Aries - Mr. Adventure: The 12 Signs of Love (The Zodiac Lovers Series Book 4)

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Aries - Mr. Adventure: The 12 Signs of Love (The Zodiac Lovers Series Book 4) Page 10

by Tiana Laveen

  “Fuck ’em. Start telling yourself it doesn’t matter what other people think, ’cause really it doesn’t. And thank you for gettin’ ready to fuck me, too. I’m much obliged.”

  She burst out laughing at his antics.

  “You’re silly, but you’re right. I’m not going to overthink it.”

  Yes, just think of it as a nice time and move on. But what about what he said about settling down and being honest with his intentions? She shoved the thoughts out of her head.

  “Nookie is always nice.” He laughed lightly as he waved the condom about. “Luckily, this was in there still. Usually, I just keep ’em at home or stop somewhere and pick ’em up.” He turned the thing to and fro, maybe checking the expiration date. Once satisfied, he shimmied out of his pants, his white boxer briefs soon to follow. She laid her hand across her collar bone, sucking in the air, delighting in the moon and the stars. She swallowed harshly, her mouth now hanging open, yearning to taste his damn dick. It was a thing of beauty.

  Dicks aren’t what I’d classify as pretty… but Alex’s dick? That shit looks like it was sculpted in Greece and set out on display in an art museum. Fucking magnificent. Oh my word… I thought it would be a bit more pinkish… Her lip twitched as she fought a giggle.

  The length was quite generous, but the thickness caught her off guard. It was a couple hues darker than the rest of his form and the ample inches emerged from a thicket of dark hair. It partially blocked a pair of dense, rounded balls that she wished to lick. He looked down at her, desire dancing in his eyes as he stroked it slow and steady, in silence. Heavily veined and looking like a motherfuckin’ snack, she licked her lips as he fell to his knees before her. As soon as she enveloped the smooth head into her mouth, she felt slight pressure on the back of her skull when he pulled her close, forcing more of himself towards her throat. She latched on to the bastard, milking him hard. His moans blended with the sounds of the fire and Alabama singing, “She’s Close Enough to Perfect For Me.”

  Snow got off on his reaction, as much as she did on the taste of him sliding against her tongue. Gripping his cock at the base for more control, she slurped and flicked her tongue harder, making him thrust, shake, and convulse as he struggled to maintain his control. In an instant, her world became a blur. The man groaned, yanked her up by her arm and wrapped her legs around his waist before plunging his tongue deep inside her mouth. With one hand, he kept her steady, his strength incredible and sexy, and with the other, she could hear the tear of plastic.

  She broke from their kiss and looked between their bodies, so close with barely any room to spare and took notice how he expertly sheathed himself with one hand. Locking her arms behind his neck, he swung her upward and like when being pushed on a swing, upon coming back down she felt the wind blowing in her hair. He silenced her scream when he forced a rough mount, his tongue deep inside her mouth, and then, he started to pump his cock insider her at rapid speed. Shocking. Exhilarating. His thrusts were long and hard, his intensity in overdrive. There they were, out in the middle of nowhere with only sexy country songs, the winking moon, and the shy stars. She tasted the sweetness of the wine and her pussy on his tongue…

  He roamed her body with his hand like a hungry nomad, not content on staying in one heated spot, desperately exploring her terrain with driven passion and need. Sounds of crickets and grasshoppers filled the air as they mated like two ravenous animals, clawing at one another, needing each other so desperately in that moment. The cool night felt hot like the depths of hell with him inside her. He was a raging internal fire bursting free with a mere touch, his eyes alive with untamed passion, a racing ram that fucked brutally and beautifully, with hints of elegance. Yet, his smile was always kind, gentle, and gave promises of protection from unseen monsters that roamed the recesses of her troubled mind. Foreheads resting against each other, they rocked steady, soul-essence-driven steam rising from their working groins. She couldn’t get enough of him plunging inside her, over and over, taking her there.

  “Fuck!” She bit into her lower lip, her eyes pressed shut. He was all over her… inside her, behind her, beside her, beneath her, above her and yet, she tried in vain to push him away. But he refused to be ignored. His hands were forever moving, his kisses incessant, his dick ruthlessly entering her, and all she could do was say a silent prayer when she came undone like loose shoe laces, her pussy raining upon him, christening his cock. “Mmmm!” Clutching him hard and close, she dug her nails into his shoulders, wishing she could stop their manic maneuvers, but animalistic depravity was born and unleashed. Scratching, biting, vicious words…

  “Come on, shit!” he barked as he roughly slapped her ass. “Is that all you got, baby?! I know there’s more!” He grasped her jaw in a tight grip between his thumb and forefinger and glared into her eyes, forcing her pussy to bow down and submit.

  She shivered from head to toe against his hard, commanding form as back to back orgasms stole her away from her very soul. When she settled, the heat of his mouth warmed the side of her neck. Long, seductive kisses were laid like breadcrumbs of love along her throat and collarbone for him to find again and retrace his sensuous pecks. The measured, deliciously torturous touch of a steady finger slid against her clit as he maneuvered his hand between their sweaty bodies, his thrusts now soft, slow and gentle. He lay her down like a feather on the blanket. As she looked over his shoulder up into the sky, the black canvas above her seemed impossibly darker, the stars the only guarantee of light. With a slow hand, he guided himself back inside her. They locked eyes and melted together, becoming one.

  Alex wound his arms tightly around her waist. His thrusts went from constant and even to hard and deep, the pace steady and increasing with each deep turn. Hoarse grunts emitted from his open mouth as he violated the laws of reason, for he moved between her thighs like a dancer, perfection in each and every dick stroke. She wanted to release all of her demons, relax against him and fly away to wherever he was taking her, even if only for a night. She’d held it in for so long—the devastation of a lover who didn’t know how to love her back, as well as the shocking loss of a friend and the ultimate betrayal. And now, her dirty, shameful secret—a client from years past who she now believed was guilty as sin had walked free and done the unthinkable. Her brain was filled with worries and hurts, things left unuttered, all in the effort to appear strong and well put together. Yet, still, this was all tearing her apart…

  Even the goodness and glory in her world was now tainted, smeared with grit and slick oils. The ugliness left a fresh scar that would never heal. Tonight, she was giving all that pain away to a man she was almost certain she’d never kiss again, let alone make love to. He told her what he wanted but never asked what she needed. Perhaps he already knew it was him, but she couldn’t… she simply wouldn’t…

  Alex was the perfect distraction—a brutally honest, hardworking, physically amazing, hilarious, and slightly conceited man, but at times rightfully so. He was a gentleman with a knack for funnin’ and fucking…

  She clenched her teeth as she came once again and let go of her agony for a spell.

  Grabbing a fistful of her hair, he crushed her lips in a burning kiss, setting them both ablaze. He moved in rhythm, with frantic fervor, his hips slapping into hers. He was so close to release…

  Leaning forward, she nipped at his throat, then took a bite. He howled like a demon in love, his liquid warmth soon rushing into the sheath. Wiggling beneath him, she squeezed her pussy again and again, milking him of his vital essence.

  Meanwhile, Billy Currington crooned, “I Must Be Doing Something Right.” They lay in each other’s arms under that blanket of stars and all she could do was smile and kiss the top of his ear as he rested like a sleeping baby on her breast. After a short while, he stirred and smiled wide. She shivered when he ran his hand lovingly up and down the side of her face, and he looked so intensely into her eyes.

  “Beauty, booty, and brains.” At this, she cracked up. “
I’m serious.” Her smile slowly dissipated. “I want to talk to you some more… find out the things you like, baby, where you like to travel, what you like to do, how you live, discover what it’s like to walk a day in your shoes.”

  Her chest grew tight as her heart beat faster to the point of pain. He was serious.

  No… I can’t have this. I don’t want to get wrapped into anything. It’ll end bad. It always ends bad.

  “Um, Alex, maybe we should—”

  “I want to talk to you and spend more time with you.” She blinked, praying she successfully disguised her thoughts. “Something wrong?” Apparently, she had not. “I’d like to meet up for breakfast with you and Brittany, too. Don’t want her left out all weekend. In fact, I gotta friend named Kyle, if she’s single, who can—”

  “It’s late. I should probably get going,” she said, cutting him off at the pass.

  Her heart beat frantically in her chest, so much she placed her hand there to calm down. Her nerves were now completely shot for the hulking man looked madder than hell. Or maybe it wasn’t anger at all but hurt, and he only knew one way to show it. His expression soon softened, but then he simply appeared bewildered. What could she do, though? She was drowning in sudden fear at the realization that Alex didn’t just want some ass and then dash. The man wanted something that would last!

  “You should probably get going, you say?” He threw up his hands. He was still inside her, on top of her, so he shifted his weight. The look on his face was now one of pure pain. To the average person, he would be mistaken as nonchalant, but no, she knew that face; she’d seen it too many times in the courtroom from sworn witnesses, plaintiffs and defendants when they realized nothing they could say would change a damn thing, even it if were the truth.


  The world had only a small supply of it left.

  “So, we just go on like nothin’ happened? This meant nothin’ to you?” He shook his head in disbelief. “You just want to leave after all of that? What in the hell is wrong with you?”

  Shocked by his outburst, the sudden demand for answers stirred her gut with uneasiness and angst. Now his hurt was revealed, the matter growing hands and nails, clawing at the exterior of her wall, her carefully built and configured resolve.

  He’s been telling the truth. Shit. All men lie… but why is he still here? He got what he wanted, right? Why does he want to know about my life? I don’t trust him… I just can’t! That’s a lie though… I’m lying to myself. Yes, I do trust him… and that makes it even worse.

  She turned away, but not before noting the confused expression on his face, the way his lips twisted and his brows dipped.

  “You’re just fed the fuck up, right? Fuck everyone and everything in your world, literally.” He got up, finally setting her free, and stood naked, tall and large, sexy and mean.

  She quickly turned her back as she scrambled about to put her clothes back on. He snatched her shirt from the ground and tossed it to her, then began to pull himself together until he was fully clothed from head to toe. They worked in silence, but she knew he wasn’t done with her. The angry heat from his core set the entire place ablaze. “I don’t even get a response? This is how you operate?” He grabbed the jeep keys from where they sat on the blanket and jammed them in his pocket.

  “Give me back my keys.” She wiggled her fingers in his direction.

  “I’ll give them back to you when we’re done having this discussion.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about, Alex. Please don’t make this complicated.”

  “You might be finished, but I’m just gettin’ started. You’re going to hear what I have to say and then when I’m through, I’ll give you these here keys and we ain’t gotta never say shit else to each other again. That’s my word.”

  “All right, go ahead and get it over with. I’m tired and want to go to bed.” She grimaced, then practically jumped when he erupted in a loud, mirthless laugh, hitting his thigh as if he’d heard the best joke of his life.

  “What a waste of time! I should’ve kept my ass with the guys. I can’t believe I’m the one standing here feelin’ used. Fuck this shit.” He went over to the fire, picked up a bucket of water, and poured it on the flames, extinguishing them. He then picked up a shovel and scraped up a heaping of dirt to pour it over the grate of the fire pit. He looked much like an incensed warlock stirring his caldron, grating and mixing, creating a special brew that would turn her into something hairy with horns.

  “Alex… I’m sorry.” She wrung her hands nervously, feeling much of something and plenty of nothing.

  “You better get goin’. It would be a shame to miss another second of that fear-driven life of yours. Pathetic.”

  “Just stop it, okay? You don’t know my story and it’s too complicated to get into.”

  “Oh? An ol’ silly fire chief like me wouldn’t understand the big words that could come outta your mouth, right? You just too educated for lil’ ol’ Alex.”

  “That’s not what I said.”

  “You didn’t have to. It would go right over my Gomer Pyle head, huh?”

  She rolled her eyes at the man. “Alex, I know you’re angry, but—”

  “Spent all that time in law school, right? Takin’ tests, proving you’re the best… thinkin’ you’re better than other people. I went to college too, I’ll have you know. I’ve got a Bachelors in Fire Science, an Associate’s Degree in Physics and Economics, and over fifteen different certifications, but you wouldn’t know that ’cause you didn’t bother to finish gettin’ to know me. It’s required actually, but I was goin’ to college anyway and I value education and learning, the same way I value how folks treat one another. What you got going on in your heart is just as important as what you’ve got brewin’ in your head. You need to learn that lesson, too. Someone needs to tell you about yourself.”

  “Oh, and you’re just the man for it, aren’t you?” She paused, swearing she felt a raindrop. Perhaps it was just her frazzled nerves. “You say you value how folks treat one another yet you are at times brash and tasteless. Anything that pops into your head you say without care for anyone else’s feelings but your own.” At this, he burst out laughing, infuriating her to no end. “You’re getting off on this! You really are something, you know that?! How self-righteous!”

  “I’m not tryna criticize you, just stating the facts, Snow. You work with facts, right? You know what those are or do I need to break it down?”

  “Give me the keys, then go to Hell.”

  At this, he chuckled then went back to poking and prodding at the smoky ash.

  “Now when you say things like that, it just gets me all stirred up again, Snow. I was going to be quiet but you’ve gone and poked the bear.”

  “So now this is my fault?”

  “See, I know a little about you. I bet you worked your ass off to get where you are in life. Now I am wondering if you did all of that to impress the masses or was it always your dream to be a lawyer? Suppose it doesn’t matter much now. I also realized where I’d seen you before, too.” He pointed at her. “It didn’t hit me till we were rollin’ around on the ground. It made me no difference though.” he shrugged. “I would’ve liked you if you were just a waitress down at the Waffle House. But I’ve seen you all right.” Her gut clenched. “On T.V. Yeah, you’re a big shot, and you earned it, baby. Life is hard, ain’t it, sweet thing?” He turned and spit, then glared at her.

  “Life is hard for many people, Alex.” She angrily crossed her arms over her chest. “And we live and learn.”

  “Live and learn, then punish the innocent too, right? So much for justice. I’m not your battle, but I can damn sure be your war. Let me know if that’s the move you wanna make…”

  There was steel in his eyes. Alex had proven one thing with certainty. When wounded, he could turn cold and heartless, a beast out for revenge with cutting words. He knew just where to hit, and just like his amazing lovemaking, it happened below
the belt.

  “Bein’ as you asked me about dating Black women I take it you’ve experienced some side-eyes, rude comments, straight out ugly racism, too. I imagine some White people feel like you shouldn’t have what you have and be where you are in life. I suspect the fact some of you would run away from me is based on this, too. You’re probably worried about what people will say about you dating a White guy, ’specially since you admitted to givin’ a shit about other people’s opinions of how you live your life.”

  “No, I’m not!” she lied, hating that she felted compelled to. She wanted to smack him, punch him, make him hurt and bleed! Was she that obvious?

  “Just ’cause you yell it don’t mean it rings truer.” He shook his head. “Anyway, I understand. You don’t want to be played with, ’specially on account of how you come into the world. I was born and bred here; I know what they do, and I say they ’cause I ain’t ever said an ill word to someone based on the color of their skin. But everybody got a prejudiced bone in their body. We’re in America, damn it. There’s just no way around it. Regardless, I’ve treated you wit’ nothing but respect. Of course I noticed you’re Black, but to me, it only adds to your beauty. I don’t think I like you anymore though, ’cause I don’t like what you’re doing right now. You’re a coward.”

  “You’ve been very nice up until this point, Alex, but now things are getting ugly because you’re not getting your way. Since you want to dish it, you better be ready to take it. You’re a demanding, spoiled brat that always wants to win. I am not a prize. I am a human being! We shared a wonderful evening together, and now you’re ruining it.”

  “I’m ruining it? I tell you what I want; you act like you agree and then pull this shit.”

  “This is about your ego. This is about whatever warped sense of entitlement you have. You’re not used to women telling you no, that is more than obvious. You’re a classic case!” She tossed her hands in the air. “I enjoyed our time together. I just want—”


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