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Nobody Knows

Page 24

by Rebecca Barber

  Struggling to sit up, my chest felt like someone had dropped a ten tonne concrete slab on me. I guessed that I had a few cracked ribs, and probably a broken one as well. I opened my mouth to say something, and Joel held up a hand, stopping me dead.

  “For once you’re just going to shut that fat hole in your face and listen. You did this. Not me. You are the one who ruined us. You fucked my career and my life. I was happy before you. You are the leech who wouldn’t let go. I should have known better but I felt sorry for you. Then you got knocked up and I never even knew if it was mine. But you had no family and I married you. Out of pity. But I never loved you, Gillian. I deserved better than you then. And I sure as hell deserve better than you now!” Joel said calmly.

  I watched him talk and realized that was what he truly believed. It didn’t matter if it was true or not, in his heart, no matter how black it was, that was what Joel believed.

  “Is that so?” I asked daringly. “How am I responsible for ruining your life? Did I force you to grope your receptionist? To tell your boss to go fuck herself? Did I make you tell your vendor she was a plastic Barbie that you wouldn’t screw if she paid you? If you want to blame someone for ruining your career, Joel, look in the mirror. You did all that. No one held a gun to your head and forced you to. You did that all on your own.”

  “Excuse me?” Joel warned. “Are you trying to tell me it’s my fault? Don’t you get it? It’s you!” He roared so loudly I thought I heard the windows rattle. “It was all you, Gillian. I was running on no sleep because of your children. The moment I walked in the door each day you did nothing but bitch about your day. Why would I want to come home to that? You made me what I am. You call me a monster, that’s okay. But I am only the monster that you created.”

  After a long moment, I looked at him and saw no one I knew. “Okay,” I offered, standing up. I clutched at my stomach with my broken wrist, using the other one to steady me on my feet.

  Once standing, I caught a glimpse of what I looked like in the mirror. I had no idea how I was going to explain this to anyone, but right now I didn’t have time to care. I began shuffling towards the door, every movement causing me a paralyzing pain.

  “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” he asked almost cheerily.

  “I’m getting out of here, Joel,” I answered honestly, hobbling another few steps. I didn’t see him coming and I didn’t hear him.

  With one sharp yank of my arm I was thrown back down, this time landing on the bed. As scared as I was I was grateful for the mattress cushioning my fall. “You think I’m going to let you just walk out of here so you can run to the police? Or my mum? Or your fucked up bitch friends? Or your daughter? You’re not going anywhere until I say you are! Do you hear me?” he demanded, pinning me to the bed.

  Tears filled my eyes unwillingly. I tried forcing them away, but they just kept coming. A steady, silent stream trickled down over my bright red cheeks. Defeated and alone, I dropped my head backwards and stared out the doors. Daylight was completely gone. I had no idea how long I had been unconscious, but staring out the door I could see the reflection of the moon and the stars dancing on the pool’s surface. It looked so peaceful out there. I wished I could enjoy it. Instead, I forced my fuzzy head to focus on Joel.

  He was standing arrogantly beside me, glaring down, his arms folded across his puffed out chest. The shoulder of his light blue shirt was covered in dried blood. I guessed it was mine from when he carried me into his bedroom. I wondered what would happen next. How long would he make me stay? Was it just until I conjured enough strength to fight back and get out? Or was I here until someone found me? The thought scared me. Chances were if I was here until someone found me, by then I would be dead. Or well on my way to it. A part of me hoped it would come soon. I had already been treated for a broken wrist and now I was guessing it wouldn’t be long before I was back in hospital, this time sporting broken ribs, concussion, and possibly some internal bleeding. I wasn’t in a good way and even I was not naïve enough to believe I was going to walk out of my house unscathed. I knew there would be scars. I just hoped I would still be breathing to see them.

  Glancing at Joel I saw him take a long swig of bourbon straight from the bottle before screwing up his face as it burnt his throat. I wanted to ask for some. It might dull the pain. But I couldn’t even string the words together.

  After another big gulp, Joel looked at me with confusion. “Tell me this, since we have some time together. Are those kids mine?”

  I was flabbergasted. How could he even ask that? Who else’s kids did he think that they were? “You’re kidding me, right?” I wiggled about, sitting up.

  “Hey! I have every right to ask. You’re a frigid bitch. Every time I touch you, you think I don’t see you cringe?”

  “That’s got nothing to do with sex. That’s got more to do with the punching and kicking and strangling than anything else.”

  “I doubt I even fucked you three times! So they can’t all be mine,” he reasoned, another mouthful of bourbon.

  The bottle was half empty and Joel’s speech was beginning to slur. I knew from experience that it took a lot to get him drunk these days. His body was so used to it, it had adjusted. But maybe if I could keep him drinking he would pass out and I could escape.

  When I didn’t answer he snapped again. “Bitch!” he said, grabbing my face and twisting it, forcing me to look him in the face. “I asked you a question. Answer me,” he demanded and issued another slap, reopening the cut on my lip.

  Licking at the blood, I looked up at him defiantly. “I’m not surprised I wasn’t very memorable for you. I’m probably the only one you’ve had sex with in the past ten years who hasn’t left you with some memorable rash or itching. But yes, Joel, they’re all your kids. And God knows I wish they weren’t.”

  “Well, they aren’t anything like me,”

  “Thank God for that.” Another punch in the stomach.

  By now I was in real trouble. Even after the initial pain from the punch directly in my stomach had subsided, I was filled with sharp stabbing pains. Doubling over, I could barely move. I wondered how I would ever be able to stand again, but inside I curled myself into a ball on the end of Joel’s bed clutching at my stomach.

  “I knew you were an idiot, but I didn’t think you were so dumb to keep pushing me. How much of a fuckwit are you?”

  Lying there, scared, broken, and bleeding, I decided I had two choices. I could force myself to stand up and finish this quickly, which would probably mean I would end up copping another few punches and possibly worse. Or I could start to surrender and this would drag on for hours. In the moment I was trying to think, a kick landed in my kidneys. It was more excruciating than everything else he had ever done. I howled in agony. That just angered him further. The decision was no longer mine. I was completely at the mercy of Joel’s vicious temper. Even hoping he would tire himself out wasn’t an option.

  “When I ask you something, you answer, bitch!” he ordered.

  I tried to unwind myself from the ball I had been squished into and as I tried to stretch out I realized how much trouble I was actually in. I was sure that when I went to the bathroom next, if I ever went again, I would undoubtedly be peeing blood. “Fuck you!” I forced out with the last ounce of courage and energy I had.

  As Joel’s fist collided with my face, I felt one of my teeth shaken loose. Then he was on me like a man possessed. Pinning me to his bed with all his weight, I was helpless. He had his knees either side of me, holding down my wrists. It was the most unbearable torture I had ever been subjected to. My cast was cutting into my arm and scraping the skin. Joel was yelling obscenities into my face, covering me in tiny drops of bourbon-soaked spittle. The smell made me want to vomit, but I couldn’t move. With Joel’s dead weight on my stomach, the cramps were getting worse.

  I closed my eyes and prayed. I prayed for strength to survive. I prayed to be released. I prayed to be saved. I prayed for a miracle. Bu
t I was not dumb enough to expect anything.

  “You’re nothing but a dumb slut,” Joel slurred, grabbing a handful of my shirt and twisting it so tightly some of the stitching gave way. That only encouraged him further. Moments later, I had no shirt on. It was now nothing more than a ball of rags tossed on the floor. Suddenly I felt exposed. “Who’s this for?” Joel asked, flicking my bra. It was a black lacy bra that I had worn because it was the easiest to find. No one had ever seen it, but it only seemed to enrage Joel further. “Answer me, whore!” he boomed.

  My voice was shaky. “No one,” I muttered.

  “Liar!” he declared as he threw another vicious punch to my face.

  Tomorrow I was going to look like a freak. If there was a tomorrow. I was already expecting the lump on my head to probably require stitches if for some reason I managed to get medical attention. By the end of the night, a couple of teeth missing, and probably two black eyes. The way things were going, it would be a miracle if I was even alive tomorrow.

  As I recovered from the latest punch and my vision stabilized, I watched as Joel took another long swig from the bourbon bottle. Even though he was still on top of me, now was the best opportunity I had. Slightly off balance, I wiggled my broken wrist out from under his leg and punched him with all my strength in the balls.

  Instantly he fell off me and onto the floor. When I dared to peer over the edge I saw him writhing about in pain on the floor. Feeling slightly satisfied and finally free, I jumped up the best I could and made for the door. I wasn’t quick enough. Forgetting himself, Joel grabbed my ankle and brought me down on the floor with him. Another well-timed punch to my kidneys and I was as incapacitated as he was.

  A strange and unexpected truce fell upon us. Instead of attacking each other we both lay there, twisting about in pain and trying to regain some strength. As I rubbed at my kidneys, I watched Joel begin to scramble to his feet. Forgetting about my pain, I forced myself up.

  Then there we were. Husband and wife standing in our bedroom face to face. Both in pain. “I hate you, you miserable bastard!” I screamed with all the strength that I had.

  “Fuck you!” he retorted, grabbing me by the shoulders. When his head collided with mine, I fell backwards, but Joel held me upright. Then every emotion that Joel had ever felt toward me exploded out of him in a torrent of anger. I was thrown across the room and went straight through the glass door, landing in a waterfall of shattered glass.

  Chapter Thirty


  Joel shocked even himself as he watched Gillian go through the glass door. He’d wrongly assumed she would just hit it and slide down like she had all the other times. Instead, he watched helplessly as she went straight through, bringing down with her a shower of glass.

  For a long time, Joel just stood there frozen to the spot. Too afraid to move, he waited and watched for Gillian to get up, to open her eyes and say something. But too much time had already passed and she hadn’t even twitched. Joel could see the blood pooling beneath her leg and knew things had gone too far. Forcing himself to take a step, Joel placed one trembling foot in front of the other until he was standing beside her.

  She was not doing well at all. Her arm, the one that hadn’t been broken, was twisted at an unusual angle. Never a good sign. As she fell, Joel watched it happen almost in slow motion—falling backwards, arms flailing behind her as she tried to cushion her fall. But the tiles and concrete had been beneath her too quickly. He heard her head collide with a sickening crunch as it hit the ground before bouncing. Then nothing. An eerie stillness.

  Now standing beside her, Gillian looked angelic. His broken angel. Without moving her, Joel could see a large shard of glass protruding from her leg, causing the thick crimson blood to flow. Her whole body was covered in tiny scratches and scrapes and parts of her chest were imbedded with tiny glass fragments. Her eyes were closed and she didn’t seem to be breathing. The blood was gathering on the tiles and flowing between the cracks, trickling into the pool, turning it a light shade of pink. Joel wanted to vomit again. His stomach contorted at the sight of all the blood and bruising.

  Squatting down beside her, Joel reached for her hand. A tiny voice in the back of his head was screaming that it was all a trick. That just like in the horror movies as soon as he touched her, her wide eyes would shoot open and she would kick him or punch him or attack him in some way. But Joel ignored the voices. How could she do that? There was too much blood and her serene face was the color of snow.

  Tentatively Joel reached out and took hold of her hand. It was cool and clammy but it never moved. He squeezed her fingers gently, as he whispered to her, “I’m so sorry, Gillian. I promise if you wake up for me I’ll get the help I need. I’ll do whatever it takes to make this right. All you need to do is open those beautiful eyes for me. Please, Gillian. Please open your eyes.” Gillian didn’t move. Not even a muscle.

  Joel lifted her arm in hopes of shocking her back to him, but again, nothing came. Her body seemed lifeless; she was slipping away from him. Suddenly, consumed with guilt and terror, Joel dropped her arm and jumped away from her. “I’ve…I’ve killed her,” he muttered to himself, tears welling in his eyes.

  Joel had done some pretty shitty things in the past, but this was by far the worst. If he thought things were bad before, he had no idea what was going to happen next. If Gillian died he would never recover from this. His kids would never look at him the same way again. That was if he ever saw them again. He could very well end up in jail for the rest of his life for this. Petrified and with a million thoughts running through his head, Joel took a step backward, tripping over one of Lucas’s discarded Tonka trucks that lined the edge of the pool.

  As Joel fell he swore, “Fucking kids. Leave their shit everywhere.” They were his last words, but no one heard, as he too hit the concrete with a loud thud and his temple connected with the pool edging, knocking him unconscious instantly.

  With Gillian out cold there was no one to help him. The momentum from the fall and the awkward angle from which he fell dropped him face down into the pool. Moments later Joel was gone. Now he floated lifelessly amongst the leaves and sticks that dotted the pool’s surface.



  It was a little after nine the next morning when Gillian began to stir. She was lying in the back of an ambulance, Rhiannon clutching at her hand desperately while a young brunette nurse worked frantically on her. “It’s okay, Gillian,” she said, squeezing her hand. “It’s all over now.”



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  So I thought I should add in the compulsory thank you section.

  Firstly to my very tolerant and patient husband, Rob. You are the one who pushed me to finish this and make sure it was something I was proud to put my name to. You were my sounding board more nights than you probably even noticed. I couldn’t have done it without you.

  To my family, I couldn’t have done it without you. Mum, without your help it would be full of spelling mistakes and grammar errors (the advantages of having a teacher for a parent!). Dad, thank you for believing in me and encouraging me to dream. You never once believed I couldn’t do it or let me believe it either.

  And to my brother, Simon and sisters, Karenya and Nerilee. For years you watched me write and you always helped with random questions and scenarios my twisted mind concocted. You guys rock! Karenya, thanks for encouraging me to tick it off the bucket list!

  To my Dexar family who surprised even me with your encouragement and enthusiasm to see
this project fulfilled. You make me want to write the next one!

  Thanks to all for letting me have fun with this and make a dream come true!


  About the Author

  Rebecca, one of four kids to her parents who are both primary school teachers, was born in Wollongong on the south coast of Australia before moving to the country with her family. After a few years of embracing all that country life had to offer, the family relocated to Port Macquarie with its white sand beaches. After a brief period enjoying the sun and the surf they finally settled in Canberra where Rebecca still lives today. But all through her childhood a notepad and a book were never far away. These days Rebecca is an avid reader, and when she isn’t buried in a book or cheering on her beloved football team she’s spending time with her husband Robert and their overly spoilt dog Levi.









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