Book Read Free

When the Dead Come a Knockin'

Page 1

by B. L. Brunnemer




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  The Boys: Asher

  The Boys: Miles


  For the latest news on The Veil Diaries Series

  To Robert, thank you for sharing me with all the fictional people in my head.

  Also to Darryl and James, you two would have gotten a kick out of this.


  My name is Alexis Delaney, most everyone calls me Lexie. I’m your typical seventeen year old girl. Except I’m a Necromancer. I can see the dead, control the dead, and interact with the Veil. Or I’m supposed to be able to. I’m still trying to figure out how it all works. So far all I’ve managed to do is see the dead, almost die, and wipe a girl’s soul from existence. I have visited the Veil once; that place between life and death where all souls go to move on. And someone has fucked with it. They shut off the Veil, so souls can’t reach it to move on. So everyone who dies now, can’t move on, they’re stuck here. Which is pretty much fucking with the amount of energy a soul should have.

  The more energy a ghost has the more dangerous they are. Oh, and the energy also fucks with the souls personality, and makes them not them anymore. So, bonus danger. The longer the Veil is shut, the more the energy builds in this world. Someone is planning something big. And I’m supposed to figure it out and stop it. Right… me. The seventeen year old. Yeah. I’d think it was impossible but my friends keep reminding me that nothing is. My friends are pretty great. You know that weird girl in every high school with only guy friends? Yeah, that’s me. Other girls don’t seem to like me. That might have something to do with this bitch at school spreading rumors, but I can’t be a hundred percent on that. Oh, and the bitch, is my friend Asher’s sister. So fun! Feel the sarcasm. Anyway, that’s my life so far. Are you sure you want to keep reading? Cause shit’s getting real around town. You’re sure? Okay, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

  Chapter 1

  Wednesday Noon

  “Okay guys, it’s the Wednesday before Christmas vacation, and I still need to know what you all want for Christmas.” I pointed out to the guys. I looked at Asher who was sitting on the bench to my left. He was your boy next door only with model good looks, high cheekbones and a sharp chin. His sandy blond hair was still short and near his head, but it was starting to grow out. He needed a trim. But one of the things I liked about him were his eyes. He had both light and dark blue streaks, with flecks of white throughout. He literally had eyes that looked like an ocean wave crashing. His athletic build was wrapped up in his black wool coat and gray pants. He swallowed his food before answering.

  “If we tell you, then it’s not a present, Ally.” Asher pointed out in his rich baritone. The other thing I like about Asher, well, besides the fact that he’s him, is his voice. It was like rich hot chocolate in my ears. “I tell you, you go buy it and give it to me. It’s an errand then, not a gift.” I rolled my eyes and looked past him to Isaac who was sitting further down the bench. Isaac’s square jaw was covered in some black scruff today. His slightly pouty wide lips were the envy of every girl around. And surprisingly, he had a straight nose still. Mixed Martial Arts matches hadn’t broken it yet. I knew it was coming, but so far, he’d been lucky. Isaac wasn’t handsome so much as striking. Though most of your attention went to his hair. His hair was buzzed on the sides and left long on top. That wasn’t the strange part. It was blue, a vibrant, bright blue. He had finally added darker blue streaks to his hair like he’d been talking about for the last two months. He was going for a Cookie Monster thing. While you were looking at his hair, you might miss the fact that his athletic build was wrapped in a neon blue snow jacket and blue jeans. His chocolate eyes met mine as he shook his head.

  “Cookie Monster...” I all but whined. He smiled at me which instantly made me want to smile back. Isaac just had that effect on me.

  “Red, you’re on your own.” He said, his voice was oddly like honey, sweet, creamy and smooth. I playfully growled at him before looking further down the table to Zeke. Big, strong, intimidating as hell Zeke. You know the poster child for the death penalty, as in the one for it? That was Zeke, at least in looks. His broad cheekbones and a wide, strong jaw gave his face a rough, frightening look. It wasn’t just his face or angry glares that were intimidating. It was his frame. He was huge. My head just met the middle of his chest. It wasn’t only height either, oh no. Zeke had wide shoulders and was like a mountain of muscle. Though that mountain was currently wearing a black snow jacket, black jeans, boots and his ever-present wallet chain. Zeke’s clothes never changed much, and I was starting to think it was so he never had to match anything. A couple of weeks ago, during lunch, he said he liked the blue flower I had been drawing. The flower had been violet; I didn’t tell him. Zeke’s rough and scary looks didn’t intimidate me anymore, the guy was like a teddy bear who argued all the time. Well, unless you hurt a girl around him, then he was your worst nightmare. I met his sky-blue eyes and threatened to pout. He glared at me.

  “No, Lexie.” Zeke warned me. My lip started to stick out. “No, nope, not dealing with that fucking lip.” Zeke snapped as he turned his back on the table until all I saw was the back of his short black hair. “Tell me when she fucking stops.” He growled. The guys burst out laughing. Zeke just kept his back turned. I looked over to Ethan, Isaac’s twin. The only difference was, well, everything but their faces and builds. His black hair was straight and reached his jawline. On his right ear, he had five silver loop rings running up his earlobe. His athletic build was also in a black snow jacket and black jeans.

  “Ethan, please, give me a hint? Something you need?” I asked sweetly. Ethan sighed.

  “Beautiful, we don’t need anything. Gifts are supposed to be fun, not something you need.” He said. Ethan’s voice was smooth and smoky; it rolled over my ears like fog. It wasn’t his toe-curling voice, but it didn’t matter. I could listen to him talk all day. I looked over to Miles and raised an eyebrow. Miles was cute until he smiled, then you saw how handsome he was. It felt like the world's biggest secret, and I was the only one who knew about it. He had high cheekbones and an angled jaw. His chestnut hair was short but had a wave to it. Though it was getting long enough now that it was starting to curl around his ears. He had lovely dark green eyes behind his black-rimmed glasses. He was leaner than the other boys, but his shoulders were still broad with some muscle to it. Right now, his lean frame was wrapped in a dark green snow jacket and brown cargo pants.

  “Miles?” I asked, knowing I wasn’t getting anywhere. He gave me an understanding smile.

  “I’m sorry Lexie, you're going to be on your own for this one.” Miles said gently. I cursed and buttoned up my long black wool coat. The guys had finally made me give up my leather jacket for a thicker coat this winter. The shit heads took me to the mall and wouldn’t bring me home until I bought one. It had taken me awhile to find one I liked, well, that and making the guys go to three different stores was fun revenge. The coat was fitted through the bust, tucked in at the waist, then flared down to just above my knees. I also loved the hood; it was very cloak like. It looked great with my mas
s of curly copper hair.

  “Fine, I’ll figure it out.” I groused then pointed a gloved finger around the table at each of them. “But if you get shit you don’t like, you have only yourself to blame.” They just smiled at me. Zeke turned back around now that he knew I wasn’t pouting. Use a pout once, and the guy avoided it like the plague. I felt my phone vibrate in my jacket pocket. Already knowing who it was, I pulled my phone out and checked my text.

  Dylan: It’s the last day of school before vacation! Wanna ditch?

  I smiled, it was tempting. I had only seen Dylan a few times since we met at Vegabond in October. Though we texted or talked every day, we still weren’t dating. I would ask him, but it seemed he didn’t think of me that way. Though he had flirted hard in October, he’d eased back since. His dad had a couple of people quit at the hardware store in Dulcet and Dylan had been stuck picking up the slack. Which meant no time to see me, even though I was willing to drive up there. It seemed I had been friend zoned. I sighed, feeling resigned I texted him back.

  Alexis: Can’t, I have to turn in that final art project today.

  I set my phone on the table. The guys were talking about plans this week while I looked around at all the snow. There had been snow on the ground since November, and I was still trying to get used to it. Coming from the southern desert states, this was a complete turnaround. And it was fucking freezing.

  “What are we doing out here guys?” I asked, tucking my hands back into my pockets. I heard my phone vibrate. I didn’t want to answer it right now. Ethan’s hand shot out and snagged my phone. “You snoopy shit!” I snapped. I reached for it as he read my messages. Ethan frowned down at my phone as I came off the bench to snatch it back.

  “You don’t have an art project due today.” Ethan pointed out before letting me take my phone back. I sat back down and ignored him. I checked my text.

  Dylan: Shit, I was hoping to get a chance to see you.

  I snorted before texting back. Yeah, sure you were.

  Alexis: Sorry.

  A shadow fell over my phone; I brought it to my chest to hide the screen. Asher was leaning across the table.

  “Yes?” I asked, smiling through clenched teeth. His eyebrows went up, his eyes widened before he gave me his sweet smile.

  “What’s Dylan up to?” Asher asked, going back to his side of the table.

  “He wanted to ditch to see her, and she said she couldn’t.” Ethan ratted me out. I kicked my foot out and hit him in the shin. He hissed and shot me a look back.

  “Wait. You have a chance to see Dylan, and you’re not taking it?” Asher asked, his eyes ran over me. I glared at Ethan and mentally began planning my revenge. The thought of putting bleach in his shampoo so his hair turned orange entered my mind.

  “I’ve been friend-zoned,” I said, hating to admit it. “You guys think it sucks to be friend-zoned as a guy? Try it being a girl.” They looked confused, so I continued being blunt. “I have boobs; these things are supposed to be a free pass into a relationship. But nope, I’ve been friend-zoned.” The guys started laughing, even Asher. Though he was trying to stop so he could say something.

  “What do you mean friend-zoned? You guys talk all the time.” Asher pointed out when he finally stopped laughing. My phone vibrated again.

  “Yes, we talk on the phone, we text.” I sounded irritated, which I was. “And we don’t see each other.” I shrugged and picked up my phone.

  Dylan: Which painting did you end up finishing?

  Alexis: I went with the seascape. How’s your day going?

  The guys were still looking at me like they didn’t believe me. I snorted at them.

  “You want proof?” I slid my phone across the table and gestured towards it. “Have at it.” Ethan snatched up my phone and scooted down the bench to share with the others.

  “Why don’t you just ask him out?” Miles asked, closing his book.

  “I was going to, but he stopped flirting. I’m not asking out a guy who isn’t even flirting with me anymore.” I felt like sulking. This sucked. Miles reached out and patted my shoulder awkwardly. Miles still wasn’t comfortable touching me on his own.

  “Sorry, Lexie,” Miles said, gently. I shrugged.

  “It is what it is,” I muttered.

  “What the hell man?” Asher grumbled as they went through my messages. Asher looked over at me confused.

  “Told ya.” I said then gestured towards my breasts. “They’re defective, I need trade-ins.” The guys chuckled. And to be honest, I laughed a little too.

  “That sucks, Lexie,” Zeke said, sliding my phone back towards me. It vibrated before I picked it up. I decided not to check the message this time.

  “Want me to kick his ass?” Isaac offered cheerfully. I smiled at him.

  “It’s fine. I just wish he told me he wasn’t interested. Would have saved my ass a lot of time.” The guys were sending each other strange looks. I made a guess as to why we were outside at a picnic table.

  “Okay, someone’s got a girlfriend, and now you guys think it’s a bad time to tell me?” I gave it a shot. Isaac squirmed. Oh, this was fun. I leaned forward and eyed each of them. “Come on, spill, I have to live vicariously through someone.” They chuckled. Zeke met my eyes.

  “It’s actually all of us, well except Miles.” Zeke announced. My mouth dropped open. Holy shit!

  “Where the hell have I been?” I asked, looking at each of them in surprise. “Who are they? Where are they? And when did this happen?” The guys smiled. “This had to have happened recently because you guys are not that sneaky.” They chuckled.

  “I’ve been talking to Riley at parties and at Vegabond since October,” Zeke admitted. I raised an eyebrow and pointed at him.

  “Purple hair girl?” I asked. He smirked.

  “Yeah,” Zeke said. I looked at Asher expectantly.

  “I’ve been talking to Trisha for a couple weeks now. Mostly on the phone since we’re still practicing for the playoffs.” Asher admitted. I looked over at Isaac who had a shit eating grin on his face.

  “Cece is that girl I’ve been hitting on for the last two years, I finally got her.” Isaac announced. He looked happy. I loved it when Isaac looked happy. Hell, I loved it when all of them looked happy. I looked at Ethan.

  “I met Faith the last time we played at Vegabond. She stayed after to ask why I played the E minor chord the way I do.” He shrugged with a small smile on his face.

  “You were hooked instantly.” I guessed. He gave me a big smile.

  “Totally hooked,” Ethan admitted. I chuckled and looked around the table at them. They were all smiling and happy. It made me happy. Just like that, the day was better.

  “That’s awesome. But you guys didn’t have to hide this from me, I want to meet your girls. If you like ‘em, I’ll like ‘em.” I assured them. They sent those looks at each other again. I felt a knot forming in my gut. “Just spill it.”

  “Some of the girls are a little weirded out that we have a friend that’s a girl,” Asher admitted reluctantly. “And with Jessica’s rumors…” My heart dropped. They were ditching me for their girlfriends. The day just turned shittier. Asher’s sister Jessica had a bug up her ass about me and had spent every moment of her time since October trash talking me around the school. I didn’t care. But now...

  “They don’t want you hanging out with me. Right?” I picked up my phone and grabbed my bag. I didn’t want to hear this today. This just fucking figured. “Tell me when they lose the sticks up their asses.” I snapped as I got to my feet and headed for the parking lot. Fuck today. I’m going home.

  “Lexie, get your ass back here!” Zeke barked at me. I turned around.

  “Why? So, you can tell me your girlfriends believe Jessica’s bullshit?”

  “How about so I can meet you and make up my own fucking mind?” A sarcastic voice shot from one of the hallways. A tall, willowy girl walked out into the open. She wore black skinny jeans, black boots, and a purple shirt.
She also wore a black snow jacket. I realized all that while I was looking at her oval face. She was damn pretty, nice cheekbones, almond shaped eyes. A simple nose ring was the only jewelry she was wearing. She had thick shoulder length lilac hair. I met her brown eyes.

  “Really?” I asked, holding back a smile. She smirked, and she had a cute dimple. She was fucking adorable when she smiled.

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t take that bitch’s word even if she was just telling me the time.” The girl, who had to be Riley, said. I liked her instantly. I eyed her and smiled. I looked at the boys still sitting at the picnic table and pointed at Riley.

  “I like her.” I stated. The guys burst out laughing. Riley did too. I turned back to her.

  “I’m Lexie.”

  “I’m Riley.” She pointed to the boys who were still laughing. “They thought it would be better for the girlfriends to meet you one at a time.” I thought about it and nodded.

  “Yeah, I’m usually better one on one,” I admitted. “My day was already sucking, and they said their girlfriends didn’t like that they had a friend that was a girl, then they mentioned Jessica’s shit.”

  “Wow, they really suck at giving news.” She said her eyes wide. I snorted. We headed back to the table. She walked up to Zeke and narrowed her eyes at him. “Did you guys really start off with ‘we have girlfriends who listen to rumors?” Riley asked. Zeke’s face grimaced as he ran his hand through his hair. Riley waited.

  “I guess we did,” Zeke admitted awkwardly. Riley shook her head and gave him a hug. Zeke wrapped an arm around her waist, gave her a couple pats then let go. I looked away, it was so fucking weird seeing Zeke hug a girl. When Riley pulled away, Zeke made room on the bench for her. I walked back to the table and sat down where I was sitting earlier.

  “Not the way to go, cutie.” Riley told him gently. She looked over at me. “Why’s your day sucking already?”

  “Got friend-zoned by a hottie I’ve been talking to since October,” I grumbled. Riley winced.


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