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The Three Barons

Page 31

by J. W Lateer

  According to Stig, the author of the article on the above mentioned site, Gali Clark was not called to testify to the Warren Commission, nor did she provide any affidavits or other evidence. In Warren Commission testimony, Paul Raigorodsky states that Gali is a sister to Prince Sherbatoff who lives in both New York and Jamaica. We have mentioned above the connection of Jamaica and Montego Bay to the assassination in the minds of many researchers.

  Another cousin of the Princess was Alexis Scherbatow who worked for the Tolstoy Foundation. We will see in a later chapter that Alexandra Tolstoy, who founded the Tolstoy Foundation, was on a committee to investigate Soviet kidnapings along with at least two individuals who were deeply involved with the assassination plot. These were Baron Charles A. Willoughby and Judge Robert Morris. This committee was active in the mid-1950’s.

  Gali Hughes Clark was the heiress to a massive industrial empire in Russia which was lost when the Bolsheviks took over in 1917. Her family’s industries had employed, among others, a young Nikita Khrushchev. The people who had owned properties and estates in Russia prior to the Revolution had definitely not given up the hope of getting their wealth eventually returned to them. Your author can affirm the fact that as late as the early 1980’s, Czarist bonds were being carried on the books of the largest Trust Company in Wisconsin as legitimate securities (though their value was obviously very hard to estimate or price).

  So the presence of a bona fide Russian Princess in the Dallas-Fort Worth area was not an insignificant fact. And as we have seen and will see throughout this writing, the backbone and the motivation of the JFK assassination plot came from Europe. And specifically, it has to be appreciated that these White Russian pretenders were not just believers in Old World fairy tales. They were willing, at the least, to murder anyone including a U.S. President in their attempt to satisfy their greed and their desire to regain the cushy lifestyle to which they felt entitled.

  Ferenc Nagy

  Another name which is often mentioned in relationship to the White Russians is that of Ferenc Nagy. Nagy was the former Premier of Hungary and the top leader in Hungary until he was forced to flee to Switzerland by the Soviets.

  Assassination researchers are very fortunate because Nagy left a brilliantly written memoir entitled The Struggle Behind the Iron Curtain, published in 1948. This memoir brings home to the reader just how impossible it was for members of our American government to cope with individuals like Nagy who had been through the bath of fire in pre-World War II and post-War World War II Europe. They had learned all the cunning, the evil and the dirty tricks from Hitler and Stalin. Our leaders just weren’t up to snuff by comparison to Nagy, the White Russians or the ex-Nazis.

  Nagy was very vain about his political gifts. When he found his country in trouble and essentially “up for grabs” after the fall of Nazi Germany, Nagy instinctively knew what to do. He had two trusted political advisors, one of whom was a Catholic priest from the background of the monastery. Nagy, acting with the assistance of these advisors, made a valiant attempt to avoid the inevitable. The Soviets had Hungary surrounded and they eventually imposed Communism on the hapless country.

  Nagy was generally flexible and open minded. He had to be in order to stay in the saddle of leadership in Hungary during this turmoil. He had to improvise principles of government “on the fly” as events swirled around him. He represented the Peasant Party, which included roughly half the people of Hungary. But despite representing the peasants, in his memoirs, Nagy often let his regressive, conservative prejudices show through. He was outraged at the idea that workers would be included in judicial panels to judge people accused of economic crimes. Management would be fine. But not workers. This despite the fact that Nagy led the Peasant Party.

  For the JFK researcher, the take-away is that Nagy was not either Catholic or Eastern Orthodox, but rather he was a Presbyterian. He was not deprived of any vast estates or wealth by the Communists. In fact, some believe that when the Communists forced him finally to flee to Switzerland for the sake of security for his family, he took with him some of the wealth of Hungary.

  Nagy came to the U.S. following this chaotic downfall as Hungarian leader. During the Hungarian uprising of 1956, the Soviet press claimed that U.S. intelligence had made use of Nagy and his influence to help stoke the rebellion. Without even researching this point, one could conclude that this had to be true. With the unparalleled political acumen of Ferenc Nagy, keeping him away from the Hungarian revolt would be like tethering the proverbial fire dog when he smelled the fire.

  There have been published claims that Nagy came to Dallas four or five weeks before the assassination. Some claim that Nagy was the infamous “umbrella man” who used his umbrella to signal when the shooting of JFK should begin.

  Based on the persona of Nagy as revealed in his memoirs, it seems highly unlikely that he had any involvement in the JFK assassination. Because he was not a White Russian, nor was he a Nazi, a Catholic, a fascist, nor a political extremist, he would have no motive to participate in the murder of an elected leader like JFK. While still the leader of Hungary, he used his wits to fight hard for his version of democracy. His democracy was somewhat rigged, but he wanted the people to feel in control of their government and have the right to vote. Also, unlike Germany and Russia, Hungary did not have a whole network of ex-Nazis and displaced aristocracy waiting in the wings for the fall of Communism. According to a Pew Research study published in 2009, Hungarians who lived under both Communism and, more recently, capitalism, responded in favor of Communism by a factor of 10 to 1.

  As stated previously, in the biography of Francis Cardinal Spellman, Nagy was given possession of “the crown of Saint Stephen” which could be used for reinstatement of a monarchy in Hungary. Or then again, Nagy could have disposed of it for profit. Who knows?

  It would seem like the Hungarian situation and thus the situation of Nagy was totally unlike the German, Ukrainian and Russian situations and therefore Nagy would not fit in very well at all with the killers of JFK.

  Notes:, updated 11-21-2016, viewed 12-10-16. This is cited in text in section for Paul Ragiorodsky.

  On information related to Jarnigan and the officing of Lawrence Orlov, see The Girl on the Stairs: My Search for a Missing Witness to the Assassination ...By Barry Ernest, p. 74.

  Negative Intelligence: The Army and the American Left, 1917-1941 By Roy Talbert, Jr. for information about Orlov’s experience in World War I.

  Chapter 20

  The Three Governmental

  Investigations of the Kennedy Assassination

  It is the intent here only to summarize (and critique) the three major investigations into the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Most Americans know what these investigations were about, what they achieved and what are the opinions as to their credibility. One website chosen (at random) cites the figure that 70 percent of Americans believe in a conspiracy in the JFK assassination. This same rough percentage was also mentioned in a recent documentary on the History Channel. This has been true since the release of the Oliver Stone movie JFK in 1991.

  It is probably not possible to analyze the faith which the public has in each of the investigations as compared to the others. These include the Warren Commission, the Garrison investigation and the HSCA. But it can easily be seen that the vast majority of the public believes in a conspiracy. This would imply more faith in the credibility of the HSCA and Garrison in comparison to the Warren Commission.

  The Warren Commission

  To state what almost ever researcher has concluded, the Warren Commission was basically an effort to calm the public and carry out the elaborate cover-up in the aftermath of the assassination.

  When viewed in this manner, it is easy to see, first, why the Warren Commission was necessary. Your author tries to show in these pages that SISS may have overseen the assassination plan. Therefore only a nearly identical entity could
effectively carry out the cover-up. Further, the makeup of the Warren Commission was hand-tailored to fit the design as a commission for legal and political purposes.

  One could argue that if the Warren Commission were truly designed to investigate the crime of the JFK assassination, then it should have been made up of forensic experts, noted big-city homicide investigators, military investigators, retired Federal judges and experienced FBI experts. But there was another, more important agenda for the Warren Commission as was put in writing by Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, J. Edgar Hoover and the military, among others. That agenda was to execute a pre-planned cover up.

  It is a very simple idea. Who would LBJ ask to operate the cover-up? Who were the individuals most capable of operating an effective cover-up? The perpetrators! Who else could truly anticipate what facts were lurking at the bottom of that nasty barrel? To ask it another way: in the United States, when murders are committed, then covered up, what percentage are covered up by the perpetrators? 98%? – 99%? – just pick a number.

  The majority of the Warren Commission consisted of members of Congress, including Hale Boggs, (D. LA), John Sherman Cooper (R. KY), Gerald Ford (R. MI) and Richard Russell (D. GA). These were all conservatives, three of whom were from the South. It should be noted that, as will be presented in a later chapter, Rep. Hale Boggs was involved in the cover-up even when Oswald had not yet been killed.

  Although the Warren Commission Report blamed Lee Harvey Oswald for the assassination, the Commission hedged its wording to say only that they had discovered no evidence except that which implicated Lee Harvey Oswald. So they did not state unequivocally that there was not a conspiracy in their official opinion, only that they had received no evidence of it.

  Earl Warren

  Because of his infamous tenure as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, most people who were of age in the 1960’s and 1970’s were all too familiar with the name Earl Warren. Warren had been the Republican Governor of California. He was named to be the Chief Justice by President Eisenhower. Ike later supposedly claimed the this was “the worst damn mistake I ever made.” Actually, this was probably disingenuous as were many statements of a similar nature made by Ike on similar subjects, especially about McCarthyism.

  It is well-known that the name Earl Warren became a byword for extreme liberalism, especially when it came to racial issues or Communism. Warren supposedly cried when he was asked to agree to serve on the Warren Commission. He was also famous for saying that the truth could not be revealed about the assassination, “not in our lifetimes.” So much for the fair, impartial jurist Earl Warren.

  John J.


  We should begin with the most harsh quote we have about John J. McCloy. The brilliant author and expert on German affairs, T. H Tetens quotes the leading German periodical Der Spiegel, saying that Der Spiegel had once described McCloy as having an “almost pathological love for Germany.” Tetens is by far the most insightful author in the opinion of your author on post-war German history. Apparently Tetens and Der Spiegel were in agreement on this point when it came to John J. McCloy.

  Some of the best information about John J. McCloy comes not from his biographer, Kai Bird, but from the matchless author Ron Chernow, the biographer of the Warburgs. Chernow describes McCloy as “a short, balding affable man … who enjoyed hobnobbing with the rich and powerful, and his career had long been intertwined with the Warburgs. His mother, a hairdresser, used to do Frieda’s [Frieda Warburg] hair during summers at Bar Harbor.” When McCloy joined the prestigious Cravath law firm in 1924, he did legal work for Freddie and Felix Warburg, who were partners at Kuhn, Loeb.

  There is John J. McCloy in a nutshell. McCloy had begun his career working for nine years as a lawyer on the Black Tom explosion, a gigantic act of German sabotage during World War I. During this time, he actually shared box seats with Hitler cronies Himmler and Goering in Hitler’s personal section of seating during the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

  As Assistant Secretary of War, McCloy had opposed the bombing of the rail lines leading to Auschwitz. He had also been in personal charge of the internment of the Japanese citizens in the West during World War II. From 1947 to 1949 he had been chairman of the World Bank. From 1949 to 1952, he was High Commissioner in the U.S. sector of Occupied Germany. Then he became Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank from 1953 to 1960. Chase was owned by the Rockefeller family. From 1954 to 1970, he was Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR had been founded by the Rockefellers.

  As High Commissioner of Germany, he had commuted the sentences of Friedrich Flick and Alfred Krupp, the two worst corporate Hitler collaborators. Acting on the advice of German-Jewish banker Eric Warburg, McCloy reversed the policy whereby German industry was being dismantled as a hedge against German militarism. When McCloy was in the midst of deciding which Nazi war criminals to [essentially] pardon, he and his wife invited to their home Princess Helene von Isenburg, who was nicknamed the “mother of Red-Jackets” [Nazi War Criminals]. Mrs. McCloy sent the Princess a check to financially aid the imprisoned Nazi’s. McCloy’s wife, born Ellen Zinsser, was a third cousin of the wife of Konrad Adenauer, Auguste “Gussie” Zinsser.

  Allen Dulles

  So much has been written about Allen Dulles that little space will be devoted here to him and his career. But when one reads exhaustively about the characters involved or suspected of involvement in the JFK assassination, one comes across some prize tidbits which tend to throw a spotlight on an otherwise murky subject.

  This is the case with Allen Dulles. Dulles had joined the State Department during the period of World War I. Even at that early date he was specializing in intelligence. One of his earliest postings was at Constantinople. Author Joseph W. Bendersky wrote a very important work on anti-Semitism in military intelligence. He states that anti-Semitism was rampant in the diplomatic service at that time. He says that prominent Jew Felix Frankfurter was referred to as Hot Dog. He quotes Allen Dulles, writing from the American Embassy in Constantinople, repeating a remedy he had heard from a friend for “Jewish troubles,” namely a ‘ham bone amulet’ to keep off the evil eye of some of our h___ nosed friends.” Later, in a letter which minimized the seriousness of problems which Jews were encountering in Poland, Dulles wrote that a report on the subject “is a typical bit of Jewish propaganda.”

  Uki Goni was the author of the book The Real Odessa. At page 10 of that book Goni quotes a “bone-chilling” statement made by Dulles in his WWII negotiations with the Nazis. Goni found the statement in U.S. files: “He [Dulles] was fed up with listening all the time to outdated politicians, emigrés, and prejudiced Jews. In his view a peace had to be made in Europe … while he had scant sympathy for Soviet Russia, he did not reject National Socialism in its basic ideas and deeds … he added that it would be unbearable for any decent European to think that the Jews might return someday”

  Hale Boggs

  Both Jim Garrison and the HSCA investigated a man named Raymond Broshears who was a friend of David W. Ferrie. As reported by Dr. Caulfield in General Walker, Raymond Broshears said that his friend David Ferrie had told him that Hale Boggs was one of the “names in relationship to the assassination of President Kennedy.” Dr. Caulfield adds a disclaimer that the meaning of this is unclear to him.

  Following the assassination, a right-wing group called INCA in its publication Victory contains the following quotes.

  Remarks by Rep. Boggs, on “Oswald Speaks”:

  Just a few hours after President Kennedy’s death, I sat with Ed Butler in my office in the Capitol and listened to this recording. What I heard was one of the things which prompted me to suggest and support the formation of a bipartisan Presidential Commission to investigate the assassination. I later served on that Commission. I believe this recording is a most significant historical document.

  Remarks by Sen. Dodd, on “Oswald Speaks”:

  I asked Ed Butler to come to Washington to testify before the
Senate Internal Security Subcommittee a few hours after President Kennedy’s assassination, at a time when Oswald was still alive. Ed Butler brought this recording with him. What we heard convinced us that Oswald’s commitment to Communism, and the pathological hatred of his own country fostered this commitment, had played an important part in making him into an assassin. This important and historical record completely demolishes the widespread notion that Oswald was a simple crackpot who acted without any understandable motivation.

  One can draw the conclusion from the timing of events as described above that Sen. Thomas Dodd and Rep. Hale Boggs were both involved in the frame-up of Oswald. Sadly, or should we say boldly, Dodd and Boggs were not even subtle with their ridiculous “in-your-face” claims.

  Hale Boggs was a Congressman from New Orleans. There has been no biography written about Boggs, but the best source for information was the memoir written by his widow Corinne “Lindy” Boggs who also succeeded Boggs in his Congressional seat from Louisiana. The vanity of Mrs. Boggs overcame her. She couldn’t resist writing what could be called a “dog-whistle book.” This is a book which seems innocuous, but is designed to give a perverted sort of credit after the true facts about the JFK assassination are eventually revealed. In this manner, people like Mrs. Boggs can be remembered by history as having played a role in this historic event, while not revealing such during their lifetime. There are several similar examples of such books discussed elsewhere in this volume.


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