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SEALed Embrace

Page 5

by SEALed Embrace [Evernight] (mobi)

“Isi.” His voice was deep and husky, his tone tinged with desire.

  She looked into his smoldering eyes and nearly gasped at the fire she saw there, fire for her. There was no doubt he was hungry and only her body would satiate his need. Her panties, now wet with her arousal, felt too tight, her bra too confining. With just one word, he could be hers. She wet her lips as she fought for what to say or do. She knew that just once wouldn’t be enough, not with Garren.

  “Tell me you want me,” he demanded. “Say the words and let me ease your suffering.”

  It was oh so tempting, but did she dare? The slam of the front door broke her reverie and she pulled back her hand, a hand she hadn’t realized was reaching for the sexy-as-sin lion next to her. Bad hand!

  Dagan stomped into the kitchen. “That woman!”

  Isi swallowed down her lust and summoned a smile. “She’s pretty great, isn’t she?”

  Dagan leaned against the island and folded his arms over his chest, his lips thinned, giving him a stern expression. “So does she hate all men or am I just lucky?”

  “She doesn’t hate men,” Isi hedged. “You have to understand, she was betrayed and disfigured by a male who had sworn he was devoted to her. She didn’t trust easily before that, but afterward… I’m amazed she’s let me and a few others get close enough to call her a friend. Are you really interested in her?”

  “Maybe. Are you sure she’s human and not a porcupine? She slings barbs like the little critters throw quills.”

  Isi pressed her lips together to stifle a laugh, but her shoulders still shook with merriment. How apt of a description. She’d never really thought about Hailey as a porcupine before, but if her friend were going to be a shapeshifter, that would be an ideal form for her to take. She could almost picture the little beady-eyed thing, complete with teal quills.

  Garren shot him a dark look. “Your timing sucks.”

  Dagan’s eyebrows shot up. “Interrupted something, did I? That might be a good thing, considering you’re in the middle of the kitchen and all. The last thing I want to see is your bare ass as I walk through the door.”

  Isi felt her cheeks flush. Dagan was right. They’d come close to doing something they shouldn’t, and she was grateful for the interruption, even if Garren wasn’t. There would be time later to explore the sexual tension between them, preferably when they were alone. In a bedroom. With the door locked.

  Dagan gave her a wink. “Now, Isi’s bare ass—”

  He didn’t get to finish his statement before Garren was out of his chair and launching himself at the other shifter. Dagan merely laughed as the lion tackled him, knocking his ass to the floor. He didn’t even try to defend himself or break his fall. Even with the pissed off lion glowering down at him, teeth bared, Dagan merely gave him a cheeky grin.

  “Push a button there, did I, big guy?” Dagan asked. “No worries. You know I don’t poach, especially not when it comes to mates. Isi is as safe with me as my sister would be.”

  “You don’t have a sister,” Garren growled.

  “Yeah, but if I did…”

  Garren grunted and let the shifter up off the floor. “Fine. Just stay away from Isi, unless it’s a matter of life and death. I’d hate to kill one of my best friends.”

  Isi narrowed her eyes at Garren. “Just because you think I’m your mate, doesn’t mean I’m agreeing with you. Don’t think for one minute that you’re marking me. Not even if I succumb and we have wild monkey sex.”

  Garren’s lips twitched. “Wild monkey sex?”

  She waved her hands. “You know what I mean. It’s obvious my body responds to you, I can’t hide the fact that you turn me on. I think it’s safe to say you’ll be the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  His gaze trailed down her body before sliding back up. “And just how many men have there been? How many wolves do I need to put down?”

  Isi rolled her eyes. “You’re such a caveman.”

  She snatched the bag containing her sandwich off the table and opened it, turning her attention away from Garren for the time being. Her stomach rumbled and her mouth watered as the scent of turkey and cheese wafted under her nose. After unwrapping the white sub roll, she opened wide and took a big bite. Closing her eyes in ecstasy, she chewed slowly, savoring the flavors as they burst on her tongue.

  The front door opened and she heard Lee and Parker’s voices. The men stepped into the kitchen and each dropped two military issue bags on the floor. Both men looked grim as they glanced her way.

  “This village needs to come with a warning label. Beware: Crazy-Ass Wolves,” Parker said. “I’m not sure what’s worse, the women trying to whore themselves out to us, or the dark looks we received when people found out why we’re here.”

  “How did the pack get hold of you?” Isi asked. “I thought you were driving straight to the helicopter and back.”

  “The Jeep broke down four blocks away. We had to walk the rest of the way here, and since we’re new, we drew the attention of anyone who was out and about. It’s almost like the first person who saw us activated a phone tree or something, because after we saw one person, there were about ten or so more. And on the way out, we didn’t see a single person,” Lee said.

  “You probably aren’t far off,” Isi said around a bite of sandwich. She was too hungry to worry about manners.

  There was a knock at the front door and the men tensed.

  “Now what?” Lee asked.

  “We ordered pizza,” Isi said. “I’m sure it’s just the delivery guy.”

  Dagan and Parker went to answer it, leaving Lee and Garren watching over her. Did they really think psycho wolves would burst through the door and attack her? While it was true that there was no love lost between the McGraw pack and her, she didn’t think she had to worry about random attacks. Of course, before now, she never would’ve thought anyone would harm her, but obviously someone had set her up.

  When Parker returned with an armful of pizza boxes, she smiled. “See, I told you it was just the delivery guy. You really should learn to relax more.”

  “If we relax, you could end up dead, or worse,” Garren said.

  “Or worse? What’s worse than being dead?” she asked.

  “Remember what we said about human trafficking? You could’ve been sold to a brothel in Mexico, or to a private collector,” Parker said. “I know you think we’re uptight, but we’re trying to keep you safe.”

  “I appreciate all you’re doing, really I do, but you’re going to suffocate me. I’m not used to being surrounded by people, especially men who are watching my every move,” Isi said.

  “It’s not you we’re watching, love, it’s everyone else,” Garren said. “With the exception of Sean, everyone here is a suspect. I know you said you’d vouch for your friends, but I can’t tell you how many times we’ve rescued people who were betrayed by someone close to them. People don’t always show you who they really are.”

  She grudgingly admitted he had a good point, but she still couldn’t believe that Tomi, Hailey or Grace would be behind her kidnapping. It was sad that she couldn’t exclude her parents, but as disappointed and embarrassed as they were by her, it wouldn’t surprise her to discover that they’d found a way to rid themselves of the problem—the problem being her. How sad was it that her own family didn’t want her?

  Isi finished her sandwich and watched the guys inhale the pizzas. They didn’t even bother sitting down, they just grabbed slices out of the box and scarfed them down. It was like watching a pack of hyenas after a kill. She was both fascinated and repulsed at the same time. Hadn’t they ever heard of a plate, or a napkin? She cringed as Lee used the back of his hand to wipe grease off his chin.

  Garren tossed down the crust in his hand and pulled a paper towel off the roll by the refrigerator. He wiped his mouth, cleaned off his hands and threw it away. She was impressed that he’d thought to do something so civilized. After the way he’d eaten, she wasn’t sure what to expect from him.

“It’s late,” Parker said before shoving the last bite of pizza into his mouth.

  “Parker’s right. You should probably get some rest, Isi. You’ve had a rough time these past few days. I don’t know what we’re going to face tomorrow. You need to get some sleep so you’ll be refreshed and ready to tackle anything that comes our way.” Dagan smiled. “We’re going to take care of you, but we need you to be sharp, to stay focused.”

  Isi glanced at Garren before returning her attention to Dagan. “I’d love to, just as soon as the sleeping arrangements are worked out.”

  In her peripheral vision, she saw Garren move closer to her. She turned her head and looked up at him. She saw the storm brewing in his eyes and knew she’d angered him, but she didn’t care. Just because he’d decided where she was going to sleep, didn’t mean it was the way things would be. If he wanted her in one of the master suites, then he’d better plan on bunking with someone else, or sleeping on the couch. There was no way she was sharing a bed with him.

  He reached out and gently stroked her jaw with his fingertips. His warm, calloused skin sent a shiver down her spine. What would it feel like to have those hands stroking her elsewhere? She gave herself a mental shake. No, she wouldn’t think like that. That road led to trouble.

  “I told you where you’re sleeping,” he said, his voice a sexy rumble.

  “We can’t share a bed, Garren.”

  “Come on. I’ll put you to bed and we can talk about it some more.” He reached for her hand, tugging her to her feet. Before she could protest, he swept her into his arms and began striding out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

  With her arms around his neck and her body cradled in his arms, she allowed herself a moment’s pleasure and inhaled his masculine scent. Pressing her nose against his throat, she breathed him in, even knowing it wasn’t a good idea. She couldn’t seem to help herself. His arms tightened around her and his strength made her feel safe and secure. There was no doubt in her mind that Garren would protect her at all costs, would take care of her, even if she didn’t want him to.

  They entered the farthest bedroom and Garren kicked the door shut. Her bag was already beside the bed and she wondered when someone had brought it up. He eased her down his body until she stood on her own two feet, weak knees and all. He smoothed her hair back from her face, his fingers trailing down her neck. His touch sent a shiver through her as his callused fingertips slid across her skin.

  Her body was tense, her heart racing, as she contemplated what would happen next. She knew Garren wanted to have sex with her, but was that what she wanted in return? Really wanted? She couldn’t deny she was attracted to him, wondered what it would feel like to have his powerful body wrapped around hers, but she didn’t want to make a mistake either. Something told her that being intimate with Garren would change her forever. She should send him on his way, make him leave the bedroom while she still had her senses about her.

  “You should go.” Her voice came out different than she’d planned. She’d meant to sound strong, sure of her decision. Not weak and wanting.

  He gave her a crooked smile. “I’ll go, but there’s something I need to say first.”

  “What?” she asked, her brow furrowed.

  “Just this.” Before she could back away, he swooped down and claimed her lips, his mouth dominating hers.

  Isi gasped and Garren took advantage of the moment, thrusting his tongue deeply within her mouth. The heat of his kiss scorched her, his passion having a devastating effect. He was fierce and hungry in his assault and she found the long, drugging kiss powerful enough to make her knees weak. His tongue twisted and entwined with hers in his thorough exploration of her mouth, and she was powerless to do aught but hold on. Her hands grasped his biceps and felt the muscles ripple under her palms.

  The kiss turned gentle, his lips softly caressing hers. He seemed no less hungry for her, but the ferocity, the blazing heat, had died down to a slow, sensual simmer. As he pulled back, she drew air into her lungs in ragged gasps, her body starved of oxygen. She’d never been kissed so well that she forgot to breathe. She looked up at him through her lashes, her body trembling with need. Her nipples had hardened to sensitive points that were now rasping against her bra. Damp thighs and soaked panties only proved that she wasn’t ready to handle him. His kisses wreaked havoc on her body and made her yearn for even more of his touch.

  Garren’s hand curled around the back of her neck as he tipped her chin up. His eyes had darkened with passion and the gold flecks told her he was close to losing control. Her heart thrummed against her breast and she wondered if he could see it pounding. His nostrils flared as he took in her scent and she watched his fangs descend. There was no doubt that he scented her arousal and it was bringing out his primitive beast. What did you do when you had a two-hundred-pound man hungering for you, a man who currently had a lion peeking through his eyes? Isi wasn’t quite sure what to do with the big kitty.

  He leaned down and trailed his nose along her throat before laving her shoulder, his teeth gently scraping her. She had no doubt that he was close to marking her, but for both their sakes, she hoped he could hold his lion in check. If he bit her without asking, she’d be really fucking pissed. Another shiver raked her from head to toe as his hand cupped her breast, his fingers teasing her nipple through her t-shirt and bra.

  “Garren, we shouldn’t….” Even to her own ears, her voice sounded needy and pathetic.

  “Shh.” He brushed his lips against hers in a brief kiss before reaching for the hem of her shirt. His gaze never left hers as he lifted the garment over her head and dropped it at their feet.

  The intensity of his stare made the hair on her body stand on end, the fine hairs along her nape prickling. He pulled down one bra strap and then the other, before reaching for the clasp nestled between her breasts. It took only seconds for him to pop the catch and send the flimsy wisp of lace fluttering to the floor. Her nipples tingled as his gaze caressed her bared breasts.

  His eyes flicked up to hers as he cupped the soft mounds and lowered his head. He watched her as he sucked the tip of one into his mouth, his tongue sliding against the distended point. His teeth gently grazed her, making her skin flush with desire.

  Garren switched to the other side, flicking the nipple with his tongue, back and forth, faster and faster, until she was sliding her fingers into his hair, holding him to her. It was exquisite torture and she wanted more of the wonderful feelings. Her womb contracted as her core pulsed and wept with need. She’d never felt so achingly empty before. He kissed his way up her chest before claiming her mouth once more, his tongue stroking, caressing and teasing. She felt as if he were putting a stamp on her that said Property of Garren. He was so thorough, so maddeningly good at what he was doing.

  His hands slid down her waist to her hips, his fingers dipping below her panties as he eased them over her rounded hips, pushing them down her thighs and letting them fall past her knees down to her ankles. Isi kicked them to the side, wanting to feel free. Garren cupped her ass and lifted her, urging her legs around his waist as he stalked across the room to the bed. He leaned forward, placing her back on the cool bedspread as he ravaged her mouth.

  Isi broke the kiss and bared her throat to him, needing to submit and acknowledge his power over her. He pulled her legs from around his waist and placed her feet flat on the bed, her knees bent on either side of him. With a wicked grin, he slid down her body, his shoulders shoving her legs farther apart as he settled between her thighs. His breath puffed against the bare skin of her pussy and she raised her head to watch him take in her scent. His eyes slid shut and his cheeks flushed as he breathed deeply. Those intense green eyes snapped open and his gaze settled on hers as he lowered his mouth to her delicate flesh.

  The wet heat of his tongue as he tasted the nectar dewing on her lips had her gripping the sheets. No matter how many romance novels she’d read, nothing could’ve prepared her for the barrage of sensations and feelings tha
t erupted within her as his mouth settled against her in the most intimate of ways.

  His tongue gathered her cream, delving inside to stroke her as he licked her from bottom to top, his tongue finally coming to rest on her clit. Isi gasped and thrust her hips up. No one had touched her there before, except for her own fingers, and the experience wasn’t one she was likely to forget anytime soon. He circled the hardened bud before dragging his tongue over it, back and forth. Garren speared her with his tongue, thrusting into her damp, moist channel. He retreated then delved inside again, his tongue mimicking what she yearned for his cock to do. Molten need pooled in her belly and her breathing grew harsh and frantic.

  He kissed her center before his lips closed around her clit, gently drawing the bud into his mouth as he lashed it with his tongue. Isi cried out and lifted her hips, a silent plea to ease the ache in her core. Garren groaned against her and she felt him move. A moment later, a long, thick finger penetrated her, causing her vaginal walls to greedily suck him in, needing more. He sucked harder on her clit as his finger slowly moved in and out of her, easing deeper inside with each stroke.

  Isi couldn’t hold back, she became wild in her need and she opened her legs further as she thrust against him, riding his face and his finger. She was close, so very close to completion. A hot flush suffused her from head to toe, her nipples tingled and a slow burn started in her belly and began to spread. She fisted the sheets, her head tossing from side to side, as she shamelessly took everything he gave her and begged for more.

  She rode a tidal wave of pleasure as a burst of ecstasy enveloped her. She came wildly, explosively as her muscles clenched and released, and still he didn’t relent. If anything, he sucked harder and his fingers fucked her faster, drawing her orgasm out until she thought she’d expire from the sheer bliss of the moment.

  She clenched around his fingers during her erotic release, the undulations of her hips gradually slowing as she waded through the haze and came back to reality. She collapsed, her legs falling to the bed, her body relaxing into the mattress as she came down from her high. Her body trembled and shook from the force of her climax.


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