to the woman crying and curled up on the floor.

  "Don't touch me......stay away, Ibu....tell him to go...I don't want to see him, don't touch me......" She screamed.

  The other man kneeled near her, "Miss Soraya, Miss Soraya, Pangeran told me what had happened. Miss Soraya calm down. Please, pass me the glass of water." Raden Hamza said to Noor. Noor gave the glass to him, "Miss Soraya, drink this, this water. This will help you to calm down."

  She accepted the glass from him and took a sip at the water.

  "Drink some more." He said to her. "Have you calmed down?"

  She nodded.

  "Why don't we go to the living room, let me help you." He helped her to stand up and walk to the living room, before gently helping her to sit down on the couch. Soraya mother hastily sat down beside her daughter, hugging her protectively.


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