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Dire Page 4

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  I hesitated with my hand on the light. “Yes.”

  “Go on, get in. I’ll take care of the light.”

  I slipped back into bed, waiting for him to return. He didn’t. Instead he started getting dressed. “Where are you going?”

  “To check on Gage and to give the others a rest.” He stepped into his boots.

  “Oh. Ok.”

  “I’m going to do everything I can.” He leaned over and kissed me on the forehead. “Should I start the fire again for you, or are you okay if you stay under the covers?”

  “I’m fine. I’ll probably go downstairs soon anyway.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

  “That’s ok? You’re not going to try to stop me?”

  “Do me a favor and stay in the house.”

  “Still worried I’ll get too cold?”

  “I’m more worried about the witches.” His words sent a shiver through me. I’d avoid those girls at all costs. “Want me to keep the light on then?”

  “Yes please.” Even if I stayed in bed, I’d want it on. The darkness made everything seem even more foreign.

  “I’ll start a pot of coffee on my way out.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I don’t have to, but I want to.” He leaned over me again to whisper in my ear. “I like doing things for you, so get used to it.”

  His words sent shivers through me. I knew he wasn’t only talking about making coffee.

  “I’ll be back in an hour or so.”

  I nodded. “Be careful.”

  “Are you worried about me or him?” He watched me carefully.

  “Both of you.”

  “I’ll take that. It’s better than the answer I was expecting.”

  “I’m not heartless you know. I understand you made a sacrifice. I just wish you’d tell me more than vague details.”

  “And I will explain more later, but it doesn’t matter now. I did it, and it’s completely worth it to have you.” He brushed his lips against mine.

  Before I could even process it, he’d disappeared through the doorway.

  I lay in bed another half-hour. There was nothing for me to do downstairs, but I knew I’d feel better if I wasn’t in bed. I got up and pulled on some warmer clothes. The house was constantly drafty, and I was hoping I’d be able to get outside later in the morning. I was afraid to push Hunter too hard. At least he was giving me free reign of the house without a babysitter. I didn’t think anyone was watching me. I hurried downstairs to find out.

  “Hello?” I called out. No one answered. It seemed that Hunter had been true to his word.

  He’d also been true to his word about the coffee. I poured myself a cup. I opened the fridge to see if there happened to be milk. There was, but there was also creamer. I had a feeling it had been purchased for me. I indulged. I was going to need caffeine to make it through the day. I’d gotten a few hours of sleep, but I would need a lot more to catch up. Hopefully I’d be able to sleep more once I saw for myself that Gage was okay.

  I walked over to the large front window and peered out. The sun was starting to rise, creating a glare as it reflected off the snow. I blinked a few times as I watched a few blurry figures appear. They were naked. One male, one female. Gage and Marni.

  Great. I swallowed hard. I knew it didn’t mean anything. They’d probably just shifted, but it was still hard to watch. I had no right to feel that way. I needed to be happy he was alive. I tried to look away, but I couldn’t. He came closer before he turned toward the shed. I hoped he couldn’t see me. I still didn’t know how angry he was.

  “You know it’s not polite to stare.” Chet startled me. I whirled around. I’d been so busy thinking about Gage that I hadn’t even heard the door open.

  “Oh. Yeah I know.”

  “There’s nothing there.” He nodded toward the window. “At least I don’t think there is.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m with Hunter now.” I said the words even though I didn’t feel or believe them.

  “That doesn’t mean you want to think about Gage with someone else.”

  “Thanks for being real.”

  He shrugged. “What other way is there to be?”

  “I’m not worried anyway. Marni’s with you.”

  “She is in her own way, but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t notice someone else.” He walked over and sat down on the back of the couch. “Just like you. You were into Gage but noticed Hunter.”

  “Not willingly.”

  “You noticed him. You were attracted to him even if you wouldn’t have acted on it on your own accord.”

  “Did I make a mistake?” I meant with Gage, and I assumed he’d understand. Chet was being uncharacteristically open, and I decided to jump on the opportunity.

  “No. You saved someone you cared about. How could that be a mistake?”

  “What if he didn’t want this for himself?”

  Chet stood up and walked toward the kitchen. “He may not have, but he will. He’ll appreciate it eventually even if he doesn’t now.”

  “I want to see him.”

  “And you will, but you have to give it some time.”

  “That’s what everyone keeps saying.”

  He poured himself a cup of coffee. “Because it’s the truth.”

  “What do we do now? Marni said I take over jobs in the house, but that can’t be it.”

  “Hunter needs to decide the next step.”

  “I can’t just sit around.”

  “You don’t have a choice. Gage needs time to acclimate and Hunter needs to finish what he started.”

  “What does that involve?” Maybe this was my chance to find out more.

  “He didn’t tell you?”

  “No. He never tells me anything.”

  Chet seemed torn. “Once isn’t enough. The Alpha has to repeat the process so the transformation sticks. At least that’s how I understand it. This isn’t something that happens much. You’ll have to ask Hunter for the details.”

  “And what if he doesn’t do anything?”

  “Gage dies. It’s kind of a safety net for changing the wrong person. If you make a mistake, don’t do part two.”

  “That’s horrible.”

  “That’s life. It’s better than having to outright kill them, right?”

  “He’s going to do it. He’s going to do the next step.”

  “Of course he will. Hunter would do anything for you.”

  “Why? Why is he willing to do so much for someone he barely knows?” Maybe Chet would answer the question that constantly swirled around my head. “It makes no sense.”

  “I can’t tell you that.”

  “Great.” So much for that idea.

  “But.” He smiled slightly. He was probably enjoying that I was desperately hanging on to his every word. “Ask him about his dreams.”

  “His dreams?” I leaned back against the counter. “What kind of dreams?”

  “That’s it. That’s all I’m telling you.”

  “Fine.” I peered out through the small kitchen window.

  “I’m sure they’re inside already, you’re not going to see anything.”

  “How are you so calm about everything? You can’t be happy about any of it.” He had even more of a reason to dislike Gage now. Or really two more reasons. Gage could get them all in trouble, and he may be interested in the girl Chet loved. Or at least liked. Who knew what was actually between them?

  “What good would getting upset do any of us? How would it help?” He sipped his coffee. “That’s one of the things that makes us different from you. We don’t let emotions dictate because we can’t.”

  “What do you mean you can’t? You still feel.” Hunter definitely felt. That’s what made things even harder.

  “Of course we can feel. We feel even more strongly than you, which is why it’s so important to keep ourselves calm. That’s something Gage is going to learn. He can’t go shifting all the time.”
r />   “Do you shift when you get emotional? I mean if you can’t control it?”

  “Yes. Especially when we’re upset or angry. It’s important to only let it happen at the right times though. We almost had to move because of Falcon a few months back.”

  “What happened?” I refilled my coffee a little bit to warm it up.

  “Bar fight. Luckily Marni was able to distract the crowd long enough for us to get out.”

  “How’d she distract them?”

  His eyes narrowed. “How would you distract a crowd of men in an emergency?”

  “She flashed them?”


  “And that didn’t make you mad?”

  “She walks around naked in front of my friends. You think her flashing a bunch of pathetic humans bothered me?”

  “Pathetic humans? Is that how you view us?” I put a hand on my hip.

  “Most of you. You don’t seem pathetic though. You seem strong. At least you were really strong yesterday. You made a tough decision without thinking about it too long. Most humans would have debated it so long it wouldn’t have worked, or they would have made the decision for the wrong reason.”

  “The wrong reason?”

  “Yeah. If you did it out of guilt or something that would have been wrong. Doing anything out of guilt or anger usually backfires.”

  “Can I ask you another question?”

  “Is this one going to be any different from the ten you’ve already asked?”

  “Is Falcon going to come back?”

  “Yes. He’s here.”

  “Great.” I set down my mug.

  “But he’s not going to bother you.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because he’s lucky Hunter didn’t do something far worse to him.” Chet looked out the window, and it made me wonder exactly what he meant.

  “Is Hunter ruthless? Would he kill someone who got in his way?”

  “We’re part animal. You need to remember that. You don’t have to worry about Hunter ever hurting you though, he’d never.”

  “How can you be so sure? Like you said, you’re part animal. Animals have been known to hurt their mates.” It was still strange to use that term, but it seemed more natural talking about animals generally.

  “We’re talking about Hunter. You mean everything to him. It’s something you’d be wise not to forget.”

  “I’d be wise not to forget? Are you threatening me?”

  He took another long sip of coffee. “No. I’m telling you to get used to the way things are. You belong to Hunter now. It’s time to start understanding that you’re lucky. You’re going to be the mate of one of the most powerful creatures on earth.”

  “Then why are you living here?” I gestured to the dated kitchen. “Couldn’t you live somewhere so much better?”

  “We’re in hiding. I’m sure Hunter told you that.”

  “He did… something about a king.”

  “So what’s the problem? What don’t you understand?”

  “If you’re so strong, why are you so afraid of the king? Can’t you just defend yourself?”

  “That’s where you come in.” He set down his cup. “See you around.”

  “Wait? What? You can’t say something like that and walk away.”

  “Yes I can. Have a lovely morning, Mary Anne.”

  I grabbed his sleeve. “Tell me what you’re talking about.”

  “Ask Hunter about the dreams. It will tell you everything you need to know.” Chet easily brushed off my hand and went back out through the front door.

  Great. I got a few answers, yet was left with even more questions. Would I ever catch a break?

  Chapter Six


  I was far more satisfied than I’d been a few hours before. With food in my stomach and a recent run behind me, I was almost ready to rest. Almost, because I still didn’t have Mary Anne. The expression on her face as she watched me through the window confused me at first. It was full of hurt. Then Marni knocked her shoulder into mine—her naked shoulder into my naked shoulder, and I figured it out. At least I thought I had.

  “You’re doing better than I expected.” Hunter stood with his arms crossed in front of the shed.

  “Great. So glad I’ve impressed you.” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Marni and Semi had reminded me over and over that Hunter was the Alpha.

  “Another few days and you might be able to join the rest of us for meals.”

  “Another few days?”

  “Yes. You’re not ready yet.”

  “Why? You afraid to have me around Mary Anne?”

  “Yes.” He strode toward me. “I don’t intend to have a young and out of control Dire around my mate.”

  “She’s not your mate yet.”

  “For all intents and purposes she is.” He stopped right in front of me. “Please remember that.”

  “Please? I didn’t know wolves used that word.”

  He pushed me down onto the ground before I could react. “You will respect me.”

  “Respect you?” I sat up. “Why should I respect you?” All thoughts of playing it calm disappeared once I heard him getting possessive of Mary Anne again. Hearing him calling her his mate made it impossible for me to control myself.

  “You will respect me as your Alpha. That respect means to stop thinking about my mate.”

  “I can think about anyone I want.”

  “Not her. You’ve lost the right to think of her.”

  Without warning I shifted. Seeing things through wolf eyes, I didn’t think. I lunged at him. Hunter immediately shifted and knocked me back down. I pushed him off, but he came back.

  “Stop it!” Marni yelled. “This is ridiculous. Gage isn’t stupid enough to try to steal your mate.”

  Marni’s words brought me back to reality. Mary Anne was going to be mine again. I needed to play along to make that happen. I calmed myself and shifted back to my human form. After several deep breaths, I held out a hand. “Truce.”

  “Truce?” Hunter roared. He was a human again and glaring at me with an intensity that should have terrified me. Instead it only made me mad. “There’s no truce in my pack. I am your Alpha, and you will obey me.”

  “Okay.” I stood there. What was I supposed to do?

  “You will stay away from my mate unless I say otherwise.”

  “That won’t be a problem.” Marni took my arm. “Will it?”

  “No.” I gritted my teeth.

  Marni tried to pull me down to sitting. I knew what she was doing. She was trying to make me show deference. I reluctantly sat down on the wood floor.

  “Good.” Hunter stared down at me. “I didn’t think so.”

  I choked down the response I wanted to give. It wasn’t going to help my cause. If I wanted to get Hunter to put down his guard, I had to convince him I was ready to stay away from Mary Anne. Clearly I was going to have to work on my acting. I needed to stop letting the sound of her name set me off like that, but she was the last shred of humanity I had to hold on to and distancing myself was impossible.

  Hunter stormed out of the shed, slamming the door behind him.

  “You really annoy me sometimes.” Marni sat down again in her spot by the door. I hadn’t bothered standing up yet. What was the point? Where was I going to go?

  “Do I?”

  “Yeah. I thought you were going to be smart about things.”

  “I am.”

  “You provoked Hunter. Why? What did you think you were going to get from it?”

  “He pissed me off.”

  “Mary Anne is with him now. How many times do I have to say that to get that into your head?”

  “It’s in my head. It’s done.”

  “Oh yeah? That quickly?” She eyed me skeptically.

  “I get it. Ok? I get how this is going to work.”

  “You can crash at my house if you want.”

  “I thought I had to stay in this shed.” Hunter wasn�
��t exactly rolling out the red carpet to welcome me to the pack.

  “Hunter wants someone watching you, and he wants you away from Mary Anne. My house is the furthest away.” She stood up. “Let’s go.”

  The shed floor didn’t exactly appeal to me, but Marni’s motivation worried me a little. “Why? Why are you letting me come? Why are you being nice to me?” I stood up.

  She walked over and slowly ran a finger down my bare chest. “Why do you think I am?”

  “Aren’t you with Chet?” I was getting used to being naked, but that didn’t mean I was comfortable with her touching me.

  She laughed. “Gotcha. I’m doing this because I want what’s best for all of us. For all the Dires. And that’s for Hunter and Mary Anne to be together. So I want to get you settled so we can all move on from this.”

  “If you say so.” I couldn’t argue with that. I was supposed to be going along with things.

  “And don’t worry about Chet. He’s not concerned.” She opened the door to the shed, and I followed her out.

  I noticed some movement at the edge of the woods, and I thought it was a Dire. I wasn’t so sure Marni was right about Chet.

  Chapter Seven


  We couldn’t stay here much longer. Vanessa was staying away for the time being, but she was only biding her time before she came looking for trouble. If it weren’t for Gage I’d have had us packed up and ready to go already, but he wasn’t in any condition to travel.

  There were so many details to figure out, and so many more complications since the last time we moved. First I had to figure out what to do about nomads of the pack, as I liked to call them. They came for the occasional meal, but otherwise kept to themselves on the outskirts of the property. I’d have to round them up. On top of that I had to make sure Falcon knew his place, and that Gage was in control. Lastly, and most important, was Mary Anne.

  I had to make sure she was comfortable and safe. I’d wanted to make her my mate before we moved, but I couldn’t rush it. If I forced her into anything, she’d hate me. I refused to let anything come between us. She was already warming up to me, I could tell. I had to tread carefully to make sure things moved along in the right direction. The problem was I was tired of waiting. My resistance was wearing thin. The other night it had taken all of my strength not to explore every inch of her. She’d wanted my touch, and that only made it harder. I wanted her to be the one to tell me she was ready, but my body begged to connect with hers. That combined with having changed Gage was almost too much to handle.


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