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Risky Gamble (Risky Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Vivian Ward

  There’s an enormous bar which is the focal point of the room that’s against a wall with a hallway leading from either side. I can’t help but wonder where the two hallways lead or if it’s more like a wrap around tunnel, and I doubt he’s going to let me wander around to find out.

  Across from the bar is a leather sectional couch that’s huge. It spans almost the entire wall which is nearly half of the basement.

  Feeling his eyes on me, I glance over in his direction and catch him watching me with a bit of a smirk on his face. I’m not going to lie. His half-cocked smile in this lighting, in this atmosphere, makes me wet. There’s a certain smell down here that I can’t quite put my finger on, but damn if it’s not making my palms sweat as my pulse kicks up a couple of hundred notches or so.

  Feeling suddenly nervous and highly alert, I ask, “What is the color scheme for down here?” My voice cracks, embarrassing me even further.

  Why does he have to be so damn hot? I can practically see his muscular abs through his white button-up shirt.

  “I want to keep it classic down here. Maybe black and red? Something dark; nice and deep.”

  The only thing I can focus on is nice and deep. Licking my lips, I pretend to keep my cool and tuck a few invisible strands still flying away behind my ear. “Okay, we have, um,” I stop mid-sentence as I look down.

  Is he hard?

  I swear from this angle it looks like his cock is completely stiff. Just as I look back up to him, he’s watching me stare at his dick—and doesn’t even try to hide it! Instead, a slow grin tugs on the corner of his lips.

  Oh, my god! Shoot me now. I can’t believe he just caught me looking at his cock.

  “Um, I, uh,” I try to compose myself as best I can even though I’m mortified and begin scribbling down what I should have sent over for the downstairs. “I can get some very nice centerpieces for down here.”

  “Great, I was hoping you’d know what to get. I don’t normally order these things myself, so it’s a great help having you know what will look nice.”

  “Oh? Who normally orders them?” I’ve been dying to know why he’s taking care of all of this instead of some assistant even though it’s not really any of my business.

  He studies me carefully before answering. “Angela normally takes care of everything but she’s out on maternity leave.”

  “Is that your assistant or something?” I press.

  “She’s a bartender who works down here,” he says, nodding toward the bar. “I hate her being gone because she was one of my full-time employees, but what can you do? I don’t want her working until she has the baby.”

  The wheels in my head begin turning as a plan starts to take shape. “How far along is she?”

  “She’s only about mid-pregnancy. I take care of my employees and don’t let them work once they get to a certain point in their pregnancy.” He pauses. “Her leave is completely paid.”

  “Wow, that’s very generous of you,” I say, because it is. Not many bosses would let their employee take an entire paid pregnancy leave. Come to think of it, I don’t know of any who would. “Are you running the place short-handed or have you found a replacement?”

  Eying me suspiciously, he smiles, “Well, I could use the extra help….”

  This is my chance to really get inside his world and find out what really goes on when the sun goes down. I try to play it cool and tilt my head as I step closer to him, “Maybe I could help you out.”

  He laughs, “You?”

  “Yes, me! I can make any drink you throw at me.” He looks at me as though he doubts it. “Trust me, I can make anything. Go ahead, try me out.”

  He cocks his head in serious doubt, closing up the space between us. “All right,” he says, trying to think of something.

  “How about a Mai Tai?” I ask.

  “A Mai Tai? You sure you know how to make one of those.”

  “Absolutely!” Grinning at him, I walk behind the counter and familiarize myself with where everything is. “Coming right up,” I say as I take out a mixer and reach for the various types of rum that I’ll need. A few minutes later, I strain the mixer over a glass of ice and proudly slide it across the counter. “Go ahead and have a try.”

  He looks at me inquisitively and slowly leans over the counter, dangerously close to me as he invades every inch of my personal space while I hold my breath. “You forgot something,” he reaches into a plastic container. “The garnish.”

  Bringing an orange slice to his lips, he seductively sucks the access juice from it before wedging it onto the brim of his glass.

  So fucking sexy.

  Sipping it, his eyes widen. “I must say, that’s the best Mai Tai I’ve ever had. Where’d you learn how to make drinks like that?”

  “It’s just a little something I picked up,” I shrug. “So, do I have the job or are you going to keep pretending you can run this place by yourself?” I tease.

  “I don’t run it by myself. I have somewhat of a silent partner, Tyler, but I could definitely use someone like you.”

  The way he said that last bit, ‘I could definitely use someone like you,’ seemed sinister and not entirely job-related.

  “Welcome aboard, Miss…..I’m sorry, I don’t know your last name.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. My last name is Hart.”

  “Well, I’m glad to have you, Ms. Hart,” he reaches for my hand, kissing the back of it. “I’ll have you fill out the necessary paperwork and you can start tomorrow night.”

  Shit, I didn’t think he’d have me start so soon. I promised Kristin that I’d help until Valentine’s Day. “Oh,” I say, my voice trailing off. “Is there anyway that I could start later?”

  “Later? When did you have in mind?” he asks, sipping the Mai Tai.

  Hesitating, I wring my hands as I offer my biggest smile. “Maybe after Valentine’s Day?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m afraid that won’t do, Ally. You see, I have a big event on Valentine’s Day, which is why you’re standing here right now. I’ll need you before that.” He pauses and watches my expression fall. “You do want the job, don’t you? I mean, you’d be the perfect candidate.”

  “Y-yes, I’d love the job,” I say, my voice quivering. This story is bigger than making floral arrangements and getting coffee for everyone at The Gateway Times while I write crappy peices. “I’ll be here.”

  “Good,” he winks. “You can take the forms home with you and bring them back when you clock in tomorrow night.”

  “Sounds good,” I force a warm smile. “Will you be here then?”

  “Yes, I’m in Club Kaswell every night.” We begin to make our way upstairs to his office for the paperwork when he stops and hands me the papers. “And Ally?” I raise my eyebrows. “Wear something sexier and tighter.”

  My mouth drops. Did my new employer really just tell me how to dress when I come to work? But coming from a man with his money, looks, and social status, I’m not surprised. Unable to speak, I nod my head and wisp around, quickly making my way out of the building.

  I can’t believe I pulled it off! Allison Hart will be publishing a story exposing all of the sex secrets that surround Colton Kaswell.

  Shooting Kristin a quick text to let her know what’s going on, I rush to my internship at The Gateway Times. I don’t want Darcy, the other intern, to catch me coming in late. We’ve become pretty good friends and I don’t think she’d say anything to anyone, but I don’t want to give her the opportunity either.

  Chapter 5


  I probably shouldn’t have hired someone who I want to fuck so badly, but I couldn’t stop myself. She was willing and all I could think of is how fucking hot she’d look behind the bar every night and how I could watch her. Her drink-making skills surprised me, to say the least, especially with her modest taste in clothing—even though I did enjoy seeing her in that clingy sweater and those skinny jeans that hugged her ass perfectly.

  It makes me wonder if she’s a
party girl, or if she’s been to college and maybe partied a lot there, or if she’s worked as a bartender someplace else. She doesn’t really seem the type to tend bar but she did offer to take the job here, so what do I know?

  I’ve been watching the clock for the last hour as I’ve waited for her to come in for her first shift. My cock twitches every time I think about her walking through the door. I told her to dress sexier because that’s what the club members are going to expect, but also because I want to see more of her.

  Actually, I want to see all of her.

  Passed out and unconscious.

  Barely breathing.

  I’d fuck the breaths right back into her.

  I’d love to tarnish an innocent girl like her; turn her on to the darker side of life.

  I’m not sure what it is about Ally Hart that makes my cock hard any time I think about her, even when I’m standing right in front of her and she can see it, but I can’t get enough of her.

  It’s clear that she’d done her homework about me from the first time we met until she walked into the club. She went from not knowing who I was to offering to work for me which surprised me since she already has a job working at the floral shop.

  Smart girl.

  I would’ve left that little mom and pop floral shop, too, if I had a chance to work in a place like this. My staff gets paid top dollar even though their tips alone could easily pay their monthly expenses and then some.

  Sipping my Bourbon, I notice Trent, the club’s bouncer, leading someone—probably Ally—down the steps. Eager to greet her, I rise from my seat and begin to straighten my suit jacket. When she emerges from behind him, I do everything I can not to make an audible gasp.

  She looks sexy as hell and I never would have imagined her wearing something like what she has on. There’s a small piece of shiny, black leather covering the mid-section of her torso with long, thick straps that go over her shoulders, holding the tiny piece of material up. The sides are completely missing, exposing her delicate curves, making my cock rock hard.

  Her waist is tiny in comparison to her full hips. The shiny black material barely covers her nipples. Wondering if they’re hard or not, I zero in on them, but the material is too thick and I can’t tell.


  Ally’s long, coffee-colored hair is sleeked back in a tight ponytail; her natural, caramel highlights reflect in the low lighting. She smiles and nods as she makes her way behind the bar. Her round ass looks like a perfect pair of globes as the dim lights bounce off the shiny, black leather suit.

  If there’s a hell, I must be trapped in it because I can’t touch her.

  “I wanted to get here a few minutes early so you could show me how to clock in,” she says, setting her purse under the bar.

  “Jenna,” I say to my regular bartender, “this is Ally. She’s new to our team and will be tending bar with you.”

  “Hi Ally,” Jenna says to her. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” the girls shake hands. “I’m happy to meet you.”

  “Ally, if you’ll come with me, I’ll show you how to clock in.”

  “Are my things okay here or should I move them?” she asks Jenna.

  “Nope, they’re good. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  As she begins walking around the counter, I stop her. “Did you bring all of your paperwork back with you?”

  “Oh!” She snaps. “It’s right here in my purse. Let me grab it.” Reaching under the counter, she opens her purse and takes out the papers.

  “Thank you,” I take them from her. “Follow me and I’ll show you the basics.” Leading her over to an area near the stairwell, I show her the time clock. “This is where you’ll enter your code to clock in and out. I don’t want you lifting a finger until you’ve punched in. We don’t allow anyone to work off the clock.”

  Looking at her in this light, she reminds me of Melissa even more than before. It’s remarkable how much her bone structure is just like Mel’s. I would take her right here if it weren’t completely inappropriate, but I have a reputation to protect—especially in the open.

  “We?” she asks.

  Standing this close to her is dangerous. All I can focus on is the beating veins in her neck; her carotid arteries. She has such prominent veins. It would be so easy to constrict her airways and watch them pound against her beautiful skin as the color slowly turns into a gorgeous shade of crimson before it begins to go pale from lack of oxygen.

  Forcing myself to focus, I bring my eyes up to hers. Those lovely chocolate stars stare at me, begging me to make them bulge until they burst into supernovas.

  My pleasure.

  “Yes, my business partner, Tyler. Remember?”

  “Oh, that’s right,” a slight laughter escapes her soft, parted lips.

  For a moment, I imagine what her raspberry-stained lips would feel like against mine and that’s more than enough to make my dick stand at full attention. “You’ll meet him soon. He doesn’t frequent the club as much as I do.”

  “How often is he usually here?”

  I’m taken aback by her curiosity. Nobody’s ever really asked this many questions about him before. “Often enough,” I say, leading her back to the bar. “Jenna will show you the rest. Won’t you, Jenna?”

  She nods and gives me a wink, “Yes, sir!”

  “I’ll leave you ladies alone then while I enter all of Ally’s paperwork.”

  “See you soon,” Jenna says, leaning over the counter and lifting her foot into the air while she shows off her cleavage.

  The problem with Jenna is that she’s been here long enough to know that she’s the type I’d fuck. She’s been working here part-time for about two years, and she’s seen more than her fair share of pretty little blondes like her blowing me, or getting fucked from behind while their husband’s watch or participate.

  Her disadvantage is that she works for me. I’ve never fucked an employee—but that might change soon now that Ally’s working here.

  Chapter 6


  I’ve been nervous all day, and it only got worse the second Colton was towering over me as soon as I got here. Of course, there are plenty of good reasons for that.

  Number one, I’m dressed like a high-price call girl. I feel practically naked in my outfit. I’ve never worn anything this revealing or sexy but he said dress sexier, and I aim to please. Getting on his good side is my top priority, even if I have to go out of my comfort zone. I mean, what’s a little skin?

  Or all of it.


  Number two, I’m working for Colton Kaswell—the richest and most gorgeous man in St. Louis. His family is so well known that he knows every prominent figure in the area, which might be huge once I write this story and they all realize who he actually is. Having to talk to and interact with this man on such a personal level is intimidating to me, especially when I have to do it in this skimpy piece of leather. But hey, he seems to be enjoying it by the way he’s been staring at me, so mission accomplished. I just hope to God that none of it slips out of place.

  I had to coat myself in a roll-0n body adhesive before I came to work. How many people can say that? I never thought I would have to but here I am, killing it. Did I mention that I hope nothing slips out of place? One wrong move and there goes a nip!

  Number three, I didn’t fill out all of the paperwork that he sent me home with. Aside from the typical tax forms that any employer requests, there was also a non-disclosure agreement to work in Club Kaswell. I may not have gone to legal school, but I can read a contract. It basically says that you agree to keep all information about Club Kaswell confidential—including its members, employees, owners, and other identifiable information.

  I feel awful for ‘accidentally forgetting’ it, but there’s no way I could ever sign that if I plan on doing a story, which I will. I’d wind up in a major legal battle and when you compare his bank account to mine, well, let’s just say that mine is anorexic and his is mo
rbidly obese. After researching his net worth, he has about $800,000 to every $100 that I have several of those, but I but he has other assets, too. I’m lucky if I can pay next month’s bills before my payday hits.

  Number four, I’ve been nervous all day because I bluffed him when I made that Mai Tai. I knew he would doubt me the minute I offered to work for him, so I Googled what drinks are difficult to make so that when it came up, I could say, “Here, let me make you something,” and he’d think I knew what I was talking about.

  I was never the type to go to college parties when I was still in school. My evenings and weekends were filled with reading and writing. When I was in middle school and high school, I read every newspaper and magazine that I could get my hands on. By the time I was in college, I started studying the classics and learning more about writing styles and techniques. When I ran out of reading material or learned something new, I’d practice writing various pieces.

  Now that I’m here, everything seems surreal. Obviously, my plan was to work here, but I can’t believe he’s actually letting me. I’ve been standing back while I watch Jenna. She seems to know every type of drink there is, but it doesn’t surprise me. She’s very outgoing and either is or was a party girl. For the past hour and a half, I’ve been watching her take shots here and there. Her liver has definitely built up its tolerance. If I were to drink half the shots she’s had since I’ve been watching her, I’d be seeing doubles. I’ve also noticed that she’s very flirty. I saw her leaning over the counter, practically sticking her boobs in Colton’s face.

  It pissed me off, though it shouldn’t have. I like the attention that he gives me, so when she tried to steal it, it set something off inside of me, but I didn’t let it show. I know I’m way out of his league and he’d never date a girl like me, but I can dream, right?

  While I was learning more about Colton through my independent research, I found out that he’s quite the lady’s man and that he’s into some kinky shit. I saw an article about a resort trip that he and some of his associates took to Aspen, Colorado. Naturally, I looked up the place where they’d stayed and when I came across the ski lodge’s Facebook account, I saw pictures of some of their guests. One of those pictures included Colton and a bleach blonde bimbo who worked at the lodge.


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