Book Read Free


Page 10

by Brigitta Moon

  It seemed like hours passed before an update was received. The doctor returned to the waiting room where the families sat divided not wanting to talk to each other.

  “Lil’s condition is stable. We will check her blood count again in the morning. If it’s good, she will be able to go home in the afternoon,” the doctor said. “She should be moved into a room in an hour and you will be able to see her.” The doctor left as relief filled the room.

  “I think you should leave,” Mr. Rush said looking at Father Masters. There is no reason for you to be here now.”

  Father Masters stood in preparation to speak when his wife said, “I think it would be best if we went home.”


  Lil was finally in a room where she was allowed visitors. After her parents were done visiting, Richard, Beth and Andrew went in. Richard hurried to her bedside, sat on the side of her bed and took her hands in his.

  “Lil,” he whispered. As her eyes flickered open he said, “I was so worried. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “You would have found another fuck buddy,” she said with a sleepy smile.

  “You are so much more to me than that, Lil. Don’t you know that? I love you,” Richard said as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Lil,” Beth said quietly, “Andrew and I wanted to see with our own eyes that you are okay. We’re going to leave so you and Richard can have some privacy.”

  “Okay Beth. Thank you for getting me here. You saved my life.”

  Beth went to Lil, gave her a hug and kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll be back tomorrow,” Beth whispered in her ear.

  “I can take you home or you can stay in the guest room at my house,” Andrew offered to Beth.

  “Thank you Andrew but I really need to go home. Thank you for being here for me.”

  “I will always be here for you Beth. Never forget that,” Andrew said as he pulled her into a tight embrace.

  Andrew pulled to the front door and escorted Beth in. He hugged her and told her he would see her in the morning. Andrew departed and Beth made her way up the stairs in the quiet house to her room. Sitting on the side of the bed and kicking her shoes off, she thought about how tired she was and just wanted to sleep. She laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling thinking she now had a sister who she already loved.

  Beth opened her eyes and looking at the clock discovered she drifted off to sleep for two hours and it was now five A.M. She didn’t want to get up. She didn’t want to move. Her body felt as heavy as a bag of cement. She pulled herself up and sat on the side of the bed as she noticed the golden book sitting on her table. The pages seemed to be calling to her. She had such a strong desire to hold the book, to read the book. Beth picked it up and opened the book to where she left off.

  Theron scooped Zara into his arms and carried her to his bed. He smiled down at her, “tonight you’re mine and I’m yours,” he said as his lips devoured hers. “Bestow upon me your love and I will forever be with you,” Theron said gazing into the loving eyes of Zara.

  Zara gave herself completely and willingly to her beloved Theron, the only man to ever partake of her sexual fruits. He tenderly caressed her body and her feelings. He took all of her as she willingly offered herself. Consumed with love and satisfaction, Zara slept in the arms of her lover. When she awoke Theron was missing. She called to him, but no answer. She went to the place of their meeting in search of her true love.

  Zara’s heart filled with pain and anger as she watched her first love dancing with another. She stood and watched as Theron’s lips met with the lips another’s. “My child,” she heard a voice say, “I see you watch in pain as Theron dances with another.” Zara followed the voice to a woman sitting leisurely at the table next to where she stood. Zara gazed into the woman’s eyes and quickly averted them as she felt the woman peer into her soul. “You want him? Theron, for yourself only?” the woman asked.

  “Yes, I do. I love him,” Zara answered.

  “I can help you have him, Zara.”

  “How do you know my name?”

  “I know all, Zara. I am the highest of the High Priestess.”

  “You can have him. He will love only you. He will want only you. He will succumb to your every wish and fulfill your every need. Is this what you want Zara? The time is right for the Deed.”

  “Yes, I want him. He said he would be with me. I have given him my untouched fruit and now he is with another.”

  “Theron is a hunter, Zara. He will never be yours without the deed. He will hunt and devour his prey unless you possess the deed.

  “The deed? What is this deed?” Beth asked aloud as she continued to read.

  “The deed must be taken seriously. It must be done with love Zara. Do you understand?”

  “I do and I am ready to receive the deed.”

  “It is the deed to love Zara. Before you can begin, you must cleanse yourself. During your cleansing, you must think how much you love Theron, how much it would mean to you to have him only love you. After the cleansing, a drop of blood from the monthly visitor must be placed into the drink that you must offer to Theron. Stir it with your finger and think of only your love for him. Your time is now Zara. The choice is yours. The deed is in your hands.”

  “What?” Beth said aloud. “Eww, is she talking about what I think she is talking about? She couldn’t be.” Beth read on.

  Zara went to her room where she started the cleansing. She stood under the water and thought how much she wanted Theron to love only her. She thought about how much she hated the woman he was dancing with as she watched. She thought about her love for Theron and how she would share him with no one. Her anger rose up as she saw Theron’s lips touch another’s. “It will be only me!” Zara screamed into the water.

  Zara emerged from her room as beautiful as ever taking flight to the ballroom. Her Theron was there dancing with yet another. Zara visited the private ladies room where she retrieved a drop from the monthly visitor on her finger and returned to the bar to get a drink. She stirred the drink with her finger as she watched with anger as her Theron was dancing with another.

  After the dance was over, Zara went to Theron and offered him the drink. Theron consumed the drink offered by the lovely Zara. She watched as he walked away after handing her back the glass.

  Tears began to drizzle down Zara’s face as the deed failed. Theron turned to see the tears. He ran to her and embraced Zara. “Please my love, do not cry, for I love only you. I only want to please you my love.”

  That’s exactly what I want, Beth thought to herself, for Andrew to only want me. She sat up on the side of the bed and wondered if she could actually go through with the deed. It seemed so disgusting she thought. But she wanted what it offered. She thought about if it would really work. She closed the book and rubbed her hand over the golden cover as the warmth and tingles filled her hand. The time is now, she heard in mind. She sat confused on the bed as she thought, it’s as if the book knows it’s the last day of her monthly visitor.

  Beth replaced the book in the drawer. She needed to get dressed because she knew Andrew would be coming by after his morning run. She decided to get a cup of coffee before her shower. Her mother was sitting at the table sipping a cup of coffee and reading a magazine.

  “Good morning Beth. How was Lil when you left last night?”

  “She looked much better. She should be coming home today.”

  Beth looked at her mother with disappointment. “I don’t understand how you could let daddy betray you like that and then just stay with him.”

  “Beth, I didn’t just let him betray me. It was a difficult time for me when I found out. I was hurt and angry. Your father came to me right after it happened and told me. He begged for my forgiveness.”

  “How could you just forgive him?”

  “In the beginning I was so full of hatred and pain, I couldn’t see my way clear to forgive him. I went crying to my mother about how he betrayed me and
I wanted to leave him. She offered me very good advice. She said if I laced my heart with hatred it would kill my spirit in the end. She reminded me that your father and I were good friends long before we married and that he had been a wonderful husband. She said a man who comes to you after a misstep begging for forgiveness deserves a chance at redemption. After all I didn’t find out through the rumor mill. He told me. I should accept the fact that men are weak. Look at Adam. He didn’t have to bite the apple; but he did because Eve offered. Give him a chance she implored. Are you better than God? she asked me. He forgives. Why can’t you.”

  “What about Mr. Rush? All these years thinking Lil was his and the three of you knew. That’s wrong.”

  “No Beth. We didn’t know until last night. Once the doctor said Mr. Rush couldn’t be Lil’s father, there was no other man who could be except your father. When her mother became pregnant, she wasn’t sure but because it happened one time she felt the probability of the baby being fathered by her husband was more likely.”

  “She was wrong and now look what Lil and Mr. Rush have to deal with.”

  “Lil’s parents will have to make their own peace as your father and I have. I have never regretted forgiving him and I love him for loving me enough to come to me. I could have left as I had planned but if I had, you wouldn’t be here today. I am happy I unpacked my bags and stayed because I have you and a husband who loves me. We are all human and make mistakes but it’s how you deal with it that enlightens your life. Forgive your father as I have Beth. You now have a sister who was once your best friend. You have a blessing.”

  “I’m worried about Lil,” Beth said.

  “Lil will be fine. She has you. Now go upstairs and get dressed. You know Andrew will be stopping by soon.”

  Beth climbed the stairs to her room, stripped off her clothes and entered the shower. Again she heard, the time is now.


  Beth stood in the shower as the warm water pounded her tired body. She thought about how much she wanted a faithful husband. She thought about how much she wanted Andrew to only want her, only love her. She saw Andrew in the stairwell cheating with that doctor. She became filled with anger and hurt. How was she going to find it within herself to forgive him Beth wondered to herself? She had to take control as she thought to herself he will only want me. He will never cheat on me again. He will love only me.

  Beth left the shower, toweled off, dressed and wondered if she could finish the deed. She returned to the kitchen to prepare the morning coffee for Andrew. She needed to be sure that if she married him, he would be faithful. Beth poured herself a glass of orange juice as she heard again, the time is now. She couldn’t get that out of her head. She sat the glass down. One drop, she thought to herself, just one drop. Would I be making a mistake?

  As if being guided by someone, with her finger she extracted the drop. She picked up her juice and stirred it with her finger. With her eyes closed she began to think how much she wanted Andrew to be faithful to her, how much she loved him and how she hated the woman who fucked her Andrew in the stairwell. As she stirred the juice she felt Andrew embrace her. She hadn’t heard him come in.

  “Oh baby, that is going to be the sweetest juice,” he said as he took her finger from the juice and sucked it.

  Beth coming out of a daze wasn’t sure she wanted to go through with the deed as Andrew took the glass from her hand and drank the juice.

  She stood glued to the spot where she stood and waited for the deed to take effect.

  “Let’s sit down so I can tell you about tonight,” Andrew said as he took her hand and led her to the table. “You can meet me at my house around six. I have some brochures for venues for our wedding and the honeymoon. After we go through them I plan to take you to dinner and then dancing. And no we are not going to Club Ratchett. That destination will be a surprise.”

  Beth watched Andrew intently. She didn’t notice anything different about him. She felt disappointed. He wasn’t proclaiming his love for her and saying how he only loved and wanted her.

  “Beth you look disappointed. Is there something else you want to do?”

  “No, that sounds wonderful. My mind just wandered over to Lil. I have to go by the hospital to check on her.”

  “I can take you if you want.”

  “That’s not necessary. I know you have things to do and you have been great staying with me through this.”

  Andrew stood, leaned over and kissed Beth lightly on the lips. “I’ll let you get to the hospital to see Lil and I’ll see you tonight.”


  Beth entered the hospital room to see Lil sitting up in a chair dressed and ready to leave. Richard sat on the bed as they waited for the nurse to release them. Lil’s eyes lit up as Beth walked in and she held out her hand waving it excitedly.

  “Look Beth, we’re getting married!” Lil exclaimed.

  Beth hurried over to Lil, took her hand and admired the diamond ring. “It’s beautiful. When did this happen,” Beth asked.

  “This morning. Andrew can’t live without me,” Lil chuckled.

  “Wonderful news. I hope I’m invited,” Beth said laughing.

  “You know you are. You are my sister.”

  “You know?”

  “Yep. Richard spilled the beans. My parents came in to see me last night and you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. I asked what was going on, but they said they were just worried about me. I knew better. So I asked Richard and dared him to lie. He was scared,” she said laughing. “So, he told me.”

  “How do you feel about it?” Beth asked.

  “Life is too short to be angry about something that can’t be changed. I love my father and he loves me. He is and always will be my father Beth. I’m grateful to your father for giving me life twice but he’s not my father. Beth you have to stop living life so rigidly. Live a little and stop worrying and trying to change the course of life. If it is meant to happen, it will. I will never believe I was a mistake. I was meant to be here and we were meant to be sisters.”

  Beth hugged her sister and whispered in her ear, “I guess you’re not fuck buddies anymore.”

  Lil laughed, “Now that’s what I’m talking about. Be happy. Live life. Let go of that good girl. Do what you want not what Father Masters or your mother wants.”

  “I’m so happy you pulled through Lil.”

  “And Richard and I can try for a baby every other month after we’re married. I still have one tube. So you see Beth, I’m counting all my blessings.”

  Beth’s cell rang. She saw Andrews smiling face on the screen.

  “Hello,” she answered.

  “Beth I know we are suppose to meet tonight but I’m really anxious for us to start making our plans.”

  “Andrew I’m with Lil. The two of them are getting married. Richard proposed this morning. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “Sounds like a double wedding to me. Come by after you leave the hospital. I miss you.”

  “I will. I miss you too.” She disconnected the call.

  “Andrew said it sounds like a double wedding to him,” Beth said.

  “Now that’s not a bad idea sister.”


  Beth was feeling happier than she had in days. She drove to Andrew’s house, parked in the driveway and hurried to the door. As she approached, the door opened and Andrew stood waiting for her holding a dozen red roses.

  “This is so romantic,” Beth commented as Andrew handed her the roses and embraced her.”

  “I only want to make you happy. I love you. You’re the only one for me,” he said as they walked arm in arm toward the living room. “I have all the brochures on the table and some light wine for us to drink while we peruse them. Does this make you happy?”

  “Oh yes it does,” Beth said as she kissed him lightly on the lips and rushed over to see all the brochures lining the table. “Oh my goodness, so many choices, the Bahamas, Italy, Paris, Maldives, Bora Bora. Oh
Andrew this is fabulous. Really, we can go to any of these places?”

  “The choice is yours. Your happiness is my only concern my love.”

  Beth sat on the couch and began flipping through the brochures as Andrew poured wine into two glasses and handed her one. He sat next to her on the couch sipping his wine and enjoying her excitement.

  “Look at this Andrew. Bora Bora. I have always wanted to go there, and look Fiji. You’re so wonderful,” Beth said hugging him excitedly.

  “I love seeing you happy. I couldn’t live with myself if you were unhappy,” he said taking her chin into his hand and kissing her lips. “I love you so much. I don’t think I could ever be without you.”

  “I love you too Andrew. More than you know.”

  Andrew kissed her deeply. He drew her close to him. He drew her so close Beth felt as if she couldn’t breathe. She returned his passionate kiss and loosened his hold on her.

  “Wow Andrew, I couldn’t breathe,” she said standing.

  “Beth I love you so much. I need you. I only want you,” he professed as he closed the distance between them and took her in his arms and began ravishing her lips and her neck. He held her so tightly Beth thought her insides would be crushed.

  “Andrew, Let go. You’re hurting me.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you. I only want to love you. Please Beth let me make love to you, please,” he pleaded.

  “Not until we are married,” she said in a strangled voice trying release his grip.

  “I need you now Beth. I can’t wait. I need you now. Please Beth let me love you. I only want to love you. No one else,” he pleaded as he lifted Beth from the floor and threw her over his shoulder.

  “No,” Beth screamed as she kicked and beat her fists on his back.


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