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Love's Promise_An Inspirational Romance

Page 11

by T. K. Chapin

  Chapter 57-Marie

  WHEN WE ARRIVED HOME IN Newport a few days later, Winston insisted I see a doctor to figure out why I’d been vomiting and had an upset stomach. His concern was sweet and made me feel loved and cared for. The symptoms continued each day, unlike a usual twenty-four-hour stomach bug, causing me to grow worried at what might be the cause. Neither of us dared to Google the symptoms.

  “Could you be pregnant?” the nurse asked.

  Winston and I both looked at each other and laughed. Then I turned to the nurse and said, “No.”

  “Okay, but we’re going to do a pregnancy test as part of normal procedure.”

  Shrugging a shoulder, I laughed lightly. “If you insist.”

  The nurse handed me a cup. “Use this to provide me a urine sample. The bathroom is in the hall. I’ll be back shortly to draw blood.”

  As the door shut, I said to Winston, “See? I told you they’d think I was pregnant.”

  “They’ll run lots of tests. It’s standard protocol. Hopefully the drugs you’ve been on are out of your system by now.”

  He winked as he came in close, dropping his forehead into my cheek as he laughed.

  I chuckled at his joke.

  Leaving Winston in the examination room, I ventured to the bathroom and I spotted one of the receptionists from the firm I used to work at. She sat in another examination room with the door open and had her arm around a small boy who was holding his arm. He couldn’t have been more than seven years old if I had to guess. I didn’t want her to see me, but she did and proceeded out of the room and caught me before I could make it into the bathroom.

  “Marie! How are you? We miss you at the firm!”

  I nodded. “I’m good.”

  Her gaze glided over my hideous gown and the cup in my hand.

  “Just getting some stuff checked out,” I said.

  She glanced over her shoulder at the little boy. “My poor Ethan broke his arm. We’re waiting for the doctor to apply a cast. How’ve you been?”

  “I’ll pray for him. Things have been really good.”

  “I heard about your new faith. So, it’s true?”

  “Oh, yes, it’s all true.”

  “That’s great for you. Where are you going to church?”

  “Right out near where we live, on Diamond Lake. The church is called Church at the Lake.”

  “That’s wonderful. My husband and I have been looking for a new church. Maybe we’ll try it out.”

  “You should; it’d be worth the drive if you’re in Spokane.”

  The doctor approached and said he was ready to apply the cast.

  “I need to go. It was nice seeing you!”

  “You, too.”

  As I entered the bathroom, I thought about that job Serenah had offered me. I wouldn’t be using my degree, but it could be a way to mingle with other believers and get me out of the house. I decided right then to take the job and I’d call Serenah first thing once we arrived home.

  Chapter 58-Winston

  AFTER MARIE WAS DIAGNOSED WITH an unusually long bout of the stomach flu, we left the hospital and I had her stop at the WIN offices. I wanted to touch base with Bruce and offer my apologies about the way I’d behaved during the surprise party thrown in my honor.

  “Keep the car running. I’ll be back in a second,” I said, after I plopped into my wheelchair. She kissed me on the cheek and I went into the building feeling oddly calm. It wasn’t like before when I was full of anxiety and embarrassment about being in a wheelchair. Peering in through the windowed door that led into the WIN office, I spotted Bruce sitting in my chair in the office just behind the reception desk.

  Upon my entry, he heard me and came out to greet me.

  “Winston, how was your vacation?”

  “Good, good. Got a chance to see my boy and my new granddaughter, which was nice. Kirk back yet?”

  “He gets in from New York tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Hey. I wanted to say sorry, from the bottom of my heart, about what happened at the surprise party. I was wrong for the way I acted. I know I already emailed you an apology, but I also wanted to tell you in person.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Waving me to follow him to the back, I continued with him down the hall to the office. He sat in one of the office chairs, allowing me to sit behind the desk.

  “Who do you think would be best for a trip to Mexico?” he asked, bringing a leg up and over the other.

  “Mexico? Martinez is the only one who has a passport that I know of. Why?”

  “We have a client, you might know their kid, who is requesting we send someone down to accompany a woman from that church out at Diamond Lake. Mission trip of some sort.”

  “Oh,” I replied, rubbing my chin. “Yeah, I’m thinking Martinez, but let me see how he is. When do they need someone?”

  “Two weeks.”

  “Okay. I’ll keep in touch.” Wheeling toward the exit, I was about to leave when Bruce called out to me again.

  “Hey, Winston.”

  “Yeah?” I asked, looking over my shoulder.

  “Glad to have you back.”

  “Good to be back.” I smiled and wheeled out the door.

  As Marie helped me into the car, she paused before shutting my door. “You seem awfully happy, all smiley and whatnot.”

  Pulling her close, I looked deep in her eyes and said, “I am,” then I kissed her.

  Chapter 59-Marie

  FINALLY FEELING BETTER, I SQUEEZED into my favorite pair of jeans and a plain blue t-shirt to get ready to leave the next morning for work. My outfit was far from my usual work attire at the firm and it’d take some getting used to.

  I tapped my chin and looked around the kitchen moments before leaving. Winston lifted his gaze from his breakfast.

  “You look like you’re forgetting something.”

  “It feels like I am, but I think it’s just my outfit that’s throwing me off.”

  A grin crept across his lips. “You look fine from where I’m at.”

  Laughing, I stepped close and he wrapped an arm around my legs and pulled me onto his lap. We kissed. As our lips parted, I said, “What if I’m no good at this job?”

  “You’ll do fine, Marie. I’ve never known you to fail at anything you put your mind to. Besides, if you don’t like it you can always quit. Serenah knows you’re just testing things out.”

  We both knew we had more than enough in the bank, especially since depositing the final check from my former partners.

  “I guess I just feel nervous.” Biting my lip, I continued. “I haven’t done retail in over thirty years.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “It’s like riding a bike. Can I lead us in a prayer for your day?”

  My heart warmed at his offer. “I’d love it if you did.”

  We bowed our heads.

  “We come to You today, Lord, for my wife Marie. Please settle her nerves, Lord, and help her to find peace and comfort in You. It’s not for the money she works, but for You. I pray that You help her walk with faith in each moment today at the thrift store. We pray this in Your precious and holy name, Jesus, Amen.”

  Smiling, I kissed him on the cheek and headed into the garage to leave.

  On my way to the thrift store, Greg called. I answered it on the car speaker system.

  “Hey, Mom. You excited for your first day?”

  “Yes! I’m heading there right now.”

  “You’re going to rock it. So, I was talking to Molly and we really want to come visit soon. I’d like to see your church you told me so much about, and I can tell Erin already misses you guys. Is that something that would be okay with you two if we come soon?”

  “Of course, Greg! Don’t be ridiculous. You can come anytime.”

  He chuckled. “I should know that, but it’s all kind of new, you know? I feel bad for the way I’ve been so distant in the past.”

  “Your father and I forgive you. You’re our son! We love you dearly, and al
l of your sweet family.”

  Greg’s voice lightened. “Thank you, that means a lot to me. I’ll let you know when we have a solid date for when we can come in the next few months. I’m guessing sometime in January. I’d like to come for Christmas next month, but that’s highly unlikely with another huge software release they wanna do at work during the slow times. We’ll see, though.”

  “Okay! Whatever works, dear. Maybe we can even fly down to y’all for Christmas if you can’t make it here. Erin’s first Christmas should be special.”

  “Sounds great! Either one works! I love you, Mom. Have a good day.”

  “I love you, too,” I said. My heart ricocheted like a pinball inside my chest.

  When we hung up, I thanked God for bringing our son back into our lives. My life had been in a valley, but now I felt on a mountain peak. God had been with me in the valley and, in fact, it was there I had found Him. Pulling up to the front of the thrift store, I saw Serenah talking with one of the workers through the glass window.

  “Here we go, God, lead me.”

  Chapter 60-Winston

  AFTER A SOLID WORKOUT IN my shop, my biceps and triceps felt like wet noodles. Sweat pouring down my face, I wiped it with a towel.

  “You seem to be in a cheerful mood today,” Jeremy noted as I shut off the music.

  “Yeah, I am,” I replied. “I saw my son for the first time in a long time. We’ve had a strained relationship for years. It was the reason I didn’t want to go into detail about it with you before Thanksgiving.”

  “I’m sorry for prying into your business like that.”

  I laughed. “It’s fine. I was a jerk. You know, if someone would’ve asked me if I wanted to see my son over the holiday, I would’ve said no.” My chin dipped to my chest for a moment, then I lifted my gaze back to Jeremy. “But when I saw him, I couldn’t hold onto a single bit of that old anger … And when I laid eyes on my new granddaughter, I forgot about my paralyzed legs and all that stress. It’s all about love.”

  “What is?”

  “Life. Life is all about love, man. Whether it’s your relationship with God and His ultimate love when He allowed His son to die on the cross, or when you’re raising kids or dealing with your flawed spouse. Love is the gold nugget in this thing called life. God is love and God’s love for us emanates through Jesus and unto His believers, and those believers send out love from there. Love begins with God at the top of our priorities, trickles down to others, and then ends with us in that order.”

  “I knew you were a big softie under that tough exterior.”

  Jeremy stood close enough to me that I faked a swing to his gut, but he dodged.

  We both laughed and headed out of the shop.

  As Jeremy backed out of the driveway, Jax pulled in.

  “Hey, Winston,” Hs voice was almost somber, a bit calmer than usual.


  We went inside to my study. Before I had a chance to get behind my desk, Jax spoke. “I had no idea how bad I was …”

  Tight-lipped, I nodded.

  “I’m doing great now, but those first few days were rough, man. Thank you so much for helping me, forcing me to get help.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad to hear you’re doing better. Are you able to work?”

  He nodded confidently.

  “Good. I’ll have you swing by Dr. Getty’s, our official WIN doctor for a full write off. He’ll have to confirm with your outpatient doctors, but if it all checks out, I’m sending you to Mexico.”

  “Mexico? Really?”

  “Yep. You remember the Church at the Lake?”

  “Of course. How could I forget?”

  “There’s a gal in that group who needs a bodyguard to accompany her. I thought you might be the best to go.”

  “I’m diggin’ this.” He relaxed in his seat. Crossing his leg, he said, “When do we leave?”

  “Don’t get too excited. It’s not a party.”

  “No, sir, I know that. Especially since I’m sober now. I want you to know I have been getting back into reading my Bible and realigning my heart with Him.”

  “Good to hear, Son. Keep on course and you’ll see blessings in every part of your life. Now listen, you’ll be leaving in two weeks.”

  “You can count on me.”

  “I know. You should be back by the twenty-third, just in time for Christmas.”

  “Cool.” He stood up to leave and I stopped him.

  “Hey, Martinez.”

  “Yes, sir?”

  “I’m proud of you for getting cleaned up and going back to God.”

  Smiling, he tipped his head and left.

  Chapter 61-Marie

  AT NOON I TOOK A break from moving merchandise from the back to the front of the store. As I ate my Cobb salad in the break room, I heard someone open the door behind me and I was pleasantly surprised to see it was Chelsea.

  “Hey, girl,” she said, giving me a hug. She sat down in one of the chairs. “How are you liking it here?”

  “I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. There’s some heavy lifting, but it feels good to lift with my hands instead of my mind for a change.”

  “Awesome to hear,” Chelsea replied.

  “What’s new with you?”

  She grabbed my arm and shook it. “I’m leaving in two weeks!”

  “Oh, great! How excited are you?”

  Suddenly her expression changed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “My dad hired a bodyguard to go with me. He’s so paranoid!”

  “Those drug cartels are seriously dangerous in Mexico. That could be the reason,” I said, trying to soften the blow.

  Her lips curved in a half-smile and she said, “I guess that makes sense.”

  Patting her shoulder, I said, “You’ll be fine. Is the bodyguard from WIN by any chance?”

  “Yes, actually he is. My parents heard about how much WIN did for our church, so they checked to see if anyone was available and they have someone.”

  “That should ease your mind at least! All of the guys at WIN are great! I should know, since it’s my husband’s company. When do you get back?”

  “Just before Christmas. Which I’m glad about, since I don’t want to miss the candlelight service the church is planning.”

  Raising an eyebrow, I said, “That sounds nice. I’ve never been to a candlelight service.”

  “I went to one years ago in Spokane and it was amazing. You’ll like it. Have you read any of Redeeming Love yet?”

  “A bit on the plane there and back, and some while I was at the in-laws. I plan to finish it this weekend.”

  “Sweet.” Glancing at the clock on the wall, she said, “I’d better get going. Glad it’s going well!”

  “Thanks, dear. Have a good time on your trip! I’ll be praying for you.”


  Leaving, she shut the door behind her and I was amazed at the coincidence. Chelsea must have been the young woman Winston was talking about when he said Jax was going to Mexico. I knew about Jax and he was a bit of a hot-head, so I added the two of them to my prayer list pronto. They weren’t similar in nature at all and, because of their differences, it could prove to be a difficult trip.

  Chapter 62-Marie

  ARRIVING HOME THAT EVENING, I dreaded the idea of making dinner as I shut the car off in the garage. I was zapped of all energy.

  When I opened the door, I found the whole house dark, with only a flicker of light coming from the living room. Confusion swirled through my thoughts as I could smell the faint smell of chicken. I proceeded with caution.

  In the living room was a table with a birdhouse sitting in the middle and a candle on top of it. My heart melted. On each side of the table was a plate of food. There, next to the table, sat my husband. Winston wore a nice button-up white shirt and a smile that shone brighter than the candle lighting the room.

  “Welcome home, my love.”

  I dropped my purse and m
y hand covered my mouth. He pulled the chair out for me like a gentleman. As I sat down, he said, “For tonight’s meal we have lemon chicken with a side of mashed potatoes and green beans. To drink, we have chilled sparkling cider.”

  Winston rolled around to the other side of the table.

  Taking our napkins, we spread them out onto our laps. Sighing, I shook my head in disbelief at my wonderful husband. Through the candlelight, Winston’s face shown like an angel’s.

  “I love you so much,” I whispered.

  “I know. All I have to do is remember the last couple months to know I’m the luckiest man ever to have you in my life. Jesus shines through you in your love for me.” He reached for my hands across the table. “I know you love me no matter what, and I want you to know I love you, too, Marie, no matter what.”

  Winston and I had been through a difficult season in our marriage, but God had met me down in the valley and raised me up. He showed me life—a new life, a new way of living. One that didn’t rely on me, but one that relied on Him. I didn’t enjoy the difficulties Winston and I had endured, but they led me to the cross where I found the love of God, and where I found love’s promise.

  The End.

  Be sure to read the next book in the series, “Love’s Protection” to continue the series!

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  One Thursday Morning (Click/Tap here to view on Amazon)


  To love and be loved—it was all I ever wanted. Nobody could ever convince me John was a bad man. He made me feel loved when I did not know what love was. I was his and he was mine. It was perfect … or at least, I thought it was.

  I cannot pinpoint why everything changed in our lives, but it did—and for the worst. My protector, my savior, and my whole world came crashing down like a heavy spring downpour. The first time he struck me, I remember thinking it was just an accident. He had been drinking earlier in the day with his friends and came stumbling home late that night. The lights were low throughout the house because I had already gone to bed. I remember hearing the car pull up outside in the driveway. Leaping to my feet, I came rushing downstairs and through the kitchen to greet him. He swung, which I thought at the time was because I startled him, and the back side of his hand caught my cheek.


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