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Fix My Fall

Page 1

by Carey Heywood

  Table of Contents


  Also by Carey Heywood



  About the Author


  Samantha & Brent

  Fix My Fall

  Abby Thompson’s love life is a disaster. Everyone around her is blissfully falling in love, while she’s busy binge watching anime. The last thing she needs is a walking temptation, in the form of ex-nerd turned dreamy astrophysics professor, Spencer Hill, aka her new client.

  It’s her job to find Spencer his dream home, NOT fantasize about a ride on his space rocket. But the sparks between them are impossible to ignore, and soon, Abby is wondering if her losing streak in love could be turning around.

  Can she get over her anxiety he’s got her out-brained, and can he let go of the past and the fear that the girl he crushed on in high school is still out of his league?

  Find out in the new feel-good romantic comedy from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Carey Heywood!

  Fix My Fall

  The Fix Series, book 3

  Carey Heywood

  Carey Heywood LLC


  Fix My Fall

  Copyright © Carey Heywood LLC

  All right reserved.

  Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the author.

  The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via other means without the permission of the publisher are illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Fix My Fall is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Created with Vellum


  Also by Carey Heywood

  1. Abby

  2. Spencer

  3. Abby

  4. Spencer

  5. Abby

  6. Spencer

  7. Abby

  8. Spencer

  9. Abby

  10. Spencer

  11. Abby

  12. Spencer

  13. Abby

  14. Spencer

  15. Abby

  16. Spencer

  17. Abby

  18. Spencer

  19. Abby

  20. Spencer

  21. Abby


  Also by Carey Heywood

  About the Author


  Samantha & Brent

  Also by Carey Heywood

  The Fix Series

  Fix Her Up (Finley & Noah)

  Fix Me Not (Paige & Asher)

  Fix My Fall (Abby & Spencer)

  Him & Her Series

  Him (book 1)

  Her (book 2)

  Them (book 3)

  Sawyer Says (spin off)

  Being Neighborly (spin off novella)

  Carolina Days

  The Other Side of Someday (Courtney & Clay)

  Yesterday’s Half Truths (Lindsay & Luke)

  Chasing Daylight (McKenzie & Mitch)

  Love Riddles

  Why Now? (Kacey & Jake)

  Why Lie? (Sydney & Heath)

  Why Not? (Reilly & Trip)



  Stages of Grace


  A Bridge of Her Own


  Him (also available on audible)

  Her (also available on audible)

  Better (also available on audible)


  Zachary, Aydan, Emma

  Thank you for our

  Naruto marathons,

  dark matter musings,

  and for inspiring me daily.



  “I want to watch Moana,” Connie, my seven-year-old niece, shrieks.

  “We’ve already seen it a hundred times,” Aidan, her older brother, groans.

  My eyes dart to Ethan, the oldest of the three, for help. He glances between his younger brother and sister before rolling his eyes and looking down at his phone.


  “Maybe we can watch another movie,” I say, trying to encourage sibling peace.

  “I want to watch Stranger Things,” Aidan replies.

  My mouth falls open. “No way, that’s too scary for you and way too scary for Connie.”

  “They’ve both already seen it,” Ethan mumbles, eyes still on his phone.

  My eyes widen. “No way.”

  Both Aidan and Connie nod in confirmation.

  “It wasn’t that scary,” Aidan replies.

  Connie tugs at one of her braids, freeing strands at the back. “I don’t like the monster.”

  I motion to her, my eyes on Aidan. “See? Scary.”

  He crosses his arms over his chest and looks into my dining room.

  “Have any of you seen Naruto?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  In unison, they groan and rustle with annoyance in their seats.

  “We don’t like ninja stuff,” Ethan says for the three of them.


  “How can you not like ninja stuff? Ninja stuff and this anime show in particular is amazing,” I reply, standing to somehow make my argument stronger.

  “Where’s your cat?” Connie asks, not caring.

  I wave my hand toward the stairs. “Emo’s probably on the kitty playhouse in the spare bedroom.”

  Before I say anything else, Connie scrambles off of my sofa and out of the living room.

  I toss my remote to Aidan. “Try and find a movie everyone will like while I serve up the pizza.”

  He focuses his attention on my TV and starts scrolling through the available titles.


  When he looks up, I tilt my head toward the kitchen. “Want to give me a hand?”

  Shoving his phone into the front pocket of his hoodie, he pushes up off of the couch and trails me to my kitchen. It’s crazy how much he looks like Eli, my older brother, when he was Ethan’s age.

  At twelve years old, he’s too cool for bear hugs from me. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to do it anyway.

  Especially with all of the problems his parents have been having recently. For the sake of these amazing kids, I wish they’d get their shit together already. It has to be confusing to the three of them.

  Problem is, I know how much Eli and Brooke still love each other. If they could stop fighting and focus on that love, maybe they could work their problems out.

  Not that I can tell either of them that. Nope, I keep my mouth shut to stay in their good graces so I can still spend time with my niece and nephews.

  “How are things at home?” I ask, once I’m sure Aidan can’t hear us.

  Ethan shrugs, walking past me to pull plates down from my cabinet. “Dad moved back in but is sleeping on the couch. They don’t know I know but I went downstairs in the middle of the night to get a drink and saw him there.”

  At this point, I’m not sure if that’s progress or not. The fact that he’s back in the house is good. For a few weeks he had been crashing at Gideon’s.

  Still, sleeping on the couch doesn’t sound like a good thing.

  “You know your parents love each other very much,” I tell him, making eye contact.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he murmurs.

sp; Deciding a subject change is in order, I ask, “How’s football going?”

  He opens the lid of the pizza and slides a slice onto the top plate. “We didn’t make it to the playoffs. Are we eating while we watch the movie?”

  I nod and he sets the top plate aside. Once he has a slice on the next plate, he says, “I’ll take these in for Aidan and me. Want me to go get Connie?”

  I guess that means question time is over. “Yeah buddy, thanks for helping me.”

  As he walks away, I get plates ready for Connie and myself.

  “What about Guardians of the Galaxy Two?” Aidan asks when I walk into the room.

  “I like Groot,” Connie replies from the stairs.

  “Work for you?” I ask Ethan.

  He shrugs which I take as a yes.

  “Go ahead and start it Aidan. I’ll be right back with drinks.” I say, after setting Connie and my plates down on the coffee table.

  As far as I remember, they all still like strawberry milk. I set up an assembly line of cups, powder, and the milk on my island, before kicking the door to the fridge closed.

  The floor shaking groan that answers, is not normal.

  “Aidan, turn down the volume!” I shout.

  Ethan, white-faced, tip toes toward the opening of the kitchen. “He hasn’t started the movie.”

  The floor beneath my feet shifts again, my entire house moving with it.

  My eyes lock on his wide, scared eyes.

  Aidan and Connie rush up behind him, each grabbing onto one of his arms.

  “Auntie Abby, is this an earthquake?” Connie asks.

  Before I can answer, movement out of my left eye catches my attention. Turning my head, I watch in horror as the back right corner of my dining room starts sinking.

  “Oh my God!”

  Both Connie and Aidan scream.

  “Move!” I order, skirting around my island and ushering the three of them into my garage.

  They aren’t even buckled as I hit the garage door opener and start to back out. Once I reach my street, I park in front of my neighbor’s house.

  “Ethan, call your father.”

  He nods and pulls out his phone.

  I twist in my seat to face Aidan. “Do you have your phone?”

  “Uh huh,” he says, pulling it from his back pocket.

  “Can you text Uncle Noah and Uncle Gideon, and tell them all to get over here?”

  He looks down, his thumbs already moving.

  “Dad, you need to come to Aunt Abby’s house right now,” Ethan says into his phone.

  Turning back to look at my house, I open my door.

  “You’re not going back in there!” Aidan shouts from the back seat as Connie quietly cries.

  Cringing, I close my door and look toward my house. As much as I want to go make sure Emo is okay and grab her, I can’t leave these kids right now.

  “Dad wants to talk to you,” Ethan says, passing me his phone.

  “I’m on my way,” he says the moment after I say, “Eli.”

  “Thank you,” I reply, switching the heat up when I notice Ethan rub his arm.

  “I couldn’t understand what Ethan was saying. Did something happen to your house?”

  I gulp. “The floors moved. I thought it was my surround sound at first but then the walls started shaking and the back corner of my dining room was sinking.”

  “Where are you now?”

  My eyes move up and down my street. “We’re all in my SUV, I’m parked in front of my neighbors’. Whatever happened seems to only be affecting my house.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “There are lights on in the other houses but we’re the only ones sitting outside in my car,” I reply.

  “That makes sense. Okay, hang tight. I’ll be there soon.”

  “I had Aidan text Noah and Gideon,” I say. “Hopefully they’re on the way too.”

  “They are,” Aidan replies from the back seat.

  I look over my shoulder to smile at him.

  Connie presses her hands to her stomach. “I’m hungry.”

  “Hey Eli, I need to go.”

  “Okay, see you in a few. Promise me you and the kids will stay in your car.”

  I glance back at my house. “I promise.”

  Passing Ethan back his phone, I shift in my seat to lean an elbow on the console, my back to my steering wheel.

  “As soon as your dad gets here, I’ll see if I can grab the pizza,” I say.

  Her lower lip sticks up. “But, I’m starving.”

  “Want a mint?” I ask, praying the tin I have isn’t empty.

  She starts to cry. “I want pizza.”

  Well great.

  “Let’s try thinking about something else. Is there anything any of you guys were curious about? We can play twenty questions until your dad and uncles get here.”

  “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” Ethan asks.

  I cough. “Huh?”

  “Yeah,” Aidan pipes up from the back seat. “Why don’t you?”

  “Um, well…”

  Connie wipes away her tears and blinks at me. My eyes move over each of them as they patiently wait for an answer I don’t know.

  “It’s complicated,” I reply.

  “You’re not ugly,” Aidan says, matter-of-factly.

  Pinching the bridge of my nose, I close my eyes. Not ugly, awesome.

  “Well, thanks for that buddy,” I say, opening my eyes.

  “So, why don’t you have a boyfriend?” Connie gets in on the fun.

  “I haven’t met the right guy,” I answer honestly.

  Ethan fiddles with his phone. “My football coach is single.”

  Fantastic, I’m getting set up by a twelve-year-old kid. I decide against asking if my mother put him up to it.

  “That’s sweet,” I start to say but then abruptly stop when I realize who he’s talking about. “Hey, isn’t he in his fifties?”

  Ethan blinks at me. “Well how old are you?”

  “Coach Ferrao is funny,” Aidan offers from the backseat.

  Would it truly be such a terrible thing if my house swallowed me up whole?

  Forcing sweetness into my voice, I say, “I’d like to eventually date someone who is closer to my age and I hate to break it to you guys, I’m not anywhere near fifty yet.”

  “I’ll marry you Auntie Abby,” Aidan replies.

  He’s getting whatever he wants for Christmas.

  “Aww, thanks for the offer honey but I think there’re laws against that.”

  “Laws?” Connie asks.

  As ridiculous as the conversation is, I’m grateful it’s distracted her from wanting pizza.

  “Yes, sweets, we’re related because your daddy is my big brother.”

  “Does that mean I can’t marry Uncle Gideon?”

  A laugh escapes me at her horrified expression.

  “Yes, Connie, you can’t marry uncle Gideon and you wouldn’t want to even if you could because he burps and farts so much.”

  Her expression morphs as she begins to giggle. She covers her mouth and points at Ethan.

  “Ethan has really loud farts.”

  “Shut up Connie,” he snaps.

  Resting my hand on his shoulder, I shake my head. “Please don’t shout at your sister.”

  Frowning, he glares at her but reluctantly, nods his head.

  Aidan points out the window. “I think that’s Dad’s truck.”

  He’s right.

  One gigantic pro of living in the same small town as the rest of my family does means it doesn’t take long to get to each other in a crisis. “Okay guys, hang tight in here. I’m going to talk with your dad for a minute.”

  “I’m hungry,” Connie whines.

  Ugh. I had hoped she’d forgotten.

  “Let me check with your dad and see if I can grab the pizza.”

  It strikes me then that I’ve been so concerned with the kids I haven’t even thought about what I’m going to d
o with my house.

  “Okay Auntie Abby.”

  One step out of my SUV and I instantly start freezing my ass off. It’s December in New Hampshire and I’m not wearing shoes or a coat. I didn’t have time to grab either before we all raced out of the house.

  Eli shrugs off his coat and passes it to me the second he’s near me. “Do you have any shoes you can put on?”

  “I might have a pair of sneakers in the back.”

  Leaving me, he goes to look. Luckily, I was right. I belong to a gym but am hit or miss about going there. I started keeping a set of workout clothes ready just in case.

  While I pull them on, he checks on his kids, opening Connie’s door to give her a kiss.

  “I’m so sorry about this,” I say once he’s sure they’re fine.

  “Shut up, you didn’t cause this. Brooke will be here in a couple of minutes to get the kids.”

  With his warmth from his coat seeping into me, I look up at my brother. He’s a giant grouch and pisses me off on a regular basis.

  But, like every single time I’ve ever needed him, he’s here. Eli has never once let me down.

  “But I interrupted your evening.”

  His shoulders sag. “Don’t worry about it. I was already screwing it up all on my own.”

  “What did you do now?” I demand.

  He grins at me. “Just being my lovable self, I suppose.”

  We both turn when we see Gideon’s truck pull up behind Eli’s.

  “What the fuck happened?” He asks, the second he’s within earshot.

  Eli glares at him. “The kids are in the car, asshole.”

  I assume he’s pissed because Gid cussed and decide against pointing out asshole is also a cuss word.


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