Montgomery Family 03 - Turned Around By Love

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Montgomery Family 03 - Turned Around By Love Page 7

by Vikki Vaught

  When Jonathan woke up the next morning, he had another pounding headache, and his stomach was extremely queasy. Since Hatton hadn’t come up yet, he hurriedly hid the evidence of his drinking and got in bed.

  When Hatton got his bath ready, he didn’t tell him that he needed his morning brew. He made himself do without it. Once Hatton had shaved him and helped him dress, he went down to his study. As soon as he was alone, he poured a glass of brandy and drank it down in three gulps. As soon as the liquor hit his stomach, his hands quit shaking. He spent the entire day in his study drinking. By bedtime, he was too drunk to go upstairs.

  The next morning, Goodman found Jonathan passed out in his study. He sent for Hatton, and together they helped him upstairs to his bed. He felt so horrible that he slept away most of the day. When he woke up at eight o’clock that night, he rang for Hatton, and then sent him to the kitchen for food. He realized that he hadn’t had anything to eat in two days.

  This had to stop.

  He had to be up early tomorrow as he was due at Lady Kathryn’s at nine o’clock. That night he was determined not to drink, since he didn’t want to have a headache when he went for his sitting. After he ate, he got back in bed and eventually fell asleep from sheer exhaustion.

  Hatton woke Jonathan up the next morning at seven, and he felt much improved. He was even able to eat some breakfast. Obviously, he had to stop drinking brandy too. From now on, he was only going to drink wine, and only with his meals. Surely, he would be all right if he left the brandy alone.

  Jonathan had a pleasant drive into town. Instead of riding Demon, he went in the carriage this time. When he arrived at Kathryn’s house, since he was a bit early, the butler showed him to the drawing room and told him that Lady Kathryn would be down shortly.

  About ten minutes later Kathryn arrived. “Good morning. I appreciate your promptness. I hope you had a restful night.”

  While Jonathan and Kathryn walked upstairs to her studio, he replied, “I did have a pleasant night’s sleep. Thank you for asking. I hope you slept well. I must say you look very pretty today. That blue looks lovely with your eyes.”

  Kathryn entered her studio ahead of him, looked back and said, “Thank you. Remember how I told you that I wanted to do some sketches of you standing up? If you will go over to the window and put your hand on the ledge, I’ll get started.”

  Jonathan went over to the window and did as she had requested. “Is this how you want me?”

  Kathryn looked over at him. “Yes, that’s perfect. I hope that it doesn’t bother you when I direct you, but I’ll need to do that so I can get the right poses. It’s all right to move a little bit, but try to stay as still as possible.” Kathryn walked over to her easel and started drawing. “Why don’t you tell me more about yourself? I enjoyed meeting your brother and his wife, and of course, your sister, Lady Elaine. She’s quite a bit younger than you, isn’t she? By the way, I’ve found that talking will help to pass the time for you.”

  “Roderick and I are extremely close. Since we are only a year apart in age, we did everything together. My father waited to send me to school so Roderick and I could go together. We went to Eton and we both liked school. It’s hard to separate my story from Roderick’s because we’ve always been together, especially when we were young.”

  “That’s all right. It’s the same for me and my sister, Helen. We were quite inseparable as we were growing up. Tell me more.”

  “Roderick and I joined the army together. We ended up apart during the fighting, and that was when I received my injury. I think I told you he was the one to find me after the battle. He wouldn’t allow them to amputate my leg, and I’ll always be eternally grateful to him for that.”

  “I can understand why you’re thankful he was there with you.”

  “When we got back to England, he married Allison right away, just as soon as we arrived at St. John’s Wood. They nursed me back to health, or at least as healthy as I could be. It took me four months before I could even attempt to get out of bed and walk. Roderick and my valet, Hatton, wouldn’t give up on me, and eventually I was able to walk using my cane.”

  “It sounds as if you’re quite close to your valet. You’ve mentioned him before. Was he in the army with you?”

  Jonathan shifted his weight to his good leg, and then continued talking. “Yes, Hatton was my batman. I’m very fortunate to have him. Once I was up and walking, Roderick and Allison left for Westland Acres. After they left, my mental attitude was terrible. My father tried to cheer me up, but I was just too miserable to care. Eventually, I went to London. I started drinking, carousing around with my friends, and living my life quite recklessly. I think that a part of me wished I’d died over there.”

  Jonathan realized he had completely failed to answer her question about Elaine. “I’m sorry, you asked about Elaine, didn’t you?”

  Kathryn glanced over at him and smiled. “That’s all right. I enjoyed hearing you talk about your brother. Now tell me about Elaine.”

  “Elaine is fifteen. She has a different mother than Roderick and I had. Our mother passed away when I was twelve. My father was remarried a couple of years later to a woman quite a bit younger than he was. My stepmother got with child right away, but unfortunately, she passed away when she gave birth to my sister,” Jonathan said, as he flexed his hand, and then put it back on the windowsill.

  “Do you need to take a break? I’ll be through shortly, if you can just bear it for a few more minutes. So Elaine never knew her mother, did she?”

  “No, Elaine didn’t have the benefit of knowing a mother’s love. I’m fifteen years older than she is, but even though there’s a big age difference, we’re very close. When my father died five years ago, I left her alone with her governess. I’m not proud of that. I should have tried to be more of a father to her, but I didn’t. She’s actually turning into a wonderful young lady, thanks to her governess. She went with Roderick and Allison when they left to go back to their home. I thought it would give her a holiday. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to rattle on like this.”

  Kathryn stopped drawing. “You did exactly what I wanted you to do. As you talked, I was able to get different facial expressions that will help when I start to paint your portrait. I think that’s enough for today. On Thursday, I’ll get you to pose in a different position. I should be able to start painting on Saturday. I’m sorry this session ran over a bit.”

  “Please, don’t worry about it. I was fine until the end. In fact, I lost track of the time completely as I was talking. Were you able to get what you needed today?”

  “Definitely, and what I need you to do now is figure out what you want to wear for your portrait. I’ll need you to wear whatever you decide on at all your sittings starting Saturday. Let me show you out, and then I’ll see you on Thursday.” Kathryn stepped away from her easel and together they left her studio.

  “You know this isn’t very fair. I’m telling you all kinds of things about me, but you haven’t told me anything about yourself. Next time, it will be your turn to talk, and I’ll listen.” When they arrived back downstairs, Jonathan bowed, kissed her hand, and left.

  The next two days, Jonathan didn’t drink any brandy, and only drank wine at his meals. He was starting to feel much better. He now realized that he could never drink brandy again. His knee was bothering him quite a bit, but he ignored it as much as possible and took laudanum before bed, which also helped him sleep. His first thought when he woke up Thursday morning was about seeing Kathryn again. He was so attracted to her, and he definitely wanted to know more about her. Today, he planned on getting her to talk, instead of him doing all the talking.

  Jonathan arrived on time, and the butler took him up to her studio. As he entered, Kathryn said, “Good morning. You certainly look cheerful today. Are you ready for your sitting?”

  Jonathan smiled, walked over to her and raised her hand to his lips, then kissed it. “Good morning to you. I do feel cheerful. May I say how lovely
you look today? What position do you need me in?”

  Kathryn smiled shyly, looking somewhat embarrassed. “I’m going to have to touch you to pose you today. I hope you don’t think I’m too forward, but it’s the only way.”

  Smiling, Jonathan walked over to the window. “No problem. Do whatever you need to do. I think that I can handle you touching me.”

  Kathryn walked over to where Jonathan was standing. “I need you to stand facing my easel. Please put your hand on your hip and stand with your right foot slightly forward, putting more of your weight on your left leg.” He did as she asked, and then she said, “No, that’s not quite right. Let me place your hand. Please let me know if it will bother you to stand in this position.”

  Kathryn touched his hand, and he immediately felt a jolt of energy shoot through his body. As she picked up his hand and placed it where she wanted it, he became aroused. He kept trying to think of something else, but it wasn’t working.

  “Ah, that’s better. Are you all right? You appear a little flushed. Is it too warm in here for you?”

  Jonathan continued to try to get himself back under control. “Yes, it is a little warm, but I’ll be all right. Am I standing correctly for you?”

  “I’ll just open the window a little bit, but don’t move. You’re just perfect, and I don’t want you to lose your pose.” She reached behind him brushing against his arm as she raised the window. He immediately felt a cool breeze, and a further tightening in his loins. “That’s much better. I promise I’ll try to draw quickly.”

  The breeze did help, but he was glad his riding coat covered his breeches. “I’ll be fine. Thank you for opening up the window. There’s a cool breeze blowing now, and I feel much cooler. Now remember, you promised you would do the talking today. Tell me a little about yourself.”

  Kathryn walked over to her easel, picked up her pencil, and started sketching. “You already know about my family. As a child, I spent most of my time painting. I started painting when I was about six years old. I painted my dog, my cat, my sister, and both of my brothers. They were incredibly patient with me, and they always told me that my paintings were wonderful.”

  Laughing, Jonathan asked, “Did you keep your early work? When did you start painting with oils, or did you start that as a young child?”

  “At first, I only used watercolors, but when I started with oils, I knew it was the medium for me,” she replied, “My parents didn’t take my art seriously for a long time. In fact, if it wasn’t for Henry, I wouldn’t have gone to art school. He paid for my first art instructor since my parents wouldn’t. That was when I was fourteen.”

  “Well, it’s good that your brother took your talent seriously.”

  Kathryn glanced up from her work and gave him a determined look. “Henry made them accept me into the Art Institute. I know he gave them a huge donation so they would let me attend, but I didn’t care, as long as I was able to go. I knew I was good enough, and my instructors realized it too, once the Institute let me in. I graduated top in my class. I found all the instruction invaluable, and I plan to open my own studio in London in three years.”

  “Why do have to wait three years? Once more people see your work, they’ll all want you to paint them.”

  Kathryn stepped back from her easel. “Henry has promised that I can set up my own household when I turn five and twenty. His only requirement is that I hire a companion to live with me.”

  “All this is very interesting, but surely you have some other interests besides art. What other things do you like to do?”

  “Well, let me think.” She continued to sketch, as she thought about his question she got an adorable quizzical expression on her face. “I like to walk. I would go exploring when I was a child, and I’d walk for miles. Sanderford Park is huge, and so I could walk anywhere I wanted. There’s a lake at Sanderford Park, and I used to go there quite a bit. In fact, my brother Nelson taught me how to swim. We spent most of our afternoons during the summer swimming in the lake, so I definitely like to swim.”

  “I have a lake on my estate, and Roderick and I spent many wonderful days there fishing when we were children. In fact, one of my friends came to visit me a few weeks ago, and we went fishing there. Now, what else do you like to do?”

  “I do enjoy reading. I owe my love of reading to Melody. She got me started on novels, and I’ve loved them ever since. She’s an avid reader,” Kathryn explained. “I also enjoy the opera tremendously. I recently went to see Le nozze di Figaro, and it was marvelous. I’ve always loved to sing, and singing lessons were something I enjoyed as a child. I know you told me you play the pianoforte, but do you like opera?”

  It pleased Jonathan that they had music in common. That just gave him one more thing to like about her. “I do enjoy going to the opera. I like all types of music, and I find it very soothing to play the pianoforte. I’ve barely touched my pianoforte since I came home. I’ll have to correct that immediately. Where did you live while you were going to the Art Institute?”

  Kathryn looked over at him. “Oh, Melody has a wonderful aunt, Lady Helton, and she invited me to stay with her. I’ll be returning to her home when I go to London in the spring. She has turned one of her bedrooms into a studio for me. I could stay at Sanderford House when Henry and Melody are in town, but they really prefer to be at Sanderford Park, so they’re rarely there. They only go to London when Henry attends Parliament. Do you attend Parliament?”

  Jonathan thought of the importance that his father placed on being active in Parliament. His father had believed it was his main responsibility as a peer of the realm. He knew his father would be disappointed in him because of his lack of interest.

  Feeling somewhat discomforted because he knew he wasn’t living up to his responsibility, Jonathan replied, “I did take my seat, but I hate to say this, I’m not very active. I know that your brother is very active. I find it difficult to sit for long periods of time, and to be honest with you I grow bored quite easily. Of course, that’s no excuse for me to shirk my responsibilities.”

  Kathryn stopped drawing and looked up. “My brother wasn’t sure he would like Parliament in the beginning, but now he enjoys it quite a bit. He thinks he can help his people by attending. Well, I’m finished for the day. I’ll be ready to start painting on Saturday. Have you picked out what you’ll be wearing? Remember that you’ll need to wear whatever you pick out to all our future sittings. I hope that isn’t too much of an inconvenience?”

  “Not at all. As I told you in the beginning, I’ll be dressing casually. I’ll make sure that I wear the same clothing each time from here on out. How long will it take you to complete my portrait? I promised my brother that I would be in Bristol to pick up Elaine by the first part of August. Will you be finished by then?”

  “Your sittings should be done by then. I won’t need you when I add the finishing touches. You know, your brother and his wife have asked me to come to Bristol and do their family portrait. I told them that I’d be able to come just as soon as I finish yours.”

  “If we added another session each week, could you be ready to go to Bristol by the first of the month? If so, you could travel with me when I go to pick up Elaine, if that would be convenient for you?”

  Kathryn looked a bit taken aback at this, but then she smiled. “That would be excellent. I’m so pleased that they want me to do their portrait. I’m sure that as long as I take my maid, my mother should have no objections to me going with you. After all, it will only take one day to get to Bristol from here. I’ll just make sure she’s all right with it, and I’ll let you know on Saturday. Now what day will you add to your sittings?”

  “I could add Wednesday. Will that work for you?”

  “Yes that would be fine. Since we’re through for the day, I’ll walk you out.”

  Jonathan was pleased that she would be able to come with him. He knew Roderick and Allison would be ecstatic that he was bringing Kathryn to them. He just hoped he would get over this obs
ession he had with her. Maybe spending time with her every day would help that. Once they were downstairs, he turned to her and kissed her hand, and then left.

  Chapter 7

  On Friday morning, Kathryn worked on getting the canvas ready for Jonathan’s portrait. She chose tightly woven linen for the canvas and stretched it over the frame until it was taut. Then she securely fastened the canvas to the frame. Once the canvas was ready, she mixed the primer, which would seal the canvas so it would be ready for tomorrow’s sitting. Once she had the first layer of primer on the canvas, she set it on her easel to dry. She should be able to apply the second coat of primer that afternoon when she returned from her daily walk.

  Kathryn had some excellent sketches of Jonathan. She liked the way she’d posed him on Thursday. While he appeared almost regal, he still looked quite natural. She noticed that his color was much better yesterday than it had been in the previous sittings, and there was much less tension in his face, especially around his eyes. Kathryn hoped he would be as relaxed tomorrow as he’d been yesterday. While he talked about his brother, she could see the love for him shining in his brilliant blue eyes, and she hoped she could capture that look in his portrait.

  Tomorrow, she would be working on the background to get it set before she started on him. She was going to use a library scene as the backdrop, so she had two of the footmen carry up a bookcase, as well as the books to fill it, and place it by the window. She would have Jonathan standing in front of the bookcase with the sun shining through the window. Jonathan would be holding a book as if he had just selected it and was anticipating the enjoyment of reading it. Since he’d shared that he enjoyed reading, she felt that this would be a good background for his portrait.

  That afternoon, while Kathryn was taking her walk, she picked up some additional art supplies. That was the beauty of living in the city, she could easily get the supplies she needed right away. When she was at Sanderford Park, she had to order her supplies from London and that could take a couple of days sometimes.


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