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The Three Barons

Page 48

by J. W Lateer

  According to Dr. Caulfield, James Pfister, Chairman of LUAC was the first to tip his hand about the larger intent of the SCEF raid. According to Caulfield, “everyone involved with the creation of LUAC had ties to [Jim Garrison suspect Guy] Banister and nearly everyone involved in the SCEF raid had ties to the Banister operation.” Pfister announced that LUAC would be investigating the connection between SCEF and Oswald’s FPCC.

  Major Russell M. Willie testified to the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1978. He stated he was employed by the Louisiana State Police and the Louisiana Sovereignty Commission. When testifying before LUAC, Major Willie stated that he had an informant who provided him with evidence that SCEF was subversive. This informant, by process of elimination, had to be Lee Harvey Oswald. At the hearing, Willie refused to name the informant. As every JFK assassination buff knows, Lee Harvey Oswald was the only member of the FPCC in New Orleans. And there was no other known connection between the FPCC and SCEF other than what may have occurred between Oswald and SCEF in New Orleans. Pfister announced this intention on November 28, 1963. In the famous midnight press conference at the Dallas jail when Oswald went before the press (on the night of the assassination inside the Dallas jailhouse), even Jack Ruby demonstrated that he knew Oswald was connected to the FPCC. He stood up and corrected District Attorney Henry Wade when Wade forgot the name of the organization with which Oswald was connected. Ruby yelled out “FPCC!”

  Dr. Caulfield does disclose that the Chairman of LUAC, Jack Rogers did display a letterhead from the Los Angeles Chapter of the FPCC showing that Carl Braden (an officer of SCEF) was the “Honorary Co-Chairman.” There were two sides to the story regarding Socialism/Communism in the U.S. As mentioned previously, when this author examined the personal correspondence of James Dombrowski, it was shocking to see that Dombrowski’s life-long financial backer Ethel Clyde would boast about hosting the infamous accused Communist spy Alger Hiss at an event at her apartment.

  SISS Chief Counsel J.G. Sourwine stated in a court affidavit in 1964 that he had studied SCEF. He included not only SCEF but other groups that were connected to SCEF (presumably SNCC, SCLC, CORE, NAACP, ACLU, National Lawyers Guild and most of all Oswald’s FPCC). He described all of these (without naming them) as being dominated by a foreign power, i.e. the Soviet Union. In a prior chapter we examined the views of Judge Robert Morris, a Chief Counsel of SISS. We can see that the Chief Counsel of SISS in 1963, J. G. Sourwine held the same broad-based, irrational viewpoint on Communism and the alleged danger of Communism in the U.S. And in this instance, the Red Scare tactic was being turned against all of the civil rights community.

  The entire thesis of General Walker by Jeffrey Caulfield, M.D. was that Oswald was being guided like a puppet to put his “dirty Communist fingers” on each and every group which Eastland and his friends despised. To the Warren Commission, Oswald was seemingly performing random actions. One instance was his appearance with CORE in Clinton, Louisiana. Another was his protesting against the New Orleans Committee for Peaceful Alternatives (NOCPA). Still another was his correspondence with the Socialist Worker’s Party and the Communist Party USA. And then there were the backyard photos with Communist newspapers in his hand and his attendance at an ACLU meeting with babysitter Michael Paine.

  Caulfield raises a crucial issue. When Lee Harvey Oswald was 15 years old, he allegedly wrote a letter to the Young People’s Socialist League in New York. How would a 15-year-old find out about such an organization? This author can share from personal experience back in the 1950’s and 1960’s, there were nationwide drives by both left-wing and right-wing groups to ensnare young people in various youth organizations. In your author’s own recollection, parents warned their children not to join such groups for fear of being blacklisted by employers for the rest of their life. It was scary.

  On page 768 of General Walker, Dr. Caulfield shares the fact that he discovered some revealing correspondence. In it, Carl Braden, (an officer of SCEF) was writing letters to the Socialist Party/YPSL. Why would an adult be writing to a Young People’s Socialist League? Answer: To further the effort to approach and ensnare young people, logically, in his own community. So the question of how Oswald would have found out about a Socialist/Communist youth group is an easy one. He was obviously approached to join the group by an adult Socialist/Communist. Much, much less likely was that he was enlisted as an informant by LUAC.

  Never send a boy to do a man’s job. Dr. Caulfield readily connects Oswald with David Ferrie while Oswald was in the Civil Air Patrol. But a 15-year-old would make a terrible witness to appear before SISS to prove the danger of a pending Soviet takeover. Even if you convinced a 15-year-old to become a fake Communist, in what way could you use him? An informant? A witness? And why only Oswald and not others? Oswald was not a prodigy. Wouldn’t others have remembered such activities going on the the Civil Air Patrol? (Granted, the CAP was entirely political in purpose).

  To believe this theory, you would have to believe the inclusion of the entire anti-Communist, anti-civil rights establishment from James O. Eastland, to Leander Perez, to the New Orleans Police Intelligence Department, to the Sovereingty Commission and LUAC; the plans of all these villians would be put in the hands of a single 15-year-old and they would all be willing to wait 9 years for the payoff.

  The fact is, some unknown person, maybe a teacher, maybe Oswald’s Jesuit cousin, maybe a next-door neighbor; somebody put Oswald up to becoming a junior league Communist and they succeeded. Oswald would remain either a full-blown or at least a half-hearted Communist until the day he died. And like many other Communists, he exploited his knowledge for financial gain, even if it turned out to be a very small gain in the end.

  And in addition to carrying the LUAC on his back, Oswald also worked in a project to allegedly weaponize cancer together with top New Orleans doctors. And on top of that, he helped Senator Thomas Dodd and his Juvenile Delinquency Committee investigate Seaport Traders for selling mail-order weapons. These facts, though true, seem to be straight out of Marvel comics. Knowing all this, on 11/22/63, why didn’t Oswald just jump off the Book Depository wearing his red cape and just fly away?

  Dombrowski biographer Frank Adams tells us that LUAC published three reports on the above facts. They found that SCLC and SNCC were “substantially under the control of the Communist Party.” Jack Rogers, the lawyer for LUAC stated that over 200 civil rights groups were under investigation as being Communist. Eventually, on April 26, 1965, as mentioned before, the Supreme Court of the U.S. struck down the Louisiana Communist Control Act because it was unconstitutionally vague.

  James Dombrowski left the SCEF in December, 1965. He died May 2, 1983.


  As documented in references in the text of this chapter, four sources are relied upon for the information in this chapter. The are:

  James A. Dombrowski Papers, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. Referred to as Dombrowski Papers.

  General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical-Right Conspiracy (2015) by Jeffrey H. Caulfield, M.D.

  James Dombrowski: An American Heretic, 1897-1983 (1992) by Frank T. Adams.

  Brothers in Arms: The Kennedys, the Castros, and the Politics of Murder (2008) by Gus Russo and Stephen Molton.

  Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald (2011) by Judyth Vary Baker, p.288.

  Chapter 29

  Biographer William J. Gill and His Wife,

  The Nazi Mata Hari

  Before we examine the very interesting facts and issues raised in The Ordeal Of Otto Otepka, by William J. Gill, hereinafter Gill, we must first find out what we can about the author himself. But a bit of information which was recently discovered at the last moment by this author is that William J. Gill was married to a woman known as the Countess von Podewils, who was of the German nobility.

  The starting point would be the information presented on the fly-leaf of The Ordeal Of
Otto Otepka, which is to the effect that Gill has been a journalistic prize-winner and has been a correspondent for such publications as Life, Saturday Evening Post, Reader’s Digest, National Geographic and others. He also won a “Golden Quill” award from a journalism honor society. He is also identified as a co-author with F. Clifton White, of Suite 3505: The Story of the Draft Goldwater Movement (Arlington House, 1967).

  This paragraph on the fly-leaf makes Mr. Gill appear to be mostly politically neutral; after all, the Saturday Evening Post and Reader’s Digest were, and have been ever since, considered the paragons of America, somewhat like apple pie. Who can forget all the brilliant Norman Rockwell covers for the Post? So Mr. Gill seems to be a kind of Norman Rockwell who is working with the printed word.

  So what else can we find in print about Mr. William J. Gill? A slightly more revealing excerpt of Mr. Gill’s political opinion is found in a review which he drafted regarding a Kennedy assassination book entitled Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy by Michael Collins Piper.

  In Piper, Final Judgment, the blame for the Kennedy Assassination is placed on Israel and/or Zionists. This is a novel theory, when compared to the many other hypotheses regarding J.F.K. Mr. Gill states in a review of Final Judgment:

  “I think you’ve pinned the tail on the donkey. In my estimation, Final Judgment ranks as the most important book of the 20th Century.”

  Either the entire world has passed this unparalleled theory by, or Mr. Gill must be greatly exaggerating the importance of this book. William J. Gill is described in a brief bio which appears with this quote as follows:

  (The former executive director of the Allegheny Foundation and author of such books as Trade Wars Against America, The Ordeal of Otto Otepka and Why Reagan Won. Gill was a journalist with UPI and the Pittsburg Press and also wrote for Life, Fortune, The Saturday Evening Post, Reader’s Digest and National Geographic.)

  One extremely intriguing item which went along with the rave review of the Final Judgment was the review that appeared alongside the review by Mr. Gill. This second review reads in part:

  As one who has read over 200 Books on the JFK assassination, and engaged in research both as an individual and as part of various teams, I can say … that Piper’s book is now the definitive work on the JFK assassination … Michael Collins Piper has struck gold. Herbert L. Calhoun, PhD.

  (Dr. Calhoun retired as deputy division chief of the Policy, Plans and Analysis Office of the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs and formerly served for the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency).

  An important fact is that the State Department has such a bureau. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but we will see that this man’s bio reads exactly as if it had jumped from the pages of The Ordeal of Otto Otepka, by Mr. Gill, because of his affiliation with the State Department.

  In an internet posting, author Michael Collins Piper relates the following about Gill: “Bill Gill was also very entwined with the CIA and military intelligence and over the years he was involved with a number of ventures involving matters of special interest to the Mossad. He was one of those old-time Cold Warriors who used to buy the idea that Israel was a valuable Cold War asset – but Bill was privately VERY ANTI-SEMITIC. And – Tim Gratz will love this – Bill was married to a German countess who was the god-daughter of Eugenio Pacelli, later to become Pope Pius XII – so-called “Hitler’s Pope.”

  In 1970, in the trade magazine Broadcasting: The Business Weekly of Television and Radio, the following article appears, in part:

  An alternative to television network news coverage will be offered by a new TV-news programming service, scheduled for introduction next fall. Aimed at countering what was termed “one-sided slanting” and “bias” of network news coverage, the new service-News Perspective International-has been in the works in Washington for about a year.

  William J. Gill, author, reporter and former T.V. producer N.P.I. president said last week news directors around the country had told him several months ago of their dissatisfaction with the network-news product. To confirm this sampling, Mr. Gill commissioned William T. Gladmon of Vienna, Va. to conduct a “National Television News Survey.”

  Questionnaires with seven questions were sent to every TV station in the country-except the 15 owned by the ABC, CBS and NBC networks.

  In his covering letter to the TV news executives, Mr. Gladmon asked “whether you believe there is room within the television industry for a regular program that would objectively present national and international new without the “strong leftward bias that Howard K. Smith and others claim predominates the network news shows.” He said newspapers would also be offered a news-wire service.

  NPI was incorporated last summer in the District of Columbia with a declared capitalization of $5 million. Mr. Gill would not disclose the source of the funding.”

  Apparently during this period when Mr. Gill was serving as a moderate-to-conservative journalist, he also was working the Allegheny Foundation: the article in “Broadcasting” magazine continues:

  Mr. Gill’s latest book [which was published in January, 1970] is The Ordeal of Otto Otepka. He has served as United Press correspondent and reporter with the Pittsburg Press and as writer and co-producer in 1963 of a series of documentaries on KDKA-TV Pittsburg.

  Most recently he was in charge of the Allegheny Foundation for T. Mellon & Sons, Pittsburg. Mr. Gill in 1967 collaborated with F. Clifton White, campaign manager for New-York’s Republican-Conservative Senator-Elect James Buckley, on the book Suite 3505 about the 1964 presidential campaign.

  And this connection to the Buckley’s of course connects Mr. Gill at least in some way or other to the CIA. William F. Buckley co-operated very closely with his brother Senator James Buckley. It is well known by assassination researchers that William F. Buckley started right out of Yale University working for the CIA in Mexico City. Mr. William F. Buckley was also a founder of Young Americans for Freedom, or YAF. This organization took off like a meteor in 1963 around the time of the Goldwater movement.

  By searching the internet, a great deal of information about William F. Buckley is available.

  The import of the information is to the effect that Mr. Buckley was involved in producing disinformation regarding the famous assassination of Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier. This occurred on September 18, 1976. If you take that as fact, that would put Mr. Buckley as supporting the interests of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, the convicted war criminal, even in 1976. Mr. Buckley began officially working with the CIA in 1951.

  Getting back to William J. Gill, it is apparent that Mr. Gill was not operating in the moderate or “middle of the road” circles that would be implied by his relationship with Reader’s Digest, UPI , National Geographic and The Saturday Evening Post.

  The final topic regarding the career and politics of Mr. Gill is regarding the Allegheny Foundation, of which he was executive director and its parent, The Scaife Foundation:

  The Scaife Foundations are actually a group of four foundations which include the Allegheny Foundation, The Carthage Foundation, The Sara Scaife Foundation and the Scaife Family Foundation all of which are based in Pittsburg, PA. Richard Mellon Scaife (July 3, 1932-July 4, 2014) was an American billionaire, a principal heir to the Mellon banking, oil, and aluminum fortune, and the owner and publisher of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. In 2005, Scaife was number 238 on the Forbes 400, with a personal fortune of $1.2 billion. By 2013, Scaife had dropped to number 371 on the listing, with a personal fortune of $1.4 billion.

  Scaife was also known for his financial support of conservative public policy organizations over the past four decades. He provided support for conservative and libertarian causes in the United States, mostly through the private, nonprofit foundations, now controlled by his daughter Jennie and son David. More details about these foundations can be found at

  William J. Gill worked for Scaife’s charitable foundations
30 years ago. Gill took a trip to Vietnam on foundation business and when he returned submitted an expense account that included charges for laundering his shirts during the trip. Scaife refused to pay for laundering and wrote a memo that Gill could never throw out: The memo was to the effect that Scaife would not agree to pay $8.00 for Gill’s cab fare.

  As will be discussed in a later chapter, Gill was apparently head of the Catholic War Veterans and on the board of the American-African Relations group at times during the 1950’s and 1960’s.

  Because William J. Gill was both a close associate of CIA operative William F. Buckley as well as married to a German Countess, this puts Gill right in the middle regarding inside information about the JFK assassination. His biography fits like a glove with the special interests whom we have proven by our research to be responsible for the assassination.


  The Ordeal Of Otto Otepka (1969), by William J. Gill.

  Suite 3505: The Story of the Draft Goldwater Movement (1967), by William J. Gill and F. Clifton White.

  Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy (2000), by Michael Collins Piper.

  To find the review by Herbert L. Calhoun, see:

  For the quote about William J. Gill made by author Michael Collins Piper, see:

  See the link below for Gill’s obituary in the Washington post which verifies his marriage to Countess von Podewils.

  Mr. Gill in 1967 collaborated with F. Clifton White, campaign manager for New-York’s Republican-Conservative Senator-Elect James Buckley, on the book Suite 3505.

  The quote about the proposed news service can be found at;[]


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