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Mafia Daddy: A Cinderella Adult Fairy Tale

Page 6

by Henry, Jane

  Finally, I was falling to the bed, not even conscious of what I was doing as he tugged himself free, his cock hard, towel strewn over the bed. I wondered briefly if he would take me, but he didn’t. My hands roamed his body in a sort of stupor and he let me stroke his rock-hard shaft right before his eyes rolled back and seconds after me, he came. "Sexiest fucking thing I ever saw," he moaned, as he snagged his towel and cleaned us both up. He grinned as he untied my hands. “Jesus, baby, you lit up like the Fourth of July. So responsive. So sweet ."

  I was suddenly so, so tired. I was dimly aware of him padding to the bathroom to grab a washcloth and another towel, cleaning up, then removing my robe. "Lift your arms, Gabriella.” I obeyed, and he slipped his t-shirt over me. It was so soft and warm and smelled like him. “Get under the covers, Gabriella," he said. "You're exhausted, baby. You can't even keep your eyes open ."

  He was right. I was so wiped I couldn't even think straight as he pulled the covers up over me. "I'll wake you first thing in the morning," he promised .

  "Thank you, Dante," I whispered, thanking him not just for the promise to wake me but for everything. It was my first time with a guy, and I would never, ever forget it. Basking in the afterglow of what we’d just shared, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep .

  Chapter Five

  T he sweet girl was sleeping. What had I fucking done? She was a virgin, for Christ's sake, twenty-one years old to my thirty but no, I couldn't take it easy on her. Yeah, I enjoyed control in bed, alright, but this was crazy. I'd spanked her good with my belt, but she'd liked it. I knew she would, or I never would have done it. I’d watched her reaction when I threatened her, reading her, making sure it wasn’t anger or fear but arousal that emanated from her .

  Still. I always had to have the upper fucking hand. But, shit, that had been the sexiest thing I'd ever seen, and I was one crazy fuck. I'd had sex with so many women I'd lost count and had spanked a few. But never had I ever taken my belt to anyone. I liked dominating, knowing that the girl I was with would do what I said, but Gabriella—no one had ever come for me like that before. I smiled to myself at the recollection of her head thrown back, totally wild, as she’d climaxed so hard I’d thought she'd shout herself hoarse .

  I stirred, my cock hard again at the memory. And then, after she'd come, no regrets. No embarrassment. She looked so beautiful with that sweet, satisfied smile on her face. Completely drunk on being spanked and made to climax. I tucked the blanket around her shoulders and brushed a piece of hair off her face .

  Everything she did was wide open. So happy, she made me smile. I shook my head. Where had she come from ?

  Tomorrow, I'd take her back home. I hated the idea of bringing her back to her cruel stepmother, though. Why couldn’t she just leave her shitty family ?

  I almost smiled to myself, shaking my head sadly. The irony burned. She could say the very same thing about me .

  Couldn’t he just leave ?

  Yeah. No, life wasn't always that easy .

  She rolled over and snuggled up close to me. I thought she was dead asleep, so it surprised me when she talked to me in a low, sleepy-drowsy voice. "Aren't you gonna get some sleep?" she whispered. All that, and she was thinking about me .

  "Yeah," I said, snagging a blanket and heading for the couch. "You rest now, too ."

  I cramped myself up in the corner. It was really fucking small. I'd never be able to sleep here. Damn my macho ways. Still, I got as comfortable as I could, with my legs dangling over the edges of the couch, fluffing up a few pillows and tossing the spare blanket over my bare legs. I reached out a hand to where the clothes hung, and was pleased to feel they were nearly dry. I grabbed my boxers and slid them on, still warm from the heater, then turned over on my side, and almost fell onto the floor. Cursing, I righted myself .

  "Oh for goodness sakes, come up in the bed with me," she said, her eyes still closed. "Promise I won't take advantage of you ."

  I chuckled. "No. Go to sleep ."

  "Suit yourself," she said, turning over and facing away from me. "But to be perfectly honest, I hear the rain outside and I’m having a hard time settling down myself, and would really appreciate just a little… warmth. You know ?”

  I hadn’t even realized the rain was back. Poor girl. That did it .

  I took my blanket and pillow and knelt on the bed, adjusting things. "No touching," I said. "I won't touch you, you don't touch me. Okay ?"

  "Deal," she said, smiling with her eyes closed. As I lay in the darkness, the warmth of her little body pressed up against mine through the blanket, I closed my eyes, ignoring the way my phone buzzed with messages and my stomach grumbled with hunger. She needed to rest, and so did I. I'd never given a fuck what girls thought about me, beyond them opening their legs and letting me have my way with them. Fuck, I liked it when they knew who I was and were scared to cross me. But Gabriella... no. She couldn't ever know .

  Nothing else mattered now. Nothing else at all. For just one night .

  I woke before the sun did. I'd slept soundly, but only for a short time, as always. Too much on my mind to ever rest for long .

  I lay in bed with one eye open, feeling her all over me. Literally .

  So much for not touching. She had her arm thrown across my chest, her knee hitched up on my belly. The feel of her soft, warm body pressed up against me made me hard all over again. I closed my eyes, allowing myself just a second of believing that this was real. That she was mine. That we had something good, and pure, and honest. That I wasn't a murderer, a man she would run from if she only knew .

  I picked up my phone from the bedside table, and steeled myself for the inevitable slew of missed calls and messages I'd have waiting .

  I wasn’t wrong .

  Thirteen missed calls and twenty-five urgent messages waited for me. Frowning, I swiped through them. My dad didn’t text or use a cell phone, but had his minions do it for him. The first string of texts was from my cousin Emilio, his father was second in command to mine .

  You coming back? Your father's beside himself .

  The next, an hour later. You can't ignore him, Dante. You know he'll find you .

  He'd find me, all right, but it wouldn't be like it was when I was a kid and he'd punish me for running. No, not this time. I was bigger than he was now. I was stronger. And he couldn't bully me anymore .

  Still, he'd fucking try .

  He knows you left and he wants you home .

  A few more said about the same, until finally the last one. Your father wants you home .

  Of course he did .

  I swiped and replied. Needed some space. Didn't go far. I'm fine, be home for breakfast .

  And I would. Cold familiarity wound itself in my gut, and to appease the sickening feeling, I held Gabriella a little tighter, as if her innocence could ward off evil. Gently, I ran a hand down her back. My t-shirt was way too big on her, and hung off her shoulder, baring beautiful, pale, porcelain skin, and the faintest remnants of my bite marks. I smiled to myself and gently traced a finger over the mark. I liked the idea of her going about her day, fully clothed, still wearing my imprint upon her skin .

  "You awake?" I asked her, shaking her gently. "It'll be sunrise soon, and I don't want you to get in trouble for being late to work ."

  She stirred and murmured something about sleep and coffee. My voice sharpened. "Gabriella ."

  She opened one eye and glanced up at me. "Mmm ?"

  "Time to get up, honey," I said, reaching down and giving her a playful smack on her bottom .

  "Dante," she whispered, rolling over, the tip of her finger tracing the hair on my chest. "I don’t want to go back. I want to stay here with you." The words hung in the air between us for a moment and I didn't know what to say, before she spoke aga
in. "I know I can't. I know it's just a fantasy. Sometimes, it's fun to dream a little, though, isn't it? I don't even know you, and last night was super fun and everything and it wasn’t just the sex.” She flashed a radiant smile my way. “Though, you know, I could get used to that ."

  I jerked with laughter but held it in as she continued. "It's just that when I'm with you, I'm myself. And you’re… gritty and badass that it makes me feel safe. Like when I'm scared, you'll protect me." She opened her eyes then and looked up at me. "And I don't just mean from thunderstorms ."

  I wanted to find who had hurt her, what they'd done, and I'd make sure they never touched her again. But, God, how could I? Taking her with me would put her in danger. Instead, I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "You can be yourself with me, Gabriella. And I will protect you—there’s no question about that. But for now, we've got to get you home safe. Yeah ?"

  She nodded, and even though it killed me, I let her go. Sitting up, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, in that cute, adorable way of hers, before she ran a hand through her hair and gave me a wide-eyed look .

  "It happened, didn't it?" she asked, shaking her head from side to side and then groaning as she grimaced. "Hay bale. I am wearing a hay bale, right ?"

  I tilted my head to the side, not even trying to hide my amusement. "Well... yeah. You could say that ."

  "Grrrrr." Her dainty fists balled up and she leapt out of bed, racing to the bathroom. I saw the light flick on and then heard her shriek .

  "Oh my God, it's worse than ever !"

  "You're fine, honey,” I said through my laughter. "Now get dressed so I can get you something to eat before I take you home ."

  "Like this? You're gonna take me home looking like this? They'll think I'm the bride of Frankenstein ."

  "I don't give a fuck who they think you are," I growled. "Gotta get you home. Don't worry, I'll hide your hair under the helmet ."

  "Not helpful," she muttered from inside the bathroom. I shook my head. Sweet, unpredictable, and a little crazy .

  "It's too early for breakfast. Sorry, princess, but we need to get you back. Don’t worry, though, I’m sure they’ll be serving something downstairs .”

  Her head poked out of the bathroom. Her hair was still wild but at least she'd flattened it down a bit. "That’s fine. I really just want something small, like a donut or a muffin or something ."

  I nodded and pulled on my pants. "Ok, let's go." I went into the bathroom behind her and splashed water on my face while she towel-dried her hair, and as she stood there wearing nothing but my t-shirt and acting like it was the most natural thing in the world, I couldn't help it. I stalked over to her until her back was flush up against the counter, looped my fingers through the hair at the base of her neck, pulled her head back, and kissed her like I meant it .

  Gabriella’s hand splayed against my chest, a silent supplication not to stop. Her lips fit mine perfectly and my cock throbbed as her sweet, sexy moan vibrated through me. Tightening my hold on her, I deepened the kiss, plunging my tongue into her mouth .

  I finally pulled away, but I couldn’t deny the truth .

  She was meant for me .

  "Breakfast," I rasped in her ear, my dick painfully hard .

  "Breakfast," she breathed back .

  "Now," I said. "Before I do something I regret ."

  "Mmmm," she mewled in protest. "What if I want you to do something you’ll regret ?"

  I glowered down at her. “Don’t test me little girl.” On impulse, I swung her around and smacked her ass, a good crack that echoed in the bathroom, sending her scurrying away. She gasped and rubbed her ass but sent me a mischievous wink .

  Not having anything to pack, it took us minutes to get our things together. I shot another quick text to Emilio, shoved my phone in my pocket, and took Gabriella by the hand .

  "I want to tell you something, babe," I said, not caring if it was sappy or whatever. I had to be honest with her, right here, right now, where it was just the two of us. Exhaling roughly, I sat down on a chair and perched her on my knee. "I don't know what'll happen after today, but I want you to know that I enjoyed the hell out of myself last night. That… I'm glad I found you. That I think you're funny and brave and sexy as fuck. You remember that, yeah ?"

  Her eyes watered a bit but she just nodded before she leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Yes, Daddy. And thank you ."

  Jesus. My chest clenched, something possessive and proud taking hold .

  I pulled her to me in a quick embrace, then released her, took her hand, and opened the door to usher her out .

  As we walked down the corridor and turned the corner, I realized we weren’t alone. One alcove that was vacant the night before no longer was. And I knew that in the parking lot were at least two more guys lurking about. Emilio was likely on the premises as well. Anger swirled in my stomach as Gabriella walked along beside me, oblivious to the fact that we'd been found, and we were being watched. Stalked .

  Sick bastards. I fucking hated them .

  I pulled out my phone and texted Emilio .

  Get your fucking henchmen out of here. You found me, ok? Now leave me the fuck alone. I'm safe. Just needed fucking space .

  I hit send and strode down the hallway with Gabriella’s hand clasped tightly in mine, and a moment later, I felt them dissipate. I saw the hulking shadow of one guy leave the ice machine, and I knew Emilio was giving them the order to leave. They would pretend they were there for my safety, my protection, in case I’d been compromised in some way, but that was fucking bullshit. They were there to spy on me. Plain and simple .

  "Can we still grab a bite to eat before we go?" Gabriella asked, still completely unaware of what was happening. My stomach pitched with the knowledge that this was why I had to bring her back .

  I wanted her to keep that purity. That innocence. She didn't need to be tainted by evil .

  "Sure thing, honey," I said. "Wouldn’t want my girl to go home on an empty stomach .”

  "Nope," she said with a grin. "And I'm kinda starving ."

  I'd get her food even if I had to shake the little front desk guy by the front of his shirt and make him flip a fucking omelet himself .

  “What do you want, babe ?”

  “A chocolate donut or a blueberry muffin, and coffee with cream, no sugar .”

  My lips quirked up in a smile .

  We made our way downstairs, and I told her to wait for me by the couches in the lobby while I spoke to the front desk clerk. "We need to check out," I said. Same kid as the night before. "I know it’s early, but is there any chance you can get my girl something to eat now?" I peeled a crisp note from my wallet and slid it across the counter to him. He blinked at it, snatched it up, then nodded his head eagerly. "Yes, of course," he said. "Right away, sir! What would she like ?"

  "You got a chocolate donut or a blueberry muffin? And two cups of coffee, please. Mine dark, hers with cream ."

  He came back a short while later with food in a paper bag and two to-go cups .

  "Thanks," I said, bringing her the things. "Check us out of room 342, please ."

  He nodded. "Done, sir ."

  I sat her down in the lobby to sip her coffee and eat her donut. "This is really yummy," she said. "I don't eat donuts much, but when I do I want them to be like this, fluffy and sweet and really chocolatey. You?" She licked the icing off her finger, her large green eyes watching me as I sipped my coffee .

  I shrugged a shoulder. "Not a donut person," I muttered. "I like bacon and eggs ."

  She giggled and took another bite, speaking around the food in her mouth. &qu
ot;Spoken like a true caveman." I reached over, and brushed a crumb off her lip with the pad of my thumb .

  "Damn right. Now finish that up so I can get you home." Her face fell, but she nodded, then gave me one final look through her long, long lashes .

  "Yes, Daddy," she whispered. I smiled, a sort of sadness twisting in my gut. How could I let her go? We could never be together. It wouldn't be right. But I still couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing her again .

  "You're a good girl, Gabriella," I said in a low voice so only she could hear, taking a moment to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. It seemed she always had a wild piece of hair escaping, and I loved that she did because it gave me an excuse to touch her in a way that was chaste, innocent, and tender. Her eyes met mine and as I held her gaze, I knew as well as she did that our time together was quickly dwindling. That after the sun rose, our magical night would be over. I bit back a low, angry growl of frustration .

  What we had together was so much more than a one night stand, but this was not meant to be .

  "Finish up," I said .

  Her gaze cast down to her donut and she nodded .

  "I'm ready," she whispered. “Let's go .”

  Beautiful, brave girl .

  I took my keys out of my pocket, and held her hand as we walked .

  I looked to where I'd parked my bike, and realized it was gone .

  My fingers curled into fists as the cool morning air rose, my anger stoked by what I knew was a sign. There, a few rows behind where I'd left it, sat my bike. Fortunately, Gabriella didn't notice .

  "Isn't it so nice how in the morning before the sun rises, it's a bit cool here? I mean, the second the sun does rise, it's hot as you-know-what and I could fry an egg on the sidewalk, but it's like the morning here defies the heat of the day. You know ?"

  No, I didn't know, but I did fucking love hearing her ramble .

  "Yeah?" I said, scanning the narrow parking lot, wondering who was still hanging around. I could see it now, my father sitting at his desk in the darkness in his signature suit, hands folded as he ordered me found. "Unsettle him," he'd say. "Let him know we were there, but don't hurt him ."


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