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A WILDer Wonderland - Sexy Stories Of The Season

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by Angel Payne

  A Wonderland - Sexy Stories Of The Season

  By Angel Payne

  A Wonderland: Sexy Stories Of The Season

  The W.I.L.D. Boys of Special Forces, Book 4

  Copyright © 2013 By Angel Payne Writes, LLC

  All Rights Reserved

  eBook ISBN: 978-0-9888701-9-2

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  Edited By:

  Jacy Mackin

  Tracy Roelle

  Cover Art:

  Dee Allen

  Meredith Blair

  Have you gone completely W.I.L.D.?

  Readers, reviewers and bloggers have!

  Untamed praise for Angel Payne’s first three W.I.L.D. Boys of Special Forces stories…

  For SAVED BY HIS SUBMISSIVE – Garrett and Sage’s Story

  --“TOP PICK! Saved By His Submissive is a wonderful, adventurous, suspenseful and erotic read that will have you panting for much more. My emotions were all over the place…I totally love military men, and Garrett is one hot man, but what makes him hotter is his undying love for Sage.” – The Romance Reviews

  --“Wow. This book was a total surprise for me. Truly, this was one of the most beautiful love stories I have read.” – The Delighted Reader

  --“Keeps you glued to your e-reader!” – The Jeep Diva

  --“After reading Saved By His Submissive, I have added Ms. Payne to the short list of writers I will automatically buy a book from…the book provides a refreshing change to the standard romance novel.” –Sizzling Hot Books

  --“I found this was a book I just couldn’t put down. I got hooked from the beginning and then couldn’t stop reading. Garrett and Zeke are…good dream material.” – Love Romance Passion Reviews

  --“The chemistry between Garrett and Sage was scorching. It was very easy to believe how much they cared for each other. This was a wonderful story. I can’t wait for the next book in the series.” – Night Owl Reviews

  --“Angel Payne delivers well-rounded characters, an action-packed storyline that is overflowing with passion, and above all, a love that overcomes and flourishes despite the darkness threatening to destroy the main characters. I cannot wait to meet and fall in love with more of the W.I.L.D. Boys.” – RAW Reviews

  For HANDCUFFED BY HER HERO – Zeke and Rayna’s Story:

  --“I am never disappointed with what Angel Payne brings to the table. She always rocks it out hardcore in everything she creates, and Handcuffed By Her Hero is no exception. Zeke and Rayna…have a gritty, suspenseful, and incredibly sexy story that will keep you on your toes and leave you breathless…I caught myself a couple of times holding my breath, and trying to read faster and faster. It was a very emotional read…a story of survival, growth, and love.” – Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

  --“Well-written…overall, a magnificent book. I am hooked on this series!” – Night Owl Reviews

  --“Zeke’s power and intensity are jaw-dropping and sexy as hell. He’s a knight in black leather who…awakens impulses and desires that Rayna has never felt before. The book as a whole is deep and passionate.” – RAW Reviews

  --“Many times when you are waiting for the next book in a series, you cross your fingers that the next book is as good as the first. In Handcuffed By Her Hero,Angel Payne has exceeded my expectations. In fact, she’s blown me away. I wish I had more than five stars to give.” – Sizzling Hot Books

  --“Grabbed hold of my heart and never let go. Zeke and Rayna’s intense bond is forged in fire. Thick with passion, smoldering looks, and red-hot dominant sex, Angel Payne has created a sequel to rival its sibling. I am anxious for the continuation of her addicting characters!” – RomFan Reviews

  --“I really loved this book. Zeke is the epitome of the hot sexy military alpha man, and Rayna is one of the strongest female characters that I’ve read lately. Both of these characters are complicated, which makes for a great story, and it worked in such a suspenseful erotic romance. This is one hot and steamy read. I’m still waiting for the fog to clear on my Kindle!” – Delighted Reader Book Blog

  For SURRENDERING TO HER SERGEANT – Ethan and Ava’s Story:

  --“Steaming hot chemistry, intense drama and plot twists like no other…secondary characters weave their way into your heart as much as the hero and heroine…I loved the BDSM elements that added more heat. I can’t wait to read the next book!” – Delighted Reader Reviews

  --“Ethan Archer is an absolutely amazing man. He can take down a drug smuggler with only his words, and can make a girl embrace her submissive side with just a look. He is that good. Ava knows that one command from him, and she’s putty in his hands. But how can she say no to the man she craves and the Dom who brings her to her knee? There is such a visceral need and a raw intensity between these two that you feel it in your gut and in your heart. Five stars!” – Shayna Renee’s Spicy Reads

  --“An enjoyable thrill ride with just the right amount of kinky sex…anyone who likes a good action novel, mystery and/or romance will find the story interesting and well-written. The love story is touching, realistic, heart-warming and very hot. With just the right amount of conflict between the two main characters, the story builds tension without overdoing angst.” – My Book Addiction Reviews


  With a heart full of love and gratitude for my Sir…who continues to show me the best about myself.

  Thank you for such a W.I.L.D. and wonderful year!


  This book wouldn’t be possible without the love for the Boys from all of YOU! Whether this is your first WILD ride or you’re on the helo for another spin, THANK YOU for loving these guys and helping to bring life to them. Keep those fun jokes, and pics coming! ALL the Boys appreciate them. (I think they’re keeping a scrapbook. I ran into Garrett and Zeke at the crafts store the other day, but they hid behind the DIY jewelry display.)

  This book was also a supreme labor of pure love. I laughed and cried harder on this one than the first three combined—and had two incredible editors along for the ride who worked their gorgeous tooshies off as hard as I did. Jacy: I got an amazing blessing when I got you, girlfriend! (*goes to hide*) And Tracy: it’s now or never, so I’m going to say it: I adore you, honey!

  A huge, massively mushy kiss to the Angel’s Wings. You are all magnificent goddesses.

  Since this book finishes out the first year of the W.I.L.D. Boys, a wink and a shout-out to all the muses who have carried me through the months: Channing, Jensen, Manu, Team Damon, Olitz, Oliver Queen, Rayna Jaymes and Juliette Barnes (and Deacon Claybourne!), Jack Bauer, Pentatonix, Muse, Imagine Dragons…and the awesome studs of our nation’s military.

  A portion
of the profits from this book will be donated to the following fine veterans support organizations. Please support them if you can:

  Special Operations Warrior Foundation (

  DAV Homeless Veterans Initiative (

  Operation Finally Home (

  Table of Contents






  Featuring Garrett Hawkins & Sage Weston-Hawkins


  “Damn it.”

  Sage Hawkins angrily wiped at her eyes. Snow fell over the world outside, a sight she’d waited so long to see. From her second floor vantage point, she stared at the trees and fences glistening with the fallen flakes and the corn fields turned into lush blankets of white. The Iowa countryside looked like a Currier and Ives print, silver and peaceful and magical.

  She let out a heavy sigh as more tears stung. If it was all so damn magical, why was she so miserable?

  She and Garrett had deliberately waited until the break between Thanksgiving and Christmas to come for a visit with his parents, as well as his beloved Uncle Wyatt and Aunt Josie. Garrett had been adamant that Racer, their baby boy, experience part of his first winter on earth in Iowa, wanting to pass along the joy of a boyhood that included many traditions of the season, especially the snow.

  She beheld that youthful joy on her husband’s face as he and Wyatt trudged into the yard, returning from their quarter-mile trek to retrieve the mail. After dropping off the pile at Wyatt’s house, they headed for the barn situated between the two Hawkins houses. Thanks to Racer being bundled in a baby carrier on his chest, Garrett looked like a reverse hunchback. That didn’t stop the man’s eyes from gleaming like fresh-cut blue quartz or the tawny stubble on his jaw from giving way to his charismatic grin. Yeah, the one that made her heart tumble over itself, even in her present condition.

  Her present condition. Egghh. She longed to scratch her skin off and start all over again in another body. She didn’t do “conditions.” She’d been in disaster zones. Skydived with soldiers. Survived a year on the run from white slave traders. Had her wedding crashed by a lunatic on a revenge campaign.

  But none of that had mattered to fate.

  It was determined to give her a “condition.”

  The logic in the decision shouldn’t have been a huge shock. Just when she thought the cosmic dues had been paid and her pregnancy would end in a day of stress-free joy and love, a vacation to Los Angeles had turned into a nightmare that brought Racer to them a month early. The “break” that Garrett’s Special Forces Group was expecting on that trip? Never happened. They’d ended up assisting the CIA on a terrorist plot to bury the West Coast under a nuclear cloud, with her husband as the first casualty of that feat. Even now, she shuddered at the memory of Garrett’s face, so strong yet still, lost to the huge hit of sleeping gas he’d endured to save her. She’d kissed him with so many desperate pleas to wake up as Racer Joseph put the pedal to the damn medal in her belly…

  She gasped as the helplessness pulled at her all over again. Clawed her soul like a monster on grief’s playground, cackling at her to abandon hope and jump on its merry-go-round of desperate fear.

  “Go. Away.” She seethed the words, a luxury she hadn’t been given the day Racer was born. Once they’d escaped from Ephraim Lor and Cameron Stock, Racer had lived up to his name, clamoring for his grand entrance despite her pleas otherwise. With her best friend at her side as cheerleader, Sage had given birth to her son without knowing if his daddy would ever wake to hold him.

  It’s over now. Done. Lor is dead, and Stock is at the top of the FBI Wanted list. They’ll find him and lock his ass away forever.

  Which meant she only had to worry about the next lunatic who wanted to go at her husband with a bomb, knife, gun, rocket or chemical canister. And the one after that. And the one after that.


  It was never going to be over.

  She bolted off the seat, straight to her well-used pacing path on the carpet of her in-laws’ guest room. “Get a grip. You fell in love with an SF guy. You love him for what he is. You love him for all of it. You knew this drill before you accepted his ring.”

  That was all before she’d laid next to him for hours, her head on his chest, wondering if his next heartbeat would be his last.

  The tears came again. She pulled in a shaky breath, mentally kicking at the asshole on the merry-go-round. She couldn’t let him win. She wouldn’t.

  Why did it get harder to believe that every day?

  Why did the battle worsen when she heard Garrett call to her from outside, his baritone filled with oblivious happiness?

  “Sage.” His laugh mixed with Wyatt’s from the yard below. “Sugar, you in there? Go to the window. You have to see this!”

  After grabbing a tissue and mopping up the new tears, she commanded her self-composure back to the emotional battlefront. “Fake it ‘till you make it,” she whispered, forcing a smile.

  She curled a knee back onto the window seat and looked out, searching for her husband. It was the world’s easiest feat. The man consumed over six feet of the frosty air, melting it into an obedient glow for his golden-haired, broad-shouldered, utterly virile presence. The effect was hit by an extra injection of sexy thanks to the bulk of his parka, the thick stubble that now populated his jawline, and the longer line of his legs due to his boots. He was hot farm boy mashed with hot soldier, officially turning him into mouthwatering man, a concoction that literally made her thirsty with longing for him.

  Every muscle in her body yearned to jump him.

  Right before she swore to kill him.

  The idiot stood there grinning down at Racer, who was on the ground in the mud and snow. Correction: rolling around in that muck and squealing with laughter, his drool dirty, his hair dripping. God only knew where his Thomas the Train snow cap had gone, though Garrett had managed to keep the little mittens on his hands. That didn’t help the man’s cause very much.

  “Hey!” he yelled. “Look. He wants to make snow angels already!”

  She made sure he got a good look at her beyond-pissed glower before whirling to snatch her jacket and heading downstairs.


  Garrett laughed like he’d just helped bust an opium farm and decided to stay for lunch. Not that he’d ever touch the shit, but he imagined this was how good it felt. His cheeks hurt from smiling. His heart was about to fissure from being crammed to capacity. This was the best high in the world.

  He hadn’t been back to the farm since last year, before the Special Forces mission that had changed everything for him. Deep in an East Asian jungle, a continent away from where she’d supposedly died, Sage had walked out of his dreams, into his arms, and back into his life. The story of their miracle had captivated the world, resulting in a media storm that kept Sage busy even when he was deployed to a new op soon after. Her positive pregnancy test was the perfect beginning for their new life together, though it didn’t help in slowing down the pace. Getting back here, settling into calmer routines and simpler pleasures, had been just what their new family needed.

  He just hoped it would return the happy sparkle to his wife’s eyes, too.

  Hope lifted his heart when she disappeared from the window. She’d barely left that perch for two days. Maybe Racer’s delight in the new textures had gotten through and she finally wanted to join the fun.

  She bounded out of the house so fast, the screen door slammed back against the wall.

  It didn’t look like she wanted to make snow angels. A snowball rolled around a few rocks, maybe. Probably aimed at his head. Or worse.


  He gave a shot at a grin anyway. “Hi there, beautiful. Did you come out to join—”

  “Are you out of your damn mind?” Sage snatched Race up and dragged the edge of her scarf across his face. Their
baby scowled and batted at her hands.

  Garrett drew in a careful breath. He’d fallen in love with this woman for her spirit and fire, but for the last couple of months, she’d given new meaning to the words. The Native American tribes in Washington, where he was based out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, had beliefs about spirits intervening with women in childbirth. Perhaps he needed to do research about what happened almost six months after the fact. Maybe some trickster mountain spirit decided it was fun to slide from the summit and fuck with the new fathers in town by turning their wives into completely different creatures.

  Or maybe, shit-for-brains, you have to sit her down and have a serious talk about postpartum depression.

  Now was definitely not that time.

  “Sugar, what’s the—”

  “Don’t ‘sugar’ me.” Her face bunched up like she held back tears. Again. “Oh my God, look at him.”

  He frowned in confusion. “That’s exactly what I was doing. And he was having fun. It’s just a little snow and mud.”

  “It’s in his mouth, Garrett.”

  “And we’re in the middle of the yard, not the barn with the chemicals and cows. It’s not going to hurt him.”

  For a second, her face cleared. A glimmer of hope filled him. Maybe the mountain demon had finally jumped off and she’d be free to look at herself with objectivity. She’d have a good laugh at her paranoia then suggest he ask his parents to watch Race for a bit so they could head upstairs together…


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