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We Are the Children of the Stars

Page 9

by Otto O. Binder

  At any rate, Mayr chided his fellow evolutionists on this score, saying that bringing up the Sewall Wright Effect as an “explanation” for gaps in the fossil record is very “farfetched” – a “cover-up” that may soothe the mind of the harassed anthropologist with the thought of missing fossils, but hardly scientific when it is a wholly “manufactured” excuse.

  True, new finds like those of Leakey in Tanzania are great “bonanzas” that help fill the fossil gap for recent Hominids, but to blithely believe that “the more digging, the more fill-in fossils” is tantamount to believing in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

  Some fossil gaps will never be filled out, simply because there are no such “progressive” fossils. That is a false hope based on one great fallacy of Evolution – that an endless chain of microchanges in any certain species eventually results in a macrochange. This is disputed by the majority of evolutionists today.

  In fact, Evolution Theory today no longer follows classical Darwinism, except for a stubbornly faithful group. Not that the remaining majority of evolutionists have agreed on any single concept or principle to replace Darwinism.

  They have instead fragmented it into three separate “modes.”11

  Speciation: The formation of new subspecies and species by means of “point mutations,” a complex viewpoint that is sponsored mainly by geneticists.

  Phyletic Evolution: Paleontologists work at this phase, sorting out large groups of fossils into phylogenies, or “family trees.”

  Macro-Evolution: The concept that major changes in a species result from a long series of micro-changes.

  But a fourth group has arisen that denies any evidence of micro-Evolution being necessary for macro-Evolution. Instead, they believe in Quantum Evolution, wherein species, for some unaccountable reason, make a sudden jump into a major change.

  In the case of the origin of Man, this form of Quantum Evolution is plain to see and is the only possible concept that fits the facts.

  And the cause of these “mysterious” quantum jumps would not baffle the experts if they accepted this book's proposal of wholesale biomanipulations by the starmen who created Hybrid Man and “jumped” from Homo erectus to Neanderthal Man to Cro-Magnon Man (the human race) in “macro” style.

  The authors believe that, by the end of this book, they will have presented overwhelming evidence that this can be the only answer to Man's origin.


  Homo Clues

  WE ARE NOW done with the pre-human Hominids and will deal with the various genus Homo species, or the “true” men, who have hardly any simian characteristics. The time period advances to about 600,000 years ago, the final days of Australopithecine Hominids. As we saw in the previous chapter, the first Homo species came in at that time – Homo erectus.

  When Homo erectus rather mysteriously died out 300,000 years ago, we suggested that this might very well have been an extinction planned by the starmen to make room for newer and better Homo species.

  The picture is not at all clear, from the fossil records, as to just what happened next. Anthropologists only know that Homo neandethalensis sapiens appeared 110,000 years ago, after that fossil gap of almost 200,000 years. Neanderthal Man was a great leap forward in the Evolution of Man, for his brain was much larger than primitive Erectus – 1,400-1,500 cubic centimeters and about 975 cubic centimeters, respectively.

  There are two fossils that form the only possible link between Erectus and Neanderthal, but they both appear “out of place” in the time scale and hence are among those baffling anomalies that give anthropologists sleepless nights.

  One is Swanscombe Man, of perhaps 250,000 years ago, who amazingly has a skull shaped almost like modern Man's, plus a brain capacity close to ours. As one paleoanthropological writer puts it when talking about the Swanscombe skull bones found: “Their size, their proportions and particularly their curves are much the same as modern Man's; they are definitely not those of Homo erectus. This is absolutely astonishing. What on earth was a modern-looking skull like that doing way back there?”1 A verbatim quote! From an apparently stupefied anthropologist.

  He goes on to say that the Swanscombe skull “seems to indicate a kind of precocious modern Man sneaking into the picture along with, or even before, Neanderthal Man.”

  The reason he and his colleagues are “absolutely astonished” should be apparent. If a more modern skull and brain (Swanscombe) shows up ahead of a less modern skull and brain (Neanderthal), then Evolution is working backward. This almost undermines Darwin's theory in itself (in the case of mankind only), for the whole concept of natural selection is that Evolution always goes forward to better and better species.

  Yet how easily Swanscombe can be accepted in the Hybrid Man theory!

  He would simply be the result of an abortive genetic experiment by the starmen, an attempted “improvement” on Erectus, say, one that didn't work out. Perhaps, in spite of his “modern” skull, his brain was inferior because of a low blood-supply, or a paucity of nerve paths, or some other cerebral blemish that made him an inferior specimen of Homo. Only three bone-parts of one Swanscombe skull have ever been found, and we can assume this rarity means his stock was not allowed to perpetuate itself. The starmen superbiologists did not want this “freak” with faults to continue as a species.

  One other skull, that of Steinheim Man, comes from that 200,000-year gap, and is also too “advanced” for its time. Unlike anthropologists to whom this threatens the very foundations of Evolution, our Hybrid theory can again accept it without fear – in fact, welcome it – as another abort in the great biogenetic program of the starmen.

  We want to repeat this point: that out-of-place skulls and misfit Homo specimens bolster the Hybrid Theory, strongly indicating that a Man-controlled kind of “Evolution” was being practiced, with certain setbacks coming up during the experimentation.

  But the evolutionists can only wish that those two missing links (Swanscombe and Steinheim) were missing in the fossil record.

  Exit Swanscombe and Steinheim. Enter Neanderthal. But he, too, was apparently an abort, for he also vanished from the scene by 35,000 B.C.

  This again is astonishing, because Neanderthal lasted some 2 long years altogether and spread widely over the Old World, with very heavy concentrations in Europe and the Middle East. His population might have been in the multiple thousands or even millions at its peak. And his brain-case of 1,400 cubic centimeters was larger than a modern Man's (average, 1,300 cubic centimeters).

  Then why should this seemingly successful Homo species die out to the last man?

  To this day, anthropologists have no positive answer, though many vague theories have been presented, none of which holds water. One example is that three Ice Ages that occurred in its time wiped the species out – but the Ice Ages never reached the Middle East, where Neanderthal was firmly entrenched.

  This seems to fairly shout that the true answer, again, must lie with the starmen. Something was “wrong” with Neanderthal, which finally became apparent after his “trial” period on Earth of 75,000 years. What that “wrong” factor was can only be guesswork. A big brain but small mental capacity? A muscle-bound body? – Neanderthal was a mass of muscle. Some defect in his hands that made him clumsy with tools?

  Nobody knows – except the starmen.

  When the sad truth faced them, we can picture how the starmen sighed and again consigned an experimental Hybrid human to the list of extinct creatures. In what manner, we cannot fathom. But that it was humane seems unquestionable, for superintelligent colonizing aliens like that must have long ago bred all cruelty out of their systems and their society.

  However, Neanderthal may not have been totally wiped out. One school of anthropology sees distinct traces of the Neanderthal physique in certain members of the human race, those who are extremely bulky in build, with low, beetling foreheads and hairy bodies. If true, this means that, though Neanderthal as a species vanished from the scene, he had managed to
intermarry with Cro-Magnon to some extent and thus left his mark in Homo sapiens to come. (Again, other anthropologists believe that Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon, being two distinct species, could not interbreed at all.)

  But whether or not Neanderthal disappeared without a trace or left something of himself in the human gene-pool, this prehistoric Homo once again adds support to the Hybrid theory. Every great anomaly in the chain of subhuman species is a bad blow to classic Evolution but a big boost for the Hybrid concept.

  And the greatest riddle of all now comes up – where did CroMagnon Man, the first of our own Homo sapiens species, come from 35,000 years ago?

  Not from Erectus, too great a jump. Not from Swanscombe or Steinheim, offshoots showing no cranial relationship. Not from Neanderthal, a quite different species.

  Then, from where? From the starmen.

  And that, quite simply, would solve another enormous anthropological mystery if our premise is right. Starmen at last made earthmen, in their worldwide “biolaboratory,” in their own image. Or something similar.

  The disappearance of Neanderthal Man and the advent of Cro-Magnon Man at approximately the same time is one of the truly big stumbling blocks to the Evolution theory, for they are non sequitur species. Neanderthal most decidedly could not be the direct ancestor of Cro-Magnon, for they were two distinctly different types of human, physically and even skeletally.

  Neanderthal was a squat, heavily muscled, beetle-browed kind of Man whose culture, from the numerous relics collected with his fossil bones, was at the most primitive level. He was the traditional “caveman.”

  Cro-Magnon was taller, slimmer, with finer bones in his skull and face. His culture was a great magnitude above Neanderthal, as evidenced alone by the exquisite cave paintings he left depicting people and game animals. Cro-Magnon was classified as Homo sapiens sapiens, or the same species as modern Man.

  Oddly enough, the early Cro-Magnons of 35,000 B.C. had a larger average brain-case than we do today (1,400 cubic centimeters compared to 1,300 cubic centimeters). Cro-Magnon is called our direct “ancestor,” meaning that by gradual and subtle transitions, he became modern Man.

  Since Neanderthal vanished around 35,000 B.C., and CroMagnon came on stage at the same time, one theory is that the latter killed off the former as an inferior competing species. But anthropological consensus now holds this as very doubtful and believes that the two species never really met except in sporadic encounters.

  The abrupt disappearance of Neanderthal remains one of the greatest “whodunit” mysteries of mankind.

  Neanderthal gave rise to another anomaly that again deals Evolution a low blow. As reported from the book quoted before:

  Neanderthal Man endured both cold and mild cycles with apparently equal success. He continued to exist in western Europe right up to about 35,000 years ago, and then he abruptly disappeared. The evolutionary tendencies that he exhibited during this period are extremely puzzling. For he seems to have gotten more “primitive,” not less so. The last fossils we have from western Europe are even squatter, bulkier and more beetle-browed than their predecessors.2

  Further on: “In addition to stopping abruptly, the classic Neanderthaler is replaced with equal abruptness by people like ourselves [Cro-Magnons]. There is no blending, no gradual shading from one type to the other. It is as if modern men came storming in and dispossessed the Neanderthalers.”

  Classical Evolution theory simply cannot account for these two events. First, the abrupt disappearance of a whole well-entrenched species, plus the abrupt debut of a better species. Second, the fact that the Neanderthal species retrogressed and became more primitive as time went on. Natural selection and survival-of-the-fittest are square pegs that cannot be hammered into those round holes, whereas the Hybrid Theory easily accounts for them.

  Who else but bio-overseers of a grand Man-creating program brought about the abrupt disappearance of Neanderthal, and then suddenly ushered in Cro-Magnon? Those events almost cry aloud that someone behind the scenes was manipulating early men as they would characters in a play.

  Moreover, the de-evolution of Neanderthal even more loudly proclaims that the starmen perhaps introduced retrogressive genes into the race in order to wipe them out humanely over a period of time. Any species that becomes progressively more primitive is sure to lose out in the great worldwide struggle for survival, where competition is so keen.

  Again, if Cro-Magnon was not, by any stretch of imagination, a descendant of Neanderthal nor from Swanscombe and Steinheim Man, where did he come from, with such a grand sweep he could take over the whole world, unchallenged, from 2 B.C. to date?

  The fossil record, on which the anthropologists depend so heavily, leaves them out on a limb. But the Hybrid Theory forthrightly fits the Cro-Magnon enigma into its mold as the final great climax of the starmen's project in molding Man out of his primate breeding stock. The “abruptness” of his appearance is then no longer a riddle but simply the expected culmination after the starmen built up an original nucleus of humans and then sent them out to “inherit the earth.” And it may well prove that the Bible is mainly a history of the starmen and their colonizing project.

  For example, we have it from both the Bible and fossil finds that mankind seems to have had limited focal points from which he spread out, in six movements. Three such focal points are Africa, Asia, and the Mediterranean. But by far the greater focal point is in the Holy Land, from which three huge, spreading movements spoked out.

  Could nature devise such a perfect system for spreading mankind over all Earth? Or was it a Starman-made plan, in which groups of Homo sapiens were separately “raised” in those focal areas and then sent to migrate around the planet?

  Even among evolutionists, there is a suspicion that there may be an unknown guiding force behind the workings of natural selection. It is called the “Watchmaker,” an allusion to a master craftsman who alone can put the tiny and intricate parts of a fine watch together. So, too, there is hypothesized a Watchmaker who is “putting together” the parts in the mysterious “plan” of Evolution.

  Norman Macbeth, in his critical book on Darwinism, finds that many evolutionists write as if influenced by anthropomorphism.3 That is, they forget natural selection is an impersonal force, working at random and not a planning force.

  Darwin himself, he points out, said that “natural selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing . . . every variation [in the species], even the slightest; rejecting that which is bad, preserving and adding up all that is good; silently and insensibly working . . . at the improvement of each organic being.”4 (Italics added.)

  The words we have italicized certainly are anthropomorphic, as if natural selection is a sentient force. Darwin did not mean it that way, but perhaps subconsciously he wondered if someone or something – a third party – had a guiding hand in Evolution.

  And, of course, the someone or something would be the starmen, even though Darwin apparently had no inkling of them.

  Again, a sober and well-known botanist repeatedly speaks of natural selection as a “guiding” or “directive” force, at one point likening it to a sculptor creating a statue by removing chips (species that become extinct) from a block of marble.5

  That book's author remarks on his own that natural selection is supposed to be a random force that replaces all Watchmakers or other guiding powers, so that Evolution can be explained without calling in any external agency. Then he quotes another eminent evolutionist who speaks of the “opportunism” of Evolution, yet tries to deny any anthropomorphic implications.6

  But if natural selection is opportunistic, that means it does things that are not due to blind chance.

  If something does not work solely by blind chance, who is tipping the scales?

  As an example of natural selection working in inexplicable ways, G. G. Simpson quite frankly admits that he cannot explain (by the rules of Evolution) why the average stature in the United States has increased since 1900.7 There is simply no
reason for it, if the rest of the human race does not also increase its average height.

  We, too, will frankly admit that if the starmen biologists are behind that oddity, neither do we know why. Our theory cannot answer everything, naturally. Still, that anomaly further undermines the foundations of natural selection, which in turn bolsters the theory of an Earth colony guided by Watchmakers from the stars.

  Again and again, top-notch biologists, anthropologists, and all-round evolutionists speak of certain “marvels” and “wonders” in the evolutionary history of various species that seem beyond the workings of natural selection.

  Simpson, in 1969, made an extraordinary statement that is really food for thought. He said that natural selection “is usually and most strongly a stabilizing, normalizing influence preventing or slowing down and not hastening evolutionary change.”8

  Stabilizing and slowing down evolutionary change!

  Then natural selection certainly did not make mankind spring forth and develop a great brain in a few million years. It would have slowed down that process. That practically eliminates Evolution as the factor behind the origin of Man and leaves it wide open for our theory – that the starmen biogeneticists speeded up mankind's debut, circumventing the slowdown tendencies of natural selection.

  Just as the California Board of Education stipulated that the biblical Creation theory must be given equal status with Darwin's Theory, some scholars in the evolutionary field have voiced similar thoughts, apparently disillusioned with the shortcomings of the concept of natural selection.

  Dr. Robert Broom, noted paleontologist, came out with a pronouncement that probably staggered all his colleagues, saying it was clear to him that Evolution was accomplished not by natural selection or mutations, but by spiritual beings of various grades and various kinds of intelligence.9


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