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Full Moon Rising - 02

Page 24

by Heath Stallcup

  “We’re on the wrong side of the world to be trying to guess at anything.” He said quietly. “Team 2 and the police investigators will get us something as soon as they can. Until then, all we can do is sit tight and pray that the plane rerouted back to its original destination…for whatever reason.”

  Laura stood and placed her glass on his desk. She didn’t mean to pry, but she noticed the monitor on Matt’s desk was set to the security camera footage of the girl on ice. She glanced at him, still staring out the window to the training area. She wanted to ask him what he planned to do about her, but held her tongue. They had too many other issues that were more pressing. Instead she simply turned and headed for the door. “Permission to resume my post, sir?”

  Matted grunted and gave her a smirk. “Of course, XO.”

  “Thank you, Matt.” She paused. “For everything.”

  “You’d have done the same.” He said, his eyes still staring out the window, but seeing none of it. His mind had wandered and his heart had pulled him elsewhere.


  Jack hung up the phone with Major Sheridan of Team 1 out of Newcastle, England. The SAS operator wasn’t very keen on the idea of uprooting his people and heading for ‘the colonies’ on Jack’s word, but after a very lengthy discussion and a lot of explaining on how they came across their information, Jack was able to convince the good Major that the intel was good. Sheridan didn’t like the idea, but he agreed that luring the vampire army into the American desert would be a better idea than risking civilian populations across the world in a vain attempt at holding them back until the Sicarii could be found and possibly stopped.

  They had discussed the possibility of using the African desert, but both agreed that the unfamiliarity of the terrain, plus the lack of a decent sized military outpost was too much of a disadvantage. And neither man knew if the satellites in question could be repositioned to work in the amount of time being proposed.

  Sheridan agreed to contact the leaders of Team 2 and make arrangements to move their people and what resources they could to the states as well. He knew he had a fight on his hands, but he would do it. Nobody liked the idea of leaving their own area unguarded, much less going to a foreign area to fight. It would effectively mean turning over control of their people to the head of the Americans and that just didn’t sit well. Each team was its own entity, with its own strengths and weaknesses. Nobody knew those strengths or those weaknesses as well as their own leadership.

  Jack was not looking forward to the pissing contest that would most likely take place once the battle started. Unless Mitchell could convince each team to play well together, this trap scenario might well blow up in their face.

  He worked his way to the gym where he could hear what sounded like a battle going on. He threw open the door and found Hank and Sanchez going at it with practice swords, both drenched in sweat and looking exhausted, but neither willing to quit. He stood back to watch as the two continued despite their obvious exhaustion. Maria would strike and Hank would block, then Hank would strike and Maria would parry just in time, their movement fluid as if choreographed. Jack was mesmerized by their fighting. He could hear Hank giving her cues, “Now attack. Again, again, and block.” He said, huffing.

  “What’s going on?” he asked loudly and both stopped and turned to look at him, as if caught doing something they shouldn’t be.

  “I, uh…asked Hank to give me a few pointers on using the long blade.”

  “And she’s a natural.” He said proudly. “It took me years to get where she’s at after just a few hours.”

  “Why the blade, Maria?” Jack asked, curious.

  “You ever run out of ammunition and have a horde coming down on you?” she asked. “I have. I don’t ever want to feel like that again.” She said defiantly.

  Jack nodded. It made sense. And, he had to admit, he had seen the Padre in action with a blade and couldn’t think of a better teacher. “Sounds perfectly logical.” They both stood there and looked at him as if waiting for him to say something else. “Oh, uh, Second Squad should be landing any minute. Just thought you might like to know.”

  They both just nodded and Maria muttered a ‘thanks’ as they turned back to their practice. He turned to go but watched as she moved with the wooden practice sword and he was impressed. He knew it wouldn’t be long and they’d have another hunter packing a katana on her back. He stifled a smile as he stepped off and pictured her in a kimono…how the thought jumped into his mind, he had no idea.

  Maria spun and swung the wooden sword as if dancing with the blade, Hank meeting her swinging arcs and thrusts, often with a grunt and a facial contortion indicating the effort he was exerting to keep up with her. Between blows she would try to toss in a leg sweep or a punch to keep Hank on his toes or to get the better of him, but being the master of hand to hand combat that he was, Hank either expected the moves or saw them coming. Jack felt a slight pang of regret that he would be leaving as he watched the two dance in mock combat. He knew that he would miss the camaraderie shared here among the hunters. Jack turned again to leave, the sounds of the wooden swords clacking together in battle echoing in his ears.

  As he made his way up the stairs he ran into Popo and Hammer coming down. Second Squad had returned and must have rushed to stow their gear. Pedro motioned to Jack with a quick flip of his chin. “’Sup, Chief? What’s the word on Dom?”

  “I’m not sure, but I think they rerouted his plane to Aviano Air Base. He’ll probably catch a commercial flight back if there aren’t any military hops jumping the pond.” He said.

  “Lucky fucker will probably have a stewardess wrapped around his little finger before he lands.” Hammer said with a grin.

  “Wouldn’t be his little finger, if you know what I mean.” Popo teased.

  “I’ve seen him in the shower, remember? He’d be more impressive if he used his little finger.” Hammer said blankly.

  Popo burst out laughing and Jack just chuckled as he continued up the stairs. He knew that the remark was meant in jest and that had Dom been there, they would have gotten back as good as they delivered. As he rounded the corner, Apollo nearly ran him over. “Whoa, buddy. Where’s the fire?” he asked.

  Apollo had a disturbed look painted across his features. “Colonel’s called me to his office. I think it’s about Dom.” He replied. “It didn’t sound good, man.”

  “I’m going with you then.” They both turned and double timed it to Mitchell’s office.

  After Mitchell sat the men down and did his best to fill them in on what had occurred over the last twenty minutes, the two Team Leaders were stunned. It amazed them at how quickly things could go from good to bad and bad to worse. Apollo did his best to swallow his anger. He had just spoken to him over the radio and everything was… “How long before we know anything, sir?”

  “Team 2 sent their people to the airport that the plane was scheduled to land at. They’re going to get back to us ASAP…if there is anything to report.” Mitchell did not look happy.

  Apollo turned to Jack, “What are the odds these could be good guy vampires like the ones that grabbed you?”

  “Zilch.” Jack stated. “They wouldn’t have had a reason to grab any of our guys. We’ve got an agreement with them now.” He said looking toward Mitchell for confirmation. “You could say that we’re partners now.”

  “Great.” Apollo swore through gritted teeth. “So we know that whoever got Dominic is not a friendly, but we think that he’s most likely still alive.” He looked to the others for agreement and they nodded.

  “Whatever they want him for, it’s most likely information.” Mitchell agreed. “But Dom wasn’t with us when we went to the island, so he can’t tell them anything about that.” He countered. “As far as information is concerned…valuable intel, he doesn’t really have any.”

  “Bullshit!” Apollo argued. “He can give our location, our abilities, our strengths and weaknesses…the fact that we’re werewolves!”

  “True, there is that, but in the grand scheme of things, that information isn’t going to help the enemy.” Jack said. “He doesn’t know what our plans are for confronting the enemy, what weapons we hope to deploy, what strategies we plan to bring to bear…”

  “So what? Are we just gonna write him off then?” Apollo asked, his anger rising to the forefront.

  “No.” Mitchell interrupted. “We’re not. But before we do anything, we need to figure out one thing first.”

  “What’s that?” Apollo asked, still angry.

  “Could Dom have gone against Laura’s direct order and went on his own?” he asked quietly.

  Apollo’s anger quickly vented. He had listened in on their conversation but the thought that DeGiacomo would purposely go against a direct order? Apollo just couldn’t swallow that bitter pill. “Sir, with all due respect, I can’t see Dom doing that.” He answered quietly. “I know he can be pig headed at times and he is the type that once he gets a thought in his head, it’s hard to get him to shake it loose, but he would never go against a direct order once it is given…”

  “Are you absolutely sure about that, Apollo?” Mitchell asked. He was careful not to raise his voice or to ask in an accusing manner. He, too, respected Dom as both a person and an operator, but even he questioned if perhaps the man might have purposely disobeyed the order so that they could find out who was behind the recent attacks and suspicious activity.

  Apollo was shaking his head. “I’m one hundred percent certain, sir.” Apollo answered quietly.

  “Very well then.” Matt stated simply. “You know him better than the rest of us, and he is your man. I’ll take your word for it and we’ll go with this as if he was abducted a second time.” Matt went back to his computer for a moment and clicked in something on the keyboard. “We still haven’t heard anything from Team 2, but I expect an initial report any moment.”

  “Then what?” Jack asked. “Are we going to gear up and go look for him?”

  “Negative. This is Team 2’s territory. We aren’t going to go pissing in their backyard just because it’s one of our men.” Mitchell could tell that order didn’t sit well with his two team leaders. “We need all of the teams to come across the pond, here, for our plan to work. If we go pissing them off, it will never happen.” He could see Jack trying to calm himself, but Apollo was still getting madder by the moment. “Besides, they know the territory better than anyone. They are already plugged in to all the local assets and can do things a lot more quickly than we ever could. Wouldn’t you agree with that?”

  Begrudgingly, Apollo nodded. “Yes, sir. You’re right. They certainly could do that.” He sighed. “I just really don’t like leaving Dom’s fate up to another team.”

  “Nor do I. But we have to do this one by the book gentlemen.” Mitchell stated officially. “I’ll let you know when I hear anything.” He stated, letting them know that the meeting was over.

  “Thank you, sir.” Apollo said as he got up to leave. Jack lingered a bit longer.

  Once Apollo had closed the door, he turned back to Mitchell. “Do you really think that Dom was abducted a second time?” he asked, his voice low so that nobody outside the door with enhanced hearing could hear him.

  Mitchell sighed and shook his head. “It doesn’t matter what I think, Chief. What matters is that they think I’m in their corner.” Matt stood and went to the window looking over the training area where some of the men were watching Maria and Hank go at it with the wooden swords. “If you’re asking me if I think Dom could have gone against a direct order? Yes, I suppose it’s possible. If you’re asking me do I think that he somehow turned against us and is working with the vampires? Then, hell no. That would never happen.” Matt turned to Jack and looked him square in the eye. “Mr. DeGiacomo would sooner have his guts ripped out through his asshole then to turn against his squad mates. I know that for a fact. Cut the boy and he bleeds red, white and blue.”

  “But he may have allowed himself to be taken hoping to finger the head bad guy? A two thousand year old vampire? Like Dom would stand a chance against…”

  “He had no idea who he would be going up against, remember? Nobody did until Thorn got that scroll from the emissary guy.” Matt corrected him. “Hell, we thought we were going there to discuss not killing the ‘good guy’ vampires, remember? And we just happened to trip into the shit-storm that your wife saw coming in one of her visions.” Matt turned and stepped toward his shelves. “Dammit, I need another drink. You want one?”

  “I was going to say no, but, yeah. I do.” Jack said as he sat back down.

  Matt poured as he spoke. “If this thing is as bad as Nadia let on, then we are in for one helluva shit storm, Jack.” He said as he handed Jack the scotch and sat again, pointing as he spoke. “I don’t know what kind of voo-doo your mother in law works, but she…fixed me somehow before I shifted. And all the way to Thorn’s island, Nadia kept making little comments about the upcoming ‘war’ and you were going to be instrumental in it.” Matt sat back and eyeballed him. “Any idea what the fuck she’s talking about?”

  Jack shook his head. “She hasn’t told me, Skipper. And honestly, I have no fucking clue.” He took a long pull from the burning amber liquid and exhaled hard. He couldn’t understand how Mitchell could drink so much of it as if it were water.

  “Well, whatever it is, she seems to think that you’re the key to this. She told me to ‘protect you’ because without you, the dark one could win.” Matt pointed his finger at him again as if accusing him of some unknown crime.

  “I wish she would tell me what it is I’m supposed to do so I can practice it!” Jack said with a silly grin. “I’d hate to get to that moment of truth and then choke!”

  “Me too.” Matt agreed. He was about to add something else when the buzzer on his phone went off. He punched the speaker button.

  “Colonel, you have a call on line 3.” The voice stated.

  “Who is it?” Matt asked.

  “Said his name was Tufo. Said he used to work with you ‘back in the day’, sir.”

  “Probably just wants to say thanks for getting his family out safe.” Mitchell said as he picked up the phone and punched the button. Jack could hear Mark on the other line yelling, chewing the Colonel’s ass and a smirk crossed his lips. He had to turn his face and purse his lips to keep from letting the Colonel see it.

  “Now just hold on a damn minute, Gunny. You can’t call me and talk like…” but Matt was interrupted again. He listened and rather than let his blood pressure rise, he closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Suddenly he was on his feet. “Like hell you are! You were released years ago, Mark. You are NOT coming in. Do you read me, Marine?”

  Those comments were met with more yelling and some ear piercing epithets that made Jack blush…and he had been a sailor for many, many years. Jack tried not to listen, but when he saw Mitchell’s face start to redden, he stood and stuck his hand out requesting the phone. “I’ll take care of it, Skipper.” He whispered.

  Matt sighed and handed the phone over to Jack. Mark was still screaming on the line when Jack tried to place it to his ear.

  “Mark? Hello, Mark? Hey, it’s me, Jack. Chief Thompson. Are you there?” he said calmly into the phone. Mark immediately calmed down.

  “Where did that slimy, self-centered, son-of-a…”

  “The good Colonel is right here, Mark. I thought I might be able to help you better though. What seems to be the problem?” he asked.

  Mark took a deep cleansing breath and began again. “I called up there to give a very heart-felt thanks to you boys and got a chance to talk to Ms. Youngblood. I found out that the young man who helped us escape got captured, is that true?”

  “Yes, it is, and we are currently…”

  “I’m coming in. I’m reactivating myself and I’m going to help.” He stated flatly.

  “Uh, well, look, Mr. Tufo we have plenty of capable operators here who can…”

“Don’t double talk me, boy. I was hunting monsters when you were still shitting green!” he yelled into the phone. “My bag is packed and I ain’t taking no for an answer!” he stated.

  “I understand you want to help and you’ve been doing a fine job all these years, but the game has changed quite a bit since…”

  Tufo cut him off again, “Don’t patronize me, Chief. Just, don’t do it.” He said, his voice low, calm, even and mean. “I was one of the last surviving members of the original Monster Squad. When Mitchell recruited a new batch of young pups from the fields, he gave me my walking papers and sent me packing.” He said, venom in his voice. “No explanation, no thank you, no kiss-my-ass, nothing. Now, this young fella came out and helped my family and I want to repay the debt.

  “There ain’t a one of you that has the time in the field that I do. Not one of you has the skillset I do. Not one of you has the record against these bastards that I do. I may be a little older now, and there may be a little bit of creaking in the knees and snow on the roof, but I can keep up and I’ll do more than my fair share of the killing.”

  Jack was taken aback at Tufo’s demeanor. He covered the phone and whispered to Matt, “He was one of your original squad members?”

  Matt nodded and said, “I let him go when we started augmenting. He had a family. I had to.” Jack could read the sadness in his eyes when he explained what happened.

  “I’ll pick you up at the airport, Mark. You won’t need clothes. We’ll see to it you have a uniform. You can get a shave kit here when you arrive.” Jack said. Matt’s eyes bulged and his jaw dropped. “Okay, see you then.” Jack said and hung up.

  Matt took a moment to process what just happened. He turned to Jack and asked, “Just who in the hell is in charge of this place?”


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