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The Three Barons

Page 38

by J. W Lateer

  The next important information about the secretive activities of SISS and its relationship to began to surface later in 1963 immediately after the JFK assassination.

  It is important to remember that officially, SISS was temporarily chaired by Senator Thomas Dodd. As we will examine in our chapter on Senator Dodd, it was Dodd’s other committee, the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency which was engaged in an investigation of mail-order weapons sales.

  The main two vendors of mail-order weapons which Dodd was investigating in the Spring of 1963 were Seaport Trading of Los Angeles and Klein’s Sporting Goods of Chicago. Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly bought his pistol from Seaport Trading and his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle from Klein’s Sporting goods. It is completely documented that Dodd had requested both of these weapon vendors to supply his Subcommittee with all their records about mail-order sales for that period.

  Also, one of the major groups which Dodd was accusing of buying these mail-order weapons was the American Nazi Party. The name of that group was found, for no known reason, in the notebook of Lee Harvey Oswald.

  As we have discussed in our statement of facts about the assassination, the ATF agent in Dallas named Frank Ellsworth was in a special meeting in Dallas between himself, FBI agent James Hosty and Army Intelligence officer Ed Coyle. The purpose of that meeting has never been discovered. It is also believed that Ellsworth was one of those officials who was allowed to interrogate Oswald while he was in the Dallas jail.

  There are many irreconcilable facts surrounding Oswald’s weapons purchases. The first questionable fact would be the violation of postal regulations. Oswald rented the post office box in the name of Lee Oswald. However, Oswald allegedly purchased the gun using the alias “A.J.Hidell.” It was against post office rules for someone other than the P.O. box owner to receive mail in their box. We can see the wisdom of this. It avoids arguments about lost items and likewise avoids a loss of revenue to the post office due to people doubling up on P.O. boxes.

  There is absolutely no evidence of Oswald having purchased ammunition for either weapon. The evidence about the shooting of Officer Tippit shows that there were four shots fired at Tippit and that there were two bullets from one manufacturer and two from another. So the lack of proof as to Oswald purchasing his ammo is even more questionable since he would have somehow purchased ammo for the revolver made by two different manufacturers.

  Next there is the question of why Oswald would buy through the mail and not anonymously for a lower price from Dallas gun sellers? There were a number of outlets selling the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle in Dallas which were readily accessible to him. Oswald apparently had to buy his ammunition in Dallas. Probably the most important question is why did Oswald try to advertise among his friends his ownership of his rifle by way of the backyard photos and especially posing with both his rifle and issues of Communist newspapers?

  The last Oswald rifle issue is one dear to the heart of this author, having been a bank officer.

  The money order that Oswald allegedly used to pay for the mail order rifle was put in evidence. However, missing from the money order were the “tracks” or the endorsement stamps on the back. These endorsement stamps are absolutely necessary if one claims that the money order was used for a purchase. This is just the type of detail which would have been overlooked by someone forging evidence.

  These apparent co-incidences are not really co-incidences. The only logical theory about Oswald and his weapons is that Oswald was led to believe that he was working on a large weapons sting. This sting was ostensibly aimed at fly-by-night mail-order weapons outlets. That’s why Oswald had no clips, no ammunition in his possession, no cleaning equipment for the rifle, no tools necessary to assemble and disassemble the rifle, and no paraffin evidence of every firing a rifle on November 22, 1963. But this ATF weapons-sting theory can explain all of his activities regarding the rifle.

  Most important, however, is the fact that the weapons-sting theory explains the connection between Oswald and both of the Senate Subcommittees chaired by Senator Thomas J. Dodd.

  So at this point in our narrative, you have SISS (and/or Dodd’s other committee, the Juvenile Delinquency Subcommittee) involved in a weapons sting involving Oswald. Further, SISS was involved in investigating the Fair Play for Cuba (FPPC) in the same month as Oswald was pretending for no known reason to infiltrate the FPCC (even though Oswald was the only member in New Orleans.).

  Then, within minutes of the arrest of Oswald, SISS was contacted by Carlos Bringuier, the framer of Oswald. And before Oswald was dead, SISS was taking testimony from Oswald-framer Ed Butler. Butler’s testimony has never been declassified. The same day Oswald was killed, on a Sunday morning, Ed Butler and Dr. Alton Ochsner were already in Washington giving testimony to SISS about Oswald. Then you have Dr. Ochsner and Oswald both involved in the egregious weaponized cancer plan.

  And you find Jack Ruby publically correcting the Dallas District Attorney in a press conference as to the fact that Oswald was involved in the FPCC.

  Regarding the events of November 22, 1963, SISS would not have been able to have direct supervision over the shooters and the operatives on the ground. They would have most likely worked through the ATF, the Secret Service, the military, military intelligence or, less likely, through a collection of right-wing international paramilitary operatives who would have enjoyed the protection provided by SISS in Congress.

  The most current of information tends to incriminate the worldwide network of ex-Nazis from World War II who would have been working together with Southern racists and White Russians in Dallas as well as Senator Dodd and SISS.

  To summarize, it seems clear that the hub of political authority which supported the JFK assassination lay in the workings of SISS. Through Senator Thomas Dodd, SISS was linked to Europe, ex-Nazis and a worldwide network of fascist-minded players who were both anti-Communist and haters of JFK.


  The following book is cited by name in the text:

  Cases and Materials on Legislation, 4th Edition 1969 by Nutting, Elliot and Dickerson at p. 78

  Another source cited by name in the text is an article by Roland Evans, Jr. in the Saturday Evening Post, June 8, 1963 titled “The Invisible Men Who Run Congress.”

  As mentioned by name in the text, see: True Compass: A Memoir (2009) by Edward M. Kennedy.

  For one of the only (even summary) biographies of Senator James O. Easland, see Gothic Politics in the Deep South, by Robert Sherrill, at p. 198.

  The following is cited in the paragraph beginning “picking up on the activities of SISS” and is described as a “well-known website” in the text: [

  See Alger Hiss: The True Story ( 1976) by John Chabot Smith at page p. 143 n.for support regarding the buildup of public demand for a second trial for Alger Hiss in 1952.

  For a description of the presence of Billings, Martino, Robertson and others on the Bayo-Pawley raid, see The Fish Is Red: The Story of the Secret War Against Castro (1981) by Warren Hinckle William W. Turner at page 172.

  For a description of the role of Dick Billings in the purchase of the Zapruder Film, see The World of Time Inc., (1986) by Curtis Prendergast with Geoffrey Colvin,, p. 125; and Richard B. Stolley, “Four Days in Dallas: 25 Years Later,” Columbia [University] magazine, Oct. 1988, p. 58.

  Mentioned by name in the text is the iconic book Where Rebels Roost... Mississippi Civil Rights Revisited (2005) by MBA Susan Klopfer, Ph. D. Fred Klopfer, and Barry Klopfer, Esq.

  Act of Treason: The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of President Kennedy, by Mark North quoting NY Times 7-3-63; refer to page 286 on the issue of the belated release of the testimony of Robert Taber by SISS.

  The following is a citation for the INCA publication Victory as mentioned by name in the text: read from the
internet by your author on 5-14-2015.

  A citation for another INCA fact is: INCA [phonograph] records “Oswald Self-Portrait in Red” and “Oswald Speaks,” and the December 11, 1963 (Vol. 1,#1) edition of “Victory,” the official INCA publication, excerpts available at website, see note 8. This citation also relates to the introduction into the Congressional Record of information about Ed Butler and Lee Harvey Oswald by Senator Thomas Dodd.

  One of the most important paragraphs in the entire assassination literature is Chapter 17, footnote 64 in The Man Who Knew Too Much, by Dick Russell. This lengthy note supports the fact that only an hour or two after the assassination, the New Orleans Cuban exile activists by the name of Carlos Bringuier called Al Taraboccia, investigator for SISS in Washington with detailed biographical information about Lee Harvey Oswald.

  Chapter 24

  Speaker John W. McCormack and the Plot to Kill LBJ

  Did LBJ Mastermind The JFK Assassination?

  In the opinion of your author, the guilt of Eastland and Dodd would not necessarily point to the guilt of LBJ. There are, however, several major factors which could implicate LBJ. First of all, Senator Dodd loudly claimed to be “an LBJ man.” That is curious, since Dodd represented Connecticut, which is totally removed from the South and Texas in particular. Why would Dodd claim to be an especially strong follower of LBJ?

  Dodd’s main motivation in choosing his role in the Senate was his own anti-Communist orientation. LBJ was never seen as a particularly rabid anti-Communist or a Red-Baiter. LBJ was a New Deal Democrat. He had been a strong supporter of Franklin Roosevelt. Most of the rabid anti-Communists like Richard Nixon, Herbert Hoover, Sen.Everett Dirksen and Sen. James O. Eastland were generally opposed to any liberal ideas. On the other hand, Catholic anti-Communists like Sen. Joe McCarthy, Sen. Pat McCarran and Joseph P. Kennedy stood apart from southerners when it came to labor and social issues.

  It has been said by some authors that Joe McCarthy never enjoyed much support in the South. When Senator Richard Russell was Governor of Georgia, he nearly lost his office because he appointed just one Catholic to a minor Board of Trustees in his state. That is an example of the strong anti-Catholic sentiment among average people in the South. Many KKK types considered blacks, Jews and Catholics to be enemies of the Southern lifestyle.

  Why would Dodd, in the immediate aftermath of the assassination, be so enthusiastic about the accession of LBJ to the presidency? Kennedy’s family, at least, had been in part the creators of McCarthyism by their friendship with and support of McCarthy. Joseph P. Kennedy was a close ally of Francis Cardinal Spellman, the most powerful Catholic clergyman in the U.S. at the time.

  It doesn’t seem that Dodd had an ambitious legislative program or agenda which LBJ could have helped him to enact, based on LBJ’s Senatorial power. Dodd’s modus operandi seemed to be the use of the secret investigative committee, not the enactment of important legislation. In this he had much in common with Robert Kennedy and McCarthy. LBJ on the other hand was interested in moving legislation, not clandestine investigation. LBJ operated out in the open. Although friends with J. Edgar Hoover, LBJ never seemed to relish the trampling of privacy rights or the suppression of certain ideologies.

  Let’s face it, when LBJ became president, he immediately launched into the Great Society. The Great Society was a rehash of the New Deal of Roosevelt, the Fair Deal of Truman and the New Frontier of JFK. This was not a conservative program. And LBJ was never a proponent of the more sinister principles of the segregationist Senators like Eastland and Richard Russell. Both of these Senators held to a Mississippi Sovereignty Commission-type attitude and felt great sympathy for the KKK and were indifferent to terrorism against blacks and lynchings. LBJ had pointedly refused to sign the infamous Southern Manifesto written in 1956 by Senators Strom Thurmond and Richard Russell. This manifesto was the litmus test to be considered a Southern segregationist. LBJ refused to sign.

  And finally, LBJ was no longer in the Senate. As Vice-President, he was at least acting formally as a member of the Executive Branch. There is no suggestion that LBJ was secretly feeding information to Congressional Committees or getting involved in the assault of the Congress on the State Department. There was a battle of JFK, RFK, Walt W. Rostow and Walter Sheridan on one side and Dodd, Eastland and Dirksen on the other. LBJ was not in that picture.

  The personal papers of James O. Eastland were sealed off in a manner which was indefinite and intended to be permanent following the assassination. The Kennedy family helped hide the autopsy photos from the public and encouraged the slipshod autopsy at the very hour of the assassination. There is not a hint of any comparable secretive behavior or issue with regard to LBJ. His tapes, which reveal his conversations with many people immediately after the assassination, have not been hidden or edited to hide anything with only a few, very minor exceptions.

  Author Mark North, in his examination of the involvement of J. Edgar Hoover, was not able to find any actual incriminating evidence against Hoover. The role and involvement of LBJ, a close friend of Hoover, seems to be the same as Hoover’s. LBJ found himself in the middle of the situation. Both Hoover and LBJ had a basically constructive attitude toward their role in the government. Neither LBJ nor Hoover allowed personal greed or their affinity to their particular religion or ideology to trump their fidelity to the Constitution.

  And neither Hoover nor LBJ had a special axe to grind with Communism. Communism just wasn’t going to take over the U.S. and Communism especially was not going to take over the South. Of all the things the South had to fear, for instance racial integration or labor unions, Communism wasn’t high on the list. Except for Miami with the Cuban issue, anti-Communism wasn’t a special focus with Southern leaders such as Richard Russell or Strom Thurmond.

  One exception was James O. Eastland. Eastland was partners with Senator Pat McCarran and his obsession with “Internal Security” from the very beginning. Another exception was oilman H.L. Hunt of Dallas. Hunt was financially supporting neo-Nazis in Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine, which no one in the South ever heard of. The common denominator there could have been oil. As revealed in the memoirs of Edward Kennedy, Eastland had a strong focus on oil dealings as obviously did H.L. Hunt. And oil was an international commodity.

  So, in the opinion of the author, complicity of the Senate did not mean complicity of LBJ.

  Speaker John W.

  McCormack And The Plot to Kill Both JFK And LBJ

  A case can be made that the true plan of the fascists involved in the JFK assassination was to kill both JFK and LBJ and install Speaker John W. McCormack as President. As Speaker of the House, McCormack would be next in line for the Presidency. Let’s just list the issues and factors which point in this direction.

  The Shooters Detained On The Grassy Knoll

  As reported in our chapter on “The Facts in Dealey Plaza,” it was reported in a military intelligence memo dated 11-27-63 ”On November 20 last, the Dallas Police sighted two unknown men sighting in a rifle near scene where President was assassinated. Rifle being sighted in at two sillhouette targets” If these men were sighting at two silhouette targets, the two targets would necessarily be some distance away from one another. On its face, this suggests two shooting victims were targeted.

  LBJ Appearing With JFK In Public and Against Secret Security Rules

  Many assassination authors have noted that it was against Secret Service policy to allow both the President and Vice-President to appear together in public. The reason for that should be obvious. Yet in Dallas on 11-22-63, both JFK and LBJ were riding in open cars underneath the windows of the Dallas School Book Depository. In fact, LBJ’s car was two cars behind the car of JFK. When the fatal head shot was fired at JFK from the grassy knoll, LBJ’s car would have been right under the window where Lee Harvey Oswald was perched.

  If JFK was being “set up” by the whole well-planned scenario in Dallas, then it looks like LBJ was “set up” and “
wide open” in the same way.

  LBJ Ducks Behind The Front Seat Before The Shooting Starts

  The classic book about the possible complicity of LBJ is LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination, by Phillip F. Nelson. Nelson’s book is probably the best-written account of the assassination as far as professional writing is concerned. On page 403, he quotes Mary Mitchell, who was standing under the window of the Book Depository when the shooting began. In her testimony to the Warren Commission, she describes seeing the car “in which Senator Yarborough was riding.” Nelson infers from her statement that she should have said “the car in which Lyndon Johnson was riding,” but that LBJ was not visible. Nelson says that LBJ was not visible because he had already begun to duck down behind the front seat of the limo, suggesting he knew in advance that shooting would be starting at that point in time.

  Nelson says:

  Given the situation in the motorcade, there was no rational explanation for Johnson’s actions throughout the motorcade…that required him to practically lie on the floor of the car just before reaching Elm Street. This is, no reason other than the one which should be obvious: he was afraid the shooters might fire off a volley at him instead of shooting only at Kennedy, as they had been ordered to do, by him.

  Though author Nelson is near the top of the list of logical assassination analists, his conclusion in the previous paragraph is not, in fact, logical. If LBJ were ducking down before the shots began, he must have feared and/or known the assassins were out to get him as well. Why would you hire assassins to kill your boss and be afraid they would kill you, too? The facts scream out only one conclusion. The JFK assassination plot was a partnership between European ex-Nazis and certain evil Southern segregationists. The intent of the European fascists who were working through Senator Thomas Dodd was to kill both JFK and LBJ so they could have a rabid Catholic Northern Democratic President who was cut from the same cloth as were they. That man would be Speaker of the House John W. McCormack.


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