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The Three Barons

Page 68

by J. W Lateer



  Hans Josef Maria Globke, who was born on September 10, 1898 was a German lawyer, civil servant and politician who served as first Under-Secretary of State and then Chief of Staff to the German Chancellor October 28, 1953 to October 15, 1963. He was one of most influential officials in the government of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. He was the Chancellor’s closest confidant during his term as Adenauer’s chief of staff.

  Under the Nazi regime, Hans Globke served as the top official in the Office for Jewish Affairs in the Interior Ministry. (Tetens, p. 38). While the man who drafted the anti-Semitic Nuremberg laws was hanged as a war criminal, the man who signed them, Hans Globke, became the closest advisor to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. Globke, but also wrote the “commentary” by which they were interpreted and enforced. So much for de-Nazification.

  A major controversy broke out in 1950 when it became known that Hans Globke had played a major role in drafting the Nuremberg Laws. It was well known that it was by these laws that the Jews in Germany met their fate. Adenauer kept Globke on as Secretary of State because he had decided he had to re-integrate most of these Nazis into society and public service as a practicality.

  Evidence which has since come to light shows that Globke was a major administrator in the extermination of the Jews. Globke’s boss in the interior ministry under Hitler resigned rather than participate in the liquidation of the Jews. Globke eagerly stepped into his boss’s vacated position.

  No one has ever explained why Chancellor Konrad Adenauer couldn’t have found someone else to set up his system of civil service. The Minister of the Interior under Hitler, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, once wrote a letter during the Third Reich, praising Globke as “the most capable and efficient official in my ministry.”

  The post-war German press called Globke the “power behind the throne” and referred to him as “The Spider.” According to author T.H. Tetens, an expert on German affairs, “it is possible that Dr. Globke had done more than anyone else to re-Nazify West Germany. In October, 1951, a leader of the opposition Social Democrats charged Globke with packing the Foreign Ministry with ex-Nazis. The Deutsche-Zeitung reported that Globke was the head of a huge staff, a super-ministry led by thirty-six senior officials. The result of this was that every official ministry of the entire West German government was in reality run by dependable friends and servants of Dr. Globke.

  Under Globke’s control was the Office of the Protection of the Constitution (the West German FBI) and the BND, the West German Intelligence Agency run by General Reinhard Gehlen a former employee and long-time partner of U.S. CIA Director Allen Dulles. The above facts are more than enough to convince any reader that there was ample mechanism in place in West Germany for the ex-Nazi’s such as Globke and the others to have the motive, means and opportunity to murder John F. Kennedy. There is really nothing more to be said about this terrible situation.

  Ambassador Wilhelm Grewe

  There is not a lot of information available about West German Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Wilhelm Grewe. A 1962 article provides some information. (See article in notes). The article states that Ambassador Grewe is alleged to be a former member of the Nazi Party. He did not respond to a telegram inquiring about his Nazi past. The article points out that if Grewe did not deny it, it could point to its accuracy.

  Author T.H. Tetens in The New Germany quotes a newspaper called the Bonn Chronicle, which said that Adenauer was “surrounded by arrogant nationalists and defenders of the past, such as the Bundesministers [Gerhard] Schroder, [Theodore] Oberlander, [Waldemar] Kraft, and [Emanuel] Preusker, by men like [Hans] Globke, [Hermann] Abs and Professor [Wilhelm] Grewe, who all had served Hitler…” (Tetens, p. 70).

  Tetens goes on to write that militarists in Hitler’s Germany were assisted by diplomats and legal experts. The Ribbentrop-controlled Monatschefte feur Auswaertige Politik of September, 1941, proclaimed prematurely the dissolution of the Soviet Union “whereby all positive norms of international law have become void and inapplicable.” The author of the article was Ribbentrop’s legal expert, Dr. Wilhelm Grewe, a member of the Nazi party and later Bonn’s ambassador to Washington.

  As was reported in the previously cited article in Der Spiegel on October 4, 1963, President Kennedy had demanded that Adenauer recall Ambassador Wilhelm Grewe. The reason is cited as the arrogant and haughty manner of Wilhelm Grewe which rankled JFK. Although Grewe was not a major ex-Nazi, he was one of the Germans who interacted with JFK face to face. As Ambassador to Washington, his reports would be going to Bonn regarding American affairs. If JFK ran him out of town, that would not bode well for the opinions about Kennedy which Grewe would be reporting to Adenauer.

  Heinrich von Brentano

  Heinrich von Brentano was born on June 20, 1904 in Offenbach, Germany. Brentano was a founder and the party leader of the CDU, the Christian Democratic Union, which was the party of Konrad Adenauer. He was foreign minister of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1955 to 1961. Von Brentano was extremely anti-Communist and motivated in this by his strong Catholic affiliation.

  After his first entry into politics in 1945, Brentano began his career by helping to found the Christian Democratic Union of Hesse. As a member of the provisional assembly, he helped draft the constitution of the new West German republic. He served in the first federal Bundestag 1949. From 1949 to 1955 he was parliamentary leader of the CDU. He served again in that capacity from 1961 to 1964. It was in this period that he was collaborating with Senator Thomas Dodd in Dodd’s assassination-related trips back and forth to Germany in 1963 and 1964. Von Brentano worked tirelessly on the Schuman Plan in 1952 and 1953. This plan was the predecessor of the EEU. He also helped draft a constitution for the future Common Market. Von Brentano became foreign minister under Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in June 1955.

  Brentano traveled to the Vatican to advocate for Germans who were having difficulties with post-war legal issues. Curiously, in 2016, there is at this moment a 1956 wire photo of Germany’s Konrad Adenauer, Heinrich Von Brentano and Pope Pius XII for sale on a website. It was Von Brentano’s adamant anti-Communism based on his Catholic affiliation and beliefs which brought him into his special relationship with Senator Thomas Dodd as Dodd got deeper and deeper into the assassination plot.

  In a November 14, 1964 article in the New York Times announcing his death, the Times said that von Brentano was a spokesman for a pro‐French as well as a strongly anti‐Communist foreign policy.

  “But finally he had become known as perhaps the most adamant anti‐Communist among the major political personalities in Bonn” reported the New York Times.

  Von Brentano died unexpectedly of cancer in November, 1964.

  Hermann Abs

  It would be remiss to not mention Hermann Abs, since Abs was in the center of the “assassination shuttle” carried out by General Julius Klein and Senator Thomas Dodd in 1963. (Tetens, p. 70).

  Abs was a young banker starting out in the 1920’s when he became acquainted with the Warburgs who, owned the M.M. Warburg investment bank. Abs went on to be the most influential banker in Hitler’s quest to conquer the rest of Europe. Abs worked diligently on behalf of Deutsche-Bank to develop the concepts of banking and the control of credit as Hitler took over country after country.

  Abs had been an employee of a smaller bank, Delbruck Schickler & Co. From that smaller bank, Abs ascended to the managing board of the much larger Deutsche-Bank which, along with the Dresdner were the two largest banks in Germany during World War II.

  Hermann Abs was possibly the most controversial man in Germany, all things included. In 1970, an author named Eberhard Czichon wrote a biography of Abs and Abs sued him in the courts for libel and slander. (See Czichon). Abs was the top banker in Hitler’s war effort and continued on to lead the Deutsche-Bank until 1967. His family was also financially interested in coal-mining and mineral resource businesses. The unique fact about Abs was that he functioned only as a banker
during Hitler’s war effort. He was brought in to make Deutsche-Bank look more Aryan. In fact, since Abs was such a well-known Catholic, Deutsche-Bank under Abs went from technically being a bank partially controlled by Jewish interests to being considered a “Catholic” bank by some.

  His biggest challenge was to exploit the Austrian bank BUB which was taken over by Germany when Hitler invaded Austria. Abs was not a Nazi Party member. Although Abs did not commit any war crimes as such, he was basically in charge of helping Hitler devour bank after bank in occupied Europe. Without Abs, the financing of Hitler’s war machine might have been lessened. Abs’ talents undoubtedly prolonged the war. But under the standards of the War Crimes regime, Abs was able to avoid any prosecution or jail.

  General Reinhard


  When considering the plot to kill JFK, one has to ask the question whether it was one man alone who had either invented and/or created the plot structure. The next question is, assuming the plot was created by multiple people, did one man have overall operational control?

  If there were only one man who created the plot or one man in operational control, that man might well have been General Reinhard Gehlen, the head of the BND, the West German intelligence agency. In an excellent biography of Gehlen, author E. H. Cookridge paints a very vivid picture of the master spy.

  Reinhard Gehlen was born to a Catholic family in Erfurt, Germany in 1902. He served at the head of the German Army intelligence department for the Eastern Front during World War II. He was given that assignment in 1942.

  In addition to the Cookridge biography, Gehlen wrote a personal memoir called The Service. In his memoir, Gehlen claimed to be a part of the famous attempt by several Generals to assassinate Hitler on July 20, 1944. As might be expected from someone like Gehlen, although the other conspirators were shot, Gehlen escaped punishment and had only a minor role.

  Gehlen also claimed to have been dismissed from his post by Hitler for the reason that he was providing pessimistic reports to Hitler. Gehlen was at his post from 1942 to 1945 and almost the entire time, the Germans were staging a desperate defense against unavoidable defeat. Gehlen was supposedly dismissed in April, 1945, which would have been within a week or two of Hitlers suicide and the German surrender. So, like reports offered by other intelligence professionals, Gehlen’s story does not add up.

  After the Battle of Stalingrad when German defeat became a certainty, Gehlen began hiding away the records of his intelligence agency, the FHO. He buried these in the Austrian Alps. On May 22, 1945, Gehlen surrendered to the American Counter-Intelligence Corps known as the CIC. He immediately bartered the hidden German intelligence records for freedom and privileges for his compatriots in American custody.

  Typically, in their dealings with Gehlen and other Nazis, the U.S. Army did not do the obvious. Once they had custody of the records, they could have simply changed their mind and imprisoned Gehlen once again. But Gehlen was now dealing with the OSS representative Allen Dulles, a likely Nazi sympathizer and an egregious anti-Semite. So on September 20, 1945, Gehlen was flown to the Pentagon to begin working with the U.S.

  On December 6, 1946, Gehlen was flown back to Germany. Working with former German intelligence officers, Gehlen set up an intelligence redoubt in the small town of Pullach, Bavaria in the mountains of southern Germany. In 1947, Gehlen’s official association with American intelligence switched from U.S. Army Intelligence to the CIA. During much of the Cold War, Gehlen’s organization was in charge of the only intelligence being carried out by the U.S. in the Soviet bloc. The Gehlen organization grew to employ 4000 people.

  On April 1, 1956, the Gehlen Organization was officially transferred to the West German Government and became the Bundesnachrichtendienst or BND. The Federal Republic of Germany, the FRG a/k/a West Germany was created on May 23, 1949. So for seven years, the West German government had a parliament, a President, a Chancellor and armed forces, but was content to allow the CIA to run its intelligence agency. Since Europe was the major focus of the Cold War during this period, this would almost amount to a merger of German intelligence and the CIA.

  In his memoir The Service, Gehlen states that transfer of his organization to West German control was resisted as early as 1953 because members of the Bundestag questioned whether the BND would be working in the interests of West Germany. But according to Gehlen, it was Adenauer and ex-Nazi Hans Globke who pushed to have the BND taken over by West Germany. Gehlen relates that Chancellor Konrad Adenauer asked him to have the BND spy on the opposition Social Democrats.

  In another incident reported in The Service, the head of the German FBI, Otto John, defected to East Germany on July 20, 1954 and held a press conference. John claimed that the BND was spying on France and that West Germany was on the threshold of a new Nazi revival. When the BND became part of the West German government, it was “attached but not subordinate to” the office of the Chancellor.

  In his memoir, Gehlen advocates the very common, yet bizarre theory that the state intelligence agency, in this case the BND, should be the first in line to recommend foreign policy, ahead of the West German (or American) State Department. Gehlen describes the British and Russian traditions of intelligence as “influencers,” or working primarily to influence public opinion as opposed to gathering information or carrying out covert operations.

  In The Service, Gehlen describes his theory regarding the organization of the intelligence function. He advocates the use of “cells” of no more than 10 persons into which the entire intelligence organization would be divided. According to Gehlen, after the BND was transferred to West Germany, the BND had spies in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Vietnam, Korea, Chile, Cuba, but not in the United States. This last claim is very likely to be totally false.

  When the Soviet Union and Communist China developed a rift in 1960, Gehlen felt that the U.S. should have exploited that rift. This would have implicitly involved exploiting the rift for the benefit of West Germany as well as the U.S. Gehlen criticizes JFK as being “a man of half-measures … afraid to commit himself to the full to realize his aims.”

  Gehlen boasted that his agents at Pullach (BND headquarters) were proud of the role they played in the Cuban Missile Crisis. There is a generally accepted belief that U.S. intelligence could never penetrate Castro’s intelligence agency. Gehlen seems to be boasting that he was a step ahead of the CIA in the Cuban Missile Crisis in gathering information inside Cuba. This, of course, implies that the BND had infiltrated the U.S. Cuban exile community as well as Cuba proper. In another startling revelation, Gehlen claims that CIA director Allen Dulles requested that the BND supply former SS Officers to populate Egypt’s secret service.

  In his memoir, Gehlen lauds Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and the high ranking ex-Nazi Hans Globke who ran the BND as well as the German FBI. However, Gehlen states that the successor to Adenauer, Professor Ludwig Erhard disliked the very idea of having an intelligence service. Gehlen claims to have been influential in the U.S. decision to intervene in Vietnam. Gehlen retired on May 1, 1968. He died in 1979 at the age of 77.

  Since we have seen that West Germany was, to a large extent, effectively under control of unrepentant Nazis, this further implicates CIA director Allen Dulles as being nothing more or less than a Nazi sympathizer and/or a co-conspirator with the Nazis in their control of West Germany. Although the recruitment of Reinhard Gehlen was one of the most significant acts of Allen Dulles as CIA director, Dulles makes no mention of it in his memoir called The Craft of Intelligence.

  Since the BND reported directly to the Chancellor of West Germany and was charged only with operating outside of the borders of West Germany, it is no stretch to believe that Chancellor Konrad Adenauer could easily have employed Gehlen and the BND to plan, organize and carry out the JFK assassination.


  The Plunder of Jewish Property During The Holocaust, Edited by Avi Beker in Chapter 7, written by Sidney Jay Zabludoff, p.125.

  Beker, ibi
d, Chapter 8, “Why Was Switzerland Singled Out? A Case Of Belated Justice,” by Avi Beker, p. 142.

  The New Germany and the Old Nazis, (1961) by T.H. Tetens , p.38.

  As cited in text as, see:

  As mentioned in text, see: The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi Economic War against the Jews: The Expropriation of Jewish-Owned Property (2001) by Harold James.

  The allegedly slanderous book by Czichon is: Der Banker und die Macht: Hermann Josef Abs in der deutschen Politik, by Eberhard Czichon.

  Gehlen: Spy of the Century by E. H Cookridge.

  The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen (1972) by Reinhard Gehlen (Author), David Irving (Translator).

  Chapter 39

  Proof That Oswald Worked For SISS

  Response to an article by Lisa Pease in Probe, March-April 1997 Issue (Vol.4 No.3) published on as of April 1, 2016, retrieved by author on April 1, 2016. as of this writing is now called but the Probe article by Linda Pease dated April, 1997 is at

  In regard to Otepka’s investigation of Oswald, “a letter was sent out on October 25, 1960 from Hugh Cummings of State’s Intelligence and Research Bureau to Richard Bissell at CIA, requesting information on defectors to the Soviet Union. Why did the State Department Intelligence Division want information about defectors? Author Jim Hougen explains that apparently the study of defectors was initiated by State because neither the CIA nor military would inform the State Department which defectors to the Soviet Union were double agents working for the United States. In the quote from Hougan, however, a use of the word “him” could also refer to Bissell of the CIA, Cummings or Otepka. In other words, the CIA could have initiated the informing of the State Department about the status of possible double agents. Either way, it is apparent that there was a double agent program not being run by the State Department. This request to the CIA was, essentially, buried or obscured by the CIA bureaucracy, bouncing around to various people.


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