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Broken Free (The Broken Series)

Page 11

by Boone, Azure

  “I think Dara is up to something,” Daniel muttered to Seth when he finally got close enough.

  “You think?” He followed Sarah with his eyes as she went to the refrigerator. “That hip hop version of Joe Jonas is about to get carved before the turkey if he makes the mistake of putting one finger on her. I’m thinking no front teeth might help that lisp of his.”

  “Dude,” Daniel whispered, trying not to laugh, “Who is he anyway, where does a woman from Romania find a guy in America so quickly?”

  “The internet,” he said dryly, “she’s been dating.”

  “Oh shhhhhit, the internet? Are you kidding? I don’t want her bringing internet trash over here.”

  “You and me both.” Seth turned and picked up a random glass of wine. “When do you think your old man is coming?”

  “My old man, he’s yours too.”

  Seth shook his head and popped one of Sofia’s bite sized sugar cookie balls in his mouth. “Don’t claim him.”

  “Neither do I.”

  At Seth’s confused look, Daniel realized his brother really had no clue how bad their dad was. That he was just like their uncle. He also realized in that second that Seth didn’t really know what Daniel had endured growing up either. He was suddenly torn between protecting his brother from more ugly truths and sharing the agony with him. But Seth looked up to Daniel, saw him as an example of normalcy. Maybe he didn’t want to ruin that. But was it right to let him think he’d been fucked to help pay for his education? That was just sick. And yet Daniel knew it helped Seth to feel important. And needed. Like it all wasn’t for nothing. Images of Seth’s sad little mouth brought tears flooding Daniel’s eyes and he turned and hugged his brother, so glad he was there.

  “You okay bro?”

  Daniel couldn’t let go of him. “Yeah man.” He patted his back and held his head. “I’m good now that you’re back.”

  Daniel stepped away and smiled, jutting his chin at Seth. “You got that smile.”

  Seth beamed and turned red. “What smile?”

  “That one, man.” Daniel busted out laughing when it grew bigger.

  “Looks like yours?” Seth laughed back.


  A few seconds later, Seth grew slowly serious. “You know he came to see me about a week before I got out?”

  Daniel’s insides slowly tensed. “Did he.” Seth nodded, keeping his eye on him till he felt uncomfortable. What had the bastard told him? “And?”

  Seth shrugged. “It was weird.”

  “I imagine.”

  “I mean, I felt nothing for him. No anger, no remorse. Just nothing. Like an empty box.” Seth met his gaze and Daniel wasn’t sure what he saw in it.

  “Lucky you?” Daniel offered in answer to whatever Seth needed to hear.

  “What happened with you two? I would think…” He shrugged and his mouth tightened into that crooked tough boy line. “You don’t seem…like you like him, so I was just…you know wondering.”

  Daniel had the sudden feeling that maybe Seth was glad they didn’t get along. Maybe he was glad, like Daniel, to just have his brother. And it was fine if that was all the memories they ever had. He hoped.

  “Where’s Sarah?” Seth suddenly asked, peering around the living room.

  “Maybe she went…” Daniel noticed Romeo was gone. Apparently Seth had noticed too and was already headed toward the far end of the living room leading to the other side of the house. Daniel made his way to Dara and Sofia in the corner to find out what was going on. Judging by the up and down exasperated Romanian, Sofia had hit a nerve.

  Daniel was suddenly hit with a prison time sensation. The thought of losing his brother over some dumb bullshit propelled him toward that hallway he’d disappeared in. He went to the bathroom door and knocked then heard banging in the bedroom and flew down the hall.

  He threw open the door. “Oh shit,” Daniel gasped, clenching his eyes shut.

  “Lock that will you bro?” Seth muttered.

  “On it buddy.” Daniel locked the door and shut it with a grin. Now if that wasn’t the perfect picture of love, her straddled on his waist up against the wall. Relief flooded him as he headed back to the living room. Hmm. He needed to try that with Sofia. She’d been so very obliging in sex but it was always a struggle. A struggle to breathe of all things. Always made him feel like a monster torturing a pregnant woman, rotating her in various positions like food on a fucking grill, stabbing at her with his cruel and forever erect, cock-fork. She seemed to have a hard time with any position for long with the baby sitting on her diaphragm. But it did make for great sex jokes so they at least got laughs out of it.

  Daniel re-entered the living room and froze to find his father hugging his wife. Motherfuck, here we go. Daniel had already promised Sofia he’d try to pretend things were normal. She also said she’d understand if he couldn’t pull of the charade, and that alone had given him strength and courage to try. But seeing the bastard now, he wasn’t so sure. His insides became possessed with his past, and nausea set in almost immediately. Killing him was suddenly not the issue he’d worried about. Not embarrassing himself with a psychotic breakdown was.

  As he approached, Daniel stopped in mid-stride at seeing her. The urge to run, nearly overwhelmed him just as Sofia turned and hurried to his side. He gripped her tightly and stood there, fighting to be normal.

  “Honey, it’s your dad and his wife.”

  Wife? God. His muscles refused to cooperate and he remained locked to the floor and speechless at seeing the two of them together. Disgust rolled through him as his body produced intimate sexual memories, dumping a shit load of guilt and shame. He suddenly felt naked and on display for their perverted whims. What would it be this time? He never knew, he only knew he’d hate it. And like it.

  “Honey, I’m here,” Sofia whispered. “You’re free.”

  You’re free.

  The words snapped him back to reality. His new reality, his new life, his wife, his child, his brother. His home. His day his family, his fucking everything, not theirs. Never theirs. Never again.

  Daniel reached a hand out and shook his father’s hand. “Lucas.” He even managed to nod at the woman. “Deborah.”

  “Well look at you handsome, you done growed up on me.”

  “Yes he did!” Sofia grabbed Daniel’s face and pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him then yanked him away from the two sad excuses for humans. “Let me introduce you to the family,” Sofia said loudly, doing a good job of drowning the nightmare introduction. “Gammie, this is Daniel and Seth’s father, and his lovely wife Deborah.”

  Daniel’s skin crawled and he stifled a shiver at the disgusting term for the woman and man.

  Rachel looked up from the recliner at Sofia. “Why the hell did you buy me hearing aids if you’re gonna holler like that?”

  “You don’t need to get up Gammie,” Sofia said.

  “Nonsense, I’m tired of sitting here.” Daniel hurried to help her stand and she smiled at him. “It’s nice to finally meet the people responsible for such a fine young man as Daniel.” Once on her feet, Rachel held a shaky hand out toward the bastard.

  His father raised her hand and kissed it and Daniel bit back a smirk.

  “Oh, now I see where he gets his charm.”

  His father winked at her and gave a raucous laugh that only Daniel could despise. Oh wait, the look on Sofia’s face said she couldn’t appreciate it either. That made Daniel’s day. He pulled Sofia close to him, needing to feel the realness of her. She put her arm around his waist and held him tight, like she knew he were dangling from a cliff.

  “This is my friend Dara, from Romania,” Sofia sang, gesturing to her. “And her friend Jay.”

  Both of them stood and said hello, then Dara began rattling. “I see where Daniel gets his good looks.” She sashayed over and presented her hand and his father played the perfect satanic gentleman.

  The rest of the family finally showed up and Daniel was
thrilled to meet Sofia’s family that could make it. Only one of her sisters, Stacey, and her brother James. James came with a girlfriend…Amelia? Amanda? Close enough. And Stacey was alone. Single, Sofia had told him when he’d suggested they invite her. Just in the little bit of questioning he’d managed about her sister, Daniel sensed rivalry of some sort. A light tone of it played in the background of her voice whenever she spoke about Stacey. Which was hardly ever. Daniel had planned to gently pry but never seemed to get around to it. Now he definitely would at seeing how insecure Sofia was with Stacey. For Daniel, it made it all the more fun to spoil her and prove his love to her. A silly thing to enjoy, but God, did he ever.

  For the rest of the day, he treated Sofia like a goddess, rubbing her feet, getting her drinks, food, massaging her shoulders, kissing her hand, holding her in his lap, following her around like they were joined at the hip. She loved it. But not as much as he did. He could literally see the less-than girl being replaced by a glowing, beautiful, confident woman. What a priceless gift to be able to give her.

  He felt kind of bad for her sister after a while. She couldn’t seem to hide her envy. And when she cracked the comment about Sofia being flat as a board through all of puberty, Daniel cut it down with and now she’s a goddess.

  Daniel decided he’d better pull back a tad bit. Didn’t want to incite a jealous riot. He was convinced the turbulent waters under their little sibling bridge had to do with boy troubles. He’d definitely have to ask.

  They finally managed to sit down to eat at around two-ish. Sofia did a superb job of playing bossy pregnant uncompromising mother-to-be, seating everybody exactly where she wanted them. Daniel at the head of the table, his father at the other with tons of shit blocking his view of him. He was suddenly overwhelmingly grateful she’d insisted on that ginormous centerpiece. It would be in the way, he’d said. He was right. And it was perfect. He might actually get to eat some of the food if he didn’t have to see his father.

  Rachel was on his immediate left, then Stacey, and Sarah and Seth. Sofia was on his right with her brother James and his girlfriend…Alice? next. Then it was Dara and doofus next to Lucifer and his demoness.

  Oddly, the chatter that followed was cheerful. There was laughter. Talk of football. Talk of pregnancies.

  “Wow, that’s amazing all three of you are pregnant,” Stacey said.

  Mass agreement ensued as Daniel watched Sofia eat. He was forced to only watch, she’d refused to let him feed her. “I’m not a baby,” she’d whined while giving him that don’t stop adoring me smile. His sweet wife carrying their child…she was very much so his baby. And oh how he loved that she craved food. She had no real idea what a huge perverted turn on it was for him. He watched her mouth, waiting for her tongue to show up for that occasional sexy sweep of her lips. He knew it was sick that he got off to her pregnancy food cravings, but there was just something extra sexy about it. Maybe he felt responsible for it. He liked that. And he was sitting there with a hard on, wanting to lick the food from her mouth while fingering her slowly.

  Daniel shifted in his seat, needing more room in his pants. Sofia finally smiled and glanced his way with a knowing look. Then she started doing that tease. Like she’d done that first night at his table. Only not so obvious but enough that he knew. Slow licks across her lips…sucking it. Leaving her tongue out and poised while she loaded her fork. Then staring at him while she chewed.

  He nodded his head right, inviting her away from the table.

  She narrowed her gaze like it would be rude to leave then furrowed them in compassion when he made a painful face.

  He took up his glass of wine and winked to let her know he wasn’t really going to die. Literally. Then he downed the contents.

  Sofia smiled and proceeded to polish off her plate in sheer joy. They had made a deal that she could eat whatever she wanted today. And secretly, he was as excited as she was about it. His poor darling had been sneaking into the kitchen at night for naughty snacks. Daniel was planning to bust her soon. He wanted her to think she was safe. It was all part of an elaborate plan to gain footage for his surprise scrap book movie. It was hilarious that she thought he’d buy junk food for anybody besides her. Or that she thought he didn’t know it was there.

  Tomorrow was the last doctor appointment before they began doing the once a week appointments. Daniel was ready to throw a part for every leg of the journey. He wanted to throw her a surprise baby shower but how would he do that with two other pregnant women in the house due damn near the same time? Then Sofia ruined it by asking him to throw Dara and Sarah a party since she had everything she needed. He had to figure out how to get around that bullshit. He’d talk to her about it tomorrow on the way to the doctor’s appointment.

  “Honey, your dad asked you a question,” Sofia whispered.

  Daniel looked around the obstacle on the table.

  Her brother stood. “You mind if I move that?”

  Daniel’s yes came with Sofia’s no. At realizing how irrational it was for him to not want it moved, he shrugged. “Yeah, sure. Put it on the floor there, if you don’t mind.”

  Daniel finally looked at his father, surprised at how well everything was going. It didn’t make sense, really. Why should anything go well with his father? The man never did anything for anybody but his dick and his dollar. Maybe this was where things went sour. “I was asking what made you decide on Daniel for a name,” his father repeated, his brows raised and a mocking joy in his eyes.

  Sofia grabbed Daniel’s hand and squeezed, maybe feeling the same premonition as him. “Because that’s what Sofia wanted.”

  “You have a middle name picked out? Maybe Lucas?” His father laughed boisterously, looking around the table as if to see who else thought it was funny. Everybody did. Or at least pretended to. Except Seth, Sofia and Daniel.

  “His middle name is Seth.” Daniel met his brother’s proud gaze. “After my brother.” Sofia squeezed his hand again and he realized he was trembling.

  His father turned to Seth. “Ah yeah, that’s right. You pick out any names yet?”

  “Actually yes. If it’s a boy, we’re naming him Seth Daniel.” Seth looked at Daniel and grinned. “After my brother.”

  Okay, fuck, Daniel hadn’t known that. And it kicked him in his emotional ass.

  “Sofia will have plenty more babies,” Dara said, “I’m sure they will name the next one after—”

  “No!” The word shot out like a whip. “I’m sure we won’t promise anybody anything.” The pin drop silence that followed was his cue. He got up from the table and walked out before he said more. Like, Dara would be happy to name her baby after you, dad. If she really has one. The sound of his father’s laughter followed him to the garage where Daniel paced a little. The bastard needed to leave. He’d played house long enough, played loving family. What did he fucking want from him? Did he really think Daniel would just accept him as a father?

  The idea made him want to tear the garage apart with his bare hands.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Daniel merged into traffic, trying to be patient with Sofia on this. “Don’t you want to have your own first baby shower?”

  “Oh honey, it’s not a big deal.”


  She shrugged a little. “I mean I have everything I need, it just seems pointless.”


  She turned in her seat and gave him one huff. “Daniel…what is wrong, why are you giving me the third degree about this?”

  “I’m not, I’m just trying to understand why you don’t want a baby shower for your first baby, our first baby, I thought it wasn’t just about getting shit, but about it being part of our-our journey as a new family.”

  She sucked in a breath. “Ohhhh honey.” Daniel braced for the poor Danny boy crap that was coming. “You want to have a baby shower,” she cooed, amazed.

  Fuck, great. Refuting was useless now. “Yeah. I do. I do want a baby shower, is that weird? Stupi
d? This is our baby, our first baby, there’s a lot of first things happening, pictures and video to take at those kinds of things.”

  “Oh my God,” she gasped, “you’re the sweetest man ever, yes, yes we should have a baby shower!”

  Daniel rolled his eyes. “Now I feel stupid, like I’m the one having a baby shower.”

  “Well you know, you can, men do have baby showers too!”

  “No, men don’t have baby showers.”

  “Oh yes they do! I read about it online!”

  Daniel glanced at her and saw she was dead serious. “Why does that surprise me?”

  She laughed once. “Apparently a lot of men feel the same as you. I mean to me, the guy should be the one having the shower anyway, the woman gets to carry the baby and experience all that stuff the man can’t.”

  “Yeah and go through the pain, you may not want to forget that part.”

  “But…wait, I thought I was having the pain epidural thingy?”

  “Yes, you are, but I’m thinking before that, when women didn’t have that luxury.”

  Sofia ewed. “Let’s live in the present sweetie, not the prehistoric days.”

  “So what about Sarah and Dara’s shower?”

  “Oh! We can do a triple shower?”

  “A triple shower? Wouldn’t that be kind of weird?”

  “Nooooo not at all, it’ll be fun.”

  Daniel couldn’t get rid of his smirk as he tried to figure out how to talk her out of that without looking like a baby.

  “What? You don’t like that idea, talk to me, tell me what you want,” she cooed, making it harder.

  “I just…” he shrugged his shoulders and held them for a moment, trying to find the right words. “Don’t you… want this to just be our thing? I don’t want to share it with anybody, sorry, I know that sounds selfish, but every time I think of doing it, my brain makes this loud screeching sound in my ears.”

  Sofia giggled then awwwwwed. “Okay, we’ll have one by ourselves, only for our precious little Danny boy,” she cooed while rubbing her tummy.


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