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Fighting to Save US

Page 17

by Sarah Stevens

  “Let me see if Dr. Tracey is available to see you really quick. I’ll be right back.”

  “I have an appointment with Dr. Gerrard in a half hour, just so you know.”

  “I’ll let her know.”

  The nurse walks out, and I take Bren’s hand. “We’ll get you all fixed up, babe, I know we will. I wish I could do something to make it all better for you. I have the easy part. You, on the other hand, have the hardest job there is, and I can’t tell you how proud I am of you.” I plant a quick kiss to her lips and pull her into my lap, or at least the best I can with one arm available, tuck her under my chin, and wait.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  Being tucked into Max is my favorite place to be. We wait a short while for the nurse to come back, and when she does, she brings Dr. Tracey.

  “Hi, Bren. I hear you’re getting hit hard with morning sickness, or all-day sickness, in your case. This is quite normal when carrying multiples. Let me look you over real quick, because I’m mostly concerned about you getting dehydrated.”

  She looks me over and said I wasn’t dehydrated yet, but I was close. She hands me a prescription for the nausea and tells me to make an appointment to see her in a week and to drink as much as possible.

  After the appointment is made, Max and I go up to Dr. Gerrard’s office for my test results. Once checked in, we wait and wait, then wait some more.

  “I never wait this long; what if something’s wrong?”

  “I’m sure everything will be okay, just be patient.”

  We sat in silence for another ten minutes, and during that time all I could think about was—what if the cancer was back? The cancer can’t be back. If it’s back, what about my babies? The thoughts kept stirring around in my head, over and over again, until I was called back. Max stood, setting me on my feet, turned to me and took my hand, urging me forward. “Bren, I’m here, and everything will be okay.” I look up into his eyes and see the love he has for me, and took that as my strength to get up and move my feet toward the nurse waiting to take us back. We were ushered into his office, not an exam room, and that made me nervous as well. Most people think nothing good happens behind that door, but I remind myself that isn’t right. I found out that I’m cancer free and also that I’m pregnant, when I was behind that door. I decide that I just need to put on my big girl panties and find out what he has to say.

  “Bren, Max! Good to see you. How are you feeling, Bren?”

  “Like I have two aliens inside me, slowly killing me. Other than that, I’m good.”

  The guys both chuckled at my statement, and I frowned. “Hey, I was being serious. These little beans are wiping me out, and I’ve been so sick.”

  “I know, it was just the way you said it. I’m sorry you’ve been so sick. Have you spoken with Dr. Tracey about it?”

  “We just left her office, and she prescribed me some medicine to help.”

  “Good. Now, on to the reason we’re here today. The lab was a bit backed up, and I apologize for the wait, but I do have good news for you. We see no signs of the cancer.”

  I let out a breath of air that I didn’t know I was holding in. “Thank God!” I look over to Max, who has a huge grin on his face.

  “See, I told you everything would be fine,” he says as he hugs me.

  “I can’t say you’re in remission just yet, because it hasn’t been long enough, but I won’t have to see you again for another six months. If the cancer cells are still gone at one year post-surgery, we’ll be able to put you in remission status.”

  He got up and came around his desk, as Max and I stood from our seats. When he met us on our side, he wrapped his arms around me in a quick hug. “Go enjoy your pregnancy and being cancer free.”

  Max shook his hand. “Thank you for everything, Dr. Gerrard. You’ve made things for Bren so much easier, and I appreciate the care you’ve given her. Thank you.”

  “Thank you, doc. See you in six months.” I gave him a quick hug back as Max and I left the office and the hospital.

  We ran by the pharmacy to get my medication and made our way back to the apartment. Before we had a chance to park, Kat called me,

  “Hey, girl! What’s going on?”

  “Hey, stranger, what’s going on with you? I haven’t seen or talked to you in a while. You went M.I.A. on me. Again.”

  “Yeah, sorry. I haven’t been feeling great, and Max has been healing. We’ve both been keeping it low key.”

  “What are you doing right now? Come have coffee with me at The Java.”

  “We’re just pulling into the alley. Give me a few and I’ll be there.”

  “See you soon.” And she hung up.

  Before I had a chance to speak, Max’s phone started ringing.

  “Hey, Jackson, what’s going on?” he answered. He listens for a bit before saying, “Let me make sure that Bren is good with me taking off for a few days, and I’ll let you know. Bye.”

  Once the call is disconnected, he looks at me. “That was Jackson.”

  “I figured. What does he want you to do?”

  “He just wants me to go check on the New York properties for him since he can’t get away. Nothing dangerous, just checking on stuff. I’d stay at the penthouse and come back within the next two days.”

  “Can I go?” I asked, hopeful.

  “Do you think it’s wise, with as sick as you’ve been? I don’t imagine a plane ride would settle on your tummy too well.”

  I sighed. “I guess you’re right. Okay, I’ll stay here, but come back quick.”

  “I will. No worries about that.”

  He made the call back to Jackson to let him know everything was all settled to go then we started walking toward The Java.

  “You know, we’re going to have to tell them something soon. I can’t keep hiding out, and I can’t keep avoiding drinking coffee around Kat. She’ll start to ask questions. That’s suspicious behavior, in her book.”

  “I know. This is a secret that’s hard to keep from the people so close to us. Maybe we should just tell them when we tell them your test results looked good?” he asked.

  “I guess we can do that. I’m not past the danger zone yet so I’m a little leery to tell everyone but it’s so hard to hide this news. Let’s do it!”

  I get an excited tingle in my body, like telling someone besides us makes it even more real—although every morning it sure does feel real as I lay my head on the toilet. We walk hand in hand with goofy smiles on our faces into The Java and immediately see Kat. When she sees us, her pace quickens, and I’m wrapped in her arms.

  “I’ve missed you, Bren. Come on, let’s get coffee. Hi, Max.” She waves over her shoulder as she loops my arm in hers, pulling me toward the coffee bar.

  “Make mine decaf, please,” I say, and she whips her head around in shock.

  “What do you mean, decaf? You never drink decaf. Wait, you said you haven’t been feeling well.” She gasps, then whispers theatrically, “You’re pregnant!” She doesn’t ask, but states the fact. I can’t resist the smile I have plastered on my face, and it widens a little more.


  “O-M-G, you are! How far along are you?” She steps back and analyzes my body. I have a baby bump that’s barely noticeable, but not to her eye. “Bren! How far along are you?”

  “Nine weeks.”

  At this point, Max had run off to find James and give us ladies a few minutes to ourselves. He may not be at my side, but I could feel him nearby.

  “Are you sure? Not to be rude, but you’re really showing for only nine weeks.”

  “Yes, I am only nine weeks, but I may be showing more because I’m having twins.”

  I hear her gasp as her hand flies to her mouth. “What? O-M-G, TWINS! I can’t believe this. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God! James, come here right now!” she shrieked through the coffee shop. He was by her side in a matter of seconds, panic on his face. She was crying, smiling, and acting like a crazy gir

  She points to me and Max, who is now by my side. “She, they—” She is almost hyperventilating at this point, so I decide to help her out.

  “I’m pregnant, James. With twins. I don’t know if she is crazy, happy, or pissed at me, but this is the reaction I got from her when I told her about the twins.”

  “Oh, my God! Congratulations, both of you. Kat, baby, breathe. Are you okay?”

  Kat’s calmed down a little bit but is still crying. “I’m okay. Shocked about the twins’ part, but so damn excited.” She looks to me, tears spilling over again. “So happy and excited for you. I can’t wait to go shopping. I get to be auntie this time.” She comes over to me and hugs me tight.

  “Thanks, guys, Max says beaming We’re excited too. Sorry to keep the news a secret, but we wanted to make sure everything was going to be okay from the surgery, the cancer, and everything else. Bren is in the clear again after seeing her doctor, and we’re moving forward. No more cancer checks for another six months. If she is cleared, then they’ll classify her as in remission.”

  “It’s all good, man, I understand,” James says as he gives Max a quick man hug before coming over to give me a big squeeze. “Congratulations again to you both.”

  Now that the shock has worn off for Kat, she hugs Max and me, still leaking happy tears.

  We get our coffee and go sit in the corner, talking and catching up. After a little while, Max reminds me he has to get ready to go to New York, because he leaves first thing in the morning. We say our goodbyes to Kat and James, promising to get together sometime the next week for dinner.

  Chapter Forty


  Now that we had let the cat out of the bag with all of our good news, I felt like I could breathe a little better. Bren was cleared and showing no signs of cancer, and Jackson had followed through on making arrangements for me to go to New York. I hated leaving Bren even for a couple of days, but now that she wasn’t in hiding from Kat and James, I felt better about going. Kat will check on her frequently and probably drive her crazy. Jackson has arranged an early flight for me, direct from Portland to New York, on his jet. Once I packed my bag and we got something for dinner, it was time to relax for the night. Bren still didn’t have the all-clear from Dr. Tracey, but that didn’t stop me from making her feel good before I left. We were sitting on the couch with a movie on, mostly for background noise, but all I could see was her. I had my back propped up on the arm of the couch with Bren lying in between my legs, but I couldn’t keep my hands off her.

  I run my hands down her sides, kissing her neck as I cup her breasts in my hands and start to knead them, tweaking her nipples. I pull her shirt up to expose her breasts, desperate to feel her skin against the palms of my hands. She's wearing just a tank top and some cute sleep shorts. I can't resist any longer, and I run my hand down her stomach and past her waistband, finding what I was looking for. “I want to make you feel good, baby,” I whisper in her ear as I pinch her clit, rolling her bud between my fingers. She starts panting faster, and my steady touch brings her closer and closer climax. I turn her chin towards my mouth and devour her while she writhes under my hand. It's not long until I can sense she's going over the edge. “Come for me, baby,” I growl in her ear, prompting her to cry out her orgasm. After a few minutes, her tremors subside, and I kiss her again. “I love you, more than you will ever know.”

  “I love you, too. Thank you for that—it felt amazing. I wish I could give you more. Soon baby, I will be yours in every way again.”

  “Having you here in my arms and being able to make you happy is all I need. I just want to make you feel good. Come on, let’s go to bed. I want to hold you while I can, since I won’t be able to tomorrow night.”

  She leans forward as I scoot out from behind her, taking her hand in mine and pulling her up into my chest. “I love you,” I say as I place a quick kiss to her lips, pulling her along to our bed. Once we're in bed, I pull her close to me so her back is against my chest and she's wrapped in my arms. “I love these babies, too,” I say as I place my hands on her stomach, caressing her growing belly. “Kids, be good for mom while I'm gone and try to not make her so sick anymore either. I love you, little ones.” She wraps her hand in mine as we fall asleep.

  Morning came too soon for my liking, but it was here, and I had to go. I didn't want to wake her, but I wanted to say goodbye. I know I asked for this trip, but I'm conflicted about leaving her, as sick as she’s been. But I also want her to have the ring she deserves. I get a text notification from the driver Jackson sent, saying he was outside waiting, and know it’s time to go.

  I sit on the edge of the bed and kiss her just softly enough to wake her up. “Babe, I need to get going. The car is here for me. Call if you need me. I should be back by tomorrow night, the next morning at the latest. I love you and our babies too.” I place a kiss to her lips, then two to her stomach and then another to her lips. “Go back to sleep. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Have a safe flight, and call when you get there. I love you.” She kisses me, and I feel a little bit of desperation in it. I could tell she didn’t want me to go, but I reminded myself that she will love the results of this trip, even if it’s hard to be apart right now.

  “As much as I want to stay here kiss you all morning, I need to go. I’ll talk to you in a few hours when I arrive. Love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  “Love you most.”

  “You win.”

  With one last kiss to her lips, I grab my bag, make my way to the car and am off to New York.

  The plane touches down a couple hours later in a city I once thought was my home and now feels almost foreign to me. I have a car waiting when we land, and we make our way to the penthouse. As we slowly weave our way across the city, I call Bren. She sounds sleepy still and I feel bad that I probably woke her up, even though she said I didn’t.

  “Hey babe, I made it safe and am now on the way to Jackson’s place. How are you feeling this morning?”

  With a yawn, she replies, “Feeling okay, not great, but at least I don’t feel like rushing to the bathroom. I guess the medication is doing its job.”

  “I’m so happy to hear that. I was worried about leaving you, with the way you’ve been feeling lately. I’ll check back in with you a little later. I love you.” I don’t get tired of saying those three words, and I hope that Bren doesn’t mind hearing them so often.

  “Love you too. Be safe.”

  I could hear the concern in her voice, and I hated that for her, I hated that my being away on Jackson’s request makes her nervous and scared. I’m doing this for her, and after she agrees to be my wife, I’ll tell her the truth about this trip. It won’t ease her concern now, but I can’t do anything about that.

  “I will, bye.” I hang up the phone, and when I look up, I see Jackson’s building, which means I’ve arrived.

  I took a short nap on the plane, so I’m good for the day, but I need a shower. I get all my stuff settled into the guest room, and once I’m showered and dressed in clean clothes, I make the call to Tiffany’s to see if I can get an appointment for a private viewing of rings. After I’ve gotten that set up, I go hunting for food and decide that the deli a few doors down is what I want, and I’ve got just enough time to do that.

  Now that I’ve got a full belly, I’m ready to move on with my life and choose the ring that will go on my future wife’s finger.

  I grab a cab to head over to Tiffany’s and make it with time to spare. I’m soon greeted by a perky blonde that has more energy than I can muster on a full night’s sleep and way too much caffeine.

  “Hi! Welcome to Tiffany’s. Are you looking for a particular piece today?”

  “I have an appointment. My name is Max Esposito.”

  “Yes, sir, right this way.”

  I'm ushered to an area of the store that's secluded and private, but not behind closed doors. There are tables with black velvety surfaces and chairs on either side.
She asks me to take a seat at one of the tables and offers me a variety of drinks, even champagne and espresso. I politely decline and wait. I had told them what I was looking for when I called, and a few minutes later a pretty brunette is taking a seat in front of me.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Esposito. My name is Nicole, and I’ve curated a few pieces to get us started, based on the parameters you described.”

  “Hi Nicole, let’s see what you have.”

  She pulls out three rings, all with a unique look to them, but the one that catches my eye is a platinum band with a one-carat, cushion-cut Tiffany diamond, surrounded by bead-set diamonds. Or at least that’s what I was told by Nicole. All I knew was that Bren would love it.

  “That right there is the one; it’s perfect for her.”

  “Well that was easy! Let’s get this all cleaned up and ready for you while we get the payment. I’ll be right back.”

  Fifteen minutes, fifteen thousand dollars lighter, and a little Tiffany blue bag in my hand, I was walking out of the store. I go back to Jackson’s place and find the safe to secure my purchase. Once that’s done, it’s time to check on the other properties. I load up with my guns, call for the car, and make my way around the city. Jackson has three restaurants, a condo building, and a club I’ll have to check up on tonight when they’re open. It’s odd driving around this city, just me with a car and driver, no security detail and no Jackson. This used to be home to me, but now it seems so cold. My home is in Portland with Bren, the babies, and our friends, who are more of a family to me than I’ve ever had in my life. I’m looking forward to working with Mike and living a quieter life, one that isn’t so tense.

  I check on the condo building first. Fred, the door man, who has been with The Family for years and years, greets me with a fatherly hug.

  “Max! Long time, no see. How have you been?”


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