Royal Atlas

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Royal Atlas Page 16

by HJ Bellus

  The pastor turns to Molly and gives her a nod. It takes her a long while before she begins speaking. Her fingers tremble in my hands. I offer a gentle squeeze to calm down her nerves.

  “I use to dream of being a princess. There were always cowboys and Indians in my dreams fighting on horseback and they’d save me, but it was always a cowboy who came to my rescue. I’ve always believed in love and happily ever after’s. I was just that kind of silly girl. Guy Webb, you’re my cowboy who saved the day. I gave you my heart and soul and in turn you’ve given me the world. I love you, everything about you and can’t wait to live out our own…”

  She throws her hand up in the air and then something lands on her shoulder when she pulls it back she lets the cuss words fly.

  “You jackass. You always ruin everything.” She stomps her foot and throws her hand up at the sky. It’s covered in white, liquid bird shit. “Damn you, Amos.”

  To say there’s an awkward silence I’d be lying. Everyone stares at Molly like she’s lost her damn mind and I’m not too far behind them. Once she notices the stares and questioning looks she rolls into a fit of laughter. Her mom rushes up to her side wiping away the bird poop. I didn’t see the bird that shit on her, but it must have been a big fucker by the amount of shit on her.

  Once her mom is settled back in her seat, Molly inhales a deep breath of air before starting again. She doesn’t look at me, but out to our family and friends. “The day we laid Amos to rest a bird shit on me in the barn. I was out there talking to him and then bam, bird shit. So, you see the lovable jackass just always has to have the last word.”

  Her bottom lip trembles as she finishes her sentence. Her mother has tears streaming down her face while her dad pulls her close.

  “You know he wouldn’t miss this day for the world, baby.” I lean in and kiss her cheek forcing my body to step back again.

  “So, I was saying I can’t wait to live out our own fairytale. I love you, Guy.”

  The rest of the ceremony goes by without incident. We both say I do with tears in our eyes.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Those are the fucking words I’ve been dying to hear. I step in to Molly and feel her gasp with the closeness. My hand wraps into her hair at the back of her neck while I pull her head up toward the sky. Our lips crash together in a hungry kiss. We taste and lick each other while our hands grip tightly. We’re bound together forever.

  When I pull back, Molly’s left breathless, but still smiling.

  “It’s with honor that I introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webb.”

  We hold our intertwined hands up over our heads like we’d just won the goddamn Super Bowl and in all actuality, we won so much more than that.

  We spend the rest of the evening dancing, eating, and enjoying friends. Every stolen moment with Molly, I kiss the hell out of her and grope her through her dress. She dances with her daddy and Grandpa with a loving smile on her face. I dance with her momma, letting her cry happy and sad tears. It’s all bittersweet, but we are living life the way we know how.



  “Just remember you are going to make a fine piece of ass for someone one day.” -Amos

  The smoke alarm goes off singing throughout the two levels of our home. I curse the damn thing as I sprint into the house with Rodney. I’m definitely not a baker or a chef, nor should I be allowed to cook at all. It’s evident that my time has always been spent in the barn with Grandpa and not in the kitchen with my momma.

  I pull the pan with a dozen black discs on it from the oven while batting away the smoke. I’m not sure why I even try anymore. I think it’s the unwritten law that to be a good wife you must cook and make your husband happy and fat. Well, I’m failing that part of the lesson.

  “Jesus Christ, what did you try to cook this time, Betty Crocker?” Stent waves through the smoke with his free hand while packing two paper grocery bags in his other.

  “Shut up, jackass.” Guy hits him in the back of the head while setting down the case of beer on the island.

  “Cookies,” I offer.

  Guy grins wide striding toward me with a very naughty look on his face. His large hand grabs me by the waist tugging me to him. It’s been six months of wedded bliss and my heart rate still hasn’t slowed around the man. I hope that’s forever.

  “We brought home dinner, Hop, but thanks for trying to cook for me.”

  “I’ll die trying. I mean I can break a Goddamn horse, but can’t bake a cookie.”

  He runs his palm down the side of my face. “You’re perfect.”

  “Okay, not to sound crude, but you two look like you’re about to humpty dumpty right there in the kitchen, sooooo…” Stent drags out the last word while popping open a beer.

  “Go.” I shove on Guy’s chest. “I’ll plate the food. I mean it’s the least I can do.”

  I peck him on the tip of the nose, turn him toward the living room, and then slap his ass.

  “Damn she’s a good woman.” Stent throws back his beer. “Hop, if you ever get tired of Tarzan over here you know my number.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Guy growls.

  Then they go right into an argument they have on a daily basis. Stent stayed back after the wedding. Even though he had no visible scars, the man was hurting badly. Since returning from war his life had spiraled out of control. He’d been drowning in gambling and sex. The stories he shared made my toe nails curl in disgust. He was still searching to fill the void that war had left in his chest.

  It was with one silent glance the day after the wedding that Guy and I both invited him to stay. He’s a city boy, so seeing him learn the ropes of the ranch has been entertaining to say the least. He doesn’t have a Royal Atlas yet, but seems to be enjoying the work.

  A Royal Atlas isn’t the answer for every soldier, but it was for mine. It was like the horse’s soul and Guy’s were one and they needed each other to heal.

  The football game on the television blares while the two men argue over which team they want to win.

  I pad softly into the room with two heaping plates of pasta and salad that Guy had picked up. We both work long hours and takeout has become our staple until I manage not to burn something.

  I hand Stent his plate and he nods his thanks. Guy takes his and I curl into his side.

  “Not hungry?” He asks.

  “I’m starving. Feed me.”

  He doesn’t bat an eyelash while taking turns feeding us both. It’s how we spend most of our days and it surely is a beautiful thing.

  During a commercial Guy speaks up. “Molly and I are going riding tomorrow. Want to join?”

  Stent shakes his head no. “I told you those horses are thirsty for my dick. Man, can you imagine one stepping on my shlong.”

  I can’t help but laugh at his comment. Stent has grown comfortable enough to ride.

  “You’re missing out man,” Guy replies.

  “Okay, John Wayne.”

  My eyelids grow heavy listening to the game and the banter between the two best friends. Sleep overtakes me quickly.

  The next morning, I’m up and out to the barn before Guy stirs in bed. I’m guessing they spent the night drinking beer and arguing. It has become my lullaby.

  Broker neighs happily when he sees me enter the barn. An afternoon ride out through the pastures isn’t his cup of tea, but he loves getting out. Royal Atlas isn’t so easy to catch. The horse still only trusts Guy, but is slowly coming around to my presence. Once I have both of the horses caught and tied up I begin to saddle Broker while slipping Royal Atlas treats.

  “Hey sexy.” I look over my shoulder at Guy sauntering down to me.

  “Morning, lazy bones.”

  He begins saddling Royal Atlas. The horse immediately calms down with his presence. The two of them work in unison together. I hook a boot in the stirrup and toss my leg up and over. Broker shakes his head ready to go. Guy is about two steps behind me g
etting up on his horse.

  He now wears cowboy boots, but still and probably always will wear a snapback ball cap with his dark shades on. We ride side-by-side for hours. The autumn afternoon is crisp and the sky a bright blue. We end up tying our horses off at the trees near the creek where we were forbidden to go as children.

  It’s here he woke me up from princess daydreams and helped me back home when Amos would’ve ditched me. I pull the drinks and our sandwiches from a small bag on my saddle.

  We find a big tree and use its shade as our blanket as we enjoy lunch and each other. I lay back on Guy, propping my cheek on his chest. His hand runs up and down the length of my spine turning me on.


  “Mmmmmm.” It’s the only answer I can offer.

  “I think this would be a perfect place to try for our first time.”

  My head pops up. “You think so?”

  “I do.” He rolls over on top of me keeping most of his weight on his elbows.

  I pull his face down to mine catching his lips. We kiss for a long time before we both strip down to our bare skin. An electric thrill races through me since this will be our first time having sex with no birth control.

  Guy pushes slowly into me, stilling. My fingers go to the three birds on his bicep to ease his worry. We’re both scared to death, but are ready to start our family. We don’t just have sex under that large oak tree, but make sweet and slow love.

  Guy doesn’t speed up his pace, but continues to slowly press into me and nearly pulls out each time. My fingers dig into the top of his shoulder begging the slow build up of my release to burst wide open. My hips begin to buck underneath Guy. The friction is amazing and just what I needed to find my release.

  I scream out his name as my world spins out of control. His hips keep up a steady pace.

  “Guy, it’s okay, baby. Just let go.” I reach up and whisper in his ear. “We have each other.”

  He freezes for a long time burying his face in the crook of my neck. His long beard tickles the sensitive skin on my neck. When he starts up again he pounds into me hard and relentless until I feel him spill into me.

  The men love going to the bar after a long workweek. I attend with them even though I don’t drink anymore. We’ve been trying for three months to stuff a bun in my oven. Momma told me it will happen and to relax.

  “This town is low on the pussy inventory.” Stent finishes off his beer.

  Guy chuckles and slaps him on the back. “Maybe it’s your prince charming skills.”

  The men go back and forth while I tap my foot to the current country song the band is playing. I haven’t sung in a long time, not counting when I sing doing chores and housework. The need to be on stage becomes overwhelming.

  “Baby.” I tap on Guy’s shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”

  I’m able to sneak off before he questions me any further. I stop at the bar and order the men another round before taking off backstage. My head spins a bit, but I chalk it up to nerves. The band members welcome my offer to sing and know the song by heart.

  “Johnny and June” by Heidi Newfield begins to play. I fight to match her voice and do the song justice. Before too long, my eyes are closed and I’m singing away. Something magical always happens when I sing. The world surrounding me evaporates leaving me with only the things I love.

  Guy’s face lights up when I get back to the table. He pulls me between his widespread legs, publicly groping my ass in his large palms.

  “Love hearing you sing, Hop.”

  “Why thank you, number one fan.” I tap the tip of his nose.

  He whirls me around, settling me in his lap. The bitter smell of the beer sends a craving deep down in me, but I refuse to drink. My period is right around the corner and maybe just maybe this time we’ll get good news.

  “Sweet Ass,” Stent hollers out while running his hand down his long beard.

  I cringe when I see of all people, Mae trotting our way. She’s more than chipper to trot right over to Stent until she sees us. She freezes only a few feet away from her.

  “You missed our weekly date, hot stuff.”

  “Um…Um…” she stutters over her own words.

  “Excited to see me?” Stent gropes his crotch.

  I grow immediately sick to my stomach. My world really spins this time.

  “She’s not welcome around my family,” Guy growls.

  Stent looks over to Guy with a question on his face. “She’s the one I’ve been telling you about.”

  “Don’t care. She’s been a bitch to Molly and not welcome around us.”

  Genuine emotion falls over Stent’s features. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen it. He cares for Mae. I peer up to Mae’s face and she has tears welling up in her eyes. Holy shit, these two have real feelings for each other. Guy continues tearing into Stent calling Mae every name in the damn book. I grab his arm in warning.

  “Baby, I think he really likes her. Let it be.”

  “Fuck that.” Guy slams his beer down on his table. “Nobody and no-one fucks with what’s mine.”

  “She already lost her job. Baby, let it go.”

  “No,” he roars.

  “It’s okay.” Mae steps up to the table. “I deserve it. I’ll talk to you later, Stent.”

  She drops her face and walks away. I don’t miss her slumped shoulders. Stent is physically hurting right in front of us. I nudge Guy to look over at him, but he refuses to.

  Damn stubborn men.



  Years Later…

  “Some things never change or at least legendary smartasses don’t.” -Amos


  I don’t dare pull my gaze from my mom’s oven where her famous cookies are baking. It was my one order as she left for her room to change her clothes.


  I turn to see a little mini Molly Marshall staring back at me with huge chocolate brown eyes and wild curls. Tears stream down her dirty face as she holds a broken baby doll to her chest.

  “Hey now.” I bend down taming her unruly hair.

  “I hate him. He’s a jerk. He broke her head off.”

  “Okay, just settle down. You don’t hate him.”

  “I do. He did it to just show off to Miller.”

  I stand up and grab her hand ushering her to the front porch. Amos Jr. and Miller bounce happily on the trampoline with no care in the world. I never believed in reincarnation until Amos Jr. bounded into my world. He’s my oldest child and my brother to a tee. He’s taken on the namesake like a damn champ.

  Tessi’s tears continue to stream down her face. She’s only eighteen months younger, but never backs down from her brother. I huff out my frustration, blowing my bangs out of my face.

  My dad’s light laughter distracts me from mommy meltdown one thousand of the week.

  “Shut it, Daddy.”

  He slaps his knee. “Come here sweet Tessi.”

  She bounds over to her Grandpa, hops up in his lap, reaches down his front pocket pulling out a caramel. He begins talking to her, calming her down. He promises to buy her a new doll.

  Life is a funny beast that seems cruel at times. It used to be Grandpa doing that for me. He passed away three months after Tessi was born and now six years later his empty rocking chair still makes me weep with sadness.

  “Amos Guy Webb, get over here now.” I step down on the first step with hands on my hips.

  “Momma, it was an accident. She’s just trying to get me in trouble uh-gain.” He strings out the last word.

  I stare back at the miniature version of Guy who has the spirit of Amos. He bats his eyes at me and then wraps his arms low around my waist. I’ve been eating my words for years now. My momma was so damn right about having your little boy be your world.

  “You hurt her feelings.” I ruffle his hair.

  “She’s annoying, Momma. She never leaves me alone.”

  “She’s your sister. Apologize now b
efore Dad gets here.”

  “I’m here.” Guy’s deep voice streams from behind us. “Amos.”

  He pins him down with a hard stare knowing exactly what’s going down. It’s a damn daily ritual.

  “Momma.” Tessi squeals out loud unknowingly getting her brother off the hot spot. “Miller fixed it.”

  We all turn to see Tessi clutching her baby doll to her chest with adoration in her eyes. Guy growls from behind me. The tension rolling off him is palpable. If I thought he was protective over me, then he’s damn right murderous for his little girl.

  “Look Daddy.” She hops off my dad’s lap and bounds into Guy’s arms.

  He swoops her up to his chest as he analyzes the doll. The man has spent hours on the floor playing with baby dolls and having tea parties. He splits his time between the two kids perfectly.

  He kisses her forehead before setting her down.

  “Amos the barn now.”

  “Dad it was an accident.” He stomps a foot.

  “The barn, now.” Guy points.

  Tessi sticks her tongue out at him and I see Amos on the verge of flipping her off. The boy is stubborn as hell with no fear and hunger for life that is reviving.

  “Dammit Molly.” My mom’s voice roars from the kitchen.


  I whirl around and race into the kitchen just in time to see her pull out a batch of burnt, black discs. My father’s laughter floats into the house.

  “We will be okay without dessert, Momma.” I offer a very weak apology to her.

  “Molly Webb, I swear…”

  “That you love me.” I finish for her.

  “Amos is going to be so upset,” she replies.

  “He’s out on barn duty so too late for that.”

  She bites down on her bottom lip. She does everything to save that boy from trouble. Some things never change. Tessi and Guy lay on the floor of my momma’s living room playing a doll game. I leave my momma to do her business in the kitchen since I’m clearly no help to her.


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