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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 2

by Sierra Sparks

  Finally, he stopped, sighed and said, “I actually didn’t call you in here for any of this. The midterm grades are out and you’re all failing half your classes. What the hell happened gentlemen?! You promised me passing grades!”

  “Well, sir,” explained James. “Football practice takes up a lot of our time…”

  “Don’t shovel that shit in here, son,” dismissed the Dean. “Look at you. You think I’m blind?! You were out partying your asses off. I heard about the party on Greek Street last night. Campus Security got calls all night. And you, Teagan, why the hell did you paint the entrance way to Smith Hall?!”

  “Oh, was that what I was painting?” I said, finally putting the pieces together. “I thought it was some chick’s house. I’m sorry. I was very drunk.”

  “You’re all 20!” snapped the Dean. “I can’t condone underage drinking at school. So I didn’t hear that.”

  “He said he was drunk,” explained Killian.

  “We all were,” I added.

  “Do you think this is funny?!” bellowed the Dean. “This isn’t funny gentlemen! You think just because you’re star football players that I won’t expel you? Think again! I’m under pressure from the Board of Regents. And the people on that board are not all football fans. We have to keep Highwater’s grades up.”

  “We’ll study more,” offered James. “No more drinking…during class.”

  “That ship has sailed,” said the Dean. “I’ve got you another tutor and if any of you flunk one more class, you’re going to get benched. I don’t care what the consequences to the game are!”

  “Whoa-whoa-whoa, Dean, Sir” said Killian seriously. “Our parents pay---“

  “Your parents can’t afford this school, O’Connor, they never could,” reminded the Dean. “Without your football scholarship, you wouldn’t be here. Now think about that for a second. Scholarship. Hear that word? It means you have to go to class!”

  “I do go to class!” insisted Killian.

  “Well, are you sleeping or what?” countered the Dean.

  Killian thought back for a moment. I remembered he had slept through at least one biology lecture and possibly one other class. I don’t know why he took pre-med. I told him he didn’t have the grades for it, but he insisted on proving me wrong.

  “I need to change my major,” muttered Killian.

  “You have to do that at the beginning of the semester, O’Connor! It’s too late now!” yelled the Dean. “Take the classes pass/fail or whatever you have to do, but you change your major to something you can understand!”

  “Well, who is our new tutor?” asked James. “Is he cool?”

  “She,” corrected the Dean. “And I don’t want you partying with her or hitting on her. That would be akin to sexual harassment and that will give me all the excuse I need to expel all three of you!”

  The Dean touched the intercom on his desk.

  “Eva, send in the tutor,” he commanded.

  The door opened and in walked this big curvy chick I had never seen before. She wore glasses and had big blue eyes. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a tight bun. Her loose gray sweater tried to hide a huge rack and failed, but her modest, pleated black skirt hid her legs all the way down to her knees. She was nerdy as hell, but something about her turned me on. I was like, smitten or something. All the sorority girls I had banged over the years, none of them had the presence of this girl--- This woman that walked into the room.

  I was gonna bang her. Fuck the Dean.

  “Gentlemen, this is Ms. Amy Morrell, a fellow classmate from the mathematics department. She’s in all the advanced classes so it’s doubtful you’ve ever seen her before,” explained the Dean. “Ms. Morrell, this is James, Killian and Teagan O’Connor.”

  “The brothers, you said,” said Amy. “They don’t look alike. I thought you guys were triplets.”

  “Fraternal triplets,” explained James. “Extremely rare and a terrible shock to my mother and father. They thought it was twins and then I fell out.”

  “Charming,” said Amy a little disdainfully. “Well, let’s hit the library.”

  “Wait, now?” said Killian. “This is really not a good time…”

  “Yeah, usually you want pants for the library,” said Amy, looking at him.

  “Get cleaned up and be at that library in under an hour,” ordered the Dean. “If they don’t show up, call me immediately, Amy.”

  “Can do, Dean,” said Amy obediently.

  “I’ve already explained to the boys that they will be on their best behavior. Don’t take any shenanigans from them. If they give you any trouble, alert me immediately.”

  “What is she? Our teacher now?” objected Killian.

  “That’s what a tutor is, O’Connor,” said the Dean impatiently.

  “Dean,” I said in the most diplomatic voice I could muster. “I think I speak for my brothers when I say, we will treat this seriously. We love going to school here and playing football here. This has been a wake up call. Seriously.”

  “All right,” said the Dean, softening his tone a little. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Now get out of here and go to work.”

  We all left the office and headed across campus. I got right next to Amy during the walk.

  “So, math major,” I said, fishing for conversation. “What’s that like?”

  “It’s a lot of work,” she replied. “What’s your major again?”

  “I’m a, ahem, history major,” I explained.

  “Isn’t that a major for people who want to party their way through college?” she asked.

  “Is it?” I said innocently.

  “Dammit! Why did I take pre-med?!” said Killian to himself.

  Chapter 4:


  I can’t believe I’m doing this. Of all the people I had to tutor, these three are going to be the worst. We walked across campus and I got a chance to get a good look at the brothers.

  They really didn’t look alike. James was much taller than the other two. I remembered the file the Dean gave me saying he played the center position for the football team. That meant that he had to protect Teagan, who was the quarterback. James was built to protect, he was practically as wide as a door. His shoulders and arms were huge. He seemed sweet though, his face was peaceful, and his blue eyes were bright and cheerful.

  Teagan was also tall, maybe six one or six two. He was more leanly muscled than James. He had tons of energy, using a lot of gestures as we talked. His hair was shiny black, his dark brown eyes seemed shrewd and thoughtful.

  Killian was a linebacker. Even though he had that curtain around his waist, he seemed to almost run as we walked across campus. His hair was lighter, like James but his eyes were a perfect match to Teagan’s. Killian smiled a lot. He seemed fun and just a little silly.

  We got to Greek Street. The frat house where the brothers lived looked pretty wrecked.

  “Jesus, you guys live here?” I couldn’t help, but say.

  “Yeah,” said James a little sheepishly. “We’re going to all get showered and changed. Be outside in twenty.”

  “Don’t make me call the Dean,” I reminded them.

  “Yes, mother,” said Teagan sarcastically and sticking out his tongue.

  I hurried to the campus Starbucks and got a tall Latte. I ran into my cousin, Riley. She was working on her master’s degree in education, when she wasn’t playing mom to my baby nephew, Drew.

  “Hey girl,” she greeted cheerfully. “How did the meeting with the Dean go?”

  “Fine, I guess,” I said sheepishly. “He’s going to give me a recommendation for my grad work.”

  “Oh, my God! That’s great. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thanks, but the deal is, I have to tutor the O’Connor brothers.”

  “Wait, the football players? Well, that shouldn’t be too hard. I mean, they’re athletes, but they’re not stupid, right?”

  “They’re failing a lot of classes,” I whispered. “And they
party a lot.”

  “Yeah, I know they party,” said Riley. “Everyone on campus wants to drink with them. It’s kind of cool you get to tutor them. They’re good looking, right?”

  “Yeah,” I admitted. “They’re pretty hot, but they’re not my type.”

  “Oh, me neither,” dismissed Riley. “I mean, yeah, handsome, but--- I go for intellectuals, like my husband.”

  “Yeah, me too. I mean, you have to talk, right? In a relationship. It’s not all about sex.”

  “Oh, no-no-no,” she agreed. “All guys like that want to do is have sex, right?”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “Probably because of all the steroids or whatever. Plus all the exercise with their muscles.”

  “Did they have a lot of muscles?” Riley asked a little hungrily.

  “Yeah,” I said, remembering. “They’re all really in good shape. I mean, like perfect shape.”

  We stood there picturing the brothers for a minute.

  “They’re triplets or whatever?” asked Riley.


  “Think they all have the same package downstairs?”

  “Jeez! Riley!”

  “I’m just saying. I would want an intellectual guy to date, but it might be fun to fool around with one of them.”

  “I have to tutor them, Riley!”

  “So? You could maybe date one of them for a while.”

  “No! I’m not allowed as their tutor.”

  “That’s teachers, not the same thing.”

  “It’s pretty close,” I countered.

  “Amy,” she whispered. “I know you had a horrible experience when you lost your virginity at prom, but you have to let that go. Not all guys are like that. This is college, you should have fun. Maybe have a date once in a while.”

  “I know, but--- I can’t endanger the recommendation I’d get from the Dean,” I reminded her. “Besides. They’re not my type.”

  “Right-right,” agreed Riley.

  She looked off into the distance sipping her latte. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was fantasizing about one of the brothers.

  “Well, listen, I should get back to it,” I said. “I have to escort them to the library.”

  “Where are they now?”

  “At the frat house.”

  “Are you nuts? That’s where the beer is! Go before they start partying!”

  I rushed back to the frat house a little worried I would find a couple of hundred people there and a raging party going on. Fortunately, it was pretty much how I left it. The door was opened so I wandered in. I called for the brothers, but no one answered.

  Walking deeper into the frat house, I could see the pictures on the walls of previous incarnations of the fraternity. There was a ton of sports memorabilia too. This was definitely the sports frat. The one that football players almost automatically joined when they went to college here.

  Here they had a full kitchen, while I had to contend with my dorm’s kitchen. That kitchen was little more than a filthy break room with a microwave. Here they had a huge kitchen with ovens, stoves, fridges, cereal dispenser, beverage dispensers--- Pretty much everything you can think of. Must be nice.

  Eventually, I wandered upstairs looking for the brothers. I turned the corner and found a naked Killian in his room picking out his clothes. I shielded my eyes with my hands, but caught a glimpse. He did have a gorgeous body. Perfectly tan and muscular.

  “Um, guys?!” I called out, alerting him of my presence. “We need to get to the library here.”

  “I’ll go with you,” said Killian. “James and Teagan went downtown.”

  “What? No! They have to go to the library,” I insisted. “The Dean will freak.”

  “Relax, it’s all good,” assured Killian, now in his underwear. “They couldn’t get the paint off Teagan with water, so they’re going downtown to find some kind of paint remover for skin.”

  “They don’t make it just for skin,” I assured him. “There’s only one kind of paint remover and now I have to report them to the Dean.”

  “Whoa-whoa, hey,” said Killian, putting his muscular hand over my phone before I could dial. “Don’t do that. Listen, I’ll go to the library with you and get started. Then I’ll text them and they’ll meet up. Okay?”

  I got lost in his deep brown eyes for a second. Then I shook myself from their hold, but said, “Yeah, sure. That sounds good.”

  What am I doing? I should call the Dean. If his brothers don’t show, this could really screw things up. But Killian seemed so nice and he did promise they would show up. Plus I could only tutor one of them at a time, right? What the hell. Off to the library.

  Killian finished getting dressed. I’d like to say that I didn’t watch, but I did. He put on this skin tight T-shirt. I could see his pecs and they looked like they were made of granite in that shirt. He gave himself a quick spray of body musk. It smelled so good. The whole area around him smelled so good. It smelled like guys. Like a boys locker room, only manly and better smelling somehow.

  I couldn’t believe I was letting myself be attracted to this guy. I mean, we had nothing in common. He was a jock that was barely passing his courses and I was an academic on the fast track to a graduate degree and a teaching position.

  We walked out of the frat house and across campus towards the library. Everyone that passed him said hi to him or gave him a high five. He was like royalty here, while I was invisible. At one point, a sorority girl stopped him to tell Killian about a party. She was ignoring me, but Killian introduced me.

  “This is my friend, Amy,” he introduced. “She’s my tutor. Is it okay if she comes to the party?”

  “Oh, that’s okay,” I dismissed.

  “No, it’s fine,” said the sorority girl. “This is an open party. Anyone on campus can come, especially if you’re a friend of Killian’s. Stop by.”

  She gave Killian a peck on the cheek and then bounced away with her skinny legs and perfect boobs.

  “I know what you’re trying to do,” I said to Killian. “Don’t do it. You’re going to make me call the Dean.”

  “What? I’m just trying to be friendly,” said Killian. “Can’t we be friends?”

  “Can we just please go to the library and study? You’re falling behind in half your subjects.’

  “Wait, that can’t be true. I’m failing half my subjects,” he corrected. “Big difference.”

  “That’s actually worse,” I said, trying not to laugh. “Are you going to take this serious or not.”

  “I am, but I have to warn you,” he explained. “I only take things so serious. Even the serious things.”

  “Please, let’s just go into the library.”

  This was going to be tough and even tougher since the other two didn’t even show up!

  Chapter 5:


  At first I thought Amy was just a typical book nerd, but up close I could see she was a diamond in the rough. Her loose clothing was trying to hide her curves. If she learned how to dress a little better, guys would be falling all over her. I bet her hair would be fantastic if she left it down. It was too restrictive pulled up like it was. I grinned to myself. She doesn’t even know how hot she is!

  We walked inside the library. She wanted to teach me, but all I could think about was getting up inside her. Normally, chicks were all over me. You come running off a football field and the sorority girls pretty much throw themselves in front of you. But this book chick? No way.

  Amy had to be seduced. Not just with her body, but with her mind. The library was the perfect place. It’s where book nerds lived.

  She picked out a table in the middle of a bunch of people, but I knew that wouldn’t work for what I wanted to do.

  “Nah, this is no good,” I said.

  “What now?” she said exasperated.

  “I can’t concentrate with all these people here,” I whispered. “You don’t understand, I’m on the football team. If I sit in the middle of the room, everyone
in the library will stop by to say hi to me. We’ll never get anything done.”

  That explanation seemed to resonate with Amy. She picked up her book bag.

  “Okay, let’s find a place upstairs then,” she agreed.

  I walked to the second floor of the library a little ahead of her. I beckoned her to a quiet corner where no other students were sitting. There, I positioned myself at the corner of a table. I wanted to get in close with her.

  Amy put down her book bag and sat down next to me. I let her knee brush against mine. Then I touched her hand trying to help her with the books.

  “Sorry,” I said, smiling but embarrassed.

  “That’s okay,” she smiled back.

  I could tell there was a vibe here. She was definitely into me. Not to sound conceited, but no duh! When you work out every day, you get noticed.

  Amy was smart, to be sure, but she wasn’t street savvy. Her social skills were still a little high school. She kept blushing every time she looked my way. I had to be careful though. One wrong move and I would scare her off. Plus, I couldn’t have her calling the Dean. That would be a disaster!

  “Okay, I’ve looked at the classes you’ve taken for pre-med. You’re still earlier enough in the major that you can switch out to a less daunting major.”

  “How about astronaut? That would be cool,” I offered.

  “No, that’s not how majors work,” explained Amy. “You’re a junior in college and you still don’t know that?”

  “Of course I know that?” I said laughing. “I was just joking.”

  Actually, I didn’t know that. I really hope I get picked up by the pros.

  “You could switch over to an education major,” she offered. “You’ll have a weird schedule senior year, but it’s doable.”

  “Wait, to be like a teacher?” I asked. “But don’t they get paid crap?”


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