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When the Dead Come a Knockin'

Page 21

by B. L. Brunnemer

“Okay. You can live.” I grumbled as I rested my hands back on his chest. He snickered.

  “Thank you merciful one.” I snorted as I smiled at him. I looked at his handsome face, those cute cheeks, that jaw. Ugh.

  “You’re too cute for your own good,” I told him, shaking my head. His eyebrows rose.

  “Oh, I’m too cute? Lexie,” He paused smiling up at me. “I see you, and all I can think is ‘what is this beautiful girl doing with me? And how am I gonna keep her?’” I felt my face warm and tried to fight it. Yeah, it was no good. “I love making you blush like that.” I rolled my eyes and went to climb off his lap. He gave my hips as squeeze before letting go. I moved back to my spot next to him with his arm around me and my head on his chest again. The movie was almost over.

  I felt his lips on top of my head. He took a deep breath. “Mmm… rosemary. I love that smell.” I smiled.

  “You like the rosemary, huh?” I felt him snort into my hair. His arm gave me a squeeze.

  “I think it has more to do with the person wearing it, Sunshine.” He mumbled before kissing the top of my head. He had a point.

  “That must be true, I never liked sandalwood till I met you,” I admitted keeping my eyes on the movie as I felt my face warm again. He laughed quietly. We cuddled in comfortable silence as we watched the rest of the film, then the next one that came on after. I was just happy to be with him. With his body heat and his arm around me, I started to drift to sleep. I didn’t think to fight it.

  “Sunshine?” He whispered against my hair.

  “Hmm?” I was half asleep already.

  “Do you trust me?” His soft husky voice had an edge of uncertainty. I smiled sleepily.

  “Yep,” I mumbled rubbing my cheek against his chest. I was still half asleep when I asked him. “You trust me?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled happily and fell deeper into sleep.

  The sound of a door slamming shut jerked me awake. I opened my eyes and looked around. What the…? I saw the TV, the windows. I was at Dylan's. I looked next to me to see Dylan stretching and blinking hard trying to wake up too. Heavy footsteps came into the living room.

  “Dylan!” Thomas’ voice had me really opening my eyes to see him walking out of the foyer. “You’ve got your hot girlfriend alone in your house, and you took a nap?” Dylan’s body tensed next to me. I flipped Thomas off just as the others walked into the living room. The others chuckled.

  “If my girl’s exhausted? Yeah.” Dylan shot back before getting to his feet. I scooted over to take his spot as he headed for Thomas. Jake slipped around the guys then plopped down next to me putting his feet on the coffee table. Jake looked at me smiling.

  “Hey cutie, now tell me honestly. Is Asher as hot in person as he looks on the field?” My eyebrows went up at the unexpected question. Before I could answer Dylan had Thomas in a headlock and was pulling him towards the kitchen.

  “Remember that rule about girlfriends?” Dylan growled as he pulled the larger guy toward the kitchen.

  “Fuck! Shit!” Thomas cursed as he tried to get out of the headlock. Derrick, Aaron, and Luke went to help pull him towards the kitchen. “I forgot! I’m sorry!” The others were laughing their asses off. I looked at Jake who was grinning.

  “Thomas checked you out then called you hot.” He explains smiling. “You check out your friend’s girl then talk about it, you get dunked.”

  “What’s so bad about that? It’s water.” I asked, not seeing the punishment. Jake chuckled.

  “It’s outside in the rain barrel.” I burst out laughing as he added. “Waist deep.”

  “I’ll take two! Option two!” Thomas was yelling from the kitchen. I looked at Jake who was still snickering.

  “What’s option two?” I asked smiling.

  “You get to punch or kick him.” Jake said simply. I burst out laughing, as I tried to control myself the boys were talking in the kitchen.

  “Are you sure you want option two?” Dylan asked carefully. My face was red as I kept cracking up. Jake looked at me questioningly.

  “I train in MMA fighting.” I snorted before laughing again. Jake’s eyes went wide before he got to his feet fast.

  “Take one man! Trust me! Take one!” Jake shouted into the kitchen laughing. Dylan cursed.

  “Why?” Thomas’ voice was hesitant. I got to my feet and followed Jake to the kitchen. The guys had the back door open with Thomas almost out the door. “Why do I want one?” I gave him a big smile before looking at Dylan. He gave me a half grin.

  “You never told them what my hobbies were, did you baby?” Dylan shook his head.

  “Nope,” Dylan said grinning. I chuckled. Thomas kept looking between the two of us.

  “What hobbies?” Thomas asked his voice worried. I looked at him and smiled sweetly.

  “I train with the guys in Mixed Martial Arts.” Everyone but Thomas and Dylan burst out laughing. Thomas went a little pale. I just kept smiling sweetly.

  “So, she knows how to throw a punch and make it hurt.” Dylan pointed out.

  “Or a kick,” I said helpfully. Thomas’ eyes went out to the snow outside then back to me. His eyes narrowed.

  “Where would you hit me?” Thomas asked suspiciously. I snickered.

  “I’d probably give it over to Dylan,” I admitted. “He’s the one pissed at you.” Thomas looked at Dylan frowning.

  “No balls hit?” Thomas offered hopefully. Dylan glared at him.

  “No balls hit.” Dylan agreed. Thomas sighed then nodded. The guys let go of him and backed away. Dylan actually grinned as Thomas braced himself. Dylan stood in front of him, cocked his fist back and swung. The sound of flesh striking flesh was loud. Thomas spun and caught himself on the counter. He hissed, then cursed through the pain. Dylan’s face was dark as he stepped up next to Thomas. “You say something like that to her again, and I’ll kick your ass.” He growled under his breath as he rubbed his knuckles. I raised an eyebrow. Jake took my arm and pulled me back into the great room.

  “He was really pissed off,” I mumbled. I hadn’t really expected Dylan to be that angry about it.

  “Yeah, Dylan has a bit of a temper.” Jake snickered. “Thomas had a choice, and he chose the punch.” I snorted. I would have taken the dunking. I sat back down with Jake next to me. “So, about Asher. Tell me.” I snorted.

  “Yes, he’s very yummy,” I admitted then pointed at him. “I said nothing.” He snickered as he leaned back on the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table again.

  “Can you get me some pics? Please?” He begged with big eyes. I snickered.

  “No, how would...” Then I thought about it. Summer was coming in a few months. “Can you wait till summer?” Jake’s face lit up.

  “Hell yeah.” I giggled as I nodded.

  “I’ll hook you up, sweetie.” I agreed. We fist bumped.

  “Yes!” Then he was looking at me. “Now, how about Isaac?” I burst out laughing.

  “You get one picture,” I told him smiling. “Pick a guy.” He sighed.

  “I don’t know, Asher’s hot, but I usually go for the tall, lean ones.” He admitted. I snorted.

  “Then that’s Miles.” I looked over the couch to make sure the guys were still in the kitchen then turned back around. “He’s ripped too.” Jake’s green eyes went wide.

  “Really?” Jake said smiling.

  “State swim champion.” I told him. Jake made an appreciative face. “He doesn’t look it, I know.” Jake raised both eyebrows hopefully.

  “Tell me he’s gay.” He begged. I chuckled.

  “Nope. Sorry.” He groaned painfully.

  “That’s why I hate these towns. Not a lot of gay guy options.” He sighed. “Especially if you're not flamboyantly gay. It’s hard for the ones in the closet to tell without a sign over my head.” I wrapped my arm around his.

  “Sorry sweetie, but I’ll keep my eye out.” I offered. Jake smiled at me.

  “Okay, I’m keeping you.” He declared before s
houting. “In the event of a breakup, I get Lexie!” The guys in the kitchen burst out laughing. I smiled. I think I was going to keep Jake too.

  “Do you have trouble with the football team? Being gay and all?” I asked curious about it. He snorted.

  “Nah, it was an issue at first then I told them all they are too ugly for my taste.” I snickered. “Hasn’t been a problem since. But I do make a point not to shower with them after a game, that would make them too uncomfortable.” His eyes narrowed on me. “So, all your friends are guys?” I nodded. “You know I think that means you're supposed to be a lesbian.” I burst out laughing. Jake just waited for an answer. I shook my head.

  “Nope, I think guys are hot.” I gestured with my hand towards the kitchen. “Particularly that one.”

  “Ew,” Jake said as he cringed.

  “He’s got a great ass.” I defended my guy.

  “Ew, stop it. That’s Dylan.” Jake pointed out, his voice pained. “I’ve known him since we were kids.” I just smiled at him. “So, why guys?” I sighed.

  “Because if they are pissed at you, they tell you. There isn’t that guessing game. I’m not really good with subtle.” I said honestly. He nodded.

  “Yeah, I don’t get that either.” He admitted. I smiled at him. I was so keeping Jake. I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Do you like shopping?”

  Over the next three hours, I got to know Dylan’s friends. Even Thomas with a fresh black eye. Derrick was a musician, classical piano, who just got into Juilliard. Aaron was a wrestler for the high school team. Luke loved books, which I understood completely. Thomas was into carpentry. And Jake. My favorite was Jake. Jake was a writer or planning to be one. I immediately asked to read some of his stories, and he emailed me a couple from his phone. The big quarterback wasn’t very effeminate, but he did know his clothes. He was now my designated shopping buddy. I had a feeling shopping would be more fun with him than with Tara. I mentioned Winter Formal coming up, and he demanded that we switch phone numbers. He was going to help me find a dress perfect for me. I was so keeping Jake. Try and stop me. We were busy playing a racing game against the others when the doorbell rang. Dylan got up to answer. I was focused on fucking up Aaron’s lead. I finally nudged him to spin out when there was a bark.

  “Lexie!” I looked up to see Zeke and Riley standing near the end of the couch. I shot him a look then went back to trying to get past the others.

  “What?!” I shot back.

  “Did you get a nap?” Zeke growled.

  “Fuck you, I’m not two.” I countered. The guys chuckled around me as Dylan sat back down next to me.

  “She got about two hours before everyone came over,” Dylan assured Zeke. I rolled my eyes as I kept pushing Aaron off the track.

  “Lexie! Come on!” Aaron groaned.

  “No! You won the last five, and it’s time someone else got to.” I grinned as I kept knocking him off the track.

  “You’re not going to win like that,” Aaron warned me. I snickered.

  “Not trying to.” I countered. Aaron cursed. I chuckled as Thomas sped past us and across the finish line first. I threw my arms up in victory. “Yes!” The guys burst out laughing.

  “Okay, she’s just adorable,” Jake said smiling.

  “I’m not adorable; I’m an annoying bitch with a huge attitude problem.” I reminded him.

  “You’re that too.” Zeke groused. The guys watched us. I looked over at Zeke and stuck my tongue out at him. He smirked.

  “Pot, kettle, black. Ring a bell, tall and oh so grumpy one?” I shot back matter-of-factly. Zeke chuckled along with everyone else. I looked up at Riley. “Can you please remove the stick from Zeke’s ass, and beat him with it?” The guys burst out laughing, and even Riley laughed at that one.

  “Okay guys, it’s time for photos,” Dylan announced. All Dylan’s friends jumped up and made a run for the door. Jake paused to hug me and tell me he’d talk to me later before he ran after the others. I laughed the whole time. I looked at Dylan.

  “They really are tired of having their photos taken,” I said, a bit surprised. Dylan nodded smiling at me.

  “Yeah, they are.” He admitted.

  “I guess I should go wash my face and do my makeup again.” I groused. I looked up at Dylan. “Where’s your bathroom?” He smirked at me.

  “I’ll show you two.” Dylan got to his feet and held out his hand; I took it, and he pulled me to my feet. I stopped to grab my bag; Riley picked up hers, and we followed Dylan upstairs. There were only three doors on this floor. Dylan stopped and opened the one on the right. “This is the hall bathroom.” Then he walked directly across from it and opened the other. “Here’s my bedroom, there’s a bathroom inside to the left.” He looked inside and paused. “Shit, hold on. Let me put some stuff away.” He mumbled as he hurried inside. That made me curious, so I peeked through the door. He had just put a book away high on a black shelf; then he went around the room picking up clothes here and there. He didn’t want me to see his room a mess. It was kind of adorable. I leaned out of the doorway and waited. Riley raised an eyebrow at me. I gave her a ‘what’ look. We both snickered. “Okay, come on in.” I walked into his now clean room and looked around. All his furniture was black. From the wall of built-in bookshelves that were packed with books to the long built in desk that ran below them. Even his dresser, bed, and nightstand were black. I was kind of jealous of his room. He had a double bed with a dark blue comforter, which he was now making as fast as possible. I looked to Riley.

  “Okay, what does it say about me that I’m jealous of my boyfriend's bedroom?” I asked only half kidding. Dylan chuckled as he finished making the bed. Riley looked around smiling.

  “What does it say about me when I’m jealous of your boyfriend's bedroom?” She asked me back. I hemmed and hawed. Dylan went to his laptop and closed it before turning back to us.

  “I’m going to say it’s normal for both of us.” I offered. Riley nodded.

  “Sounds good to me.” Riley agreed. We snickered. I looked at Dylan.

  “Want to double check the bathroom?” I asked half kidding. He was still for a second. Then he headed to the closed bathroom door. We burst out laughing.

  “Hey, I’m trying to be nice here.” Dylan shot out at us. I calmed down first.

  “I know honey, but it’s your room. You live in it, and it’s going to get messy.” I pointed out going to his bed and dropping my bag onto it. Riley followed.

  “Is yours?” He countered. I sighed.

  “Well, you can’t really count my room as normal.” I hedged, opening my bag and looking for my makeup kit.

  “Why’s that?” He asked coming back into the bedroom with a couple shirts and towels that he threw into the hamper. I was still looking for my makeup when I answered not really thinking about it.

  “Because it’s the first bedroom I’ve had since my Mother lost the house.” I finally just started pulling shit out of my bag. Please tell me I packed it.

  “Sunshine, what do you mean?” Dylan’s soft voice grabbed my attention. I looked up to find him frowning at me.

  “We lived in a travel trailer,” I told him going back to what I was doing. “One bedroom, I slept on the pullout bed for five years. I’m used to cleaning up after myself.” I pulled out my hair dryer and put it to the side then I realized it was quiet. I looked up to see them both staring at me strangely. “What?” Then I just ran over what I said in my head. Oh, fuck. “Guys, it was what it was.” They were looking at me with fucking pity. I hated that. “The only weird thing was how happy and excited I was to have a bedroom door when I got to Rory's.” Riley snorted. Dylan smirked at me. I finally found my makeup kit. “Of course, the makeup was on the bottom,” I grumbled. Riley was pulling out her clothes.

  “Alright, I’ll leave you girls, to do whatever it is, you girls do.” He announced. Before he left, he gave me a soft, quick kissing that made me catch my breath. He closed the door behind him. I exhaled h

  “That boy can fucking kiss.” I didn’t care if I said it out loud. Riley giggled.

  “How’s it going with him?” Riley asked smiling. I felt my face turning red. Her eyes got big. “Oh spill, I need to hear this.” I made my own quiet giggle.

  “We’re doing great, but we have a slight problem.” I looked at her and told her honestly. “The chemistry, oh my God.” Riley’s eyes went wide.

  “Oh, it’s like that huh?” She grinned. I nodded.

  “Yeah, so I’m going to end up not kissing him as much I want to. Or as long as I want to. We just kinda keep going...” I couldn’t seem to stop smiling. This was so weird to me. I looked at her. “Please don’t leave us alone in this house again.” Riley burst out laughing and nodded.

  “You can always try what I do.” She offered. “Don’t shave your legs or under your arms, so you have to behave.” I thought about that.

  “Does it work?” She nodded.

  “Zeke is one hell of a kisser.” Riley blushed. I cringed. “Sorry, I know he’s your friend.”

  “It’s fine. It’s just… Zeke.” I said looking at my clothes. I was trying to decide if I was going to change into my Vegabond clothes or not when Riley got my attention.

  “Okay, I have to ask.” Riley began. I looked up at her. “I know you're not into Zeke, alright.” I rose an eyebrow at her. “I’m not asking for those bitches either. But, all your friends are hot. Do you even see that? Does it even occur to you?” I took a deep breath; I admitted it to Jake. I could tell her the truth too.

  “Okay, I’ll tell you the truth but don’t tell any of the guys, or those bitches they’re dating.”

  “Promise,” Riley assured me.

  “Yes, I see how hot they are. I see how good looking the guys are. I frequently enjoy the eye candy. And I often have to force myself to look away when one of them has no shirt on.” I felt my face turning red. “But honestly, there has never been that spark that you feel towards someone you want to date. No butterflies and no racing heartbeat that tells you to go for it.” I shrugged. “I have to have those if I’m going to try to date someone. I have hard enough time opening up to people that if I’m going to, it’s going to be someone who makes my heart race.” Riley smiled at me.


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