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Tainted: The Life of Uktesh Book 2

Page 16

by Aaron Hicks

  Uktesh said, “No it’s okay, I invited her. We’re going to eat, and she’s more than welcome to join. We might get Leilani to join if Pippy joins us.”

  She jumped up on the counter and into Uktesh’s arms before Abrym was done saying, “I don’t care, it’s up ta ya.”

  Uktesh hugged her to him and Walked back to Leilani’s, “I got a straggler.”

  Pippy held her hands out to Laurilli, “Li!”

  Laurilli literally Rushed to her and hugged her out of Uktesh’s arms. Uktesh asked Leilani and Pamfilo, “Would you two like to join us for supper?”

  Both said that they had to catch up on work, since they’d neglected their jobs by helping out Laurilli. Leilani added, “It’s the least I can do for ya helping out my father an myself. Plus my little Pippy’s had such a fun day, I don’ think I can ever repay ya.”

  Uktesh said, “Don’t worry about it, I’m,” he paused and glanced at Laurilli, “I should say we’re happy to help.”

  Laurilli added, “He’s not lying. We really are happy to help out with this cutie any day of the week.”

  With another round of thank you, the group went their separate ways. Uktesh and Laurilli with Pippy down to the dining area, Leilani went back into her bar, and Pamfilo returned to work.

  When they walked into the dining area Uktesh used four of the silver coins he still had to pay for Pippy to join them. Together with Laurilli they helped her pick her food. Pippy went straight to the desert cart. Laurilli and Uktesh both put an end to that idea, but told her that if she ate her diner she could have as much as she wanted.

  Uktesh and Laurilli put a cup of beef soup, a small salad, and mixed fruit on her plate, then took her to their table. She decided she wanted Uktesh’s berry drink and they slowly walked back to the table without spilling anything. Uktesh drank one of his cups right away, and ate his steak with gusto.

  Laurilli, however, made sure that Pippy had the proper utensils to eat her food, before she began to eat her own food. Uktesh realized his mistake, and mouthed, “Sorry,” to Laurilli who just smiled at him clearly not caring about his mistake.

  Esolc and Repus Rushed to the table and Repus made it first, “I told you!” he said, breathing hard.

  Esolc said to Uktesh, “We wanted to see if we could Rush from the top of the mountain to the dining area, and if so who could get here first. I say I won, though, because he fell out of Bull Rushes Down twice, while I didn’t. He’ll disagree, because he got here first.”

  Uktesh said, “Was anything bet on this race?” They shook their head, and Uktesh said, “I declare it a tie! Let’s add more rules for the next race. Also, this is Pippy. She’s Leilani’s daughter.”

  Repus choked out, “Daughter!”

  Esolc enjoyed Repus’s discomfort, “That is what the man said.”

  Repus hurried off to get food, and a laughing Esolc followed him.

  Heathyr came into the dining area in a far more graceful manner. She practically floated to her seat and smiled at Laurilli. Laurilli however didn’t take this development as a positive thing, “Mom are you okay?”

  Heathyr said airily, “Fine, sweetheart, a letter came from your father today.” She waved a piece of paper in the air. Laurilli practically teleported to and grabbed it away. She read it front and back and through her tears she said, “He’s alive! Or he was three weeks ago!”

  “That’s right! That came to you by special courier!” Uktesh turned to see the six foot eight inch tall Larut standing behind him!

  Uktesh shouted, “Larut!” He Walked out of his chair to face Larut, and did his best to crush him with his hug. Laurilli join him, and as he pulled back Uktesh realized he had tears in his eyes. It was as if his body was directly contradicting his earlier conversation with Laurilli about being broken. “We’ve missed you!”

  Larut said, misty eyes, “No need for tears. Tylor gave me the month off to, ‘go play with the other two lazy bums.’ Speaking of them, where are they?”

  Just then Esolc and Repus Rushed into Larut and tackled him to the ground. “Larut!” they said.

  Larut laughed and said, “Great! Two Tesh-clones by the look of that run.”

  Uktesh helped all three to their feet and as Repus and Esolc showed Larut the food, Uktesh sat next to Pippy and said, “That’s a good friend of ours from home, isn’t he big!”

  Pippy nodded, “He’s a giant!”

  Uktesh laughed and said, “I think he is too. Laurilli, can I read that when you’re done with it again?”

  Laurilli was reading the note again, and nodded, “I’m almost done.” Heathyr excused herself to get food, and when she stood Laurilli handed Uktesh the letter.

  Dear Heather and Laurilli,

  You can understand my fear when I came home after so long and found the house deserted and our furniture gone! I nearly went on a rampage! Thankfully your friend Tylor had pinned a note to the door. It had fallen off, but I found it. He told me about the new compound and I went there, only to find you weren’t there either! The Beletarians have called for a truce so I was given a week off, but I used two days getting home and need two more to get back! If I travelled to you as I desperately wanted to, then at best I would be late two days, and I know I couldn’t leave you the same day I saw you! So I’m sending this to you through your friend Larut who claims to be Laurilli’s fiancée’s best man! That news nearly made me desert the army and protect my little angel from this brute who is the champion of Sinai! Larut claims he’s only sixteen, but I only vaguely remember Tylor and have to take his word that this giant of a man is telling the truth! As I write this I continue to debate with myself about going to you versus the possibility of a court martial. That wouldn’t really happen, even if I was a week late! Right! But in a time of war and with the idiots we have leading us who knows. I’m sure you’d rather have me for the rest of our lives than just a few weeks, and then for however long we’re on the run!

  Uktesh flipped the page over and continued to read the letter.

  On a brighter note, if the peace talks go according to plan then the war will be over and I’ll be joining you at the Isle de Tramonto shortly! But don’t get your hopes up too much! These Beletarian bastards are tricky devils. These talks could just be a ruse to end the war with one swing o’ the sword! But I digress! I love you both and you’re constantly in my mind and heart. I do this so that you’ll both be safe, though it sounds like Laurilli’s new friend who is a boy (DEFINITELY NOT A BOYFRIEND) is failing in that regard! Larut tells me his name is Uktesh and I actually ran into a boy named Uktesh from Beletaria! I’m sure this boy isn’t from Beletaria, though Larut and Tylor aren’t telling me where he’s from. But with a name like that! Oh well. I need to stop digressing! I’m running out of paper!

  I’ve been given the Number Four as the master of swords, but I will not tattoo my face or any part of my body! I think they look stupid! And no self-respecting man would get one if he wanted to marry my daughter! That’s right Mr. Zero! I’m talking to you! Hopefully this letter finds you in good health! I’m fine, still have all my limbs, toes, fingers--and teeth! One of the bastards in my crew only has two left! He’s a sad soul when we get to eat steak! He said he used to have wooden teeth but he lost them! If you can believe that! I’m running out of room! I love you both more than my own life and I will get back to both of you even if you let my little angel get married! Love you both! Thumlann your husband/dad! Ack! I spelled my own name wro

  Uktesh didn’t really know the man, but he found the letter touching. He carefully handed it back to Laurilli, who read it a third time. Uktesh noticed that everyone had returned and said, “Sorry for ignoring you, Larut! I was just reading a note that progressively got harder to read! Now I’m talking like he writes!”

  Larut laughed and said, “The man is a force of nature in real life. I swear by the time he left we all were shouting or emphasizing every sentence! He’s not your biggest fan after he heard the rumor that you’re Afflicted. ‘The only goo
d Afflicted is a dead Afflicted!’ Though he thinks it only a rumor.”

  He’s in for a shock when he finds out his daughter’s Afflicted!

  Uktesh did not share the dragon’s humor at that thought, she’s Afflicted? How?

  She’s clearly a beast tamer.

  Thanks the gods she’s not a necrolan!

  If she was I’d kill her myself.


  Of course. They all need to die. If they develop their powers they become your Voukidists and can raise whole armies of the dead.

  But there’s a Voukidist on this island. That’s why I chose to become a dragon, to find out which of them was a Voukidist. Because Riu called them his masters and clearly had been given regenerative power by them.

  Masters implies more than one too.


  That is troubling. I’ll need to search for them. Until I find them, I may not be able to help you, so, don’t die yet! You’re fun.

  Larut asked, “Uktesh?”

  Uktesh glanced at Laurilli and said, “Sorry, I think he’s going to discover that he’s able to change his opinion about the Afflicted.”

  Larut looked doubtful, and said, “I don’t think so. He was certain in the way that only he can be.”

  Uktesh said, “Trust me, or call it a hunch, but he’ll change his mind.”

  Larut shrugged and said, “Your funeral, or, um-” he glanced around the table. “Look Uktesh you’re good, but I saw him take out a minotaur without breaking a sweat.”

  Uktesh was shocked, and knew it showed on his face, “Wow, that’s impressive! It looks like we each have stories to tell, but first, Pippy you’ve been a very good girl, and you finished your food. Let’s go get you some desert!” Uktesh shook his head, “Still with the Thulmann way of speaking!”

  As they walked away Larut shouted, “I told you it was hard to quit!”

  Uktesh and Pippy piled sweets onto two plates and headed back to the table in time to hear the news that Larut was engaged!

  Uktesh said, “Congratulations! Li, it looks like you won’t get to marry him when I,-uh-if I-” He was suddenly aware that what he was about to say had been a private joke.

  Larut though was thoroughly confused and eloquently expressed it by saying, “Huh?”

  Laurilli sighed and said, “Uktesh said that he was going to divorce me for a younger woman if I kept giving him attitude. So I said that if he divorced me I’d marry you.”

  You WHAT!

  Woah, it was a joke and she understood it as one.

  Oh, sorry, I was distracted and heard her say she was marrying the new person.

  It’s okay. Have you found them yet?

  Yes, there are four of them and they’re as far from my lair as possible.

  We’ll come up with a plan for dealing with them tomorrow.

  Larut looked uncomfortable, “You know I’m like twenty years older than you, right?”

  Uktesh said, “So when I asked, ‘Larut! Why?’ She said-” and he let her finish.

  Laurilli smiled and said, “I told him it was because of your magical belt buckle.”

  Larut choked on his drink and sprayed ale out his nose. He swallowed, coughed, wiped his nose and chin, and said, “You know, the girl who’s marrying me now was once caught under its spell.”

  Everyone laughed at that and Pippy said, “Is it really magic?”

  Everyone laughed harder and Uktesh said, “No, it was a joke Li and I played on Larut, but it worked, and then it wasn’t a joke anymore.”

  Pippy ate a bite of her strawberry puff and said, “Dat’s silly. Daddy, I mean Tesh, has magic!”

  Uktesh swallowed at her slip and glanced at Laurilli, who mirrored his panic. But he smiled and said, “That’s right, I do!” He picked up the candle from inside the centerpiece. Help me with this please. He breathed in and had a thought, wait you said, not to use any more. Will this little bit hurt us?

  No, your spirit was refilled a little by the arrival of Larut.

  Uktesh nodded and breathed out a jet of flame away from the table. He put the candle back in the centerpiece and said, “Like that Pippy?”

  She clapped, and said, “Yeah! Yeah! Do it again!”

  Uktesh said, “Magic takes a lot of energy and should never be played with, right?”

  She pouted and said, “I guess.”

  Uktesh said, “Good, maybe later if you’re a good girl and I’m not too tired.”

  The four who hadn’t seen that trick earlier were staring at him. Laurilli came to his rescue and said, “It’s a byproduct of the tattoo.” Uktesh lifted his right arm reflectively.

  Heathyr said, “Great. One down, three to go.”

  Uktesh said, “Actually, with the fog you’ve been in I’m not surprised you didn’t notice Laurilli’s surprise.”

  Laurilli held up her left hand and said, “It so shiny!”

  Everyone moved in closer and Repus whistled while Esolc said, “Where’d you find that? The only jeweler I found had more fake jewelry than real.”

  Everyone stopped and looked at him, Laurilli said with an evil grin, “Really?”

  He said, “Well, it’s almost time to leave. I love Pamfilo and can’t imagine living without her, so, yeah. I’m going to ask her to marry me.”

  The table cheered and looked at Repus, who raised both his hands in a, “halt,” gesture and said, “We’re just having fun, I mean it’s fun, but, well,” he bobbed his head at Pippy. “Clearly we’re not at the telling-each-other-everything stage of our relationship.”

  Laurilli hugged Pippy and said, “Well, you better propose because we’re taking this cutie with us.”

  Larut put two and two together and said, “Wait is that girl your,” he coughed, “is her,” he sighed and said, “What’s the first rule?”

  Esolc saluted and said, “Sir! The first rule is there is to be no fraternization with married women! Sir!”

  Larut said, “The other first rule.”

  Esolc saluted again and said, “Sir! The second first rule is there is to be no consumption of strange mushrooms if near a fire! Sir!”

  Larut smiled, sighed, and said, “I knew having so many first rules would get us in trouble. The rule I’m talking about.”

  Esolc saluted and said, “Sir! The fifth first rule is there is to be no fraternization with a woman who has an attachment or attachments! Sir!”

  Larut said, “See, ten simple first rules. That should be easy to remember.”

  Esolc said, “So easy! Sir!”


  My kind only had one rule, but it involved frost drakes, the winter solstice, and scale contact. But they’re all dead.

  Uktesh said, “Okay, before we decide Repus’s fate, Larut has news of the outside world, and we have news about what we’ve been doing. I’ll go first so that you know the momentousness of what we’ve accomplished.”

  Larut asked, “Is that really a word, ‘momentousness?’”

  Uktesh said, “If it isn’t it is now, Esolc add it to the record!”

  Esolc made a check in the air, “Aye sir!”

  Larut said, “Hey! That’s our shtick.”

  Uktesh ignored him and began, “First, I’m back to full health and have no residual injuries from the tournament.” He went on to describe the work they’d done with their side Heroes for Hire jobs. He praised the three who he’d trained and all of their improvements. He told about the play and all the chaos that went with it. He told about the leviathans and sharks, and about the dragons, although he had to leave a lot out that was secret. He ended his retelling with, “And now we have to move Laurilli out, prepare a wedding, and she has to learn a dance.”

  Larut said, “Shadow Step? Is that what you did when you first saw me?”

  Uktesh said, “I did something like it, the Shadow Walk. It’s harder to learn, but you can go further with it.”

  Larut breathed in deeply while he thought and asked, “The fire trick?”

  Uktesh winced and said, �
��I’m not allowed to tell you. Sorry.”

  Larut said, “You had to get a tattoo? Thulmann’s not going to like that either. You’re now also sure you’re one of the,” he paused, looked around and said, “that is to say, one of them?”

  Uktesh smiled and said, “Yup. Part of the dragon training confirmed it. We don’t know what it is yet, but it has to do with sound.”

  Larut looked confused, “Sound? That sounds pretty wimpy.”

  Uktesh said, “Well, they said that sound Afflictions can control the dead; like the necrolans, control animals; those are called beast tamers, control plants like tree speakers; control emotions like banshees; and control weak-minded people like sirens.

  Larut said, “I just thought Afflicted people were necrolans.”

  Uktesh smiled and said, “Nope. But the good news is that my Affliction didn’t affect the outcome of the tournament.”

  Well, yeah. It doesn’t activate until after your six-thousandth day of life.

  What’s that in years?

  Roughly sixteen years, five months and ten days.

  So two and a half weeks before we leave, just days before my wedding, I’m going to activate my Affliction?

  Yes, but they’re only activated by heightened emotions. If I were you I’d do it far away from anyone.

  Heightened emotions? Like marrying the love of my life? Or having sex for the first time?

  Exactly like that.

  Why do I need to do it far from anyone?

  With and unknown sound power you could accidentally hurt someone.

  Uktesh said aloud, “Can we move the wedding up a week?”

  Heathyr said, “Absolutely not! I’m already making a six month concession.”

  Uktesh said, “It’s kind of, suddenly, immensely important that it take place before my six-thousandth day of life.”

  Heathyr said, “Why?”

  Uktesh swallowed and said, “After that date, heightened emotions can activate my Affliction. Like marrying the love of my life, and or being together as a husband and wife for the first time. Also I’ve been advised that with an unknown sound Affliction, if it starts to activate I should get away from people so that I don’t accidentally hurt them.” He sighed, “I know this is a lot to take in, but I just found out.”


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