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Silas_Death Knells MC

Page 11

by Vivian Gray

  Their breaths came out in synchronized grunts as he drilled himself into her, tugging her by the hips as he did. She screamed each time he buried himself. It only took four thrusts before she was crying out his name, her pussy contracting in waves around his cock.

  And then he was gone too. Heat thrumming through him, his vision going black for a moment as the orgasm took over. He groaned and stilled against her, his cock pulsing as the last spurts of pleasure exited his body.

  “Fuck, Silas.” Jessa’s ankles were still hooked behind him. They hadn’t even had time to take off her shirt. “Why does it feel so good with you?”

  It was a question he couldn’t answer. But the deepest parts of him had an idea. He eased himself out of her, red marks on her hips from where he’d gripped her.

  “Coz it’s good,” was all he could say once he found his voice. Her pussy dribbled with his cum, and it was inexplicably hot. Usually, he couldn’t give a fuck about burying his seed in someone. But with Jessa it was different. He swiped his thumb beneath her entrance to wipe up the creamy stream.

  She laughed weakly, rolling to the side. They both dressed slowly, the silence between them comfortable. When he was about to buckle up his belt, she steadied his hand.

  “Let’s go lay down.” She jerked her head toward the bedroom, then grabbed his hand to guide him. “You must be tired.”

  He smiled at her. “I am.”

  “I want you to sleep with me,” she said once they’d entered the bedroom. Soft light from the nightstand cast a gauzy glow to the room. It seemed like maybe she’d been waiting to invite him in.

  “Just for tonight, huh?” He tore his shirt off, followed by his pants. She pulled her own shirt off before slipping between the sheets, naked.

  “For as long as you want.”

  There was a tenderness in her voice that made his throat clamp up. He hadn’t expected to hear that. Hell, he hadn’t expected to want to hear it. Or that it might feel so good.

  Once he was stripped down to nothing, he slid between the cool sheets. Jessa found her way into his arms immediately, burrowing her head into his chest. For a few moments, he lay there, rigid with conflict. This was so far from anything he’d planned on, but at the same time, it felt like the only way forward.

  When he finally was able to relax, Jessa looked up at him. “I’ve been having nightmares.”

  He creased a brow, dragging his fingers through her hair. “About what?”

  “About my dad. About being attacked. About something happening and nobody being there to help.” Her gaze drifted away. “They’ve been getting worse.”

  “Fuck, Jessa.” Silas gently squeezed her earlobe. “Do they wake you up?”

  She nodded, and he squeezed his arms around her.

  “I’ll be here when you wake up. I’ve got you.”

  Jessa nuzzled into his chest, arms wrapped tight around him as her eyes drifted shut. It wasn’t long before her breaths went even.

  The second night she’d fallen into a peaceful sleep in his arms.

  Silas smiled up at the ceiling, taking a deep breath of the flowery scent of her hair. He could get used to this.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Friday rolled around, Jessa was itching for some fun. She’d been wracking her brain for some laidback, noncommittal excursion that wouldn’t reek of her own desperation, but nothing came to mind. Of course she was willing to stay locked inside the house, riding Silas to climax over and over again. But part of her wanted to go out. To be seen with him

  The simple fact of wanting this jarred her, but it was too strong deny. So why bother questioning it? They got along, and that was that. It didn’t have to mean anything.

  They got home around the same time that day, and Silas sent her that same private grin that made her insides light on fire. She had to stop herself from pushing up onto tip-toes to give him a ‘Welcome home from work I’m so happy to see you’ kiss.

  “How was your day?” She breezed past him, trying to quell the butterflies in her stomach. She wondered if he felt that way – if it was even possible for his cool biker exterior to get ruffled.

  “Good.” He slipped his boots off at the door, which made her heart twist. “What about you?”

  “Normal.” Jessa shrugged, forcing a laugh. She already wanted to rip his clothes off. This was a bad sign. “Any plans for the weekend?”

  Silas sauntered into the kitchen after her, pressing his palms to the surface of the kitchen island. “Yeah, actually. Tonight. You got anything going on?”

  Her heart sunk. There went her plans for a sexy night out with him. “Well, no.”

  “Good. Come with me tonight.”

  She inhaled sharply, embarrassed by how quickly the excitement had flooded her. She was like a teenager all over again, salivating for the attention of the hottest boy in school. And now that he’d turned her way, she was a quivering mess in front of him, ready to say yes to anything. “Okay. Where?”

  “There’s a club thing.” He gnawed on his bottom lip, watching her intensely. “It’s like… a mixer – bunch of bikers from clubs in this region. You wanna?”

  A month ago, she would have spat at the idea and told him to go fuck himself. But now? It was her personal idea of heaven. “Yeah, totally. I’d love to.”

  “Cool.” He pointed at the clock. “We’ll leave in an hour.”

  She bit back an excited squeal, heading immediately for the bedroom. “Let me get ready then! Anything special I should wear?”

  “Whatever you want,” he said, his voice growing distant as she turned down the hall.

  Once he was safely behind her, she let the ear-splitting grin take over. Humming to herself, she rummaged through her dresser, trying to find the right outfit. It had to strike the perfect balance of ‘This is no big deal’ and ‘Watch out I’m going to fuck you until the sun comes up’.

  It took her nearly the entire hour to piece together the outfit: fake leather leggings topped off with boot heels, and a tight, low-cut corset shirt that showed off her tits. The perfect outfit for a biker night and the right amount of teasing that would hopefully leave Silas hard and wanting her the entire night.

  He rapped on her door. “Jessa? Let’s get going.”

  “One minute.” She pushed a pair of sparkly dangle earrings into each lobe, then snatched up her black clutch. When she pulled the door open, he had his forearm propped against the frame.

  “Shit.” His gaze scorched a trail up and down her body. “So you’re ready.”

  She shrugged, trying not to let the comment affect her even half as much as it did. “Ready for a night out, yeah.”

  In the foyer, Silas’ eyes didn’t leave Jessa as he laced up his boots. But he didn’t say a word. She led the way outside, his gaze burning a hole through her. She smiled to herself, waiting for him to get on his bike first.

  “Is this okay?” She gestured at her outfit. “I mean, you’re staring at me like I did something wrong.”

  He narrowed his eyes but didn’t say anything. The motor roared to life a moment later. The desire flashing in Silas’ eyes was all she needed. She slid on the bike behind him, tugging on the spare helmet he offered her.

  “Well, I’m excited, even if you forgot how to talk.” It felt so good to rib him. Deliciously good.

  He backed the bike out of the driveway as she squeezed her arms around his waist. The smell of fresh cut grass reached her, the sinking sun coating the evening air with a romantic hue. And tonight seemed a lot like a date – even if part of it was wishful thinking.

  Because how could this be a date? They were already married, with an agreement that this wasn’t real. Jessa still clung to the idea that she hated the MC, even though she was on her way to the equivalent of an MC appreciation party.

  And Silas? She swallowed hard as they roared off down the street. Silas was nothing more than an occasional lay; a warm body within arm’s reach. At least, that’s what she wanted to believe. What she desperately
wanted to be true.

  The ride to the party was beautiful and pleasant, the setting sun coating the world with bright reds and deep oranges. She sighed happily, resting her head on Silas’ sturdy back. She missed riding on motorcycles. Ever since her brother’s death, she’d sworn them off. Working at a Harley store was the only compromise she’d make. And even then, it was hard to keep her eyes from wandering over the new arrivals, imagining the feel of the handlebars in her grip.

  She’d sold her bike the week after Jake died. Severing ties with motorcycles seemed a fitting way to drive the point home: no more MCs. But being on one again, after so much time away, was like rediscovering ice cream after a sugar ban – sickly sweet, an activity that conjured a whole slew of memories, and even more cravings.

  When Silas pulled into the parking lot of a bar on the outskirts of town, the entire place was thumping. A deck spread out from the west side of the building, twinkle lights dotting the handrails. The outside patio was full of people, shouts, and laughter punctuating the cooling air. Silas stored their helmets, his gaze still fierce on her.

  Jessa hugged herself, even though she felt warm enough in the thin leather jacket she’d brought. The jacket she also hadn’t touched since Jake’s death. “Pretty busy here.”

  Silas nodded, then jerked his head toward the front door. He held out his hand which she took hesitantly.

  “You still aren’t talking to me?” Jessa fought a grin as she tottered beside him, her heels finding uneven footing on the loose gravel.

  He sent her a long look, his jaw flexing.

  Whatever the cause of his silence, she took it as a good thing. The disturbance in his orbit felt good – she wanted to relish it. To relish this entire night. The one night when it felt okay to rejoin the world she’d left behind, trying it on like a costume instead of a forever uniform.

  Silas pushed into the bar, the clamor of conversation consuming them immediately. The air was warm and sweet. Jessa stayed close to Silas as he led the way into the fray, keeping hold of his kutte from behind.

  As soon as he set foot in the bar, people gravitated toward him. Members of other clubs swarmed him, clapping him on the back, nodding his way, offering a hand. It was hard not to feel a little proud in his wake, following a man who was so well-known and respected.

  Silas led them to the bar, his gaze distracted as he scanned the room. Classic rock filled the air, with a small dance floor clogged with people, gyrating and grooving to the music. Jessa still hadn’t seen a single person she recognized. A bartender with overflowing tits came their way, smiling past Jessa and right at Silas.

  “Long time no see.” She leaned over the bar, pressing a kiss to Silas’ cheek. Jessa narrowed her eyes, watching the two interact. Silas only briefly glanced toward Jessa before leaning in to speak into the bartender’s ear.

  Jessa swallowed the spark of jealousy. It wasn’t right to be jealous, especially not over a biker. Not over Silas. She frowned, looking away.

  Even still, she wondered who that girl was… How long she’d known Silas… How well she knew him, how deep their carnal knowledge truly ran. She picked at a nail, trying to squash these thoughts.

  Jessa finally found her voice. “What did you tell her?”

  “What we wanted to drink.”

  Jessa arched a brow. “So you know how to talk?”

  Silas sent her a flat look.

  “Or maybe you only know how to talk to her.” Jessa drummed her fingers against the bartop, unable to stop the cattiness.

  The corners of his lips turned upward, but he didn’t say anything else. Frustration hummed through Jessa. She wanted to slap him, just to release even a fraction of it, and demand he put his hands and lips all over her. But her pride wouldn’t allow it. Besides, what right did she have? This wasn’t even real.

  “Why don’t you go hang out with her sometime?” Jessa’s heart raced. “You two look cute together.”

  Silas’ nostrils flared as he swung toward her, searing her with a look.

  “In fact, I’ll hook you two up if you want.” Words were just spilling out of her now. Her own desperation to prove how little she cared was getting the best of her.

  “Jessa, stop it.”

  His words were edged with something, but she couldn’t tell what. All she could see and feel was the pulsing desire for Silas – his gaze, his attention, his hands on her. But this distance he’d put between them since the second she stepped out of her bedroom was infuriating. It didn’t make sense and the more she thought about it, the more it seemed like it had something to do with the mixing of their worlds.

  Silas probably regretted inviting her here. And really, who was she to accept the invitation?

  The tit-tastic bartender returned, her platinum blonde hair pulled back into a perfect topknot. She watched as Silas’ gaze traveled up and down her body. He barely glanced Jessa’s way as he handed her the drink.

  Jessa snatched it from him, taking a big gulp of the beer as Silas leaned in again to talk to the bartender. She giggled, shaking her head, and then went to wait on someone else.

  Jessa’s heart was pounding when Silas turned to face her. That smug look on his face. Those Jared Leto eyes. She had to step away from him or else she’d do something she regretted. This whole place had her feeling like a fish out of water – even if she totally looked the biker girl part. It didn’t matter. Jealousy hummed through her veins, and she wanted it gone.

  “I’m going outside,” she snapped, stomping away. She didn’t bother to turn around to check if Silas was following her. She already knew he wasn’t.

  Jessa pushed out onto the patio, the cool outside air washing over her like a cleansing bath. Her head cleared, enough to take a step back from the jealous wave. It still didn’t explain why Silas was acting like a snooty pig, but she at least could see that her own behavior was a little over the top.

  After a few deep breaths, she decided to head back inside. Music burst out of the bar as she pulled the patio door open. The air was more humid inside this time, loud conversations drifting in and out of earshot. She headed for the bar, searching for Silas in the long row of people leaning in to get drinks. Leather kuttes with a variety of club emblems shone back at her. Not a single Death Knells to be seen.

  Her stomach wrenched, and she pushed through the sea of people. Wouldn’t it just be great if Silas had ditched her – left her swimming alone in this ocean of bikers and strangers?

  When she broke into a clearing toward the bathrooms, her gaze landed on Silas… standing next to the bright blonde bartender, who leaned against the wall with one leg bent behind her. She gazed up at Silas like he was the moon itself.

  Rage stormed Jessa, made all her rational function blink out of service. She stormed over to Silas, grabbing him by the arm, yanking him to face her.

  “Seriously?” Jealousy pulsed hot through her. “So, is she your girlfriend or something?”

  Silas blinked a couple times, then looked back at the bartender, who grimaced before scurrying back behind the bar. Realization seeped across his face.

  “You’re hot when you’re jealous,” was all he said.

  She let an exasperated sigh. “Just answer me.”

  “Why does it matter to you?” His smile was taunting. “You said we could do what we wanted. Right?”

  Emotion tightened her throat. She hated him right now. She pushed at his shoulders. “Don’t treat me like that, Silas. You’re being an asshole.”

  His expression fell, and he backed her up against the wall, pinning his palms to either side of her face. Her chest heaved as she looked up at him.

  “I’m not treating you like anything.”

  And that was exactly the problem, though she’d never admit it. She was so desperate for him to claim her, but it was the one thing she couldn’t say. “Then just forget it. You’re right. You can be with whoever you want.”

  “Can I though?” His eyes narrowed, a smile playing on his lips.

p; “Yes. We agreed to it.” She hated how tears threatened her perfectly applied wing eyeliner. “Now go be with her.”

  Jessa tried to push past him, but he stopped her, pinning her at the hips with his hands. He scooped his hands under her ass, hoisting her against the wall.

  “I don’t know what it’ll take to get it through your head,” he murmured into her ear, his hot breath sending chills through her. “But you married me in front of half of these people. You’re mine. I’m yours. Now I don’t know what you want to do with your spare time, but as for me, I’m perfectly content where I am.”

  His words drilled into her, the hardness between his legs only reinforcing the point. She barely breathed as her gaze danced over his face.


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