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Montgomery Family 03 - Turned Around By Love

Page 5

by Vikki Vaught

  Her mother started to interrupt, but Kathryn held up her hand to stop her saying anything. “I know you’re not happy about my decision to be a portraitist, but you’ll need to accept it, because I’m determined to succeed. I’m thrilled that I’ve already gotten two commissions, and I’m sure that as word gets out, I’ll receive more. Now, I’m going upstairs to work on your portrait. I want to have it completed by Saturday so I’ll be free to concentrate on Lord Sutherland’s portrait. I’ll see you at luncheon.”

  Kathryn went upstairs, put on her smock, and mixed the paint colors she needed to finish her mother’s painting. Soon she was lost in her creativity. As she added the finishing touches to her mother’s portrait, she thought about her upcoming meeting with Lord Sutherland. She was looking forward to Saturday. This would be her first commission, and she wanted to make sure she was mentally prepared for the sitting. Kathryn estimated that it would take about three weeks to do his portrait. Kathryn hoped he would be willing to sit for her at least twice a week.

  She stood back and looked at her mother’s portrait. She wasn’t satisfied with her hair, so she went to work on getting it right. Her mother’s hair was red-gold just like her brother and her sister, however her mother now had some strands of white mixed in, and that was what she needed to get right.

  Finally, Kathryn was satisfied with her result, and since it was time for luncheon, she cleaned her brushes with oil of turpentine and laid them out to dry. She removed her smock, hung it up, and went to her room to freshen up.

  That afternoon Kathryn received a letter from her sister. Helen was four years older, but they were very close. Helen had married the Earl of Collingswood three years ago, and their estate was on the coast of Devonshire. She would be staying there in November when she went to do the Marquess and Marchioness of Ralston’s family portrait.

  Helen wrote that she was trying to have another child. Helen and Matthew already had two-year-old twin boys, Winston and Nelson, plus Christina and Catherine, Matthew’s twin daughters from his first marriage. They were all delightful children, and Kathryn loved them very much.

  After she wrote a return letter to Helen, she took it downstairs to Abernathy so it would go out in tomorrow’s post. Since it was such a lovely day, she called for Sarah so she could take a walk to Queen Square. The gardens were so lovely that she pulled out her sketchpad so she could capture the beauty of the summer blooms. While her first love was portraits, she also enjoyed painting landscapes. As she sat there lost in her art, she didn’t realize someone had approached.

  A noise disturbed her concentration, and she looked up to see Lord and Lady Roderick standing in front of her. Lady Roderick said, “Excuse me, Lady Kathryn, I couldn’t help noticing you. I hope I’m not interrupting you, but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you last night.”

  Smiling, Kathryn replied, “It was a pleasure seeing you also.”

  Lady Roderick returned her smile as she said, “We want to talk to you about painting our children. I know that you’re committed to do my brother-in-law’s portrait, but once you have completed his, we would love to have you do our children. We greatly admired the paintings you showed us of your brother’s and sister’s children. We’d love to have you come to our home. Would you consider doing this for us?”

  “I’d love to do their portrait. It should take me about three weeks to do Lord Sutherland’s, which will mean that I could come out to do your children around the first part of August. Would that be convenient for you?”

  Lady Roderick sat down on the bench beside Kathryn. “That would be wonderful. We may even decide that we want you to do our entire family. Would that be a problem?”

  Kathryn closed her sketchbook. “Whatever you decide will be fine with me. I just want you to be happy with your decision. You live in Bristol, don’t you? I’ve never been there, so I would enjoy visiting the area.”

  “We have a yacht, and we’d be happy to take you out in it, if that is something you would be interested in?”

  “Oh, that sounds marvelous. I’ve never been out on the sea before, but my sister has. She loves it, so I’m sure I will too. Once I’m through painting Lord Sutherland’s portrait, I’ll write you and give you a firm date of when to expect me.”

  “Thank you so much. Well, we’ll let you get back to your drawing now. We look forward to you coming in August.” Lady Roderick and her husband turned around and walked away.

  Kathryn watched them as they continued on their walk. She was so pleased that they wanted her to do their portrait. This would mean she now had three commissions already lined up. This was wonderful. At this rate, she was on her way to having a steady flow of patrons. Noticing the time, she called to Sarah, and they started home.

  Chapter 5

  July 1823

  Jonathan enjoyed the next couple of days with his brother, Roderick. Every morning they went for a ride around the estate. Roderick was able to see several of the tenant farmers that remembered him as a child. They were able to talk about old times and just enjoy being together again. They had always been the best of friends, not just brothers.

  Jonathan held true to his promise and didn’t drink anything accept wine with his dinner. He was feeling better, so he knew he would be better off leaving the liquor alone. The temptation to take a drink was strong all day long, but he was determined to resist the lure of the oblivion that liquor brought him, at least until Roderick and Allison left on Saturday.

  On Friday, while they were out riding the estate, Roderick mentioned, “I have something wonderful to tell you. You know that Allison and I have wanted more children for several years now. Well, Allison is finally with child, and the baby should be born around the middle of January.”

  Jonathan grinned. “That is wonderful news. I hope this child is a boy. Frankford needs a brother. I’m sure Allison is thrilled.”

  Roderick threw back his head and laughed. “You’re just looking out for your own interests. You want a spare. We’re both extremely pleased. I still wish you would change your mind about marriage.” Jonathan started to interrupt and Roderick quickly said, “I know…I know. I won’t say any more about it.”

  After they finished their ride, they took the children to the lake and let them go swimming. Jonathan had never spent much time with children before, but found that he enjoyed himself. Frankford swam like a fish. He would jump off the limb of the tree and let out a big yell as he plummeted to the water’s surface. Even little Jane was an excellent swimmer. It did his heart good to see how happy his brother was. They were both such good parents, and Jonathan knew they would mold Frankford to accept his future responsibilities as the next marquess.

  After getting back to the house that afternoon, Jonathan went to his room, and Hatton wrapped cold compresses around his knee. Instead of brandy, he took a dose of laudanum. The laudanum did seem to help. His hands weren’t shaking as badly since he’d been leaving the liquor alone, and his appetite had improved dramatically. He fought the temptation every day, but he knew he needed to stop drinking.

  Jonathan hated to see his brother and his family go back home tomorrow. Elaine had really enjoyed spending time with Frankford and Jane, and so had he. The children were delightful, and Frankford was such a bright child. Maybe he should send Elaine with them when they left tomorrow, and then he could go get her next month. She could do with a break from her studies. He would talk to Roderick and Allison about it at tea that afternoon.

  When Jonathan entered the drawing room that afternoon, he joined Allison on the sofa. “I’ve been thinking about how much fun Elaine’s been having with the children. I wondered how you would feel about having her come stay with you this next month. She gets so bored here with just me for company. I thought she would enjoy a little holiday from her studies. What do you think?”

  With a pleased expression on her pretty face, Allison replied, “I’d love to have Elaine come. She’s so helpful with the children, and they love her so much. I’m
sure Roderick would be fine with it.” Then looking up, she saw Roderick enter the room. “In fact, here he is now. You can ask him what he thinks.”

  While accepting a cup of tea from Allison, Jonathan brought up the subject. “Roderick, I just asked Allison if it would be all right if Elaine came for a visit. She could go back with you tomorrow, and I’ll come and get her next month. Would that be all right with you?”

  “I think it would be delightful to have her. We can take her out on our yacht. I’m sure she would love that. I just wish you’d come with her. I’m determined to get you out on it.” Roderick sat down in the chair beside the sofa, and Allison handed him his tea.

  “I’ve already committed to having my portrait done, and I have quite a bit of work around here I need to take care of. I’ve been spending so much time in London the past few years that I’ve been neglecting my responsibilities to the marquessate. I promise that when I come to get Elaine, I’ll go out on your yacht, all right?”

  Allison passed Roderick a plate piled high with sandwiches, and then Roderick admitted, “I forgot about you sitting for Lady Kathryn. I wouldn’t want to take you away from that. I know how much you’re looking forward to having your portrait done. Of course, I understand. If I were a single bachelor, I’d want her to paint my portrait too.”

  Jonathan stiffened. He was getting quite tired of all Roderick’s comments regarding Lady Kathryn. “I’m not interested in her that way. I thought you promised to quit trying to marry me off. You’re worse than those marriage-mad mamas who are always trying to get me to talk to their daughters. Lady Kathryn has assured me that she’s not interested in marriage either, and we’ve agreed to become friends. Now, will you leave it alone?”

  “Oh, all right. I got the impression that you’re attracted to each other, but I’ll leave you alone. Let’s have Goodman ask Elaine to come down so we can tell her she’s coming for a visit.” They sat and finished their tea while Goodman went to ask Lady Elaine to come downstairs.

  When Elaine joined them, Jonathan asked, “Hello, Princess. How would you like to go back with Roderick and Allison for a visit?”

  Elaine immediately jumped up from her seat, ran over to him and hugged him. “You’re the best brother in the world. I’d love to go for a visit. How long can I stay?”

  “I thought you could stay for three or four weeks. I’ll come get you the first part of August. How does that sound? Oh, and you can take a holiday from your studies also.”

  “Oh, thank you! I’m going to have so much fun! You’re the best brother ever.” She turned to Roderick and asked, “Can I go out on your yacht? I’ve been dying to do that. I love the sea!”

  Roderick hugged her, laughing. “Yes, I’ve already thought of that. I remembered how much you have always loved the sea. I promise to take you out.”

  The rest of the day and evening passed, and everyone had a pleasant time. Jonathan knew he was going to miss all of them so much, but he knew it was the right decision, allowing Elaine to go for a visit.

  After dinner, they went to the drawing room, and Allison entertained them by playing the pianoforte, and Elaine sang. He found music very soothing and used to play the pianoforte often, but now he rarely did. Since they would be leaving early the next morning, everyone retired to their rooms at nine o’clock.

  That night, Jonathan had another nightmare. He woke up fighting his bed sheets and yelling. He was shaking all over and had to have a drink. He tried to fight the temptation, but he had to have something to calm his nerves. He decided he would drink one glass of whiskey, just enough to take the edge off.

  As soon as Jonathan drank the whiskey, he could feel his heart rate slowing to normal, and his entire body relaxed as the warmth spread throughout his body. It was the most wonderful feeling in the world. The whiskey took all his aches and pains away and dimmed the memory of the nightmare.

  Jonathan knew that he had to get up early in the morning to see Roderick, Allison, and the children off, so he would only allow himself one more glass and no more. After each glass, he told himself no more, but he continued to drink until he passed out and dropped the empty whiskey bottle on the floor.

  The next morning, Jonathan woke up with a start when he felt someone shaking him. He looked up into Hatton’s face with Roderick staring at him over Hatton’s shoulder. Jonathan looked at them through bloodshot eyes, and then he dropped his head in his hands. His head felt as if it was splitting in two. “I had a bad dream last night, and I was only going to drink one glass. I know you’re disappointed in me, but no more than I am in myself. Let me get dressed, and I’ll meet you downstairs in thirty minutes.” As Roderick left the room, he looked back at Jonathan with pity in his eyes. It made him feel so ashamed.

  Oh, hell!

  Why couldn’t he leave the drink alone?

  It was the whiskey…he knew it. If he just left it alone…he’d be all right. From now on, he was only going to drink wine and maybe a little brandy. Hatton handed him his restorative and he drank it down, then got up and dressed. Hatton shaved him, and then he went downstairs to see them off.

  As the carriage pulled away and Roderick, Allison, and Elaine waved goodbye to him, he felt so miserable and alone. Even though he would miss Elaine, he knew she deserved this break from her studies. He had to get a handle on this drinking. He went back into the house, went into his study and sat down. Then he remembered he was due at Lady Kathryn’s house at nine o’clock, and it was already after eight o’clock. He rushed out to the stables as quickly as he could—damn his bad knee! He had Demon saddled, since he would have to ride into town if he was going to get there in time.

  As Jonathan headed towards Bath, he remembered how disappointed his brother was in him. When he saw the pity in his eyes, it had cut him deep. The last thing he wanted from anyone was pity. From this point on, he wouldn’t drink any more whiskey. When he got back to the house, he’d have all of it removed from the house and thrown away.

  The closer Jonathan got to Bath, the better he began to feel. He was really looking forward to seeing Kathryn again. She was certainly a beautiful woman. Too bad she was a lady, because he’d love to have her in his bed. Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen.

  He needed to find a woman. That was half the problem. He wasn’t used to going this long without sex. It had been over a week since he had last visited Madame Angela’s. Once he was through with his sitting, he would go see the Madame. He’d pick out a woman and relieve the sexual tension he was feeling.

  Ah…yes, now that was a great plan!

  Jonathan arrived at Kathryn’s house by nine o’clock, and the butler showed him upstairs to Kathryn’s studio. When he saw her, he was again struck by how beautiful she was with all that glorious red hair casually caught up at the top of her head, tendrils curling around her face. He wanted to run his fingers through all that gorgeous hair.

  Hell’s bells, he needed a woman badly!

  He approached her, took her hand, and brought it to his lips as he gazed into her lovely eyes. “Hello, Lady Kathryn. I hope you’re feeling well today. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again.”

  “Good morning, my lord. I’m pleased you could come. I feel excellent today. Why don’t you sit down so we can talk, and I’ll tell you what we’re going to be doing?” She took her seat, and Jonathan sat down, looking expectantly at her. “Today, I’ll be doing some preliminary sketches of you. Have you thought about how you would like to be portrayed?”

  Jonathan thought a moment. “I know I don’t want to be dressed in formal attire. I’d prefer to be dressed much as I am today. Would that be a problem? I’m not a formal person, and I want to appear relaxed in my portrait.”

  “That would be no problem at all. When I did my brother’s portrait, he wore riding clothes. Is that what you had in mind?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I had in mind. Should I wear the same clothes to each sitting?”

  Kathryn shook her head. “Not until I’m re
ady to actually do the painting. During these first few sittings, I’ll be sketching you in different positions to find out what will work best for you. I’d like you to come at least two times a week, but more would be preferable. How often could you come for a sitting?”

  “Since you want me to come in the morning, three times a week would be the best I could do. I normally ride my estate each morning with my steward, so Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday would work best for me. Would that fit your schedule?”

  “That would be fine. Since I’m basically on holiday and don’t have an estate to run, I can be as flexible as you need. Now that we have that settled, why don’t you take a seat over there by the window, and we’ll get started.” There was a straight-back chair by the window, and Jonathan went over and sat down. “Just relax and try to look natural. Think about something pleasant, that way I’ll get some good sketches. Tell me a little bit about yourself. What kind of things do you like to do? For example, do you like to read?”

  Jonathan shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable before answering her. “To be honest with you, what I like best is riding my horse, Demon. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I have a bad limp, and when I’m on a horse, I’m more comfortable. I do like to read, and I also enjoy music. I play the pianoforte, but I don’t sing. I used to love to dance, but since my injury, I’m no longer able to.”

  As Kathryn continued to sketch, she asked, “Tell me about Demon. Have you had him for long?”

  Jonathan smiled with pleasure. “I bought Demon just as soon as I was healed enough to think about trying to ride again, and that was eight years ago. At first, I wasn’t sure if I’d even be able to do that. The surgeons told me that I would never walk again, let alone ride a horse. Demon is a gelding, and he’s very in tune to me. I have to use my upper leg since I can’t use my knee, but he responds to the slightest pressure and my voice command. I was very fortunate when I found him.”


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