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When the Dead Come a Knockin'

Page 4

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “I can call her back.” He offered. “I shouldn’t leave you out here alone.” His worry was sweet and made me feel all fuzzy inside.

  “I’m okay, Miles,” I reassured him. “I’ll only go another block then I’ll turn back.” I headed down the sidewalk away from him. I shooed him back towards Asher’s.

  “If you’re sure…”

  “I am, go.” Miles looked like he still didn’t like it, but he answered his phone anyway.

  “Hi, Autumn.” He headed back toward the house. I turned around and kept walking down the street. I kicked snow piles and avoided ice. I was worried about Miles, maybe we needed to get him a pet. What kind of pet would Miles like, though? That would keep him company? He was always concentrating on something and losing track of time so a dog probably wouldn’t work. Maybe a cat? They're kind of independent. I wanted to talk to the others about it, though, see what they thought.

  When I judged that the movie would be over, I started heading back. I managed to keep my big secret a secret at least. One of the reasons I didn’t watch sappy movies was because they always made me cry. I hated the ones with unhappy endings too. I’ve seen enough of those in real life. I was walking back towards Asher's street when a chill ran down my neck. I froze. Shit. I looked around for the soul. The chill turned into pain, I spun around to see the fucker behind me. I felt my barriers hold against his energy. The old man was dressed in a nice suit, I felt a pressure on my chest. Heart attack probably. I didn’t know what to do anymore. I couldn’t help him move on. The Veil was shut, and I still didn’t know how to open it. The ghost knew I saw him.

  “Can you help me?” He asked. My chest ached, my head was starting to throb. Maybe I could? I could try?

  “Who are you?” I asked. Then he began talking. Herbert Munich had been a collector of civil war memorabilia. He’d had a full life. He married his high school sweetheart, had four children who gave them nine grandkids. He owned and worked at his antique store for years; after his wife had passed away, he had one of his kids take it over. He understood he was dead. But he didn’t understand why he was still here. Shit. He really didn’t have a reason to be here. There was nothing I could do. I tried to explain. “The Veil was closed by someone. Until I can fix it, everyone’s stuck here.” He didn’t like that answer. My head was throbbing in time with my pulse now, and the angrier he got, the worse it became. I needed to go, now. “I’m working on it. I’m sorry.” It was all I had to give him. I stepped around him and headed back towards Asher’s block, guilt gnawing at my stomach. Herbert followed. He cursed at me, told me I wasn’t doing enough. That I needed to fix it so he could be with his wife again. I felt that pressure in my face and dug a tissue out of my pocket. I was just in time to stop it from hitting my coat. I had no clue what got blood out of wool, and I really didn’t want to learn. Herbert’s ghost was battering me with energy, more energy than he should have had. I just kept telling him I’m working on it. He still cursed me. When I passed the end of his haunting ground, my stomach was rolling. Every ghost I’d met lately was pissed, and when I told them I couldn’t help them well, they did what Herbert did. They battered their anger at me until I couldn’t see straight.

  When I reached Asher’s house, my nose was still bleeding, my stomach still rolling. I opened the door then hurried through the foyer and up the stairs to the bathroom. I didn’t bother to stop to take off my jacket. I stepped into the bathroom and pulled the tissues away, blood starting falling again. I cursed and held more tissues to my nose. I used my other hand to unbutton my coat and take it off. My head was throbbing as I sat on the toilet lid and kept pinching my nose shut. The nosebleeds were getting worse as the ghosts got more juice. It was going to start getting dangerous soon. It just figured right now. There was a soft knock on the door.

  “Lexie? Are you alright?”

  “Come on in,” I said in a nasally voice. The door opened, and Miles stepped into the room. He saw the tissues.

  “Did you run into a soul?” He asked, gently. I nodded.

  “Yeah.” I huffed. “I just walked a whole block with this pissed off guy screaming at me to fix the Veil so he could see his wife again.” I swallowed hard as a knot of guilt grew in my stomach, it kept getting bigger with every ghost I saw lately.

  “I should have insisted that you walk back with me.” He mumbled as he came in and sat on the edge of the tub in front of me. His eyes ran over my face worried. “I’m sorry, Lexie.” I shrugged and looked at the floor as I took the tissues away slowly. Only a small trickle this time. I tossed those tissues in the trash and took the toilet paper that Miles handed to me. I put them to my nose.

  “Not your fault,” I mumbled.

  “It’s not yours either.” He countered. I sighed.

  “It’s someone’s,” I said still in my nasally voice. “I still have no idea where to start.” Miles' mouth pinched down before his eyes met mine.

  “Lexie, I kind of, hired a few graduate students out of several universities.” I raised an eyebrow. Where was he going with this? “I hired them to research and find anything to do with the Veil or Necromancy.” He announced. My mouth dropped open. My chest instantly felt lighter. He had people out looking for answers? Then I realized what he said. He hired them. Shit. Guilt slammed down on me hard. I sighed.

  “I love the idea Miles, but you don’t need to spend money on me.” I told him. I didn’t want Miles’ money, I wanted to see him smile, and laugh. Those were the things that mattered to me. I pulled the tissues from my nose, the bleeding had stopped. His shoulders grew tense.

  “I’ve had them looking since October.” He admitted quietly. My eyebrows went up. Wow, the sneaky bastard. “After we came back from the cemetery I made a few calls and found people who would be able to find what you need. If it exists, they’ll find it.” He assured me. I was torn, I didn’t want Miles to have to pay for that. But on the other hand, I needed that information as soon as possible. I didn’t know what to do. He saw the indecision in my eyes and gave me a small half smile. “I’m not calling them off.” His voice was firm, taking the guilt away. “Think of it as your Christmas present.” He offered. I don’t know what happened next. I was sitting on the toilet lid one second and then the next I was practically in his lap with my arms around his neck. I don’t even remember doing it. Miles wrapped his arms around me and squeezed. I really needed a good hug today.

  “Thank you, Miles,” I whispered against his shirt, my voice cracking. He rested his chin on my head.

  “Of course, Lexie.” It wasn’t long before I had control of myself again. I let go and sat back on the toilet lid. The sound of the others joking around downstairs floated up the stairs. The movie must have been over.

  “I don’t think the girlfriends like me,” I said, that knot in my gut again. He frowned.

  “I think Trisha came with her mind already made up,” Miles offered. “She’s been sending you glares all night.” I snorted. Which hurt my face. Ow. “I think she’s going to try to keep Asher away, not just you but eventually all of us.” Miles added. I raised an eyebrow at that.

  “Why do you say that?” Miles eyes unfocused for a few heartbeats then focused again.

  “I’ve noticed some indicators of control issues,” He said casually. I grinned at him.

  “Yeah, that no talking during her movie shit? What was that about?” Who didn’t talk during movies they have already seen a hundred times? He snickered. A heavy tread sounded on the stairs.

  “I call Zeke,” I said instantly. His eyes unfocused as he listened.

  “I say, Asher.” We grinned at each other then looked out the bathroom door and waited. Another couple heart beats and Asher came up the stairs into view.

  “Damn it,” I grumbled. Miles smirked at me

  “I win.” He taunted. I pulled out my wallet and handed him the dollar.

  “I’m going to figure out how you do that,” I warned him smiling. Asher was leaning in the door with a puzzled look on his f
ace. I didn’t bother explaining our game.

  “You okay, Ally?” Asher asked his eyes running over my face.

  “Yeah, just got harassed on the street by a pissed off guy who can’t cross-” Footsteps sounded on the stairs, light ones. I stopped talking and got to my feet. I turned on the water grabbed a washcloth. “Care if I-”

  “Go for it,” Asher said before I could even finish. I smiled my thanks and got the cloth wet. When Trisha stepped onto the second-floor landing, I was just starting to wipe the blood off my face. Asher turned and tried to block her view, he was such a sweetie. It didn’t work.

  “Why is there blood?” Trisha asked calmly.

  “Bloody nose,” I mumbled wiping more blood off my face. She tried to step past Asher, who didn’t budge.

  “Don’t use a washcloth, use toilet paper,” Trisha said in disgust.

  “I told her she could use the washcloth, Trish, it’s fine.” Asher’s voice was polite, but by the way, she reacted you’d think he smacked her. Then she was smiling again.

  “Oh, okay. I just wanted to see what was going on.” Trisha said sweetly. There was the sound of a small kiss. Then light feet on the stairs again. Hiding this was going to get annoying. I’ll deal, it’s what I do. I finished up and folded the washcloth.

  “Sorry, Ash.” Asher turned around still frowning.

  “Nothing to be sorry for.” He told me as he started rubbing the back of his neck. He turned then headed downstairs.

  “That’s not a good sign,” I mumbled. I tossed the washcloth into the hamper. Miles shrugged. “Let’s go downstairs before I piss someone else off.”

  “Swear jar,” Miles whispered as he pointed at me as we left the bathroom. I chuckled. He smiled. I loved Miles. I went down the stairs first because as always, Miles is a gentleman. Everyone was debating the next movie as I pulled my wallet out and dropped another dollar into the jar. The damn thing was almost half full. Zeke was going to be broke soon.

  “Lexie?” Zeke asked in his gravelly voice. I sat down next to the coffee table as I answered.

  “Just a bloody nose, it’s fine.” I looked around at the others. “So, what are we watching?”

  “We’re tied right now. You're the deciding vote.” Isaac replied. “Between Hellboy and Along Came Polly.” I winced.

  “I vote Hellboy.” The guys all cheered. I burst out laughing at how excited they were. Trisha and Cece sent me a look. I sighed. This wasn’t going well. I ignored them and watched the movie.

  We were still watching Hellboy when my phone rang. I pulled it out and saw that it was Dylan. My eyes met Miles’ as I got up. I answered in the kitchen.


  “Hey, how’s movie night?” Dylan's husky voice rolled through my ear. It was a good voice.

  “It’s... different. We had to watch a chick flick. And have a swear jar. I’m running out of money.” He laughed. “How’s your night going?” Dylan sighed in my ear.

  “I had to do inventory at the store.” He groaned, “I hate inventory.” I smiled.

  “Yeah, counting is so hard.” I teased in a pouty voice to make him laugh. He chuckled.

  “I’m seriously going to be counting in my dreams tonight.” His voice sounded muffled, he probably was running his hand over his face, he did that a lot when he was tired. “I wish I could have seen you today.” He said, his voice soft. A heavy weight pressed down on my chest, my stomach knotted. I was sick of this halfway shit.

  “I kind of wanted to talk to you about that.” I said. My pulse raced as my body tensed. There were a couple heartbeats of silence.

  “Oh, yeah?” His voice was neutral, he wasn’t giving me anything. So, I said fuck it and laid it out.

  “Dylan, I like you. A lot more than I probably should. We’ve been talking every day since October. I think we hit it off, we have fun just talking to each other, and when we do see each other it’s… great.” My heart felt like it was going to fly out of my chest. “So, do you want to go out with me?” When he said nothing, I continued. “Cause if not I’d like to know now. It’s time to fish or cut bait.” Then I thought about that phrase in the tension. “Me being the bait. That is a horrible saying if you actually think about.” Dylan chuckled. “But it’s accurate.” My world paused, I held my breath, and everything around me stilled as I waited for his answer.

  “Fish or cut bait?” His husky voice was warm. My stomach knots had knots.

  “Yeah.” I heard a dull thud then a click. I didn’t move for a full minute. He did not just…. I pulled my phone from my ear and saw the truth. The fucker had hung up on me. Almost two months talking and texting every day and he couldn’t even say ‘I don’t feel that way,' or ‘bye’? I stood there leaning against the kitchen counter for a good couple minutes as that sank in. Then it hurt. I fought back tears. I turned to look out the corner windows over the kitchen sink and took deep breaths. It wasn’t even that he didn’t feel the same way about me, I could understand that. I could deal with that. It was the fucking hanging up without a word that got me. Oh, hello anger, welcome to the party, about fucking time. My temper pushed back the tears until I could breathe without fighting the tightness in my chest. I’d rather feel angry than hurt any day. I knew I was supposed to be working on it but right now, I let myself do what I had to do. I needed to walk back out there to watch movies with my friends and their girlfriends. I couldn’t fucking do that if I wanted to fucking cry. Needing a little more motivation, I bit down on my lower lip hard. It pushed the hurt to the back, where it would stay until I was alone to deal with it. I took several deep breaths and found my calm. I was walking back towards the family room when Cece’s voice reached me.

  “Why did she get a vote if she wasn’t going to watch the movie?” I had to stop for a fucking moment. I couldn’t go in there after hearing that. Not with my temper. I just... needed a minute.

  “That was probably Dylan, he usually calls when he gets off work,” Isaac answered absently. I took deep, calming breaths before my head was clear enough to walk in the family room. I sat back down in my spot and pretended I didn’t hear anything. I felt eyes on me. I let out a breath and met Miles’ gaze. He raised an eyebrow. I shook my head. He frowned and pulled out his phone. My phone vibrated. I read Miles’ text.

  Miles: I’m sorry Lexie, if he couldn’t see how wonderful you are then he’s too blind for you anyway.

  I grinned as I texted back.

  Alexis: I agree completely.

  I watched as Miles smirked then I went back to watching Hellboy. Eventually, I got snacky. I grabbed a small paper bowl and filled it with chips then sat back down. I was quietly munching when Zeke spotted me.

  “Lexie, you can’t eat chips.” Zeke reminded me.

  “They’re homemade and baked. So yeah, I can.” I snapped. I looked at him and ate another chip in front of him. “See, easy.”

  “Lexie,” Zeke growled.

  “Zeke,” I growled back. We suddenly had everyone's attention. I just got dumped without even being in a relationship in the first place, which I’m sure is impossible. But it happened, and I wanted to eat some of the chips I made today. So, yeah, I was going to fight him on this.

  “Zeke, she sliced all of them today. Come on.” Asher tried to intercede, he saw where this was going. Some of my fights with Zeke in the last couple of months had been legendary. Yelling and screaming. Hell, I even threw a pillow at him once. Asher didn’t want that tonight. I looked back at the movie and tried to ignore him.

  “You know what... the doctor said.” Zeke tried again. I sighed deeply and looked him in the eye.

  “Zeke, man, I love ya, but if you come after my chips today, you will have a fucking fight on your hands,” I said, then growled as I pulled my wallet out, pulled out my last single and dropped it in the jar. Zeke opened his mouth to keep arguing.

  “Zeke.” Miles warned him with his calm voice. Zeke blinked then looked at Miles. “Let it go today,” Miles told him firmly. Zeke frowned at him,
then looked back at me, then back to Miles and backed off. I went back to watching the movie.

  “What happened with Dylan?” Ethan asked sweetly. Miles groaned.

  “Back off, Snoopy,” I warned him. Isaac burst out laughing at Ethan’s new nickname.

  “But I’m curious.” Ethan insisted. I rolled my eyes and gave in. The fucker. I looked over at him and gave him my blank face.

  “What do you think happened?” I asked looking him in the eye. I just waited until he got it. His face changed from curious to sympathetic. I looked back at the screen, Hellboy was hitting a monster, I fought the urge to pretend it was Dylan.

  “What did he say?” Asher asked gently. I snorted.

  “He didn’t say anything,” I said keeping my voice matter of fact. I just wanted to watch the movie; I stopped fighting it. I put Dylan’s head on the monster.

  “He had to say something,” Isaac asked, joining in. I had it, they wanted to know. Fine. I watched Hellboy drop into a subway station.

  “He didn’t say a word. He hung up.” I told them not taking my eyes off the movie. “I told him how I felt, asked him out and he hung up.”

  “Damn.” Riley hissed.

  “Swear jar,” Zeke mumbled.

  “That asshole.” Asher cursed. “I’m sorry, Lexie. I’ve never seen him treat someone that way.” I nodded. So, it was just me he treated that way. Great. Could today get worse?

  “You still owe the swear jar,” I said, my voice was flat. The other boys chuckled along with Riley.

  “You know, Lexie,” Riley began drawing my attention. “You just tell me when and I’ll introduce you to three guys who would just love you. And I mean, one of them would get on his knees to ask you out.” I snorted and smiled.

  “Sounds good to me. Give me a week, and I’ll be up for it.” I told her. She smiled back.

  “Just tell me when.” I liked Riley. We all went back to the movie, talking back and forth about nothing really. Just hanging out.

  The movie was almost over when the doorbell rang. I was zoning out and didn’t notice Asher get up to answer the door. There was the murmur of voices from the foyer. Asher’s voice was getting louder. I stopped watching the movie and looked at the archway. What the hell? Zeke got to his feet and peeked out the blinds. He frowned then left the living room. That made me curious. Then Zeke's gravelly voice came from the foyer.


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