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Incubus Bundle

Page 2

by Alex Jace


  “Say please.”


  How fascinating. All it had taken to get Kit obedient in his lap was a few stern words. Sebastian had often heard that incubi were naturally submissive, that it was their nature to please their masters, but he’d never seen it for himself before.

  Sebastian continued to feed him, making him eat from his fingers. Kit seemed half starved—maybe he hadn’t eaten well as a fugitive. Sebastian picked the sweetest, ripest fruits for him. It was totally, distractingly sexy; Sebastian could not look away. He loved having Kit eating from his fingers, like something wild and wary, barely tamed.

  That kiss had been amazing. Kit had melted into him, clinging to him, yielding completely. Sebastian slowly rubbed his thumb over that sweet mouth, thinking hungrily about kissing him again. Getting him senseless with desire and then just spreading him out on the table and claiming him right here.

  Patience. Sebastian needed to play a long game if he wanted to win big.

  He fed Kit a slice of pineapple that left a drop of juice on Kit’s chin, swiped it with his finger, offered Kit his fingertip. Kit took the fingertip in his mouth reflexively; he sucked on it, his mouth delightfully hot, his tongue sinfully teasing. Sebastian hardened even more. Their eyes locked, and Kit went terribly red and pulled away.

  Sudden heat kindled between them. Sebastian gripped him by the front of his shirt, not letting him escape. Kit was suddenly breathless.

  “Soon,” Sebastian said, his voice low.

  “S-soon what?”

  “You were thinking about pleasuring me with your mouth. Imagining what it would taste like, how it would feel. I’m planning to teach you.”

  “I was not—I’m not—”

  “You’re stammering.”

  “I don’t want you!”

  “Well, that explains why you’re getting hard.”

  Kit began to struggle, trying to get away. “That’s enough. Be still.” Sebastian took the back of his neck in a firm grip and captured his mouth in a kiss.

  The incubus was made to be kissed. He tasted so sweet, melting so easily, his arms winding around Sebastian’s neck. His racing heart, his rapid breaths were intoxicating. Sebastian dragged his teeth deliberately over that soft lower lip and Kit made a little sound of desire that drove Sebastian crazy.

  Sebastian decided to push this further. He cupped Kit’s crotch and Kit gasped aloud. Sebastian squeezed him gently, rubbed his palm over the bulge, kissed away the protesting sounds Kit made. Kit squirmed in his lap, rubbing his sweet little ass all over Sebastian’s erection. God, he made it difficult to maintain control. Sebastian should throw him down right now and teach him a lesson.

  Sebastian kept him firmly held by the nape of his neck as he whispered in his ear. “I could claim you now if you wanted. Get you nice and slippery. Then slide you down on my cock. You’d come so hard for me.”

  Kit began struggling. Sebastian restrained him easily, giving him a light shake to make him stop. “No? Not yet? That’s all right. I can wait. How about I just make you come? Nothing scary, just a little taste of what I can do for you. I know you haven’t been touched before. Let me show you.”

  “I don’t…” Kit resisted feebly, but when Sebastian started nuzzling down his throat, making him shudder and moan, Kit cracked. “Yes. Please.”

  “Ask for it, Kit.”

  “Please make me come.”

  Sebastian grinned. He was making real progress now; he’d heard all about the intense cravings of the incubus. He wanted this little tempter warming his bed for a long time to come.

  Kit was irresistible like this, flushed and hazy with desire. He fidgeted, thoroughly kissed and clearly needing more. “Stop fidgeting,” Sebastian warned, not that he expected Kit to be able to obey. “Behave.” Sebastian turned him so that his back was pressed against Sebastian’s chest, Sebastian holding him firmly with an arm around his waist, enjoying his ass as he squirmed against Sebastian’s crotch. Sebastian began to unbuckle Kit’s belt.

  Kit’s voice went up an octave. “You can’t—”

  “I can.” Sebastian undid his button.

  Kit pulled half-heartedly against his arm, then settled tensely against him, gripping the chair. Sebastian yanked his trousers down and off, keeping his free arm around his waist. Sebastian slid a hand up his inner thigh, enjoying the heat of his skin, the tenseness of his muscles, and stopped maddeningly short. “You were telling me you didn’t want this?”

  Kit made an inarticulate sound of frustration.

  Sebastian pushed a knee between his, forcing his thighs open. This time Kit outright whimpered, a sound that no man could resist.

  Sebastian wrapped his hand around Kit’s hard cock. That startled a moan out of Kit; just as Sebastian had suspected, nobody had ever touched him like this before. Sebastian stroked, coaxed, learning the feel of him, while Kit clutched at the chair. “You mustn’t…”

  Sebastian nuzzled into his throat, wanting to taste him. “I think you mean you mustn’t.”

  Sebastian kept his stroking slow at first, tauntingly so, while Kit shuddered and bit his lip. Sebastian wouldn’t tighten his grip enough for Kit to get any real relief. Kit squirmed against his crotch, panting. “I… I need…”

  Sebastian smiled against his throat. “You’ll get what you need when you learn to behave. Sit still.”

  Kit twisted against his arm, fingers digging into the wooden chair. “Please, I have to…”

  “You can come when I let you. Now sit still.”

  Kit tried to obey. It was adorable. The sweet straining of his body, the little sounds of frustration betrayed his building desperation. Sebastian experimented with biting him, gently at first, then sharper, and was pleased that the pain only got Kit hotter; Kit tipped his head back against Sebastian’s shoulder with a helpless moan. Kit arched into his hand and gasped out, “Please.”

  Sebastian nipped his ear, his throat, savouring his need. “Ask me.”

  “Let me come, fuck, just let me—”


  Kit snarled his frustration, body tensing, muscles tautening. Sebastian bit down harder, deliberately marking him, then licked the sting. Kit’s voice cracked. “Please! Please let me, I need it, please!”

  And Sebastian gave him what he begged for. Brought him over the edge while Kit cried out, arching, climaxing helplessly in hot pulses.

  Afterward Sebastian was wound so tight that he couldn’t wait any longer. He fumbled his cock out of his trousers and jerked himself off once, twice, and came against Kit’s ass in a flash of pleasure as Kit shuddered against him, dazed. It was brief and ecstatic.

  They stayed twined together for a time while Sebastian stroked them both lazily. Kit was trembling. They were both sticky and hot. Sebastian whispered praise against his cheek. “Well done. You were good as gold. I can make you come again any time you like. Over and over.”

  Secretly Sebastian had the biggest, smuggest grin. He was definitely going to win.


  Kit was so dazed that the world slipped out of focus for a while, leaving him in a haze. He barely registered anything until Sebastian dragged him into the pool. He stumbled at the shock of the water, falling into Sebastian, who steadied him. The water cooled and cleansed him, washing everything away. There was a satisfied ache in his belly, his whole body languid, his pulse settling. He could still feel Sebastian’s hands on him, Sebastian’s teeth on his throat. Those places stung and ached at the same time. It felt good.

  Sebastian stroked his shoulders, his back, exploring the muscles there. Kit melted. It occurred to him through his daze that it would be even more intense when Sebastian claimed him. Kit could barely imagine it.

  Sebastian pulled him out, rubbed him down with a towel, pushed him into a robe, and led him into what turned out to be a library. Kit woke up at the sight of the books; he was entranced. He wandered among them, wondering. There were many books on summoning demons and he
avoided those, knowing that Sebastian would have summoned him, wrenched him from his home, in order to enslave him.

  “Have you called an incubus before?” Kit asked.

  “No. I was still working on the ritual. I know the consequences of mistakes—I imagine that’s how you killed the man who first summoned you.”

  Kit didn’t want to think about that. Being wrenched into this plane, forced into a human body, pinned down, the sorcerer on top of him. “Will you call another?”

  Sebastian began to grin. “To take your place, you mean? Jealous?”

  “I’m not jealous.” Kit scowled.

  But it did feel strange. He knew in his bones that his master would be everything to him: the desire would be consuming, the urge to please overwhelming. But it wouldn’t be the same for the human. There had been sorcerers who claimed dozens, even hundreds of incubi, making them fight over his favour, leaving them all unsatisfied so that their need to please would be all the fiercer. Some made the incubi couple with each other for their amusement, which Kit imagined would be pleasurable enough, but unfulfilling, mainly serving to remind him that nobody could please him like his master could.

  If he had one. Which he didn’t. And he didn’t want one.

  “I think you would be enough,” Sebastian said. “For now.”

  Sebastian drew him closer, and Kit let himself be persuaded to sit at Sebastian’s feet, basking in the heat of the fire. Sebastian stroked his hair, and Kit leaned against him, head against his knee. He did not understand why this was so soothing. Why he liked Sebastian’s fingers in his hair.

  He was sleepy now, but Sebastian dragged a thumb slowly along his lower lip, making him shiver. Sebastian stroked his cheek, played with his earlobe, touched the pulse at the base of his throat. Kit murmured, somewhere between protest and encouragement. Sebastian’s fingers stayed there at his throat, stroking and teasing, making Kit remember him licking there, biting. Sebastian rubbed the sensitive place where Sebastian had bitten down earlier; Kit’s breath caught in his throat. The ache in his belly was building again, his pulse starting to skip.

  “Want to sleep,” Kit said in protest.

  “Hush.” Sebastian shifted him for a better angle, ran a finger along his bottom lip, pressing gently. Kit yielded, and let Sebastian slip just the tip of his finger into his mouth.

  He sucked lightly, exploring the fingertip with his tongue, strange and enticing. Sebastian had been right earlier, Kit had been thinking about pleasuring him with his mouth. Something he couldn’t admit to. Men had tried to force him before, trying to push him to his knees, unbuckle their belts. He had always escaped, but with the impression that it was shameful, forbidden, something men would do to him to punish him. And yet he was hard again, the tension tight in his belly, and all Sebastian was teasing him with was a fingertip.

  When he lifted his eyes Sebastian was looking at him with such heat, such intensity, that Kit froze, startled. It was a look like Sebastian wanted to eat him.

  “Lick.” Sebastian pressed deeper.

  Kit wavered, torn, part of him wanting, part of him afraid. And a little spark of mischief kind of liked the thought of driving Sebastian crazy. So he licked, running the tip of his tongue slowly along Sebastian’s finger, then teasing his fingertip, still holding his eyes.

  “You are pure sin,” Sebastian said hoarsely. “You know exactly what you’re doing.”

  Kit broke the gaze, suddenly shy, tried to pull away half-heartedly. Sebastian tightened his grip on his hair, not cruelly, just not letting him escape. “Oh no. You’re not getting away with that.”

  Sebastian pushed Kit’s face into his crotch. Kit gasped, feeling the hot, hard bulge beneath the cloth. It made him small, made him want. He nuzzled closer, half curious, half eager.

  “Yes. Good. That’s good.” Sebastian rocked against his mouth, holding him firmly in place. Kit whimpered, gripping the chair again, overwhelmed.

  Sebastian sounded breathless. “Touch yourself for me.”

  Kit stroked himself, but it wasn’t as intense as when Sebastian touched him; he couldn’t quite get the right rhythm, the right pressure, the exact right grip. He couldn’t think straight with Sebastian rubbing against him like this. He made a frustrated sound.

  “Take my cock out.”

  Kit fumbled with Sebastian’s robe, finally got it open, was immediately struck dumb. He had been too dazed to pay attention earlier, and this was his first real glimpse of Sebastian’s powerful, muscular body, the size of his cock, huge and demanding. He couldn’t imagine how it would fit.

  Kit was stammering again. “I don’t—I don’t know if—”

  “Shut up.” Sebastian’s voice was rough. He took his cock in hand, still gripping Kit by the hair. “You need this. You want this.” Kit was making sounds of protest, but they weren’t even half-hearted any more, barely an eighth-hearted. “You want to suck it.”

  Sebastian rubbed the tip of his cock over his mouth. Kit shut his mouth tight, reflex fear, but the sensation was incredible—the heat of him, the wetness, the strength of Sebastian’s grip. Kit’s tongue darted out to taste the wetness and he was surprised by the saltiness, a taste that did something primal to him, tightening his belly. He was stroking himself faster now. Faster.

  “Take it.” Sebastian pressed against his mouth.

  Kit mustn’t. He couldn’t. He was helpless with need. He yielded, and let Sebastian push into his mouth.

  He had often secretly dreamed about this, but he had never imagined it so intense, so badly wanted. Sebastian was gripping too hard and pushing too deep and it was good, the pain of his grip, the enforced surrender. Kit was so dazed he barely knew what to do.

  “Good,” Sebastian said. “You’re so good. You can take me deeper, just relax.”

  Kit was breathless, gripping the chair, he couldn’t seem to relax, his fear mingled with his desire. Sebastian pushed deeper until Kit was starting to choke, then backed off. His grip on his hair was firm. “This is what you were thinking about. Fantasising about. Getting down on your knees and sucking me off.”

  Kit made a helpless sound, his hand tightening involuntarily, and for a moment he thought he might come, but he knew he mustn’t, only Sebastian could let him. This time he couldn’t say please; he couldn’t speak at all. He was at Sebastian’s mercy.

  And Sebastian was merciless with him. Sebastian made him take him deep, so deep, then dragged him up by the hair and made him lick up and down the length of his cock. There was something so primal about kneeling at Sebastian’s feet, being made to please him. Kit couldn’t think, could only surrender. Sebastian drove in and in until Kit wanted to cry out, wanted to beg. Sebastian started to thrust harder, faster, hands fisting in his hair, painfully tight, Kit’s grip tightening on himself, and he couldn’t come, he mustn’t, mustn’t, mustn’t—

  “Come for me.”

  And Kit came helplessly, his cry strangled in his throat, as Sebastian arched into him with a growl and spilled himself. His cock pulsed in Kit’s mouth, spilling salty seed that Kit had to swallow or choke on: Kit swallowed and swallowed until with a satisfied grunt Sebastian finally relaxed.

  Kit was out of breath, heart beating wildly, his whole body throbbing. He tried to rise, probably would have staggered and fallen, but Sebastian flexed his hand, pushing Kit’s face back into his crotch. Kit surrendered and stayed on his knees, face still buried, Sebastian’s hand fisting and relaxing in his hair.

  Finally, when Kit had settled down, Sebastian let him go. Kit sank back on his heels, fumbling to cover himself, eyes down, his cheeks surely scarlet. His mouth felt bruised; Sebastian had used him roughly. When he dared to look up Sebastian was smirking at him. Sebastian hadn’t bothered covering himself, and Kit sneaked a look at the lazy line of his body, then lowered his eyes, blushing.

  Sebastian smiled. “Not bad. You took me pretty deep.”

  Kit kept his eyes down, hands fisting.

  “You need practice, of course.” />
  Kit ought to say no. He wasn’t supposed to want that. But he didn’t say anything. Because he could not think of anything he wanted more.

  “Come. Now you can sleep.”

  Kit was thoroughly exhausted. He let Sebastian draw him into the curve of his body, where he relaxed, telling himself he wasn’t enjoying Sebastian’s fingers in his hair, Sebastian’s hand on his thigh. And he slept.

  He half woke with a sleepy murmur of protest as he was undressed and tucked into a warm bed. A cosy duvet was pulled up over him. Then he dozed off again, sliding into dreams.


  “I have a question,” said Sebastian’s friend and fellow sorcerer, Dane.

  They were both admiring the sight before them: a cute little kitten asleep in Sebastian’s bed. Kit slept peacefully, his copper hair tousled, his lashes fluttering slightly, one hand fisted in the pillow beneath his cheek. He looked entirely fuckable. Sebastian did his best not to think about pulling those covers off him, exposing all that pale skin, because the temptation would overwhelm his self-control.

  “Just one question?” Sebastian leaned against the door frame. He’d liked Dane ever since he’d figured out that Dane really was as honest as he seemed. He wouldn’t have trusted anyone else around Kit at this vulnerable stage; another man would have tried to seize Kit for himself.

  “Not to be blunt,” Dane said, “but why haven’t you fucked him already?”

  Sebastian had been wondering the same. Kit was so scorchingly hot that even when he was asleep Sebastian could barely keep his hands off him. And by the traditions of sorcerers, an incubus was a thing, not a person. A possession. It did not have to consent before he seized it and bent it to his will. So by all logic he should have done the deed already.

  But this slow seduction was infinitely more pleasurable, more rewarding. That inexperienced blowjob had been unbelievable. And Kit had been so eager for him, Sebastian was certain that he would have Kit in his bed before long.


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