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Page 7

by Piper Frost

  “Go? Where? Chase, light your pumpkin.” She pushes the lighter toward me.

  “Come on, dimwit, we all know yours probably rocks. Just fucking light it.” Grant tosses me a candle and I roll my eyes.

  “It's nothing.” I say. “I wanna get to this haunted house.”

  “Hey, no, no.” Kaydence grabs my hand before I can walk away. “You have to share too.” She puts my candle in then tries to light it. “Ouch, shit.” Jerking her hand out, she holds the lighter out to me. “Please light it.”

  “Are you okay?” I blurt, taking her hand instead of the lighter and I raise her hand to inspect her fingers.

  Her eyes flick to mine and she smiles softly. There's usually a beaming smile on her face that indicates this girl's always happy, but this smile shows more depth to her and also makes my cock stir a little.

  With a crinkle to her nose, she nods her head. “Please show me your jack-o'-lantern. I'm sure it's awesome.”

  I pause, smirking before pressing my lips to her hand, almost saying 'Fuck it' and kissing her right here in front of the guys, but when one of them clears their throat, I forget about that idea. When I drop her hand she bites her lips and pulls it toward her chest, holding it with her other hand, still waiting for me to light the candle.

  I roll my eyes and reach inside, lighting the goddamned thing. “Alright. You guys asked for it.” The work I was so proud of a few minutes ago only makes me mad now. Hers is the best here in my eyes and I don't want them making a big deal over mine.

  “Holy shit,” Felder says when I turn it.

  I didn't have a plan when we started this, so when a last minute idea popped into my head, I ran with it. Carved it to look like a skull, pushing its way through a face and it's pretty badass looking but nothing compared to Kaydence's.

  “Can we go now?”

  “You.” She stops and grabs my arm, her brows furrowed. “You're an artist.” She looks at the other guys a little confused. “What... Chase, that's amazing. Oh my god.” She squats to get closer to it and starts inspecting. “How'd you do that?”

  “This shit's fun for me.” I shrug and rub the back of my neck, shoving a hand in my pocket. “You guys ready to head out?”

  “I...can I take a picture? This is.” She stares wide-eyed like it's really the most amazing thing she's ever seen. Grabbing her phone, she snaps a picture. “You're not going to just throw that away, right?”

  “It's gonna rot, doll. I do a lot of more permanent art if you ever want to check it out.” I wink at her and nod to the boys. “Tommy over there's sporting a pretty badass tiger on his back from me.”

  “Fuck yes I am!” he boasts, pulling his shirt off and turning around.

  “You tattoo?” she shouts in excitement. “Oh my god. Look at that. You're amazing.” She moves closer to Tommy and her fingers run over his tattoo. My hand in my pocket curls into a fist because she's touching him like that.

  “He tattooed an elephant above my dick if you wanna check that one out,” Grant speaks up and she laughs, shaking her head.

  “Dude, come on.” Walking toward them, I grab her hand and pull her back from him. “He's a douche. I'm sorry.”

  “He's just kidding.” She turns toward me, almost curled into my chest and she stares up at me. “I had no idea you could draw and create art. That's incredible.”

  “You're incredible,” I whisper, ready to go for it until Felder gags from behind me and instead, I roll my eyes.

  “Alright, idiots, off to the dungeon!” Tommy yells.

  We all pile into my truck and I make sure Kay's right next to me and not stuck in the back with the two of those goons.

  “Sorry you gotta sit on the hump,” I say, wrapping an arm around her and making sure she's not too close to Tommy in the passenger seat because he wouldn't sit in the back with the other two idiots.

  “I'm fine.” When she scoots, her hip touches me. “You guys scared?” She grins back at the other two.

  “Fuck no!” Felder blurts.

  “You been to a haunted house before, Kay?” Grant asks. “Shit gets intense at these.”

  “Yes.” She giggles. “I love haunted houses! I love Halloween time. What about you?” Her fingers softly pinch my side. “You scared?”

  “More than you know, doll.” I wink at her. “Will you keep me safe?”

  “I'll protect you.” She runs her hand down my thigh, making my dick twitch and her head hits my shoulder for a minute before she sits up and excitedly starts telling us about a haunted house she went to back home.

  I hadn't realized she's not from around here, but she moved to this tiny ass town from a couple hundred miles away. The only reason she ended up on the ranch is because she's related to Brandt and I've never loved the Kenshaws more than I do right now. This girl is utterly amazing, and I'm still in shock that she even wants to spend time with someone like me 'cause I'm a cocky asshole and she's a ray of fucking sunshine.

  Chase finds a spot in the packed field to park and I slide out, grinning when I look over to the flashing lights and hear the screams coming from the massive barn.

  “I'm scared!” I grin and grab his arm, moving close. “I can't wait!”

  “You can't be scared! You're supposed to keep me safe!” His arm wraps around me and pulls me against his side.

  Felder takes off running through the field, cackling at the top of his lungs and I start to laugh, loving how childish and playful they are.

  “He's a fuckin' tool. We'll find him again sometime before we leave,” Grant says then jumps onto Tommy. “Hold me! I'm scared!”

  I laugh and push closer to Chase, happy this night turned out how it did. I've wanted a date with him, but he didn't seem to be interested, but after tonight I think he is. I think he wanted to kiss me back at Tommy's, and I would have let him. It seems like Chase wants me for more than my body. There's just something about the way he looks at me when I'm talking that makes me feel like his endgame isn't only sex. Maybe he'll be the one I prove my brother wrong with.

  “I'm scared shitless, but I'll protect you.” I wrap my arms around his waist as we head for the ticket booth.

  “Two,” Chase says, pulling his wallet out with his free hand while his arm's still wrapped around me.

  “I can pay for mine.” I look up at him, wondering if he'll kiss me tonight.

  I may date a lot, but I'm not easy. I've never full-on kissed a guy on a first date and Chase would be the first I wouldn't deny. The way his hand is holding me close to him like he doesn't want to let go, I'm not sure I would deny him of much tonight.

  “This is a date, right?” he whispers, smirking then hands over money. “My pleasure.” While we wait for Tommy and Grant, his other hand wraps around me to pull me closer to him after we're admitted.

  I bounce while we wait. “Don't leave me, okay?” I grin, gripping his shirt as nerves and excitement run through me, and not just for the scary attraction we're about to enter.

  “Never.” I like the smile on his face, it's not the beautiful one that shows his teeth, but it shows more…protection maybe. He turns me so we're chest to chest and his hands slide down my back, dipping into the back pockets of my jeans while he pulls me against him. “Gonna have a pretty hard time gettin' rid of me tonight.”

  “Just tonight?” I tilt my head back to look into his face.

  His eyes flick to my lips and his palms give my ass a little squeeze, pulling me close enough that I could easily slid his leg between my thighs and rock until the coiling feeling in my lower body is satisfied.

  “Let's see how you play your cards tonight, huh?” He smirks.

  I roll my eyes with a shake of my head. “Full house. Like my pumpkin.” I turn out of his arms but grab his hand as we move up in line because I need to stop thinking about sex. I'm not easy.

  “That's the best thing anyone's ever done, Kay.” He gives my hand a squeeze.

  “I didn't know you're a tattoo artist, Chase. Can you give me a tattoo? I'll
pay of course. But do you work in a shop?”

  “I own the only shop in town. But you want me to tattoo you?” We're facing each other again and I nod, unable to stop staring at his mouth as his beautiful smile lights his face. “You have any?”

  “I have one. On my back.” I pat my shoulder. “But I'd like another. I've had an idea for awhile, but haven't followed through.”

  “What're you lookin' for?” We take another step forward in line.

  “I'll show you one day, maybe. Can't really explain it. I'll have to show you what I drew.” Hands grab my sides and someone screams in my ear making me shriek and jump so high I almost jump out of my shoes.

  “Mother fucker!” Chase bellows, shoving Felder hard against the fence. “Fuck you, dude,” he growls.

  “Chase!” I blurt and rush over to Felder to make sure he's okay. “He was just playing.” I help him up.

  Chase watches me, fists tight at his side until I slide my arm around his waist and he seems to relax a little. Grant and Tommy are still dying laughing behind us while I try to catch my breath through my laughter.

  “I'm already freaked out,” I say, unable to stop laughing. “Feel my heart.” I take Chase's hand and put it over the pounding in my chest.

  Holding it there, his eyes lock on mine and I get that magical moment I've never had before. For a moment nothing around us exists and I want to kiss him, but he'll have to make the first move. He takes a step closer and his eyes flick to my lips but they drift down to his hand still pressed against my chest and I almost sigh because he's not going to kiss me. Without warning, he leans down and pauses right before his lips touch mine. He's so close I want to crawl out of my skin just to be closer to him because my feet aren't moving me.

  He smirks and whispers, “It's pounding even harder now.”

  My fingers curl in his shirt, waiting for it but he's not moving while we stare into each other's eyes. I'm not sure if he's waiting on my move, but I'm not like that, and call me old fashioned, but I want to be kissed first.

  After another minute of just staring at each other, I whisper, “If you die in there, can I have your pumpkin?” My lips almost brush his while I speak.

  He chuckles, and just when I think he's going to pull back, his lips crash to mine and he pulls me against him. I pause for only a split second to let the surprise register, but now I'm wrapping my arms around his neck, sliding my tongue down his. I've never been kissed like this in public, and even Grant and Tommy's distracting noises couldn't make me pull away as we shift and his fist slides into the back of my hair, holding me to him while our tongues gracefully move together. Chase is the first guy in a long time to make me want to give him anything that'll make him stay with me. I'm a lot to take, this I know, because others don't understand my constant happiness and normally it doesn't bother me if they don't. But if Chase were to decide it's obnoxious, I might actually be heartbroken. We don't know each other well, but I know I want to get to know him better than anyone I ever have.

  “Hey, you're next.” Tommy shoves us, making us break apart, and we quickly turn, not exchanging words before Chase pulls me into the dark.

  I immediately latch onto him and my pounding heart beats faster but I'm not sure if it was the thrill of the kiss or the thrill of the haunted house.

  “Chase.” My voice quivers and I start to laugh. “Oh my god, why do I love this so much but I'm so scared?” I get even closer. “I can't see anything.”

  “I fuckin' hate this,” he mutters right before something jumps out in front of us. I feel him jolt which makes me scream and he yanks me closer, cursing through his laugh.

  Wrapped together, we fumble because we don't want to let go and it's too dark to see anything except flashing lights that further blind us.

  “Stop.” I laugh, pushing him to stop and reaching out in the dark, finding the wall to use as a guide. “Chase!” I blurt when I don't feel him close by.

  “I'm here.” His breath is warm on my neck and his hands grip my hips, pulling me back against him.

  “The worst part is when—” When someone jumps out and starts up a chainsaw I start to scream, grabbing him and making a run for it until we find another room. There's more visibility but I know someone's going to pop out. We can't stop laughing, and he's holding me tight, but I'm still scared. “Come close. Get close,” I say through laughter and pull him against my back then stop, pressing back against him. “Someone's going to jump out of there. I know it.” I watch a room that has a flashing light and I press my back against him harder as my hands grip his thighs. As my nails nervously scratch over his jeans I feel a twitch against my ass and realize he's getting turned on. I almost step away from him, but I pause. I like it, and I want it. “Are you scared?” I whisper pulling him with me while we slowly walk past the room that has a gory scene amidst the flashing strobe light.

  “Not anymore,” he whispers, gripping my hips and pushing himself against me. I almost make a moaning noise, but don't want to give away that I'm getting turned on that he's turned on.

  As we make it into another room, the lights go out and the loud screaming starts from somewhere close but I can't ignore his dick against my ass anymore and my heart starts to pound harder as I turn to face him. My right hand reaches for his face, trying to find his lips and when I do, I giggle before pressing my mouth to his. My left hand brazenly slides up the hard length in his jeans and I don't know who's taken control of me, but I've never been more aroused.

  “Kay,” he murmurs on my lips and his fingers start to curl, gripping my hips tighter likes he's fighting to remain in control. But I don't want to stay in control. I rarely let loose like this and right now, I want it so bad that the pulsing between my thighs is almost becoming too much. Taking his hand, I slide it under my shirt, encouraging him to do what he wants and his final thread of control snaps. “Fuck,” he groans before his lips slam mine and he spins us, shoving me against a wall, his fist twisting in my hair.

  I pull back to say, “I really like you, Chase,” but dive back for his mouth, giving his hand that's groping my breast a squeeze because I want it harder.

  “I really fuckin' like you too, doll.” His lips kiss and suck their way down my neck until he shoves my shirt up, exposing my bra.

  The room's pitch black, not even he can see, but he can feel and his mouth bites at the bulge of flesh in my bra. Four fingers slide into the cup of my bra and he pulls downward, freeing my nipple that he then covers with his mouth. When he bites the beaded flesh, I let go of that moan I've been holding back since I felt his dick and it sounds like I need this right now. It accurately portrays what I'm feeling. I need him. The sound of voices invade the room as they get closer and Chase yanks my shirt down and pulls back, but I can't stop now. No one can see us; we can't even see each other.

  “Don't stop,” I whisper and my hand grips his dick, stroking him through his jeans.

  He slides my back against the wall until we're in a corner obstructed by props, less likely to be found, and I flick the button on his jeans. His lips pause but his panting breaths fan over my mouth, taunting me. When I slowly unzip him, he presses his forehead to mine and a quiet groan slips with the huffing of his chest.

  “Kaydence, I...” My hand slides into his boxer-briefs and my fingers grip his hot flesh. “Fuck,” he quietly moans and with a shaking hand I shove at his boxers to free his cock.

  Using both hands, I stroke him, biting my lip hard to keep from moaning because there are clueless people in this room, and I don't know why, but it turns me on even more. It takes him a few deep breaths, but soon his hands are at the buckle of my jeans and he's shoving them down to my knees.

  “Fuck me,” I whisper against his lips and feel him smile. “In a haunted house full of people, fuck me.” I turn around, pressing my chest against the wall and my ass against his hard dick.

  “You sure about this?” he asks, his boot nudging my feet apart as he grabs my hips and spans his fingers to feel my pussy.
  “Yes,” I breathe, pressing back against him so he slides between my thighs. A shaky breath and quiet moan exhales from me and my teeth almost chatter because I'm so nervous right now, but I can't deny I'm soaked for him, and I think he can feel that because he starts to slide between my folds. He hasn't even entered me yet, he's just smearing my wetness across his hard cock but it makes me moan louder than I should. One hand releases my hip and he presses it over my mouth. The feel of his inhale as his nose is pressed against my neck at my hair makes me shudder.

  “What was that?” someone in this room loudly asks the question about my moan and I can't help but quietly giggle.

  When my moan sounded, he stopped sliding through my wetness, but I rock my hips to remind him I'm ready and waiting. Letting go of my mouth, both hands grip tight to my hips again and in one push, he's inside me, plunging deeper every second that passes. Heavy breaths pant in my ear and he keeps his nose pressed into my hair. Our sense of sight is gone but he's using his sense of smell and I don't know why that makes me fall head over heels for him. His cock slides out slowly and his hand comes to rest on the wall next to my head. When he drives it back in, I turn my head and my teeth sink into his arm to keep from screaming for him. After that, he starts to fuck me hard and deep. Luckily the sounds of people screaming in fear drown out the sound of my wetness and our skin meeting each other's.

  I haven't had sex in over a year and that plays a big role in this feeling amazing, but I know Chase is the reason it feels so good and I'm not sure I'll be able to move on.

  “God, yes,” I moan, not sure if we're alone, but I don't care right now.

  His hand covers my mouth again and he pumps his hips harder, getting deep enough that I know it'll hurt in the morning, but tonight, it feels so good that I slide over him with equal force.

  “The fuck they go?” a voice blurts loudly and Chase freezes. That's Felder's voice.

  A vibration bounces Chase against my back and I think he's laughing, but he starts pumping in and out of me again, bringing me closer with every stroke


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