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The Fire Within (The Fire of The Soul Series)

Page 24

by Racquel Kechagias

  However, the world comes seeking me out in the form of my fiancé, with an innocent smile and a tray full with early morning delights.

  "Morning Anna, I wasn't sure if you would be awake by now. Seeing how early in the morning it is," Victor says in way of greeting. He walks over to me and places the tray on the bedside table as I sit up to be on even level with him. "Anna, I apologize for my behaviour last night... Are you quite alright? You look like you've had quite a fright." Victor appears to be concerned for me, which is quite ludicrous as only a few moments ago I was concerned for him.

  I smile at Victor, he seems to be glowing with an ethereal essence in the early morning light, and I say "I'm fine. It was only a bad dream."

  "Do you want to talk about it? It might help you feel better," He says, the concern is still fresh on his face, his brows knotting together and making creases upon his forehead.

  "I dreamed of the battle, that I was out there fighting with you and Kayden and Shade. And then out of nowhere Christian is there, his sword plunging through your chest. I dreamed of your death Victor," I say, looking down at our intertwined hands, expecting him to pull back at any moment. Instead he is lifting my chin up, so that I can look at him again, whether it is willingly or not.

  "Anna, it is quite alright. I am alive and well. My death is yet to come, and if I have any say in it, it will be a long time coming," Victor says. I cannot understand the look in his eyes, and he turns away before I even get a chance to try. "Eat Anna, before it goes cold. My team and I will be waiting in the war room for you."

  "Victor," I call, as he opens up the door. He turns his head slightly in acknowledgement, and I have a strange feeling that this has happened before, one so deep that it stops my words. I grasp around for them moving my mouth slightly in speechlessness before I can get out a quick "Thank you". He smiles ever so slightly, and he looks happy and broken at the same time. He simply nods his head in response, and is gone as quickly as he had come. It is so strange to have this awkwardness between Victor and I, seeing that we have been so close since the beginning.

  Even after having the breakfast that Victor had brought to me, a bowl of porridge and a variety of fruit, my stomach still feels hallow. The dream, and what I witnessed within it, remains to have an effect on me, as I get dressed and make my way downstairs to the war room.

  I stand within the doorway for a few moments as I watch those who are gathered. There are of course the usual crew, Kayden and Shade, Astoria and Augustus and Baron and Victor. Then there are several other men - eight to be exact - and a woman, whom is clearly flirting with Kayden, but he seems to be blocking all of her attempts much to her dismay. I quietly slip into the room, hoping to not draw attention to myself, but I manage to catch Victor's eyes, and he pulls out of the conversation he is having with Augustus and Baron to smile at me and wave me over.

  I take the seat besides him. Baron rises from his chair, and with a voice full of thunder shouts "SILENCE!” The immediate hush is overwhelming and there is a cheeky smirk on the older man's face. "Our King is about to take the floor."

  Victor gives Baron a small thank you, one barely loud enough to pass as a whisper as Baron sits down, and Victor rises to his feet.

  "We all know what is quickly approaching. The war that not only we, but many generations before us, have tried to play out. The war for leadership over the Underworld!" Victor's voice is commanding, and all stare at him in silence. Not a single person present dares to blink an eye, as they stare at their King in abandonment. "Those of us who are present, and the rest of Kayden's elite team, are more than prepared for this war. However the civilians of this Kingdom have no idea of what is rapidly approaching. We must have them prepared to leave at a moments notice. We have less than a week until we storm out onto the battle field, less than a week for us to have any certainty over our lives and our freedom!" Victor is met with silence, and there is a knowing look in his eyes, an understanding that he has completely enraptured his audience.

  "We have our soldiers, now we need a battle plan. This is why we have gathered. This is what we must discuss." This is what Victor's speech ends with; he gives them one final look before taking his seat at the head of the table.

  "Look yer' Majesty, we all know what you're trying to do." One of the men that I don't know says. The man has the ginger red hair and accent of a Scottish man, and it is something that I never knew was possible, to have a Scott in the Underworld.

  "And what precisely is that Mason?" Victor asks, I can see that he's trying to bite back a sneer as it wouldn't be quite welcomed in this type of crowd, or be any good for his reputation.

  "That is to bring some kind of order to the chaos that this war is causing. We are all being pressured because of it Sire." Mason - the red headed Scott - replies. There isn't a second that passes before another speaks up.

  "Sire the battle plan is quite simple, we march out onto that battlefield and slay every single Skin-walker that breaths out there." This man that didn't hesitate to speak has blond hair and blue eyes, and I cannot quite place his accent. Some of the men around him are slapping him on the back as if this itself is a good plan; those men are saying his name "Edgar" as they slap him.

  "And what of the Werewolves that they have enlisted? That they have forced to team up with them?" Another asks of Edgar. This man has brown hair and green eyes; his skin is pale as is all the vampires here.

  "They are stingy mutts Charlton! You know just as much as anybody that they deserve to die as much as the Skin-walkers," Edgar replies, beginning to rise up, his hands scrunched up into fists, as if he wanted to punch the man named Charlton.

  "Not all of them deserve to die. I know of one werewolf in particular that deserves to be treated just like the rest of you," I say raising my voice so that I can be heard over the commotion. "And you all know of him too; William, the same man who used to fight side by side with all of you. Dose he too deserve to die like the Skin-walkers?" I ask, staring and concentrating on Edgar so hard that he is unable to meet my eyes.

  "I am sorry Mi' Lady. William is of course the exception to this rule. However, the majority of werewolves have lost their humanity, and are no better than the beasts of the earth," Edgar says, with whatever modesty that he can muster.

  "Perhaps you are right about that Edgar. It is true that I do not know a lot about this world or its people. However I believe that all people deserve a fair chance and at least a fair trial before we start condemning them to death," I say before sitting back down, I feel Victor give me a slight squeeze on the leg as if to say that's enough, or that he is more than proud of me.

  "What our Queen says is right. All people have the right of a fair trial; this is part of our law. And you Edgar have been privileged to have been part of one yourself. What was it that you were trailed for again? Oh that's right! You were trailed for the murder of your maker! However, you were let off because you didn't actually kill him. The Skin-walkers had beaten you to it." The woman's face bares a pretty little sneer, which curls her lush red lips in a way that seems quite unnatural on her beautiful face. Edgar's face is tomato red, and he seems as if he is about to burst, the way that he is physically shaking with anger.

  Edgar's hands slam down upon the table in anger. "How dare you bring that up! My maker met the true death before it was his time. Those who blamed me for his death were mistaken, why on earth would I kill him for! And what of you Jocelyn, you too have seen your fair share of trials. Would you like me to bring them up for everyone to hear?" Edgar sneers at Jocelyn. Kayden rises to his feet to protect Jocelyn, and for the first time he isn't even giving me a single look. It's strange to see Kayden in this fashion, but I know that this is how he has always been, long before he met me.

  "Edgar I allowed you to come to this meeting believing that you may actually use your brain and give some valid input. If you simply want to cause disruption in this meeting, than feel free to leave. You know where the door is," Kayden says, his voice is commanding an
d it is that of a leader. Although Kayden isn't a King like Victor, he is a general and in charge of all of the warriors present. The two men watch each other, and after a minute Edgar sits back down again. This is proof enough for Kayden, that Edgar is willing to do what he must to stay. Kayden sits back down and goes back to being a silent silhouette of the man whom he usually is.

  The meeting from there on out is a lot calmer. People still yell and throw accusations, and occasionally there are a few ideas and suggestions made. However, no-one present tries to attack each other, which in the way of progress is a massive plus.

  We finally are able to manage to put together a plan for the battle, hours after we had begun. Astoria had gone out half-way through the meeting to organize afternoon tea, and she had come back a while later, handing me a note written in Meg's hand.

  After the meeting everyone files out of the room, and makes their way to the dining hall to enjoy their afternoon tea, and a good old round of banter. I pull Victor to the side after the majority of people leave, to talk to him in private.

  "Thank you for inviting me to this. It was quite an interesting event to see," I say, a slight smile tugging at my lips.

  "Your welcome, Anna. However this isn't what you want to talk to me about is it?" Victor asks. I smile even wider; it is a strange yet wonderful thing that he knows me this well.

  "No it's not. Astoria handed me a note from Meg when she returned. I must go to Meg and see what she needs me for," I say, referring to the note that burns within my folded hand. Something in Meg's note is off, not quite right and upon reading it before I had become quite worried. Now is my chance to go to her, and find out what exactly had my senses screaming at me?

  "Alright, I will see you later then," Victor says, laying a quick kiss on my lips. I watch Victor join Kayden at the door - whom again had been watching us in our private moment - and then again as they left for the dining hall. After they leave I make my way down to the servants’ quarters.

  Meg's location should have been easy enough to find, after all I had been down here once before, the first night that I had met William within the castle. However, now that I was trying to make my way down there by myself I seem to take every single wrong turn. I feel like giving up, going to Astoria and asking her to tell Meg that if she wanted to speak that she would have to come to me, but I didn't, knowing that my friend needed me right now, and not at a later time. With this in mind, I struggle on.

  I eventually make my way down to the servants’ quarters, and to Meg's room with the help of one of the older maids. Sitting within the small enclosed room, in the middle of the narrow single bed is Meg, she looks rumpled and weary, her hair in a wild blond mess. When I close the door behind me, her purple eyes (which are now blood-shot from the tears that wet her cheeks) meet mine, and I feel my heart break for my best friend.

  "Oh Meg!" I say brokenly and sit down beside her. I allow her to lay her head on my shoulder, and I wrap my arm around her waist. We sit like this for a while as I allow Meg to simply cry it all out. After she stops crying I softly ask "What Happened?"

  "Oh Anna. I met someone. He was handsome and kind and loving, strong and brave too, He was absolutely perfect. I thought he was a vampire, I mean I believed it, he appeared to be, and he had all the signs of being one. He even had admitted to it. But he isn't," Meg says and tears starting falling down her cheeks again. She isn't crying heavily this time, and so her words are clear and understandable for me.

  "What do you mean he isn't? And what is he, if he isn't a vampire?" I ask, I could sense what she was about to tell me.

  "He's a Skin-Walker Anna. I fear for his life, considering the war that is quickly approaching," Meg says and her tears starting falling faster.

  "Is he proud to be a Skin-Walker? Or does he want to have a second chance?" I ask her, this - I think - is the most important thing about the situation rather than the fact that the guy that Meg loves is a Skin-walker. After all wasn't I saying earlier that all people deserve a fair chance?

  "He isn't proud of it, but he hasn't exactly denied his race either. That's why I needed to talk to you Anna; I wanted you to see him, to speak to him, find out if he is absolutely honest about wanting to change his fate," Meg says brokenly and I give her shoulder a slight squeeze.

  "I will go and see him right now if that eases your mind Meg. Tell me where he is and I will go and speak to him," I say rising to my feet, meaning to leave at this very moment.

  "He's down in the dungeon, He was captured as he was disguised as your father," Meg says, and there is an apologetic look in her eyes. Her lover was disguised as my father? So that obviously means that my actual father is out there somewhere, perhaps even still alive.

  "Alright I will go and speak to him Meg, stay here and I will come back to you when I'm done," I say to Meg, and make my way for the door, I pause for a moment though as I catch a glimpse of silver from the corner of my eye. I walk over to where I had seen it and bend down in front of a ruby red and silver box. The engraving and filigree on the box is beautiful, and I stare at the treasure in wonder. I find myself thinking that it must be worth a fortune as it is the size of a trunk.

  "Where did you get this box Meg?" I ask, running my hand gently over the engraving.

  "It was a gift, from Kurt," She says, her voice is choked and I realize that she is once again talking about her lover.

  "Well he has excellent taste in gifts. Talking about Kurt, I will go and find him now," I say before leaving Meg in her room again.

  Making my way back up again doesn't take as long as it did coming down. I easily find Kayden, Victor and Shade out in the dining hall, everyone from the war meeting still present. They are all having a good time, and I ignore the crowd as I make my way across the room to Victor, Kayden and Shade.

  Kayden is the first to notice me, and his first reaction to me is a joyous one. However something on my first must have told him that something is wrong, because his happiness turns to concern, in the blink of an eye.

  "Anna what's wrong?" Kayden asks, moving to touch me but for a moment I ignore Kayden and instead I go to Victor for he is the one who needs to know that there is a Skin-walker within the castle.

  "Victor I was just speaking to Meg. She told me that she fell in love with someone, that she believed him to be a vampire," I say, taking Victor by the elbows so that we have a physical connection, but a little bit back so that we could keep our eyes connected as well.

  "But?" He asks, somehow sensing that something is wrong.

  "But he's not! He's a Skin-walker Victor. She says that he's here within the castle, down in the dungeons," I say, my breath is heavy now, and I wait for the realization to hit. Victor's face goes from being mildly surprise at my sudden appearance, to down right furious at the fact that not only there is a Skin-walker within his castle, but that one of them would dare impersonate a vampire.

  Victor marches off, with a speed that I have never seen him posses, but fully knew he was capable of. I have to physically run to keep up with the three boys, as Kayden and Shade has moved as quickly as Victor, keeping their pacing with his. It's almost impossible, but I barely manage to keep up with them. I don't pay attention to which hall ways we pass down, except for the ones that I need to turn down, and thus, if I wanted to come back down here alone, I would have no idea on which way to go.

  They come to a stop in front of a large metal door. There is no guard present, though it's obvious that there is a station for there to be one. Victor pulls a torch off of the wall, and strikes a match from the box sitting at the guard’s station. We make the descent in silence. No words are passed between us, for there is nothing to be said. We all know that whatever we learn down in the dudgeon's will not change anything, but somehow I still have a sick feeling in my gut, one that tells my head to be quite, that nothing is alright and that everything is going to change forever.

  The dungeon is a cold, damp place. The ranched smell of old sweet, bodily smells and faeces engulfs
our senses and has me doubling over, forcing my breakfast to make a second appearance. The boys do not stop for me, and I push back down the sick feeling, and carry on as well. Kayden, Shade and Victor are searching throughout each cell looking for the Skin-walker. The cells aren't filled with people, in fact there are only about five down here, each within their own cell. It isn't until we reach the cell at the very end, that we find the person that we are looking for.

  He is sitting in the back of the cell, his arms wrapped around his knees. The man is rocking back and forth, and when the light hits him he looks up at us. The man is clearly not my father. Instead he is a young man, his chin and his cheeks are covered in stubble, his skin is dirty. He has black hair, tanned skin and the grey eyes of all Skin-walkers.

  "So you found out the secret?" He asks, his voice is perfectly clear as if he still maintains his sanity. His smile is vicious.

  "We'll ask the questions here." Victor sneers at the Skin-walker "How did you get in to the castle undetected? Did you really think that we wouldn't find out who you really are?"

  "I thought it would have taken you lot a whole lot longer," The Skin-walker sneers.

  "How dare you speak to King Menédez like that!" Shade shouts, his hands are balling up into fists, and I know that he wants to rip apart the Skin-walker right there and then.

  "Oh I apologize; I didn't realize that I was in the presence of royalty. I would bow to you, but then again you're not really my King," The Skin-walker sneers again, spitting at Victor's feet.


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