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The Three Barons

Page 40

by J. W Lateer

  Senator Richard Russell was hot! He wanted an honest investigation and, incredibly, he was the only one who did. His call seemed to last forever and was the longest of any of the calls, running to 8 pages of transcript.

  Out of 98 persons who were on the phone in the week after the assassination, 18 discussed the Warren Commission. The WC is usually the only thing mentioned in regard to the phone calls., We can tell from the calls that the people who were selected for the WC were pre-ordained by the particular array of interest groups who were stakeholders. Only one person seemed to have a pre-arranged plan for the Warren Commission. The only pre-arranged plan was suggested by Yale Law School Dean Eugene Rostow and his suggestions were not followed in any respect. The lines of power and the facts of the case led straight to the result as to membership and authority with no real disagreement. As stated elsewhere, since the majority of the Warren Commission were members of Congress, the WC would legally have been considered a Committee of Congress if such an issue were raised in a court.

  By their reactions, the Republicans proved (1) that they knew a priori about the assassination, at least generally, and (2) they were crude, rude and insensitive in “rubbing it in” in a way which was shocking. Ex-President Herbert Hoover (as related by his son Allen) came out and said he wasn’t sad about the murder. Minority Leader Charles Halleck said that, to him, going hunting was more important than worrying about approving Secret Service protection for Jackie.

  As Committee Chairmen, the Southern Democrats were analogous to pilots (they numbered 19). The Republicans were analogous to the infantry (they numbered 37). This is a metaphor which aptly describes the relationship between the two in-groups in providing political support for the assassination and cover up.

  Ike’s former Treasury Secretary Robert B. Anderson was the only person who seemed to have had a bigger and louder voice than was either justified or appropriate. Of all the callers who were only private citizens, he was by far the most likely to have been privy to the details of the plot. This was because of his relationship with assassination suspects like General Charles Willoughby and Judge Robert Morris. Anderson was also known for having poor judgment. This poor judgment might have been in play because Anderson, a near-plotter, was trying to gloat or throw his weight around in the aftermath of the assassination.

  There was no evidence of LBJ masterminding the assassination. He was handling matters that were within his purview, i.e. placating Senators and getting a rough idea of the evidence and the case against Oswald from J. Edgar Hoover.

  In his phone call with Senator Dodd, LBJ said, “well you’re my man on that Committee. You know I put you on it cause … I put you on there and damned if you haven’t done more there…” Dodd answered “I’m a Johnson man…” Obviously, since Dodd was the acting Chairman of the SISS subcommittee and the subcommittee had been in the middle of the assassination plot, LBJ was referring to SISS. Dodd was also a member of the parent committee of SISS, the Judiciary Committee. But LBJ would not refer to the Judiciary Committee as “that committee.” Dodd was also on the Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, but LBJ was more likely referring to SISS. This was LBJ’s way of claiming he had supported the SISS involvement in the assassination. But when LBJ appointed Dodd to SISS in 1959, the assassination had not even been dreamed of by anyone.

  Don Cook, President of American Electric Power, was calling LBJ to set up a meeting within the week with an unnamed group of men. Cook was apparently calling to confirm LBJ’s willingness to proceed with the sale of General Aniline and Film Company (GAF). GAF had been seized from the German Company IG Farben under the Trading With The Enemy Act during World War II. GAF had been owned by the U.S. Government Alien Property Trustee since World War II. JFK had not yet agreed to sell, since the sale of GAF was approved in December, 1963. This case of General Aniline and Film was probably a very large factor contributing to the assassination.

  The following are highlights of the 120 phone calls with 98 parties during the period previously outlined”


  MIKE MANSFIELD-D. MT-Secret Service for Jackie .

  SPESSARD HOLLAND, D. FL-Naming of Cape Kennedy.

  CLINTON ANDERSON-D. NM, Oppenheimer, Strauss, Space, Tax Bill-LBJ-”the President had made an award to Oppenheimer…I don’t think we should cancel that…”

  HUBERT HUMPHREY-D. MN-tax bill, civil rights bill, Walter Reuther met with Scandinavians, Willi Brandt.


  THOMAS J DODD-D. CT-Will announce WC, study “this assassination thing”, “you’re my man on that committee…” TD: “I’m a Johnson man, you know that..” TD-”I’ll do anything you want..”

  J W FULBRIGHT-D. AR- LBJ: You can sit with Russell on CIA cmte, I want you to know all the CIA tells you…

  JOHN SHERMAN COOPER-R. KY-LBJ-”I want you on WC-”JSC replies “What?-I’ll do it of course.”

  RUSSELL LONG-D. LA-RL “what do you know about McKeithen?” LBJ-”not a thing” [no cordiality].

  HUGH SCOTT-R. PA-LBJ “On a panel with Saltonstall & Pastore, you were very partial to me..”

  LEVERETT SALTONSTALL-R. MA-LBJ “You were on a panel talking nice…” “I’m a prisoner…”

  EDWARD M KENNEDY-D. MA-EMK called LBJ: EMK “my mother and my family appreciate you.” LBJ-”You’re in my prayers…”

  RALPH YARBROUGH-D. TX-LBJ “we must close ranks, especially with Connally being injured…”

  RICHARD RUSSELL-D. GA-RR “Only Hickenlooper & Fulbright will sit on my CIA cmte”-RR “Can RFK nominate someone to the WC?” LBJ “no.”

  GEORGE SMATHERS-D. FL-LBJ-”we’ve got to keep the JFK aura till the election…” Tax Bill, Civil Rights Bill,Budget.

  EVERETT DIRKSEN-R. IL-WC,LBJ “we will wrap up the 3 divisions of government…” EMD-” I’ve talked to Eastland,McClellan.”

  JAMES O EASTLAND-D. MS-WC-LBJ-”this Dallas thing…Cooper has international experience…McCloy will help with the international a little bit…” JOE- “Russell is irked.”

  GEORGE AIKEN-R. VT-1st call is erased; LBJ “I want your Gov. of Vermont to go to Zanzibar.” (Zanzibar had recently gone Communist).

  THOMAS KUCHEL-R. CA-WC-LBJ-”We could kill 39 million people:[with the A-bomb] the Chairman is a patriot…I supported Ike when I was a Senator…”

  WARREN MAGNUSON-D. WA- WM-has words of encouragement for LBJ.


  JOE KILGORE-D,TX-”Come up to the little house [LBJ says of White House]”, mentions PM of Denmark, Prince of Cambodia.

  LES ARENDS- R,IL--WC-LBJ-” I want a defense man, CIA, For. Rel., a Hoover man…”- JS Cooper is discussed.

  CARL ALBERT-D,OK-LBJ “don’t want things going on in House and Senate…” WC..CA on WC “no thanks!”

  JACK BROOKS-D,TX-Chmn House Judiciary Cmte-Chmn House Cmte Gov Operations, Nat. Sec. Sub- committee [on Air Force One 1 11-22-63].JB-”I’ve done a little work with some of these brothers.”

  CHARLES HALLECK-R,IN-WC- LBJ says, “I’ll appoint a commission…folks are worried…it has some foreign implications…CH- C.J. Warren is a mistake…” LBJ-”need CIA experience…”CH-”I don’t know if the right wing was in this or not.”

  HALE BOGGS-D,LA-HB “Cong. Goodell on floor complaining about 2 investigations (Judiciary and HUAC). WC. HB “two will be appointed by you” LBJ “aren’t they all appointed by me?” HB “yes.”

  ADAM CLAYTON POWELL-D,NY-LBJ “Did I do all right on Civil Rights?”

  JOHN J MCCORMACK-JM “We need Secret Service for Jackie-Repubs, C. Halleck opposed”-discussed Cotton Bill, WC -LBJ “I don’t want JOE, J.E.Hoover does not like McCloy.” JWM “No northerners???”

  GERALD FORD-R,MI-WC-LBJ-”I want somebody who knows CIA over in your shop…”


  ABE FORTAS-WC-AF “Gen. Norstad” LBJ-”what about McCloy instead?” AF “OK, looks like we’re stuck with Boggs.”

  ERIC GOLDMAN-PROF-LBJ advisor-EG-”I was impressed by
your speech and I am at your disposal.”

  T. WADDY BULLION-LBJ tax atty, LBJ talks private business, FCC, Lady Bird.

  JAMES HAGGARTY & BOB KINTNER, Pres. NBC,-LBJ-”I had Bob Anderson in and the General [Ike] and we discussed the sound dollar…”

  HORACE BUSBY-frugality, Alliance for Progress, LBJ-”we’re carrying on the Alliance for Progress…”

  ROBERT ANDERSON-R, Treas Secy under Ike--LBJ-”Ike and I were just talking about you…would like to meet with you tomorrow” Tax Bill, Civil Rights Bill-LBJ-”JFK was killed and people in Mississippi were killed... they’ll be in streets…I’ll tell the Repubs you’re the party of Lincoln, sign discharge…”

  TED SORENSEN-St. of UN. Speech, budget, Tax Bill, de Gaulle, D.Dillon, JK Galbraith, Ribicoff-LBJ-”I apologize for being late…I just got Doug Dillon out of here (that’s on the budget).”

  ARTHUR GOLDBERG-LBJ “help share the heavy thinking…Repubs are more united than the Dems…Mrs Kennedy’s request with the Russian Ambassador…[?]..”

  LARRY O’BRIEN-Pres advisor-Wheat deal, LBJ-”we’re in up to our ears…”

  JESSE KELLAM-LBJ Adv.-LBJ “I want to bring Erhard to LBJ ranch” JK talks with LBJ on Texas business affairs.

  RICHARD MAGUIRE-Aide to JFK-RM-”I knew JFK since 1946” LBJ-”I need your advice, we’re in same family.”

  EUGENE ROSTOW (To Bill Moyers) WC “name Nixon, Tom Dewey, [per Spartacus website] indications were that Rostow was speaking for a group of people…did not say who was with him when he called.”

  BILL MOYERS-LBJ advisor-LBJ “give him [?] information about our country and about other members of the delegation…so he doesn’t think we bumped him off…”

  Labor Leaders

  DAVID DUBINSKY-Pres ILBWU- DD.. “you have a lot of friends and I’m one of them.”

  ALEX ROSE-Labor Leader-Liberal Party Politician in New York, offered encouragement.

  GEORGE MEANEY-Pres AFL-CIO- GM “we’re right behind you…I’m in a state of shock…”

  WALTER REUTHER-UAW-WR-’I’d like to come by for a chat … if you need anything, let me know.”

  DAVE MCDONALD-Pres. United Steelworkers-Tax Bill, discharge petition on Civil Rights Bill-DM-”I’ll get my legislative people up there right away.”

  Civil Rights Leaders

  DR MARTIN LUTHER KING-Civil Rights Bill, LBJ-”I’ll need your help.”

  WHITNEY YOUNG-Tax bill, Civil Rights Bill, WY “what about an invite to funeral and for CORE?” LBJ-”RFK will work it out.”

  A PHILIP RANDOLPH-Civil Rights Bill, discharge petition for bill.

  Cabinet and Other Officials

  WILLIAM MCCHESNEY MARTIN-Chmn of Fed Res Bd, LBJ “I don’t know much about your FRB shop, are markets ok now?”

  DEAN RUSK-Discusses Halaby & Moscow-Civil Air, WC LBJ “too many Republicans?” DR-”No.” Halaby & Rockefeller are connected.

  ALLEN DULLES-Recording starts in mid-conversation, WC-LBJ “it’s a ‘court of inquiry’”-AD what about my prev job?” LBJ-”that’s ok.’

  J EDGAR HOOVER-Alex Hidell,Texas Atty. Gen.,WC, JEH “I don’t like McCloy,” General Norstad is discussed as a possible WC member. JEH “I have an armored car, you don’t” Discusses Rubenstein lie detector, that LHO got $6500 from Cuba.

  DWIGHT EISENHOWER-Ike’s message was delivered through McGeorge Bundy and Dean Acheson, no tape.

  MCGEORGE BUNDY-Nat.Sec.Adv.-MB “You should meet de Gaulle, Erhard,Hume,Mikoyan & explain U.S. position[on?]…MB “see de Gaulle 1st…he’s the oldest…”LBJ-”that bothers me…I thought I’d sandwich him in…” (Against Bundy’s recommendation, LBJ wants to visibly snub de Gaulle).

  HERBERT HOOVER-Per Allen Hoover HH’s son, “I can’t say he’s sad but he’s extremely sorrowful.”

  JOHN MCCONE-CIA Dir-JM “I had a call from Mexico City and Alvarado his recanted his story [about LHO receiving $6500 from Castro.” call was declassified 4-17-1995.

  ROBERT S MCNAMARA-RSM “We’re you calling me, sir?’ LBJ-”call him when you’re alone…must have been a mistake..” [Call was treated by transcribers as wrong number].

  Corporate Leaders

  G KEITH FUNSTON-Pres. NYSE, LBJ-”It was good to close markets when you did.”GKF “Tax Bill, Civil Rights Bill, I think confidence exists in markets.”

  DON COOK-head of SEC, CEO AEP, offered Treas Secy by LBJ 1965 LBJ-”We need a good man in Vietnam”-DC-”Fed Res Bd & Treas. Should be close.”

  ED WEISEL-CEO Paramount Pictures-EW “Tax Bill, Foreign Aid … talk to ‘Bobby’ [RFK?], we don’t want panic…”

  FRED KAPPEL-CEO AT&T-LBJ “Take your committee and give me the benefit of their wisdom…we must preserve the system…”


  ROSCOE DRUMMOND-Christ Sc Monitor, LBJ “thanks” RD-”the hand of God is in it.”

  GENE PULLIAM-Owned papers in Ind and Az-GP-”congrats on your speech.”

  LOUIS SELTZER-Cleveland Press, LS-”great speech.”

  RUSSELL WIGGINS-Ed. Wash Post, Phil Graham and Sam Rayburn were discussed in general.

  BEN MCELWAY-Ed. Wash Star LBJ- “this thing came upon me.”

  WALKER STONE-Scripps-Howard, let’s talk on Friday.

  DR FRANK STANTON-Pres. Of CBS, LBJ “Lady Bird says we need smart people.”

  OTIS CHANDLER-Pres. L A Times, mentions Bob Anderson & Ike, first use of word “assassination.” (For some disgusting reason, LBJ referred to the assassination as “the Dallas thing.” prior to this call).

  KATHERINE GRAHAM-Publ Wash Post-”hello dearie” rest of tape is blank.

  DAVID LAWRENCE-US News & WR- “jot down ideas-I just need your help..”

  HENRY LUCE-Publ. of Time-Life-call cut off by receptionist..”he is with Mr. Johnson…”-operator.

  JOSEPH ALSOP [very long and intense call] Columnist for Wash Post-Heavy discussion on WC-JA “You can’t have it done in Texas!! … Dean Acheson and I believe … the left won’t believe the FBI” LBJ “the lawyers and the Council just hit the ceiling…”

  SAM NEWHOUSE-Owns Vogue, Vanity Fair-LBJ “I had this thing fall in my lap…say hi to Ed Weisel.”

  WILLIAM S WHITE-N Y Times-WSW-”I heard your speech and I cried.”

  Regional Politicians

  JAMES FARLEY-relations w/Vatican 1933, HST appointed to Hoover Commission.

  FRANK CLEMENT-Gov. of Virginia, you’re wonderful.

  FERRIS BRYANT-Gov of Fla. Cape Kennedy, science cmte.

  JOHN BAILEY-head of DNC, “call me” “thanks”

  PAT BROWN-Gov. of CA, PB-offer of help, LBJ-”you’d be a tower of strength.”

  RICHARD J DALEY-Civil Rights, Tax Bill, opposes Cotton Bill.

  PHILIP HOFF-D,Gov. of Vermont-go to (Communist) Zanzibar for independence day.

  ALLEN SHIVERS-D, Gov of Texas, I’m in over my head, you’re mighty nice, etc.

  JOHN PASTORE-D,Gov of R.I.-LBJ-”Let me tell you how much I love you”[yuck].

  KARL ROLVAAG-D,Gov of Mn-mentions James Teague-unknown person.

  PATRICK LUCEY-D,WI Chmn Wisc Dem. Party “Wisc has shown its affection for you…here’s Rolvaag.”

  GEORGE ROMNEY-R,Gov Mich-We are fortunate to have a person of such great experience.

  JOHN REYNOLDS,D, Gov of WI, LBJ “Look after things for me.”

  Science related

  JEROME WEISNER-JW-”The AEC would like to put out a statement saying you’re going to make the Oppenheimer award.”

  GEN DAVID SARNOFF-DS-”I’m praying for you.”

  JAMES WEBB-NASA CEO-JW-”problem w/military, McNamara wants Gemini transferred to the Air Force…can we push moon into 1970’s?”

  Miscellaneous and Unknown

  NELLIE CONNALLY-LBJ “take care of Uncle John.’

  LUCIA ALEXANDER-sister to LBJ, LBJ-”please refer reporters to my press secretary,” (part of call was “sanitized”).

  MRS J D TIPPIT-LBJ-”Condolences to you and your children.”

  LOU DRESSCHLER-unknown-foreign visitors.


  The Kennedy Assassination Tapes, by Max Holland.

  Chapter 26

  Baron Wernher von Braun And His Best Friend

  Walter Dornberger

  The majority of the following information deals with background facts about General Dornberger which are not material to the overall purpose of this book. Therefore, this author has quoted in places from the website [] which represents the most concise source of general information about General Dornberger as well as many other sources.

  Walter Dornberger had been the top leader of ex-Nazis in post WWII captivity and he was the supervisor to Oswald babysitter Michael Paine. Also, he was the long-time best friend of Baron Wernher von Braun, who some authors accuse of being complicit in the JFK assassination.

  Walter Dornberger was a Major General in the German Army. He was born on September 6, 1895. He died on June 27, 1980 at age 84. He was born in Giessen, Germany and served in both World Wars. In the First World War he was captured by U.S. Marines and was a POW for two years, during which he made repeated attempts to escape. Dornberger studied engineering at the Berlin Technical Institute..

  In the 1920’s Dornberger completed an engineering course with distinction at the Berlin Technical Institute. In the Rocket and the Reich: Peenemunde and the Coming of the Ballistic Missile Era, by James Neufeld, (hereinafter R&R) the author picks up the history of the German rocket program at page 8 with an early pioneer with a rocket background working in the Reich Defense Ministry of the Weimar Republic in 1929. This pioneer was named Karl Emil Becker, who began to investigate the rocket in 1929. Three army veterans younger than Becker would soon emerge as the central figures in the administration of the program: Erich Schneider, Walter Dornberger and Leo Zanssen. All three were products of a “study officer” program that was founded by Becker.


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