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Dangerous Delusion (O'Connor Brothers Book 6)

Page 13

by Rhonda Brewer

  “No, I need to see her.” Lora stood up and hurried back to Molly’s bedroom.

  Nick stared after her as she practically ran to her daughter’s room. For the first time in his life, Nick understood how it felt to love someone so much that it physically hurt to think of losing them. If it took moving heaven and earth, he'd make sure Lora and Molly were safe.

  Nick paced the floor while he waited for his brothers and Cory. Hulk messaged Sandy and started her working on tracking the texts. If anyone could trace them, it was Sandy. His sister-in-law was one of the best computer analysts in the country, and she knew her way around the not so legal ways of getting information as well.

  “I’m here.” Aaron’s voice echoed from the front entrance.

  “Who called you?” Hulk asked.

  “John. He said to meet him here. Steve can’t make it he’s at the hospital with his mom.” Aaron sat in the chair next to Hulk.

  “Is she okay?” Nick asked.

  “She had some chest pain.” Aaron tapped his fingers on the table.

  As everyone arrived, Nick felt guilty they practically took over Lora’s kitchen. Especially with Molly sick. He made his way to the bedroom to check on Lora and Molly. Hoping the noise didn't wake the little girl.

  Nick’s heart felt as if it dropped in his stomach when neither of them were in Molly’s room. He hurried to the master and blew out a breath. Molly was curled up next to Lora in the middle of the large bed. Lora met his gaze when he walked toward her.

  “I just needed to hold her, and her bed is too small.” Lora gave him a weak smile.

  “That’s fine. The guys are here as you can probably hear. If they get too loud let me know.” Nick leaned down and kissed her forehead and Molly’s as well. “Try and get some sleep.”

  Lora nodded, and he closed the bedroom door behind him. John had Lora’s phone in his hand when Nick got back to the kitchen. He was on his own phone and reading something to whoever was on the other end.

  “That’s all I’ve got.” John sighed.

  “It’s Sandy,” Keith answered Nick’s unasked question.

  “Did she find anything?” Nick knew it was probably a long shot, but maybe she could find the address of this guy.

  Nick wanted to pound the shit out of him. Chances were, finding the man wouldn’t be easy. He’d managed to elude the police at every turn.

  “She said it wasn’t sent from another phone. It’s one of those sites that you can send texts from your pc.” Keith was reading something on his own smartphone.

  “If you can find anything let me know. Get Smash on this too.” John ended the call and shoved the phone into his pocket.

  “How’s Lora doing?” Cory leaned against the counter.

  “She’s in her bed with Molly.” Nick didn’t have to say anything more as all the men in the room nodded.

  “What’s next?” Aaron asked.

  “We add this to the case file and hope to hell Sandy or Smash can find something from those texts. In the meantime, make sure Lora keeps track of anything else that comes in on this phone.” John placed the cell in the middle of the table. “I’d say to change her number, but if we want to get this asshole, we need him to fuck up somehow.”

  “How about you take that phone, and I’ll get her a new one with a new number?” Nick didn’t want Lora to have to deal with getting messages again.

  “Are you sure she’s going to be okay with that?” John asked.

  “I’ll ask, but take it with you, and if she doesn’t want to do it, I’ll pick it up tomorrow.” Nick walked the guys to the door.

  “Hulk's staying, of course, and Crash will be here to relieve him in the morning. I think it’s better if you stay here as well.” John said, then turned around and headed down the steps.

  “Thanks, I'm not going anywhere.” From the moment he saw Lora’s face after reading the text, he’d made that decision.

  Nick locked up the house and messaged Lora’s mom to let her know to call his number if she needed anything. Nick crept into Lora’s bedroom to make sure he didn't wake them. Molly was on her back, and Lora curled up asleep next to the little girl.

  Lora’s bed was obviously a California King, which left lots of room for him to lay next to them. He eased onto the bed and pulled the covers over Lora and Molly. Nick placed his lips on Molly’s head to check her temperature, a trick he’d learned from his mother. She always said it was easier to test it with your lips.

  Thankfully she was cooler than earlier and seemed to be sleeping soundly. When he glanced at Lora, she was staring at him with a smile.

  “She’s cooler,” Nick whispered.

  “I know.” Lora pushed Molly’s hair back from her face.

  “You don’t mind if I stay here with both of you?” Nick reached over Molly and ran his finger down the side of Lora’s face.

  “I don’t mind.” Lora closed her eyes as he touched her.

  “Good, because I’m going to be under your feet for a while.” Nick cupped her cheek.

  “I’m not going to argue.” Lora covered his hand with hers and kissed his palm.

  The full moon filled the room with a dim light that allowed him to see her beautiful face. He rolled onto his side so that he could watch her and Molly. There was no way he’d be able to sleep, because the truth, Lora was the love of his life. She and Molly had filled a place in his heart that he didn't know was empty.

  “Go to sleep, sweetheart.” Nick pulled Lora’s hand over where Molly was softly snoring and pressed his lips against her fingers. “I’ll be right here.”


  Several times he’d sent a message, but she didn’t respond. Were they allowing her to see his texts? Of course they weren't. That bastard father of hers must have made sure they knew to keep her under lock and key.

  “It’s okay, my love. Your Romeo will be with you soon.” He ran his finger down the picture next to his bed. Her smiling face looking at him. It was the same day she told him she loved him.

  She hadn’t used the words exactly, but he knew, and that was the day he’d swore they’d be together. It was also the day his father laughed at him and told him to move on. His own father thought he didn't deserve someone like her.

  “You might as well look elsewhere for a woman.” the bastard laughed.

  He was calm and told his father he’d let Lora make the decision. That same day Lora cried to her father about the little girl’s father and how the fucker stopped paying child support. That day he tracked down the bastard and made him pay.

  He bided his time for what seemed decades, but when he finally had her, it would be worth the wait. Having her in his bed would be worth everything he did to get to this point.

  “Soon, my love.” He closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep content sleep.

  Chapter 17

  Lora woke to the sound of Molly’s giggles floating in from the kitchen. The sound always made her happy, but usually meant her daughter was being mischievous. She tossed the blankets off and practically tripped over her own feet to see what her little girl was up to.

  The aroma of fresh coffee and the sight of Molly standing on a chair next to Nick took her by surprise. He stood by the stove quietly chatting with Molly and flipping something sizzling on the pan.

  “Mommy puts blueberries in the pancakes.” Molly tipped her head all the way back to look up at Nick.

  “Why don’t you get them, and we’ll toss them in.” Nick held Molly’s hand while she climbed down from the chair.

  Lora stepped back so they wouldn’t see her and continued to listen. The sound of Nick and Molly in the kitchen brought tears to her eyes. Her little girl didn’t know what it was like to have a dad, but Lora did. For as long as she could remember every Sunday morning, Lora, her dad and Ethan would cook breakfast for the family while her mother got a couple of extra hours sleep.

  Sure, it wasn’t Sunday, and Nick wasn’t Molly’s father, but the scene made her miss her father and fall a l
ittle more for Nick O’Connor. If that was even possible.

  “Are you sure you’re feeling well enough to eat these, Lollipop?” Nick asked.

  “My belly feels all better, Nick.” Molly sounded confident, and Lora heard the scrape of the chair being dragged across the floor.

  “Okay, but why don’t you start with half a pancake and see how that goes.” Lora moved into the doorway as Nick placed the plate in front of Molly.

  “Hi, Mommy.” Molly grinned from her seat.

  “Good Morning,” Lora walked over and kissed the top of Molly’s head.

  “Already, checked that. Her temp is normal.” Nick kissed Lora’s cheek and handed her a cup of coffee.

  “You didn’t have to do all this, Nick.” Lora sat next to Molly who was already halfway through her half pancake.

  “Yeah, I did, I was hungry.” Nick grinned. “I didn’t get to eat supper, remember?”

  “Oh right,” Lora smiled, but then the memory of what happened after Molly got sick made her stiffen.

  Lora scanned the table and the counter but didn’t see it anywhere. Nick placed a plate in front of her and sat down with one himself.

  “What’s wrong?” Nick asked.

  “Where’s my phone?”

  “John has it. We’re going to go get you a new phone and number today,” Nick said casually without even looking at her.

  “Nick, I’ve got important things on that phone. I need it back.” Lora didn’t mean to snap at him, but if she lost some of the pictures on that phone, it would devastate her.

  “I’m sorry, I just….” Nick glanced at Molly and stopped.

  Lora never raised her voice around Molly, and if the expression on her little girl’s face was what happened when she did, then it would never happen again.

  “Sorry, I just have important pictures on the phone I can’t replace.” Lora smiled at Molly. “Pictures of Molly with my mom, my dad, and my brother.”

  “Papa’s in heaven with the angels.” Molly glanced at Nick.

  “My Pop is too.” Nick took Molly’s little hand in his.

  “Heaven has lots of people,” Molly informed him as she dug back into her breakfast.

  “Molly, why don’t I bring you another pancake into the living room, and you can watch tv while Nick and I clean up the kitchen.” Lora placed the other half pancake on Molly’s plate, relieved her daughter was obviously feeling much better.

  “Okay,” Molly jumped down from the chair and ran out of the room. A few seconds later she came back and ran to Nick. “Thank you for breakfast, Nick.” She hugged him

  “You’re very welcome, Lollipop.” Nick grinned as Molly scampered out of the kitchen.

  Lora returned once Molly was settled with her favorite tv show and her breakfast. Nick had placed the last of the dishes in the dishwasher when she entered the kitchen again.

  “You could have let me at least help.” Lora walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Cause it was so difficult for me to put a few plates and a frying pan in the dishwasher.” Nick wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in front of him.

  “I’m sorry for snapping at you.” Lora rested her cheek against his chest.

  “It’s okay; I shouldn’t have let John take it without asking.” Nick hugged her against him and kissed the top of her head.

  She could stay in his arms forever. The warmth of his embrace calmed her. His heart thudded steadily in his chest, and Lora listened as if it were some sort of metronome.

  She still had a couple of hours before she needed to go to work, and if she could spend it wrapped in Nick’s arms that would be fine with her. Of course, the world conspired against her, because their peace was interrupted by shouting outside.

  “What the…” Nick released her and peered through the window.

  “What’s going on?” Lora froze when Nick held up his finger for her to stay put.

  “Who the fuck are you, and why won’t you let me go into the house?” Lora recognized the voice instantly and ran after Nick as he yanked open the door.

  “Ms. Norris never said she was expecting visitors.” Hulk stood in front of her brother, but Ethan didn’t seem the least bit worried.

  “I’m her God damn brother. She knew I’d be coming I just got… I’m not explaining this to you. Get the hell out of my way.” Ethan stepped to the left, but Hulk blocked him.

  “Hulk, it’s okay. He's my brother, Ethan.” Lora stepped around Nick and out onto the front step.

  “Okay,” Hulk stepped back and held out his hand as if he didn’t just try to keep her brother from entering the house. “Nice to meet you.”

  For a moment, Ethan stared at the man as if he was insane. Lora stifled a giggle when her brother glanced down at Hulk’s large hand, and then back up to his face. Hulk not seeming the least bit offended, shrugged his shoulders, and proceeded down the front steps to stand there like he’d done all week.

  “Lora, what the fuck is going on?” Ethan kept his eyes on Hulk as he pulled her into a hug.

  “Come inside, and I’ll explain.” Lora waited for him to pick up the luggage that he probably dropped when Hulk stopped him.

  Nick disappeared into the living room with Molly, but before Lora could turn Ethan into the kitchen to explain, Molly heard him and ran to him.

  “Uncle Ethan,” Molly practically leaped into his arms.

  “How’s my Molly Dolly.” Ethan kissed her cheek.

  “I throwed up yesterday, and I had temture.” Molly tried to say temperature, but it was probably one of the few words she couldn’t say correctly.

  “You seem much better now.” Ethan chuckled.

  “Yep, she bounced back quick.” Nick braced his shoulder against the doorjamb with his arms folded across his chest.

  “And you are?” Leave it to her brother to be rude to a man inside her house.

  “Ethan, this is Nick O’Connor my…” Lora didn’t know what to call him.

  “Boyfriend,” Nick grinned as he finished her sentence.

  “I see. I’m guessing by Lora’s confusion of your status, this is relatively new.” Ethan chuckled.

  “Yes,” Lora rolled her eyes.

  “Nick’s a policeman, and he calls me Lollipop.” Molly reached for Nick and maneuvered herself so she could move to Nick’s arms.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Nick reached out his free hand to her brother.

  “You too, but who’s the mountain out front?” Ethan hitched his thumb over his shoulder.

  “Hulk,” Molly answered.

  “Appropriate name,” Ethan chuckled.

  “Come have a cup of coffee, and I’ll explain.” Lora linked into Ethan’s arm.

  “Lollipop and I are going to watch Cinderella.” Nick sounded way too excited about watching the princess movie again.

  “You watch the Little Mermaid too?” Ethan called over his shoulder.

  When Nick began to sing one of the songs from the movie, Ethan threw his head back and laughed. Lora chuckled, but she was nervous to tell her brother the stalker had reappeared in her life. Especially when she’d hidden it from him for so long beforehand.

  “Molly seems smitten with that guy.” Ethan sat on one of the kitchen chairs.

  “She is,” Lora placed a cup in front of her brother and sat across from him.

  “That smile says you are too.” Ethan sipped the coffee and met her eyes.

  “He’s an amazing man, and he has a great family. His aunt’s my boss.” Lora folded her hands in front of her and glanced down at them.

  “Dallas is his aunt?” Ethan confusion reminded her that he’d probably forgotten she left her job at Ball’s Interior Design.

  “I don’t work for Dallas now, remember?” Lora sighed.

  “Oh yeah, you’re a waitress now.” Ethan chuckled.

  “Nothing wrong with being a waitress.” Lora chastised.

  “I didn’t say it was, sis. Do you want to tell me what’s going on here?�
�� Ethan tapped his finger on the edge of the cup.

  Lora couldn’t keep it from him this time. He’d been so angry she hadn’t told him when it first happened, and she didn’t want to deal with that again. Plus, things were a little more intense this time.

  “You may need a refill on that coffee for this.” Lora retrieved the coffee pot and filled both their cups.

  An hour later Nick sauntered into the kitchen as Lora finished explaining her situation to Ethan. Nick glanced back and forth between them as if he was afraid he was interrupting.

  “It’s okay, Nick. Come in.” Ethan smiled.

  “I don’t know if I should have stopped this or not, but Molly’s asleep on the couch.” The guilt on Nick’s face was amusing.

  “It’s fine. She's probably still dragged out from being sick yesterday.” Lora motioned to the chair next to her.

  “Okay, because Sandy gets really pissed if any of us let Gracie have a nap. That kid can go a week on two hours sleep.” Nick smiled.

  “She’s very… umm… active.” Lora saw how energetic Nick’s niece could be, and she thanked her lucky stars Molly was on the calmer side.

  “Yeah, out of all of my nieces and nephews she’s the most hyper.” Nick laughed.

  “How many do you have?” Ethan asked.

  “Ten and three on the way,” Nick replied.

  “Jesus, how many brothers and sisters do you have?” Ethan’s eyes were wide with surprise.

  “Six brothers, no sisters but I have four cousins who are like the sisters we never wanted,” Nick joked.

  “Big family.” Ethan smiled at Lora.

  Her brother knew Lora always wished she had more siblings. She also dreamed of having a lot of children herself, but at almost thirty, her chances of having more than Molly were slipping away.

  Lora checked on Molly while Nick talked with Ethan. There was something odd about her brother showing up without calling first. Sure, he was supposed to be coming to visit on his turn around, but that was over a week away. Not that she wasn’t thrilled to see him, because she truly missed him. They drifted apart over the last year because she’d kept things from him. That would never happen again because the last thing she wanted to do was lose her brother.


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