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Black Hills Blessing

Page 6

by A. C. Wilson

  Chapter 6

  If ever he felt like a knight fighting a dragon, Garrett would have to say that right now was that time. The only problem being that it was a freaking dragon he couldn’t see! How could he even begin to battle something like that? He wished like hell that the question was a rhetorical one; however, that just wasn’t the case. Rayne clawed at his bare skin, raking her nails up his back and while it hurt, the after effect was rather enlightening. He wondered if he’d be lucky enough to not be scarred by the scratches. Quickly they had made it out of their clothes. She had been almost a wild cat and he’d had to be a bit dominating to keep them on level ground. Rayne had acted like she expected him to shred every piece of clothing and impale her on the spot.

  I could have. Lord knew he was hard enough to do just that, but the fact that she almost wanted him to be forceful bothered him. He had done a great many things as a lover, but he had never been rough with a girl. It just wasn’t his style. He could handle Rayne taking over and he thought that might be the best idea. Clearly the pace he set was not fast enough. Grinning as she succeeded in rolling him off and then under her, Garrett enjoyed the view of her breasts. He reached up to take her nipples in each hand, rolling them between his thumbs and forefingers. He even pulled slightly and she let out a deep appreciative groan. Her eyes closed and her head tipped back, Rayne rubbed her slick sex along the length of his dick.

  Oh dear God! He closed his eyes as he felt them roll back in his head. The intense friction would have him racing her to the finish line. Before he could redirect her, Rayne lifted up and sheathed him in her softness completely. The molten warmth wrapped around him and he couldn’t think. The only thing he could do was move with her. Her rhythm matching the pounding of blood in his veins. It was intoxicating to be ridden by such perfection and Rayne was physically that. Emotionally, on the other hand, was another story. Being that he had learned not to judge someone for the craziness of their lives, he wondered if he wouldn’t have chalked Rayne up to a few screws loose at the very least!

  Their bodies had hit a fever pitch of excitement as each flew apart. The pleasure of the cliff came sooner than he had expected and that was saying quite a lot. Rayne broke apart. Whatever hold the darkness had on her was severed and as she came down to lay on top of him, he felt her shiver. Despite the frantic pace she had set for them, her skin was cold to the touch. His heart squeezed in concern. Looking around them, he noticed the quilt balled up to one side. He hooked a finger into it and pulled it until he could drape it over them. Successfully he had created a cocoon with the blanket to keep the heat of his body inside. Hopefully it would seep into the shivering woman lying on top of him, her dark hair cascading down his chest. Garrett wasn’t sure what to say or if she would welcome any questions he might have. He did want to know what had created the monster he had seen earlier. A lesser man might have been scared, but he had seen his share of demons.

  “I’m sorry about that, Garrett.” Rayne’s voice sounded tearful and regrettably, Garrett was hoping it would make her feel better and not worse. She shifted on his stomach and slid off to the side. As she made to turn away from him, he wrapped one arm around her waist and effectively kept her in position. Another shiver shook its way down her spine and she averted her eyes. No longer resisting him, Garrett thought it was best if he try to understand just what was happening here.

  “I’m not going to complain too loudly about what happened, Rayne, unless this is going to become a more frequent event in which case, you might want to warn me.” He was trying to be funny, but his amusement didn’t rub off on her. He lifted his eyes to the ceiling and sighed. “It just didn’t seem like you were here with me. What happened after I left to go outside?” He waited. The room was eerily quiet except for the soft crackling of the wood in the fire. Patience was not a virtue with which he was profoundly blessed. He fancied that if it were the time of year for crickets, you would hear them chirping in the distance.

  “Ghosts.” Her words were a breath on his skin and he wondered if he had heard her right. He wrinkled his nose and lifted a dark brow.

  “As in the paranormal kind?” He asked skeptically, his eyes steadily watching for her answer. Her mouth frowned gently, her lips pursing forward into a pout. Still she seemed to be thinking it over. He had known several kids while they were growing up who believed that they had been in haunted places. Ghosts belonged in silly stories spoken around the campfire. If you asked Garrett if ghosts existed, he would profoundly deny them. It was not something in his realm of belief.

  “No. Ghosts as in the kind that haunt a person’s memories. The kind that cannot be exorcised no matter how many times you have tried or wished them gone.” The dark crescents of her lashes against her cheeks shimmered with tears that had snuck past the barriers. Garrett felt terrible. In trying to make light of what she had said, he had pushed the boundaries of that all captivating darkness closer.

  Damn. Damn. Damn. He felt like such an ass. He was going to have to find those feelings which he didn’t show very often. In his experience, if women saw that you were gentle and understanding, they immediately saw you as a candidate for a lifetime commitment. There was no way in hell he would give her that, but he could be her friend. Lord knew she could use one at this juncture in her life.

  “Why are you back here, Rayne, if it inspires this sort of terror?” His voice was softening even as he spoke the last of the words. His brown eyes searched her face for any unspoken answers. At least her trembling had lessened and he felt confident she would feel better soon. Pulling the quilt tighter around her nakedness, Rayne swallowed hard.

  “All that is left is memories, Garrett. I’m only here to sell the ranch and head back to Kansas. Nothing more.”

  Nothing more. Wow! How many times had he said almost the same to most of the women he had dated? He wouldn’t admit it verbally, but it had the same effect as a slap to the face; sobering and disappointing at the same time.

  “It’s hard to run from things that are never truly gone. I wonder what it takes for them to withdraw their claws and leave a person in peace.” Garrett questioned his own emotional demons as he examined hers. His head began to hurt and he never got headaches. It was probably time to shift their focus and give this weathered topic some rest. A sudden thought slammed into him that nearly made him sick to his stomach. His mouth dropped open and Rayne glanced up at him. Her eyes widened.

  “What?” He could tell she was starting to panic a bit herself to his sudden change of attitude.

  “Uh, we, uh…didn’t use protection.” He stumbled over the words as his head was trying to slow the thought process. His hands felt clammy and his mouth suddenly went dry. This NEVER happened to him! That kind of thing never escaped his notice until just now.

  How did this happen? He had been so caught up in the moment and only thinking about Rayne that he had completely abandoned his number one rule. As his heart plummeted, he was jerked back to the present by Rayne’s musical laugh. She was fighting to control it, but even a hand over her mouth couldn’t contain the fit of giggles. He could feel her body shaking next to him and he contemplated pushing her off the mattress.

  “You should see your face!” She mimicked his wide-eyed panic and then fell back into a fit of laughter. She really was off her rocker! This had just pushed her over the edge of sanity!

  “It’s not funny, Rayne! Oh God! Ok, you can stop now.” He grumbled after his attempt to pull her back from her gale of laughter failed. Her face was red and her eyes bright with humor. Gently she cupped his cheek.

  “It is fine, Garrett. I’m on the pill.” She smiled at him. “There will be no shotgun wedding today.” Her smile remained but her giggles faded. He stared into her eyes and seconds later, she pulled her hand away and turned to get out the bed.

  Just like that? There is more to that story, old boy. Indeed there was. Some things remained just out of his grasp and he wondered if the whole story would ever be revealed to him. Rayne Randa
ll was just the sort of mystery that may or may not come to light. It bothered him like a piece of cheat grass in his sock. He shifted on the mattress and turned on his side to face her naked back. The bow of her spine begged for his touch, but he resisted.

  “I just want you to know that I don’t ever have sex without protection. I always figured it would be the one way a woman would snag me.” The last he mumbled more to himself, but he saw the stiffening of her back and her quick, jerky movements to locate her clothes. Tipping his head to the side, he tried to fit the pieces of this jagged puzzle together. He wasn’t trying to be insensitive about this topic. He really was afraid that a woman would use getting pregnant to land him, hook, line and sinker. It was a choice he wanted firmly in his hands if he had ever found someone he wanted to be with; however unlikely it might be.

  “How very forward thinking of you.” Her words were irritated and gone was the bubbly laughter from just minutes ago. Garrett almost felt like he had whiplash. Her mood traveled from one extreme to another in a matter of topics. It was difficult to keep up.

  “I wasn’t trying to be a jerk, Rayne. The last few years you would be surprised at how many women would do anything they could to hook their claws into me. Some were grasping and devious. Others were sweet and understanding, but none of them were even remotely forever material for me.” Garrett watched her pull on her panties and clasp her bra. Somehow that seemed as good as armor at the moment. She was quiet and he thought he could almost read a sadness beneath the irritation. Once she had stood up to pull her jeans on, she looked more thoughtful.

  “I understand. It’s the same reason I’m on birth control. It’s my body and mine to control what happens to it.” She slid the metal button through the eye of her jeans. Standing straight and looking him in the eye, she pressed her lips together before she spoke again. “Some things aren’t meant to last forever.” There was definitely a sadness along with her core of determination. Something had happened to her beyond the parental issues. He didn’t think it would be a good time to bring it up for discussion though. He needed for her to trust him. They needed a foundation to lay all of the ugly out in the open.


  Rayne felt too exposed and it had nothing to do with being naked. Still she dressed as quickly as she could find her scattered clothes. What she was thinking saying that stuff to Garrett she had no idea! There were a million questions that popped across his face before she had to turn away. Pulling her sweatshirt back over her head, she felt a little less shaky.

  What is this place doing to me? What is he doing to me? The two major questions of the moment. It wasn’t just one or the other. It was both. It was going to be an impossible fight if she didn’t learn to keep her feelings far from the surface. Garrett had an uncanny ability to draw them out into the light and she had fought hard to tamp them down. His presence did a great many things to her and what his body did to hers was nothing short of mind-blowing. A connection like they had she was sure was special.

  Stop wishing for things that cannot come true! He has all but blatantly said he doesn’t want tethers. You’ve been clear you aren’t up for strings either! It was the truth. All of it. Still that didn’t stop it from stinging those dark corners that secretly hoped for the opposite.

  “How bad is it outside?” She thought the safest conversation would be about the weather. Even the little bit of light outside was reflecting off the snow and through the windows. Garrett pulled his own jeans up and buttoned them. She couldn’t help but watch. He mesmerized her with his broad, well-muscled back. Rayne felt the sudden urge to drag him back down onto the mattress and keep him captive the rest of the day. He turned and gave her an I know I’m sexy grin as he caught her gaze sweeping his body. She could instantly feel the heat shoot up into her cheeks as she pressed her lips together. She still couldn’t turn away from him though. He chuckled and pulled his t-shirt over his head.

  “It’s deep. We probably got between fifteen and twenty inches last night, but with all of the wind, there are drifts upwards of three feet. It won’t be easy getting everything dug out.” He gestured the rough height of the snow outside and she felt her eyebrows lift. That was a lot, especially to someone who’d spent that last half of her life in Kansas.

  “So it might be a day or two before they get the power back on. Oh joy! That sounds like a great deal of quiet time.” She didn’t like to be idle. She never had, but Garrett seemed to take it the other way. Rolling her eyes, she let out a huff. His answering chuckle was warm and deep. The ice around her heart melted just a bit more.

  “There is plenty to keep us occupied, I’m sure.” He winked at her and Rayne felt her heart skip a beat. She was a sucker for cowboys and now for men with brown eyes.

  You are going to be the death of me, cowboy! There was no doubt in her mind he would be.

  “Where do we start? What needs to be done before things get back to normal?” Rayne asked as she lifted her coffee mug to her lips and wrinkled her nose at the chilly liquid. Making her way towards the kitchen, she slipped around the corner and dumped it down the sink.

  “Well there’s enough dry wood in the back. I’ll bring some more into the mudroom until we need it. We shouldn’t have to worry about the fridge, but if there is something that needs to stay frozen, I’d put it outside and up where any critters can’t get at it.” He poked the logs in the hearth and set the iron back in its holder. “Maverick is fine in the barn. I checked on him a bit ago.” Garrett gestured outside.

  “I saw some bottled water in the pantry. It looks like someone knew what to expect up here. I sure didn’t.” Rayne said as she walked with care back into the room. Her ankle still hurt, but it wasn’t as swollen as it had been. It probably wasn’t as bad as Garrett was making it out to be. She wondered if he knew that or if he was just being a gentleman.

  “We have our moments. The weather here changes quickly and you just never know what you’ll need. It’s better to be prepared for anything than nothing at all.” Garrett took a seat on the couch and gestured to the other side. “You’d probably better sit and elevate that.” He indicated her ankle.

  Does he have ESP? How does he always pick up on what I’m not saying? She only nodded and took her time sitting in the spot he had selected for her. No reason to let him think she was going to do everything he suggested.

  “This will probably put off the funeral. It was arranged to inter my father on Tuesday.” Rayne was rambling aloud and only just thought about what she had said. Garrett’s brows furrowed as he rested a large hand on her thigh. “It’s fine. I’m the only one going to be there besides my father’s old foreman, Rodriguez. Apparently, my father wasn’t that popular.” To her irritation, Rayne felt her chest tighten as she spoke of her father’s funeral and as she thought about how lonely he must have been. At first the pain came from longing and then it came from anger at feeling even the slightest bit sorry for him.

  “I’m going too.” Garrett said as he gently lifted her leg up onto his lap and began to massage her foot. She might have argued with his ministrations if it didn’t feel so damn good. She did argue with his invitation to her father’s funeral.

  “You didn’t know him, Garrett. You don’t need to go.” She knew she sounded childish, but she couldn’t help it. It all just bubbled out.

  “I’m not sure anyone knew him, Rayne. As far as I can remember, he always kept to himself. I was a boy though, so the other ranchers might have known him better. I am going with you. Someone shouldn’t go to their family member’s funeral alone.” His tone didn’t offer much in the way of argument, but she wanted to. She just wasn’t sure what else there was to say without revealing all of the disgusting details.

  “Suit yourself.” Rayne settled against the cushion and let his touch calm her. It should be unsettling that his touch gave her some peace that she hadn’t had in a very long time, if ever. The gentle, but firm play of his fingers against the arch of her foot dulled her need to rage. She thought it odd,
but there was no way she was going to tell him to stop.

  “You mentioned selling the ranch.” Garrett said conversationally as they settled into the silence. She nodded. Her thoughts seemed easier to grasp without the pressure of her anger.

  “Rodriguez said that there have been a few offers over the years and now just seemed like the right time to sell it. I have a career in Kansas and well, the events here haven’t exactly endeared me to this place.” She veered from the ever present darkness and tried to keep her tone light. There was no denying that being back here was messing with her and the sooner she dropped it into someone else’s lap the better.

  “Did Rodriguez tell you how rundown everything was here? Surely you’ve noticed the barn is nearly falling down and this house hasn’t been worked on either. I can’t imagine the fence lines are any better.” Garrett shifted his concentration to her other foot, careful not to bump her twisted ankle on his lap. Rayne thought about the one phone call from her father’s old foreman. Old meaning he was advancing in his years and had decided to retire as soon as he notified her of her father’s passing. She hadn’t actually met the man in person.

  “No, he didn’t mention how much attention this place needed. My lawyer did mention that Rodriguez was getting on in years and it might have slipped his notice.” She tilted her head to the side. It only now occurred to her that it didn’t sound right. Alarm bells were ringing loudly.

  “Who’s your lawyer?” His brown eyes seemed more observant as she tried to recall the lawyer’s name. She had only spoken to him a couple of times. He was supposed to contact her in a few days.

  “Scott Valentine.” She watched Garrett’s eyes widen and then narrow with recognition of the name.


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