War Day
Page 17
The Committee wishes to stress from the outset that while this report summarizes a considerable body of evidence, based on classic prewar studies as well as on American and British studies undertaken since 1988, only major trends are reported here. Contemporary studies, for example, have been conducted only during the last three years, although some five years have passed since Warday. It must be noted that the full, long-term consequences of massive radiation dosages cannot be known completely at this time; this is particularly true of genetic effects.
As requested, this report will address presently observed trends in physiological/genetic injuries caused by war-related radiation exposure. Where appropriate, however, related socio-psychological effects also will be described. It is important to note that these data describe only survivors of the attack.
The single most dramatic trend observed to date is in the inordinate number of radiation-induced neoplasms, or cancers, from some 30 percent nationwide before the war to almost 60 percent today. Studies conducted by the National Centers for Disease Control in the Washing-
t o n , D.C., zone, and by the joint American-British Radiation Effects Teams in the South Texas zone, provide the most c o m p r e h e n s i v e evid e n c e to date that perhaps as much as 90 percent of the affected p o p u -
lations in both zones suffer to some degree from radiation-induced c a n c e r s . Of this population, d e p e n d i n g upon radiation d o s a g e (both short and cumulative), more than 60 percent have e x p e r i e n c e d malig-nant neoplastic diseases. Skin tumors are perhaps the most c o m m o n , f o l l o w e d by lung, s t o m a c h , breast, and o v a r y / r e p r o d u c t i v e o r g a n s . The prewar cancer rate for the entire population, excluding cancer of the skin, w a s perhaps 30 percent; of that population, s o m e 1 5 - 1 8 percent died. Exposure to radiation at the 150-200-rem level, however, effectively doubles the rate of cancer. Studies conducted after Warday suggest that more than half of the population in or near b o m b e d areas suffered rem exposures at the 350-500 level. Aerial surveys of the Texas and New York zones suggest that individuals as far away as 2.5
miles from G Z [Ground Z e r o ] e x p e r i e n c e d exposure levels of 1 00-150
rems. Those individuals two miles from GZ probably received exposures in the 500-rem level. Demographic correlates, therefore, suggest that in these two urban zones alone, more than 35 million persons exp e r i e n c e d radiation levels sufficient to cause cancer. Correcting for those killed instantly and those w h o died within the first six months, s o m e 15 million persons have now, or can be e x p e c t e d to have, malig-nancies.
Related to the dramatic rise in cancer rates is the substantial rise in leukemia, of which granulocytic leukemia is perhaps the most frequently observed. Consequently, there has been a dramatic rise in related blood diseases.
While cancer and leukemia represent the most dramatic radiation-disease trends, it must be r e m e m b e r e d that radiation fundamentally attacks the cellular system of the body. This o c c u r s because ionizing radiation creates c h a n g e s in individual cells. When sufficient c h a n g e s occur, the individual o r g a n ceases to function properly. Cells of different types, and therefore different o r g a n s , have varying levels of radio-sensitivity. Consequently, all of the following organs are susceptible, in d e s c e n d i n g order of sensitivity:
• lymphoid tissue and bone m a r r o w
• epithelial tissues, such as the ovaries and testes a n d the skin
• blood vessels
• smooth and striated muscles
• differentiated nerve cells
Nerves in general are the most resistant to radioactivity, although the nerves of embryos and of the adult cerebellum are exceptions and are quite sensitive.
The incidence of non-vision-disturbing lens opacities, or cataracts, also has increased markedly. These cataracts are similar to those reported in cases where individuals have experienced an overexposure to X-rays or gamma radiation. Fast neutrons are generally regarded as the primary source of this disease. It is suspected that cataracts of the type observed are caused by exposure to radiation dosages of 300 rems or more. Although firm data are not available, extrapolations of observed sample populations suggest that between 12 and 15 percent of the population, or ten million persons, have or will develop radiation-induced cataracts. It is not known at this time what percentage will require surgical treatment.
Skin diseases, in addition to the neoplasms described above, are largely related to radiation burns, usually caused by beta particles. Skin diseases caused by fallout can be from beta and/or gamma radiation.
Diseases of this sort range from sensations of "burning" to skin discoloration, lesions, ulcers, formation of keloids, or overgrowths of scar tissue, epilation or baldness, and atrophied limbs or whole portions of body surfaces.
Again, although hard data are not available, statistical projections based on observed samples suggest that some 75 million persons are or can be expected to be infected with varying degrees of skin diseases.
It is important to note that the substantial areas of the United States still designated Dead, Red, or Orange Zones for their varying radiation levels almost certainly guarantee a continuing population of afflicted individuals. Those populations located adjacent to radioactive zones come into contact regularly with objects or contaminants of one kind or another that either engender first-time exposures or form part of the cumulative exposure so frequently reported by local and regional medical centers. Radioactive foodstuffs are a continuing source of contamination, as are objects "looted" from restricted or forbidden areas. The greatest single source of "new" radiation, however, is that dropped by atmospheric fallout. Fission products such as cesium 137 (half-life of 30.5 years), strontium 90 (half-life of 27.7 years), and carbon 14 (half-
life of 5,760 years) are perhaps the most important contributors to long-term radioactive exposures. Their effect upon skin diseases is more ascertainable; their effects on internal systems are unknown and therefore merit close medical study.
It is well d o c u m e n t e d that exposure to radiation in measurable amounts causes changes in the hereditary c o m p o n e n t s of reproductive cells. Observations of nuclear industry w o r k e r s , as well as of the victims of World War II atomic b o m b i n g s , confirm these effects in future generations. However, none of these prewar populations w e r e e x p o s e d to such high and continuing levels of radiation as have been the p o p u l a -
tions of the United States and the Soviet Union. Genetic mutations have been noted in both countries and in adjacent countries where radioactivity is present through fallout in abnormal counts.
The process of genetic alteration is very c o m p l e x and b e y o n d the s c o p e of this report. Full implications of genetic changes are not k n o w n and will not be k n o w n for multiple generations, although s o m e ten million people in the United States are e x p e c t e d to be affected during the next 2 5 - 3 5 years. The following observations, however, serve to illustrate the e x t r e m e c h a n g e s that have already o c c u r r e d . Until extensive studies are completed, it is impossible to differentiate between those genetic changes caused by minor radiation exposures (0 to 250 rems, for example) and changes caused by higher levels of exposure (250 to 500
rems). Also, it is presently impossible to understand the differing effects of radiation a b s o r b e d all at once or cumulatively, in terms of resul-tant generatic alterations.
In summary, then, the following genetic trends have been observed in individuals exposed to varying levels of radiation:
• increased rates of sterility of 65 percent
• increased rates of abortions c a u s e d by c h r o m o s o m a l d a m a g e of 27
• increased rates of stillbirths to 35 out of every 100 births
• increased rates of children born with physical handicaps of 57 percent
• specific increase of 32 percent in frequency of children born with varying levels of mental retardation
• increased rate of 28 percent in infant deaths
• increased rates of 25-30 percent of chronic susceptibility to disease in young children born after Warday, especially to respiratory and cardiac diseases
While not necessarily induced by radiation exposure, Nonspecific Sclerosing Disease, or NSD, is noted more frequently in individuals, and in populations as a whole, that have been exposed to radioactivity, especially in populations adjacent to contaminated areas. Early symptoms include parched skin, mostly on the chest or abdomen, and the development of lumpy swellings over the surface of the body. Lack of appetite or anorexia follows, often complicated by difficulty in breathing.
Eventually there is a collapse of the internal organs. Very little is known about NSD. The origin of the disease and its etiology are little understood. It is perhaps trauma-related, although individuals almost always have had exposure to radiation above 100 rems. There appears to be no treatment at this time, and the fatality rate varies between 70 and 100 percent among those who contract it.
There is a whole family of medical conditions related to the shock and trauma associated with nuclear war. Much has been written about the broad sociological changes that have occurred in the last five years, especially regarding individual and societal perceptions of national and international government, long-term security, possibilities for international accord, and fundamental changes in relationships between individuals at all levels of society. This report, however, is concerned with effects of a more physiological nature.
In both child and adult populations there is a marked increase in general susceptibility to disease. No doubt this susceptibility is influenced by stress, lack of suitable diet or caloric intake, and depressed metabolic levels. Continuing unsanitary conditions in or near War Zones are another major contributor to high levels of illnesses such as influenza and dysentery.
There is an increase in the number of persons displaying high levels of depression, dysphoria, unprovoked fears, etc.
Also, there is an increase in the number of persons exhibiting pronounced and chronic shock and disorientation. In some cases this condition, if severe enough, produces abnormal and often violent reactions to ordinary stimuli. It is estimated that some 1 0 - 1 5 million persons exhibit permanent disorientation. It is believed that this condition is a major factor in the large nomadic sub-populations that live on the fringes of the War Zones.
It should be mentioned here that a considerable portion of the population demonstrates varying degrees of phobic reactions to real or imagined radiation. There is a very pervasive fear of radioactive con-
tamination, which has led to excessive countermeasures, such as over-strict local or regional laws. This abnormal fear is present even in
" s a f e " areas such as California and the Northwestern states.
Other conditions, also believed to be t r a u m a - i n d u c e d , include marked increases in the reported rates of impotence, baldness, and a range of "sympathetic" ailments in individuals with little or no exposure to radiation.
Less than five years have passed since Warday. While the full long-term implications of radioactivity are not k n o w n with certainty, sufficient trends have e m e r g e d to provide a disturbing portrait of surviving A m e r i -
can society. The Committee recognizes that while the full effects of nuclear war are many, it is clear that the United States will have as a major c o n c e r n , for many d e c a d e s to c o m e , the treatment of radiation-related diseases.
Both the Executive and Legislative branches of government should place their highest priority on the care and treatment of those m e m b e r s of the population w h o have suffered, or will suffer, the lasting effects of this war. The evidence is sufficient to d o c u m e n t the alarming rise in human systemic illnesses; the effects upon the newly born and upon g e n -
erations to c o m e are even more disturbing.
SIGNED: Charles Wilson, M.D.
Everett Simkin, M.D.
Mary Louise A m a d d e n , Ph.D.
William Lloyd, M.D.
Mario de los Santos, Ph.D.
Trevett Cole, Jr., Ph.D.
Coast Daylight to San Francisco
The Super Chief, the Broadway Limited, the Twentieth Centu-
ry—these legendary trains came to mind as the sparkling Coast
Daylight left Union Station and picked up speed past the Los Angeles County Jail. Soon we were heading toward Santa Barbara and the north.
We were on a super deluxe train—or at least in the super deluxe part of it, in a beautifully refurbished Superliner observation car. It was decorated in tan, with luxurious club-style seating and a view of the California coast so spectacular that we almost missed the appetizer tray.
"Father," the tan-uniformed waiter said, leaning forward to present me with an array of shrimp, oysters, crab claws, and raw vegetables to go with my Bloody Mary.
These wonders were part of the ticket price—a hefty eleven dollars. Lunch in the spacious and spotless dining car behind us was included as well. I suppose we could even have taken the roses on the table, had we wanted them.
Also included, as it turned out, was conversation with Mr. Tanaka, a Japanese rail official, who happened to be sitting beside us, watching the passing view of the ocean.
On our train trip to Needles, people had not been willing to talk much. But that was another world. Those were refugees; here in 172
C A L I F O R N I A D A N G E R S 1 7 3
the first-class section of the Coast Daylight were the new prime movers, and they were not afraid to speak their minds.
'This train's barely doing sixty," Mr. Tanaka scoffed, apparently his way of starting a conversation.
"How do you know that?" Jim asked. I saw him turn on his recorder.
"Simple. Each rail is thirty-three feet long. Each 'click' you hear means one rail. I count the number of clicks over sixty seconds and thus calculate the train's speed."
"Are you a trainman?"
Mr. Tanaka gave Jim a card that read H . T A N A K A , T E C H N I C A L
D I R E C T O R , N I P P O N - A M E R I C A I N T E R N A T I O N A L R A I L C O R P . , 1130
S U N L A N D B U I L D I N G , L O S A N G E L E S .
"I'm Father William," Jim said. "This is Father Brown."
We exchanged handshakes. "What's a Japanese railroad man doing here in California?" I asked.
"Ah, a great deal. This is the land of opportunity. Things need to be done here! We're working with your government to create the most modern train system in North America. L.A. to Oakland in an hour and twenty minutes, and that includes a five-minute stop in Bakersfield. How do you like that?"
"It's because of a revolutionary new transport system we call a magnetic-cushion tube train. Top cruising speed potential of five hundred miles an hour. Of course, this run is too short to reach that speed. But one day we'll be going all the way to Seattle. Then you'll see some speed."
"What about air travel? Aren't planes coming back?"
"Don't talk to me about the competition! I'm telling you, we can move more people faster and with greater efficiency than the best airline in the world. Our energy costs are thirty percent less than the most efficient jet engines now under development back home.
Planes can never compete."
"But all those miles of track—"
"Prefabricated above ground tunnel segments with magnetic cushions inside. Built in Japan very cheaply and shipped here for easy installation. The roa
dbed is a circular magnetic field in the tunnel. The train floats in it. Our cost per mile is about three mil-
lion gold, and if California can't get the money directly, it can find a way to obtain it from the Feds."
It seemed a lot to me.
"This thing is creeping,'5 Tanaka scoffed. "Bullet trains do better at home with dead birds on the windshields."
"How long have you been in the United States?"
"Since 1990. I've got my whole family here now. We bought a house in Beverly Hills last year. Lovely house. Pola Negri used to live there. Or maybe Theda Bara, we're not sure. We are redoing the gardens and installing a complete computerized home security system. It's lots of fun, because such huge houses are unobtain-able in Japan."
"How do you find working here?"
"I love it! There's so much to be done. A whole new world is being built in this country, and it's starting with California."
"Do you approve of California's immigration policies?"
"Not my business. I'm a foreigner. My interest is in getting people from place to place fast. I don't care why they make their journeys."
"How about the rest of the country? Have you done any travel-mg?
"Well, Japan Air lines operates an all-America tour, but we haven't taken it I don't want to fool around with radiation." He lifted his left hand. Two of the fingers were grown together, a thick stump. "My mother was at Nagasaki." There came silence between us. "The road can be very hard," he said at last. "This we Japanese have learned."
After a moment he settled back, contemplating the black cliffs and the slow blue sea.
Golden City
The Daylight reached Oakland at 8:36 in the evening. As soon as we got off the train I went to a phone booth and called my one contact in the area, a writer named Quinn Yarbro, whom I had known before the war.