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Aries - Mr. Adventure: The 12 Signs of Love (The Zodiac Lovers Series Book 4)

Page 9

by Tiana Laveen

  “I don’t know about all of that but yeah, I guess I’m fairly young but I don’t demonize getting older – I think that’s a good thing, a blessing. Not everyone is so lucky to see another birthday. I’m at the age when you’re supposed to know better. I guess that’s the point I’m tryna make. I’m a kid at heart, but I’m responsible too and sometimes that is a hard balancing act. As I get older, I think it’s best to ask for what you need and want, to know what suits you ahead of time so there are no misunderstandings.”

  “I agree.”

  “Fine. Good… that’s real good. Glad we can agree on that.” A strange look came over the man in the form of a twisted smirk. “How’s your steak? Need a sharper knife?”

  “No. It’s falling off the bone… It’s delicious, Alex. Did you marinate this overnight? It seems like it.”

  “Thank you. Yeah, I had a bunch sitting in vinegar, oil and seasonings. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” He played with his food, just staring down at his plate. “I want to tell you something. Afterwards, I’ll tell you why I’m tellin’ you.”

  “All right.” She paused and looked at the man, though he wasn’t looking at her. Alex was working his fork around in his potato, swirling it until it was practically mashed.

  “You told me after our game of Hide and Seek what had happened to you, trying to explain what led up to you being a little less friendly, so to speak. Because of where I am in life and what I want, I want to open up a little, too, just for a different reason.” She nodded. “I was with a lady for a while, three years but knew her for four, and I thought she and I were going to be together forever. That didn’t work out.”

  He sliced into his steak, took a careful bite, and chewed it down. “And it ended over a year ago.” He swallowed. “But we kept seein’ each other face to face though, until last week. That’s because she was still livin’ with me. She needed to save up some money after we broke up. I was the one payin’ the bills and told ’er to keep most of her money, just buy groceries and keep up on her car.

  “So anyway, I have no idea what she was doing with her funds. She’s a bank teller and I was taking care of most everything but regardless, she didn’t have the money to leave. She didn’t have any place to go and I wanted her to have a chance to get on her feet. Just because the relationship was over didn’t mean I’d do ’er like that. We still cared about each other after all.” Snow listened intently, hanging on to every word. “To make a boring and long story short, I had moved on with my life but she didn’t. I was dating, doing my thing, and she didn’t take too kindly to that. She’s gone now, moved out, but I’m tellin’ you this because when it first happened, I felt mighty bad about how it ended, although I was relieved.”

  “I can understand that. You can’t just cut off caring about someone like flipping a light switch.”

  “Right, and it wasn’t even just that; it just seemed like the fair thing to do. When she left, it was a huge weight off my shoulders, but we got into it before she headed out that door and well, I guess that really upset me. I always believed she and I would remain friends… kinda like you said you and your ex were.”

  Snow nodded in understanding as she took another bite of her steak.

  “Not to cut you off, but can I get a glass of wine, please?”

  “Of course you can.” He grabbed the bottle roughly by the neck, forcing water and ice to drip off it. In a matter of seconds, the cork was removed and two glasses poured. “Let’s toast… to fresh starts.”

  She smiled at that and she raised her glass to clink with his. She took a taste, then another, this one much bigger.

  “Oh… this is good. Let me see that bottle!” He laughed and handed it to her, then lounged back, getting comfortable. She read the bottle and poured herself a bit more.

  “Coppola Diamond Cabernet… nice.”

  “It’s not too expensive, either. I’ve got like ten bottles at home… goes well with venison and steaks. It’s one of my favorites. I’m not a big wine drinker but when I do drink it, that’s the one I often grab for.”

  “Well, I’ve never had this before. I will definitely have to pick myself up a bottle soon. Back to what you were saying about your ex moving out though, sorry to have cut you off.” She took another sip, savoring the flavor.

  “No problem. So, we aren’t friends and that’s done with. I’ve moved on but I told you all of that for the sake of honestly and also because I really want to settle down, Snow. I’m not saying this to scare you away. We just met, but I’m just puttin’ my cards on the table as they say, letting the truth fly free. I’m damn clear about what I like and don’t like and what I won’t let happen again.” He took a gulp of his wine and turned towards her. The intensity in his dark brown eyes at that moment sent her heart thumping within her chest. “You’re a real pretty lady and despite our rocky start, I like your attitude and how you carry yourself.”

  “Thank you. I like you too, Alex. I meant what I said earlier tonight.” She patted his leg, and his eyes drifted towards her fingers before he looked back into her eyes.

  “You have a good career, got a nice friend that seems to have your back. Good friends are important.” Yeah, especially the kind that don’t fuck your ex… But she kept her thoughts to herself. “We seem to like some of the same things like goin’ campin’, being outside and just enjoying nature.”


  “Like I told you, my birthday is tomorrow and I’ve been thinking about my life, where I want to be and goals, things like that. I love my job, couldn’t ask for better. I got money in the bank, a nice house, but my love life needs attention. I want to give it the TLC it needs.”

  “It’s good that you understand what is needed to make you happy.” She couldn’t help but smile at the man. “And Happy birthday once again!”

  “Thank you. We learn as we go, but I’m pretty clear about what floats my boat.” She laughed lightly at his little play on words. “I wanna get to know you better. This isn’t playtime to me. I did that when I was younger. I am datin’ now to get married, not to have a bunch of casual hookups. I enjoyed a bit of that after Jessica and I broke up. It was fun for a short while, but I prefer to be committed to someone. Too much craziness goin’ on in the world… games being played, lies being told. I want a family, somebody to hold me at night… somebody I can confide in and depend on. I want a lady who can stand on her own, but she doesn’t mind leaning on me when she gets tired. We all get tired sometimes. Sometimes it’s not really physical exhaustion, but the kind that messes up your soul, tears down your mental stability, or breaks your heart. That’s when havin’ a soulmate makes all the difference.”

  “Are you for real?” Snow laughed lightly as she ate the last morsel of the mouthwatering steak. It practically melted onto her tongue. “Either you did a hell of a sales pitch or I’m gullible as hell. I doubt the latter.” She winked in his direction, and he returned a keen smile.

  “Yeah… I’m for real.” Her stomach churned and stirred with excitement and concern… The man’s grin slowly faded as he placed his plate down beside him, wrapped his arms around his knees and rocked slowly back and forth.

  I better just ask him since it’s on my mind… All right, here goes.

  “Let me ask you some questions, Alex.”

  “All right.”

  “Have you ever dated outside of your race?”

  “A time or two…”

  “A time or two?”

  “A couple times,” he said.

  “And how did that go?” Her brow arched, she studied him closely, checking out his body language.

  “It went all right I suppose. Didn’t date very long. One Black lady, Theresa, she and I dated for about four or five months… It just kinda fizzled out. Monica and I dated only a month or so. She just wasn’t for me. The sex wasn’t all that great but on top of that we didn’t have much in common, so I called it off.”

  “I see. Would you say that you’re picky?”

; “Hmmm.” He grimaced and shrugged as he looked off into the distance. “I wouldn’t say that I’m picky, just decisive.” She couldn’t help but smile at his answer. “I just don’t see the point in draggin’ stuff out when it’s clear as day what’s going on and what’s going to happen. I’ve never wanted my time wasted, even if it was just a lady I wanted sex from. If I want more, I say so. If I don’t, I say that, too. I’m a sinner like everybody else, but the truth will set you free as they say.”

  “I appreciate that. I respect that. That way there are no misunderstandings.”

  “I believe that… based on our interactions thus far.” He chuckled. “Why’d you ask about my dating history with other Black women? You tryna figure out If I’m just curious and wanting to test the forbidden fruit or something?”

  She bit her lip. “Yes. Some men like to taste blackberries… and then they crush ’em under their feet but have no intention of using them to make wine. I’m not marked down on clearance and I don’t give out free samples. I’m not a plaything, some toy. I don’t play those games.” She shifted about in her seat, then placed her plate gently down beside her. “I know my worth.”

  They looked at one another and warmth filled her chest as she displayed her truth. She suddenly felt vulnerable, flapping out there in the open, his stare consuming her.

  “Understandable.” He broke the uneasy silence. “So, what about you? You date a White man before?”

  “Actually, no.” His eyes grew larger. “It’s true. It’s not that I was ever against it per se, you know, interracial dating. A great man is a great man, I just never had too many guys that weren’t Black approach me.”

  “I don’t believe that. I can’t believe that!” The man looked truly stunned.

  “No, I’m serious. It’s true. I mean,” she said, “I get flirted with quite a bit by White men, but the way you approach me?” She vigorously shook her head. “No sir… doesn’t happen. And I don’t play that beating around the bush stuff where I have to lead and do all of the talking. If a man is interested in me then I expect him to act as such… like you did.”

  “That’s how any guy is supposed to be. If we see somethin’ and we want it, we go for it. Shy will only get you an opportunity waving bye-bye.” She tossed him a wink as she reached for her wine glass and took another smooth sip, tipping the rim of the glass to her awaiting mouth. A drop of the sweet wine dribbled down her lower lip but before she could lick it away with the tip of her tongue, his mouth was on hers, sucking her lower lip feverishly until he swallowed all she had to offer. Her pussy swelled with excitement at his aggressive and warm touch. He was beautifully intrusive, confident, teetering the line of decorum and indecency…


  Taking the Coward’s Way Out…

  In moments flat, her back was against the green blanket and hard muscles and heated flesh were pressed against her, encaging her like prey in a snare. His woodsy scented skin and soft dark hair sent her into overdrive as he prodded her jeans clad thighs apart and rested snug between her hips. One hand around her neck and his lips on hers, he slicked his tongue within her mouth and she encouraged his oral travels, giving alcohol the blame. Reaching low, she squeezed his hard-as-a-brick ass, and he jerked. It was then she felt his erection…

  A thick bulge of hearty flesh and muscle pressed horizontally against her zone.

  Out here with this man making out in public campgrounds… you can’t do this… we could get in trouble for public indecency. But I want him so bad!

  She fought with herself as she wrapped her body closer around him, ignoring the blaring sirens, smoke signals, and call for a cease and desist that reigned within her. Their kisses deepened, and her struggle to not allow her carnal desires to run loose and take her asunder proved fruitless, no match for the lust bursting within her. For just one night, she wanted to be free… She wanted to commune with nature and become one. This time, nature was a 6’5” beast of a man that she likened to a tree. She wanted to do something wild and crazy with a sexy stranger named Alex, one who she hoped deep down was honest Abe, but even if he were not, there’d be no love lost.

  But the look in his eyes told his truth when he paused, breathing hard, his chest heaving and his eyes staring deeply into hers.

  “Nobody comes out here, no one is around… this spot is filled with overgrown brush, less popular due to the location, just how I like it. I’ve been out here a half a dozen times. You’re safe,” he assured, as if he’d been reading her mind. “You ever been taken under the stars? I promise this experience will be outta this world.” His words curled against clenched teeth, touching barely restrained passion, turning her on.

  His possessive grip around her waist made her cry out with need. As she drew him near, their pelvic areas rubbed against one another to the beat of an unknown tune in their lust-filled bodies. The crackle of the fire was all that could be heard in the secluded area, along with her deep exhales and his heavy breathing. His large, warm hand slid beneath the fabric of her shirt and unsnapped her bra, and her full breasts fell free from their light blue Victoria Secret’s lacey confines.

  Cupping her bosom, he took her nipple into his mouth over the shirt. She groaned as he sucked the material and her tender flesh, his hips bucking and grinding, never ceasing. The hot warmth of his mouth did strange, wonderful things to her. They intertwined their fingers, wrapped them together in shades of deep rooted mahogany and sun-ripened peach. Shirts flew dangerously close to the open fire, and then, erect, hard nipples were saturated with the saliva of a sexy brute. Skin to skin, she was pressed against a chest covered in meticulously etched tattoos saluting liberty, patriotism, and his job as a hero.

  Arrogant promises of soon-to-be delivered ecstasy dripped out of his mouth like slow drizzling honey in piping hot tea…

  “I’m going to give it to you good, baby…”

  And she was here for it. But blared warnings erupted in her mind like firecrackers. How could she tune them out?

  Does he have protection? Will someone see us? Am I sure I want to do this? He would never believe that I don’t screw on the first date… Well, there was that one time but never mind that, no point in even saying it. I’m doing it. I’m going to regret this. I think too much. Why can’t I just relax and pull myself together? I’m going to sabotage this… I can feel it in my bones. He’s just… too good…

  Too sexy…

  Too funny…

  Too everything…

  Shouldn’t I be suffering for being such a fool? I trust the wrong people. I want him so badly, but the evidence points to the suggestion he should be nothing more than a one-night stand…

  She screamed out when he jerked her hard out of her deliberations with a tug of her jeans and panties, until she was bare as a newborn baby. His eyes glowed like the leaping flames of Hell and his quicksilver tongue cracked against her pussy in one fell swoop. The wet, loud noises from his feverish feasting competed with her moans as she gripped his head and thrust her hips against his roving mouth. The harder and rougher she grinded, the faster he drank her flowing juices.

  Two big hands pressed into her ass, practically lifting her from the blanket. He buried his face so deep as he tasted her, it was amazing that he could still breath. She yelled out and shook, coming hard. When she finished, her head throbbed.

  He rolled her onto her side, leaving her in a state of wonder as he trudged towards his truck. She struggled to sit up, to stop shaking, to control the streams of juice flooding from her swollen and throbbing pussy. When she finally gathered the energy, she took note of the shirtless man with his pants hanging half off his ass, frantically digging about in his truck. Soon, he seemed to have found whatever he was searching for as his body went into a more relaxed stance. He turned on the vehicle and out poured music from his car stereo—‘Slow Burn’, by TG Sheppard.

  When he returned to her side, he had a smile on his face and a condom wrapper in his hand. Standing there like a bronze statue, he
smiled under the stars, looking like something that should be on a calendar featuring brawny men. She chuckled internally at the thought.

  “I love this song.” She patted the blanket, in time with the rhythm. “How’d you know? Brittany tell you? You two are awfully friendly now,” she joked.

  “Nah, I didn’t know. It’s just one of my all-time favorites… an oldie but goodie. I’m glad you like it, counsellor.” He tossed the condom behind his back, high in the air, and did a 360 turn, then caught it with the other hand. She had to smile at that. “I got more tricks, too. Tickets are all sold out but don’t you worry, I can sneak you in the back door.”

  She shook her head at the silly man, but then, reality chased her, grabbed her by the ear and yanked. A woman’s worries were a hell of a drug…

  “Um, Alex… this is going to sound silly to you probably or you may not believe me, but I—”

  “Oh…you don’t have to say it.” He waved his hand at her, his thick brows furrowed and an easy expression on his gorgeous face. “I pretty much know that you don’t let folks just nibble on your cookie at the drop of a dime. I feel privileged… I surely do.” He nodded, as if taking a bow. “It’s just the right place, right time. I got lucky. I know this isn’t your typical routine so don’t think nothin’ of it. Don’t even worry yourself ’bout it. I don’t think differently of you; this is just human nature. Besides, I like cookies… and I brought my own milk.” He winked at her, sealing his sexually suggestive words with a perfectly timed flirt.

  “You’re hilarious… raunchy, too. I like it.” She cracked up; boy, was he a card.

  “Hell, we’re two adults.” He shrugged. “No sense in either of us getting bent out of shape about it. It’s sex… nothin’ unusual.”

  “Nibble on my cookie, huh?” She grinned and shook her head at the man. “Thanks for what you said. This has been an ongoing issue for me, always concerned about what someone may say or think when it comes to my personal life. I feel like I’m putting on airs half the time. I am so much inside of my head right now my eye sockets are being used as windows to see out into the world.”


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