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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 55

by Sierra Sparks

  “Did you hear what I just said?” I ask, praying not to repeat.

  “Yeah. I knew already.”



  “You really forget stuff sometimes you know? Bedtime was the time you told me mommy. That my dad looks exactly like me. Carl was just bad…and fat-looking.”

  “Ha-ha,” a child after my heart, “so you know what happened to him?”

  He minces his thoughts and touches at his jacket. “He went to a bad place,” and comes closer to the edge of his seat to whisper as if damnation will befall him if overheard, “down there,” he says, pointing down to where I think he thinks is hell.

  Damn Henrietta…what have you been feeding him?

  “Okay…so you know that some very bad people are saying that I sent Carl there, right?”

  “Yeah…but Henrietta says you’ll be free soon.”

  I love him so much.

  “Would you like to meet your real daddy and stay with him until my trial is over?” I ask, beaming to the jaw.

  Suddenly he jumps in his chair and screams through his eyes. The only other time he did that and made me throw a box of cereal in my hand was when he saw a puppy outside the kitchen window. Carl wasn’t around, and so I let him run wild with it. It’s a memory that will never be taken from me.

  “Oh can I? Is he tall? Does he have a big beard like Santa? Or does he has a bigger belly than Carl,” to which he putters at the end. I laugh and stand up. I stretch my arm out, and he grabs on. We walk to the door, where I knock on it three times.

  “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” I say, as the door opens to a tall man with a badge on his belt, and a smile so similar to the boy looking up to him.

  Chapter 26 - Spencer


  The first of it all. His eyes are just divine and so mirror-like. The way his hair falls on his face is enough resemblance to Jazz. So tiny…and he is my flesh and blood…his voice is so new…

  “Hey Spence,” I say, trying and failing hard at keeping back my tears. I step into the room and shut the door behind us. Family; it’s all I’ve ever wanted, with her. And now here we stand, together after all these years. Soon she will be out, and we can finally piece the broken pieces together.

  “You look taller than I thought,” he says. I take a knee and give him the full view of my face. “Can I hug you?” he asks.

  “I thought you’d never ask, son,” I whisper. The embrace of a child is nothing short of a miracle. I wash away all my past, and flood into his youthful elegance. He is my son. I look at his mother, at the love of my life, and she is in tears. This is our son Jasmine; I try to say through the sparkle of water down my eyes. This…this is what life should be.

  “Why do you two squeeze so hard when you hug me?” he suddenly asks.

  “Ha-ha,” I laugh off and back away gently. “Must be the love Spence.”

  “Love? I think I want ice cream instead of love. It is way tastier and smells good,” he jabs. I like this kid already. I take a knee before him and hold his shoulder. “Ice cream, huh…what’s your favorite?”

  He sparks up and beams wildly. “Rocky road and cherry blossom mixed together after chocolate chip banana pancakes.”

  “Whoa, easy there sweet tooth. Jazz, how does that combo even work for a boy his age?”

  “He got my taste buds Spencer – no judgment,” she quips. We stand by the door, feeling the warmth of what could be in a few more days.

  “Okay Spence. How about this – I get you ice cream, if you tell me all about your favorite dinosaur.” Some things only the eye of a budding detective can see. When I was searching for proof in their old house, I remember the dino books on the small bed I presumed was his. His face is bright from the mention of them.

  “It’s a deal.” His hand is outstretched before me, and I take it. A firm grasp he has…I like that.

  “Son…you need to know something before we go,” I say, pinching together my peace. “I’m really sorry for not being there before. But now…” our eyes lock, and I can see the depths of his soul, “I’m never leaving.”

  He smiles, and so do I.

  “I’ll see you boys later, okay? I expect a full tub of ice cream waiting for me after the hearing you hear?” Jasmine quips. She is still teary. But her face is brighter than I have ever seen.

  “You got it mommy,” shells Spence. I knock on the grazing metallic door, and hand in hand we walk through it. I nod to the weary-looking guard and she smiles back as she locks it. Jasmine will only be here for a few more days…just a few more and my heart will be complete. Just a few more to the end of all this…all this heresy.

  “So, where are we going daddy?” Spence asks. I look down and gaze unto his innocence. I am not late. There’s his whole life for me to teach him all I know and see him be a man better than I ever could.

  “Well…to life son. But first, we’re getting some pancakes and hot chocolate.”

  Chapter 27 - Jasmine

  The air is sweet and the sunlight fresh. Birds sing and the worms beneath my feet slither in disarray as I trample above their home. Today, the clothes on my back speak of freedom. The warmth in my pale wrists scream of jot, a joy kept from me in a very long time. And in those hands is the gift I never thought possible in this life. He was taken away from me all those years back by the sullen hands of Fate, and now…after enough jolting agony, he is back into my life.

  “We should go get Spence from Henrietta’s. I’m sure he’s wondering what happened to the promise we made him,” I say while deftly squeezing the digits he so graciously placed in my hands. Passers-by walk easily beside us as we exit the courthouse. Step by step on the marble we walk, skip to the edge of the park. I do most of the skipping, making our hand to hand conversation seem awkward to the random stranger.

  Fuck them all – I’m free! The words steaming from the judge sitting at his high chair a few hours ago were killing material. He had this cold look on his face, like I had done something to deserve spending the rest of my life behind bars.

  But then Stephen Banning happened. By God that man is a walking soothsayer. He brought to light all the evidence stacked up against my guilt, and took it upon himself to show the jury the footage and the images of that night. Veronica and Carl had argued heatedly outside a club in town, and the footage showed more of Veronica following him home. Then, we all got a taste of who did it. He was at the right of the car, and cameras caught him trying to hide his smug face with a cap.

  Ray Duncan sure was a bastard, but even murdering my husband was a new low for him. He pleaded guilty at the stand, and pledged it was for the money. It felt more like a huge anticlimax really, with no action in the courthouse as I dreamed happening. Nope, the judge was not lenient on him, and gave him a second date for his hearing.

  “You should run ahead Jazz. I’m sure I can catch you even on your fastest day,” Spencer spikes. “Oh really Winters? You think so?” I urge, skipping faster as he tries to walk a little ahead of his strides. The run is swift, and the wind kisses my cheeks in an orderly fashion. It takes me back to our runs and hikes back home, where we lived and kissed and breathed as normal human beings with no holding back.

  My feet enjoy the coarse feel of the soil under them. I didn’t care for my shoes when I left Maggie tearing up back at the jailhouse. Her hugs are bear-worthy, if that’s any meaning. I’ll miss her of course, but there’s no way I’m looking forward to going back in.

  “Too slow Spencer,” I mock. Looking back, he’s nowhere to be seen. I whip my head round hoping to get to the car first, only to see him by the driver seat panting. “You were saying?” A queer and satisfied look rests on his visage.

  “Well, clearly you and I haven’t exercised in a very long time, you know…” I urge, feeling for his balls with my waist. Despite the public eye, the sentiments to give a fuck are long gone with the chains that were round my neck. I’m a free woman now, and there’s…

nn-Turner still, huh?” he spews half-laughing half-self-righteous. “Well, we are going to have to change that sometime soon aren’t we?” I ask. “Let’s go get our son first Jazz. Maybe our heads will be clearer and oomph…cooler with some shaved ice cream, no?” Oh he definitely wants some more of this ball-fondling I’ve got going on right here.

  “To the projects it is,” I say. The night is coming soon. I can smell it in my tubes.


  “Slow down buster,” Spencer says. His son is handling the sugar rush a tad too well. And by well I mean running around the table yelling ‘The Rex’s are coming!’ over and over till Henrietta grabs him by the ankles and ushers him to his seat. He still can’t calm down.

  “We really should have taken it slow with him huh?”

  “Really? Now is the time?” I joke. “Well, I didn’t know he would get off his rocker ha-ha. Now I guess I know the limit?”


  “Hey Henrietta…thank you so much for all you’ve done. Taking care of him is not easy I know.”

  She flaps around her hair and holds Spence tight in between her colossal thighs. He laughs loudly, childishly; he thinks this a game. How cute. She smiles with the glint of mischief in her eye and whispers a few slow words into his ear. Calm is restored.

  “What did you tell him?” Spencer asks. To which the response is a finger to the lip and a shushing. He’s more of exasperated than disappointed. This is really fun considering the past.

  “Hey…” he starts. His voice is carried by the weight of the colors boldly standing out of the ice cream parlor. There are kids everywhere, who are definitely not from my neighborhood slurping and making out in the corners of the red and blue hotspot. It’s the 60s embodied, and the retro look makes this really familial. Spencer’s hands wrap around mine. He shaved today. The clothes he has on are clean and neat. Spence is quite the effect on him.

  “About that name Jazz…”

  “What? You jealous over dead men?” I jest. He scoffs. Henrietta and Spence are in their own shenanigans to notice our conversation.

  “Ha-ha, that’s not what I mean and you know that. What do you say I do something about it – permanently?”

  His seat is pushed back in an effort by his calves to move forward. The beige jeans he has on fit tightly round that cute little butt of his, and if I stare a little on the side I can get to see…

  Him getting on one knee, and holding out the tiniest of rings in his fingers.


  “Let’s not waste any more time Jazz.”

  The whole parlor freezes in time. It’s eerie and surreal, but the most profound heat I know to have ever felt in my lungs. He’s proposing to me…right here and now…

  “Jasmine Glenn-Turner slash someone-I-am-going-to-make-very-happy-for-the-rest-of-her-life slash love of my very awesome yet lonely existence, will you make this guy the happiest father alive and be my life partner?”

  If Blake was here he would have words.

  “Yes,” I scream. Applause from the onlookers doesn’t drown out the muffled screams ringing in my head as much as I thought it would.

  Chapter 28 - Spencer

  “I could never be prouder of you Spencer,” Jasmine quips as she closes the door behind her. We are back at the all too familiar September Moon under brighter circumstance. It has been a truly exhausting day, especially for me. She kicks off her shoes and lies on the bed to breathe. I wonder what could be so tiring about sitting comfortably under the shade of a tree while her fiancé got officially promoted and honored to a detective.

  The badge shines brighter, and the name fixture into it warms my innards. It’s what dad would have wanted; to see me be something better than the man he had ever hoped for. And for mom to be there the whole time…crying and wiping down her face with her homemade hankies…it was everything for me.

  Chief actually patted me on the back, and to everyone’s surprise he smiled – for the first time. Blake took a picture. We’re keeping it in a memoir for sure.

  “Thank you baby,” I milk in, trying to get my pants off. It’s harder than I remember. “Um, Spencer…you do know your shoes are still on, right?” Oh…

  Seconds later, I am astride my bride to be. Her satin dress makes the curves on her seem endless, timeless. Two months down the line and time has been a drug to her, to us. The scars and bruises are slightly healed, and her beautiful cheeks full again. But it’s the joy of her soul that paddles my happiness. She deserves this. We both do. And since Spence is with Henrietta for the weekend, I can finally spend this time showing her what it truly means to be free.

  I dive into her, smashing her expectation wall. Her ass is on the bed, and her arms way behind her back. My pelvis slides into her thighs, and she makes more room for it. Right leg slicks onto my shoulder, lip smacks onto the other. Hands hold on to the bed for dear life. With each grind into her, her dress slightly inches higher and higher. More room for my naked thighs to make contact with her wet groin.

  “Oh baby…just like that day on the beach…” she moans, taking her hand and piercing the nails on her into my back. Sweet pain…

  “Better Jazz…better”

  I place her ass farther onto my arms and push her onto the foot of the bed. My teeth are wild, and in the heat of the whiff in her down unders, I rip off the pink panties holding her love back. She screams in amazement and pain. Good…she should know by now.

  She is my wife. And I am her husband. Forever this is what she will get from me, my heart, my pledge, my seed, my soul till the day we gray and squirm in the earth. Forever I will slide my cock into her and kiss her clit with my teeth, my tongue and all the digits I could offer. Forever I will slide her onto my chest, just as I am now, and take her dress off only to let her grind on it. I will always grab the luscious mounds on her chest and squeeze until they give out…with enough love to give her more and more screaming hours just like now…more and more into her, out of her, deeper and deeper till we forget our souls.


  Harder than the channels of pain on her back I fuck her and make her forget, heal. And after endless voices in my head, enough to bring the emptiness into holistic bliss, after we both give and take on so many levels, I kiss her gently on the forehead and hold her close to my beating heart.

  “Never again Jasmine…I will never leave you.”

  She pants, lightly. The light sweat all over her body and the trembling of her pussy on my navel…she’s worth everything. “I know Spencer…neither will I.”

  “I have to confess to you though…about something I’ve been thinking about for a while now,” I say, nudging my nose into hers.

  “What?” she pants.

  “I searched your house for clues when I needed evidence to clear you out of the system. Aaaand I found Spence’s bed filled with his books and toys…”

  “So that explains how you…”

  “Jazz…let’s not ruin that magic ey,” I let on with a smirk on my face. She reciprocates. “So what did you see that made that brain of yours max out?”

  “Hmph…aaanyway, I saw that little bed, and I thought we could…you know…gift Spence a little brother, or sister.” Her mouth is agape. “Was that your plan all along? To fuck me and spew seed into this temple? If so you’ve got another thing coming boy.”

  I know she is joking, and I grab her wrists, both of them, and kiss each.

  “Then maybe we shall see you soft puckered ball of feels,” she says while hitting me with a pillow. “We should ask Spence if he’d want that though.”

  “Okay…” I say and grab my phone on the bed stand. She takes it away from me and dials Henrietta’s cell. She picks up. Spence isn’t asleep yet. Damn sugar rush.

  “Hey Gummy Bear. It’s mommy and daddy here. Are you okay?” the look of concern on her is dominant.

  “Hi mommy. Hi daddy. I love this place!”

  “Okay, buddy,” I start. We’re on loudspeaker anyw
ay, “we wanted to ask you if you would like a little sister or brother.”


  The kid is really high on sugar.

  “Okay, give the phone to Henrietta buddy. We love you.”

  “I love you too.” Jasmine finishes the phone call, and I rest on the pillows softly. I’ve got my work cut out for me, clearly.

  Slowly, she sleeps into my chest. Silence falls, and the room watches us. I am drowsy, and just as I am about to fall into a warm sleep, she kisses me on the neck. “This is what I’ve wanted ever since the day we shook hands.”

  “Me too,” she whispers.

  We sleep into each other. I now know peace, and in a way, so does she.

  EPILOGUE - Jasmine

  Ever wondered what it would be like to taste colors? Like metal after biting the tongue, imagine an instance where everything you can see is flying with essence and auras beyond the spectrum. When we’re happy, or then again, since I’m happy, I can see different blossoms and blooms on everyone around me. It is like they were birthed from a volcano of spice and rich flavor. On this day in particular, I can see and smell the bright enigma of joy on everyone. This day, my wedding day, I choose to be happy.

  The last time I was getting married, I had no friends or family to shower me with blessings or even their presence. I was with a man who knew nothing of love with no expectations, but for the earthly things he owned. Carl Glenn, my first husband, was an embarrassment to the human condition. And even then, I cannot help but smile at the thought of being pregnant in a wedding dress for the man an aisle away from me.

  It’s a small gathering, down at Middleton Catholic Church by the palisades. Henrietta goes here, and it goes without recommendation that I want my marriage to be blessed. I have no faith in a God or eternal being that preys on people that pray. But I think…there must be someone who pulls some strings out there; someone who sees a bigger picture than we ever could.

  Serena has aged gracefully. Her eyes and dress magnificently cloud together. She is at the forefront of the pews smiling her joy away. I can only imagine her joy at realizing she is a grandmother. And of two kids to be precise…


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