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Broken Free (The Broken Series)

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by Boone, Azure


  To God. And My Family.


  I’d like to thank my best friend Gloria Esau for her super mega dedication to my work and career. You’re my Ethel and I will always love you! I’d also like to thank Justin Montgomery for coming into my life during a plot crisis and helping me out. It’s been very interesting. I’d also like to thank Kim Harris Page for her eyes during the beta. Your help was invaluable! As is your friendship. Thank you! And a special shout out to all my Broken fans. Thank you for driving me nuts till I finished!

  Cover Art

  Azure Boone

  Author's Notes:

  This book contains explicit scenes of sexual activity between a couple committed to exclusive, monogamous relationships.

  Copyright Azure Boone 2013

  Chapter One

  “Daniel…honey, I’m not a buffalo. I can’t eat all that food.” Sofia couldn’t help but smile at the massive array of food the man had cooked, lining the counter. All organic everything all the time no ifs ands or buts.

  He tossed his dish towel and came behind her. “I was about to bring you breakfast in bed,” he whined, kissing on her neck like it were the breakfast he’d been waiting for, his arms circling her belly.

  “You should eat, you sound hungry.”

  “Please don’t tempt me, you have to eat first then I can have the breakfast I want. After you brush your teeth, dental hygiene is extremely important. Might want to let your food go down too for proper digestion.”

  She laughed and turned in his arms, hugging his neck. “How will I survive this pregnancy with you?”

  He filled his hands with her butt and squeezed, eating at her lips like he’d done her neck. “You’ll live, I’ll see to it.” He reached up and held her face, getting all perfect with his kiss, geeze.

  “Okay Dr. D, I’m going to rape you if you don’t quit now.”

  He smiled and put his forehead on hers. “You feel okay?”

  “Yes, I feel fine my over worried husband,” she sang softly.

  “I found some chewable vitamins that I hear taste pretty good, we’ll get them today after we schedule your first appointment. Have you considered any further which OBGYN you would like to go with?”

  “I’m torn. I’d like a woman but I can’t stand another female around you but I also can’t conceive of another man putting his fingers inside me. Ew.”

  He stroked her face softly. “Whatever you want. I’ll be there the entire time, holding your hand at every visit, so it doesn’t matter. Plus I’ll punch him if he is in any way unprofessional. Not really, but he will be very sorry, that I promise.”

  She giggled how he cooed all those words like they were completely normal. “I guess I should go with the female one, I can’t make myself do a man.”

  “Oh God, good.”

  The relief in his tone made her laugh. “I thought you didn’t mind either way?”

  “I didn’t want to sway your opinion, but I’m not going to lie, the idea of a man seeing you and touching you sends me into mental never-never land. A place no man wants me to ever- ever go, trust me.”

  Sofia cracked up then awwwwwed when Daniel dropped to his knees and lifted the baby blue pajama top for belly kisses. “You’re killing me. That is never going to get old.” Sofia lifted the shirt up the rest of the way, proudly exposing her swelling breasts. She giggled at how Daniel froze like a predator spotting prey. Without taking his eyes off of them, he reached up and held both breasts lovingly in his hands. “You have the most…beautiful bottles.”

  Giddy joy raced through her blood as he slowly stood, pushing her shirt up further, inspecting them.

  “You do realize they’re going to get…quite big, right?”

  “Ummm well, I kinda knew, but…how big is quite big, I’m not facing a gallon upgrade I hope.”

  He grinned then bit his sexy lower lip. “Maybe half,” he said, sliding his fingers along her nipples.

  Her stomach fluttered, watching his face. He was still smiling when he turned his heated/naughty gaze up to hers. “Did you know…” he stealthily slid his hand over her belly and inside her pajama shorts. “…that an orgasm is one of the healthiest things for you?”

  Her womb clenched hard when his finger penetrated her folds and swirled delicious circles over her clit, all while he softly flicked her nipple with his thumb.

  “Oh God, I can’t…” She needed to say ‘take it while standing’ but the heat under his finger made her say, “Yes, yes, like that.”

  He cradled her upper body a little against him with his other arm. “Help me,” he whispered, slipping his finger inside her a little then back out, wetting her until it was unbearably hot. She was already at the point of not caring where she did it, just so he didn’t stop. She suddenly wanted to push him to his knees and make him suck her clit till she came. She loved making him do anything, but especially that.

  Her head fell back a little and he kissed her, his lips achingly soft and tender, gliding over hers in a tasting way while pushing his finger in deep. He moaned like he’d found heaven and Sofia gasped and began helping him as he’d so nicely asked.

  The second her fingers touched her clit, he groaned and scooped her up.

  Sofia devoured his mouth as he carried her. Excitement tinged through her that he was taking her to the room to do it right. “I’m sitting on your face,” she gasped between kisses.

  He gave a sound of pure agony and set her on the bed, immediately stripping out of his clothes. Sofia did the same, enraptured with his thick cock. Suddenly she wanted something entirely different. “I think you need to sit on my face,” she decided.

  “Hell no.” He ran her over with his body, forcing her onto her back, his hands everywhere all at once as his lips and tongue blazed a path from her breasts to her naval. She made him work to get her legs open, loving the feel of his fingers biting into her.

  He laid between her legs, spread wide and plastered to the bed, then whispered, “I think of this all the time Sofia.” He licked slowly up her open folds. “I can’t stop, I always want it.” He slid his finger inside at a pace that made her squirm and beg.

  “This…” He delivered rapid flicks to her clit with his tongue and she gasped, burying her fingers in his hair and pulling while thrusting her hips hard. “And this…” He gently worked his lips until they were buried in hers and then sucked, pulling her bud into his mouth to electrify her with fiery pulsing strobes from his wonderfully wicked tongue.


  He continued relentlessly until she shuddered with the beginnings of an orgasm. He gasped and pulled up a little. “God, and that.”

  “Fuck me,” she moaned, squirming, needing to be filled with him. “Please, I need it.”

  She sucked in her breath when he suddenly knelt between her legs and lifted her by the waist. “Do it,” he rasped, looking down.

  Sofia took hold of his cock and placed him at her entrance and Daniel pushed in a little. She clamped down tight around him, craving to be rammed until she screamed. The muscles in his arms and chest flexed deliciously as he drove his cock in deep.

  Sofia cried out at the sharp pleasure then followed a soul-deep moan as throbbing heat uncoiled in her body. Daniel’s own hunger came in a strained growl and licked at her core. She opened her eyes and watched him. Head back, neck muscles strained…mmm, the sight was perfect.

  She slid a hand over her body and buried her fingers in her folds, rubbing her clit and moving her hips with sensual flicks.

  He looked at what she was doing and lowered his grip from her waist to her upper butt. Without warning, he gave her what she wanted and flicked his hips wildly. S
hocking pleasure exploded with every thrust against her core and she gripped the covers tight as he devastated her the way she loved. Sofia soon realized she wasn't the only one overcome. Wanting to orgasm with him, she kicked things in high gear, giving herself to the climax she’d kept at bay. Despite his overwhelming strokes, her body was on fire and there was no turning back. She could make it.

  “Oh God,” she gasped, her climax racing alongside his rigorous strokes until they were one. Five more steps, and both were gripped in orgasm, their voices a harmony of deep and high pitched cries, a symphony of ecstasy.

  He finally fell forward and laid half on her, gasping in her ear. “Oh fuck, woman,” he breathed for several seconds. “I can’t believe what you do to me.”

  She smiled, utterly thrilled to hear it while rubbing his naked slick body with her leg and playing in his silky ebony hair. “It was so good,” she moaned.

  “Good,” he breathed. “Now there’s a funny word for that.”



  “Super duper fabulous?”

  “Getting warmer.”

  “Holy amazing universes?”

  He laughed and nodded. “God yes, that.” He groaned, a sound of regret as he slid his nose along her face. “Your breakfast is cold.”

  “No, my breakfast was very hot.”

  “I’m failing as a father, I’m going to fuck you to pieces. You have to stop me. I’m too weak.”

  She laughed at how dead serious he was. “That would be hilarious in the news. Woman fucked to pieces by her husband.”

  “Pregnant woman,” he whimpered, sounding helpless. “What am I supposed to tell Rachel this time? She’s likely to think I’m torturing you back here. You know what she said to me the other day?”

  “Oh God, what?”

  “What on Earth is Sofia carrying on about? Sounds like somebody is gutting her with a dull knife.”

  Sofia cracked up at his perfect impersonation, slapping a hand over her mouth. “What did you say?”

  He winced a little. “That there was a spider in the shower. And she said, ‘that must’ve been one hell of a spider. You got some kind of infestation here?’”

  Sofia howled with laughter, burying her face in the pillow. “Oh my God! I’ve got to quit that, I thought she wouldn’t hear since she’s hard of hearing!”

  “Well…” Daniel grinned. “You apparently have no idea how loud you are.”

  She cringed with an oooooo. “You’re so not helping.”

  Daniel put his hand over his heart. “Baby, don’t worry, I got this. I’ve got a long list of lies to cover for you, just please don’t stop screaming for me, I beg you.”

  She sat up and smacked his chest, giggling.

  “Hold on.” He got up and went in the bathroom and came back with the heart beat thingy.

  Sofia smiled so big it hurt. “You always do that,” she said, dreamily.

  “I have to make sure I haven’t damaged anything.”

  She snorted lightly, knowing he was teasing. She’d worried about that and he’d assured her if there was any risk, he would never do it.

  He moved the apparatus around till his hand froze. “God, that’s beautiful,” he breathed, closing his eyes, listening.

  Sofia grinned, fighting back her emotions at seeing the rapture in his handsome face, it never failed to move her to tears. He made her listen and she smiled happily at the whoosh whoosh whooshing noise. “Washing machine is still running.” She caressed his grinning face. “I love how much you love us. I can’t wait to be a family.”

  He kissed the palm of her hand and Sofia saw a shadow cross his face.


  She sat up fully. “Hey, why don’t we call the lawyer today, see if he’s in.”

  He pecked her forehead and turned, sitting at the edge of the bed. He sighed and put his head in his hand. “Yeah, good idea.”

  The light tone he tried for sounded broken and empty. He didn’t have hope of getting Seth out since he’d confessed. He’d been in there for two months already, and every day haunted Daniel more than before. He was positive Seth was lying and Sofia hated that she couldn’t do anything to help, she felt ridiculously useless. Wait a minute. “Hey Doc.”

  “Hey Sofia,” he answered softly, without turning.

  “How…do we know for sure that girl Seth said he protected isn’t…the one who did it?”

  Daniel went still and then turned to her with the look of somebody cracking a tormenting puzzle. “Fuck. Baby, yes, yes, I’ve been racking my brain to think what he was hiding and that has to be it. He’s protecting her, why did I not think of that?” He slowly seemed to lose all the steam he’d just gotten until his body slumped. “And if he’s doing this to protect her…I don’t know what to do, I mean that would mean…” he shook his head, lowering it. “Not sure what that would mean.”

  “How well did he know her, I mean do you think he could be in love with her? Why was he even there at all?”

  “To no doubt make sure she was okay, we were supposed to—”

  Daniel’s pause and his sudden guilty expression made Sofia uneasy.

  “Fuck.” He turned his back again. “We went over there and took money from our uncle, Seth knew where he hid it. While we were there, we ran into the girl while…while the bastard was hurting her.”

  Sofia gasped. “Oh my God. I can’t believe you did that, what did you guys do? Look at me.” Sofia couldn’t keep her anger when she saw Daniel’s tormented face. “Okay sweetie, it’s fine, I’m not mad, I love you. Tell me everything now though, don’t leave anything out.”

  “I would’ve told you but it was better you didn’t know. All that money belongs to Seth. They fucked him his whole life, that money is his, filthy as it is.”

  Sofia leaned and kissed him. “Shhh, yes, you’re right, it’s all his, you did good for your brother. The bastard should never have it. Now what happened when you guys…”

  He sighed. “Fat fuck was beating her and Seth lost it. He ran in there and when I followed, the man was on the floor next to the table unconscious with Seth kicking him and kicking him and screaming.”

  Daniel covered his face and gasped. “I dragged him out and promised him we’d call the police and send them there to check on her. Then you and I went to the cabin and we came back and…and then he was arrested.”

  Tears filled Sofia’s eyes at hearing his voice break. He just as soon said then my dreams for all of us fell apart. And he totally blamed himself.

  “So are we sure the police went check on her?”

  He shook his head. “No, I’m not sure of anything. For all I know, he went over there while we were gone and finished the job.”

  “Are you sure he wasn’t dead when you left him?”

  Daniel gasped. “Fuck, I don’t know. Either way, Seth’s guilty.”

  “Think about this then,” Sofia began softly. “What about if she confesses, I mean if she did it, and we get a lawyer to defend her, prove it was self-defense? I mean if he’s sexually assaulting her every day Daniel, surely they’ll take that into consideration?”

  “I don’t know.” He stood and held his head. “He said she left town the last time I visited and asked questions. Then he shut me down.”

  “Yes and if he’s protecting her, of course he’s going to tell you that. And that would explain why he shut you down? He didn’t want you figuring it out?” Sofia pushed on at seeing Daniel’s hope return a little. “Sweetie, she stands a much better chance of getting off the hook than he does, he’s looking at life in prison.”

  “Oh God,” he gasped, covering his face. “I should’ve never fucking brought him there Sofia. Why did I do that?”

  “You did it because you loved him, don’t even go there. It’s not your fault your uncle’s a monster and plus, he’s dead now and that girl is free of him. And also, if she gets off, Seth will actually be able to be with her if that’s what he really wants. But as it stands, he’ll
never be with her.”

  Daniel paced. “You’re right. You’re so right. We need to find out where she is. She will at least know what the hell happened.”

  “Yes and if she loves him, she’ll likely cooperate. And if she doesn’t, well, we tried.”

  He nodded, pacing.

  “Let’s start by going to the uncle’s. I doubt she’s there, but we may find something.”

  “Not we, baby.”

  “Oh yes, we. We’re doing this together.”

  “I’m not fucking putting you in danger.”

  “We’re just going look to see if she’s there, geeze, this isn’t a guerilla grounds operation warfare or some crap.”

  Daniel hurried to the bed and pulled her in his arms. “God, you’re adorable when you get possessive.”

  She stroked his hair, sliding her fingers through the silky thickness. “No more secrets, okay? Safe or not. Well…I mean within reason, I trust you to do the right thing.”

  He pushed her down with a hungry kiss. “I love that you trust me, such a fucking turn on.” She moaned and he pulled her up. “But breakfast time for you and baby Rachel.”

  “Or baby Seth.”

  “I love you so much, I’d name my son Daniel for you.”

  She sucked in her breath. “For reals, like serious?”

  “Yes, but no. It’s more like a metaphorical gift.”

  She slapped his shoulder. “Doc! I would be the happiest woman alive if you let me name our son after the man I love with all my heart!”

  “Fine, we’ll name him Doc.”

  “Nooooo. Daniel. And we can call him Danny Boy, how frickn adorable!”

  He pecked her forehead. “When do you think we should begin investigating?”

  “Oooohhh, I like the sound of that. We’ll be like a team. Bonnie and Clyde or Starsky and Hutch.”

  “More like Lucy and Ricky.”

  “Oh my God, yes!”

  “I’ll heat your breakfast.”

  “Our breakfast.” She kissed his forehead and scooted out of the bed. “You’re going to be a daddy, you need to be healthy. And I’m going shower.” She glanced over her shoulder, catching him staring at her butt. “And no, you can’t come.”


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